Mac Mail Attachments

is there any wat to get mac mail to show the attachements as icon's so I can drag them off the email instead of having to use quickview and save or save all attachments?

You don't have to view as icon to drag the attachment. Just drag it as is.
You can select "View as Icon" in the contextual menu, but that is unnecessary.

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    However, emails with attachments sent from web are searchable. For some reason gmail does not recognized the mac mail sent email attachments as attachments even though the paper clip is there.
    For instance. I can search my sent folder, find the email and clearly see the attachment (and paper clip) are there. However if I do a search just as "to:[email protected] has:attachment" it only show emails that originated from web
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    The correct settings for Gmail are posted below, verify that your settings match.
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    Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail password
    Gmail SMTP port: 465
    Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes

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    GJH12 wrote:
    set my mail preferences to automatically print a message and its attachments
    I assume you mean, "print automatically the attachment(s) with the message". If so, then there is no such option, and for a good reason. Attachments can be anything -- would you like your printer to spit out reams after reams after reams of binary text because the message contained a compressed zip archive? (On second thoughts, maybe you own an ink cartridge manufacturing plant, and that's exactly what you want…)
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    I believe this happens automatically when you attach an entire folder, since there's no way to directly attach a folder to an email message..  If you want just the files attached, add each one individually rather than the whole folder.  (Note that you can select and attach multiple files at one time, so you don't actually have to go through the attach process once for each file.)

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    This helps the storage and purpose of email as well. I could always log into online email account to find history of emails.

    How do i setup Mail account on my mac book like in mobile phone? I.e. Don't want to store the mails/attachments on pc, however need the latest emails for given number of days?
    This helps the storage and purpose of email as well. I could always log into online email account to find history of emails.

  • Can't delete attachments in mac mail

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    Since this problem only happening with certain e-mails, I thought it’s probably something wrong with the attachment. So, I forward that same e-mail back to me (including the attachment and everything), I can delete that attachment by pressing those two buttons. So, I am guess there is nothing wrong with the file that has been attached.

    I'm not on 10.6 at the moment to see what might be the problem, did it wok in this version before, or was it an earlier OSX version?

  • TS3276 Having trouble sending jpeg images as attachments in Mac email.....they go thru as images and PC users can't see the SAVE or QUICK LOOK boxes that Mac mail has.  One friend scrolled over the image, right clicked on it and saved as a PNG file.

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    Apple Mail isn't going to change the format of any of your attachments. it isn't going to corrupt them either.
    Exchange is a transport protocol and server. The issue you describe is not related to Exchange.
    There are many different versions of Microsoft Outlook in use and they all have e-mail bugs. Different versions have different bugs. Some Apple Mail hack to get around a bug in Outlook 2003 may cause the same message to be problematic in Outlook 2000. Fix them both and another issue will cause trouble in Outlook 2007. You can't fix this. Apple can't fix this. Microsoft can and has but that is irrelevant if your recipients are using older versions.
    One specific problem is that Apple Mail always sends image attachments inline, as images, not as iconized files. You can change this with Attachment Tamer. Just be aware that use of this software will break other things such as Stationery. E-mail is just a disaster. To date, no one outside of Apple has ever implemented the e-mail standards from 1993. Apple has continually changed its e-mail software to be more compatible with the de-facto standards that Netscape and Microsoft have unilaterally defined and people documented as "standards" after the fact. The e-mail messages that Apple Mail sends are 100% correct and do not violate any of the original standards from 1993 or the Microsoft/Netscape modifications. The problem is entirely bugs and limitations in various versions of Outlook.

  • I am using a mac mini (10.8.3) with Mac Mail 6.3 (1503).  Whenever I try to forward an email with attachments, the attachments do not make it.  They show being sent, but the attachments never are sent.

    Hey Guys,
    The title says it all.  Whenever I receive an email with attachments, I will try to forward the email to someone with the attachments.  Mac Mail shows that the attachments are attached, but the receiver says the attachments are not there. Our mail host is Rackspace.  We are setup with IMAP.  It should be noted that we are experiencing similar issues with OS 10.5.8 with Mac Mail 3.6 (936).
    We assumed Rackspace was the problem, so we logged into their webmail portal and tested it and the attachments were received as normal, which points everything back to Mac Mail.  We even had an ISP change but the problem do not change.
    I have researched the problem, and there seems to be evidence of this being a known bug with Mac Mail, but I am hoping there is a workaround.  The company is unwilling to move to a different mail client since they use Daylite 4, which does not support Thunderbird.

    Back up all data.
    1. Triple-click the line below to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Open
    from the contextual menu. A folder may open, or you may get an error message that the item can't be found. Either result is normal. If the folder does open and has contents, move the contents to the Desktop. Relaunch Mail and test. If there's no change, put the contents of the folder back and quit Mail again.
    2. Repeat with this line:
    This time you may be prompted for your login password when you remove the items. Make sure they're removed from the folder and not just copied to the Desktop. If necessary, copy them first and then move the originals to the Trash.

  • Mac Mail - Being able to set attachments as Icons by default.

    Hello All,
    Garoolgan again with yet another little problem with the Mac Software.
    I've rung Mac support and been told that this is impossible to do.
    I send a lot of attachments with my Mac Mails.
    If I click right on the attachment to set it to 'View as an Icon" then "save" the email as a draft and open it again the image or document comes up, not the icon. In the same way the person receiving the email finds a whole "pile" of files at the bottom instead of a neat list of icons.
    Thanks for Reading..... and I hope those Mac programmers read these messages too!
    Best wishes to all

    Icons can be cut and pasted onto almost any item on the Macintosh. As for how to apply them, here is the most straight forward way:
    On your desktop, select the icon you would like to use
    Select “Get Info” (command-I) from the File Menu for that icon
    Click on the icon in the upper left of the window
    Choose “Copy” (command-C) from the Edit menu
    Close the window
    Select the file/folder to which you want to apply that icon
    Select “Get Info” (File menu) for that icon
    Click on the icon in the upper left of the window
    Select “Paste” (command-V) from the Edit Menu
    You’re done!
    Please keep in mind that certain icons such as the Finder icon or the Trash Can icon can only be changed with helper apps like our very own CandyBar utility. Please visit the CandyBar homepage at to learn more.

  • Received attachments on PC (Outlook) but not on my Mac (Mail)

    Hello everybody,
    I use IMAP protocol on my Mac and PC and so far i have not had any problems synchronising them. Today I noticed that one particular mail is received by both, my PC (Outlook) and Mac (Mail) but while on PC I can see 14 attached jpg files in Mail there are no attachments at all. Not even something that would suggest that the mail contained attachments, e.g corrupted files or similar. By the way, this hapened on my AIM account.
    Many thanks to anybody who could help me in any way.

    but you keep all messages on the server, and it will exchange some info with your computers to keep track of what is downloaded already and what's new. (otherwise you would be downloading all mails each time, wouldn't you).
    So my guess is that this is still interfering in a way with the 2nd client.
    Try a reverse situation, first download to the Mac, then the PC. Same problem?

  • What is the problem with Mail on macs? attachments specifically

    I have had problems forever with mac mail and its compatibility with PCs, but never majorly, i expected it to get better as macs progressed over the years, became more mainstream etc etc, but it appears, to me atleast, to actually be worse now on my new imac with mavericks...
    Now one thing with Mac Mail i have always noticed, but not quite understood is the way when attaching images etc, they appear in the message rather than as a seperate attachment to be opened or downloaded, while i can see advantages to this i have always found it a bit strange.
    When sending these messages it was only a hand full of people who probably had no computer knowledge who seemed to struggle with finding/downlaoding and opening the image.
    Now with the new Imac and mavericks, pretty much everyone i send an attachmed image (usually aslways a jpg) to emails me back to tell me one of the following:
    a) you have not attached the image
    b) can you send an image file (or jpg) please
    c) can you please re-send it as an attachment rather than in the main email.
    Now I work in a media office so am sending a high volume of images to a large variety of people of varying degrees of computer literacy, and whilst  i cant see what they are seeing, I just cannot fathom how pretty much EVERY person i now send images to seems to have problems getting the attachment.
    ive checked the 'windows friendly' option and tried to make the image appear as an icon by right clicking it to see if that helps, but needless to say it seems to make no difference.
    Anyone else having these issues or know a fix?

    I discovered a simple work-around that is successful (at this point in time anyways) on my IMAC/Maverick when sending attachments (not inline or embedded) to PC users.
    There are several threads in here on why attachments embed in mac mail when sending to PCs, and I have had similar issues. Not sure where the fault lies, but other than purchasing an additional program to make mac mail work as other mail programs work when it comes to attachments, I found no real solution that worked for my business PC folks. I did all the right things - sent my attachments in mac mail "windows friendly,"  "plain text," and "attachments at the end" and still got complaints when sending to my pc workmates using Outlook.  I tried another suggestion I found here - zipping the files and sending the zipped file, but my workmates did not like that either and still asked why? 
    By trial and error I discovered that when I attach any pdf to the email as well as the questionable jpgs, the attachments arrive in their PC inbox as attachments that can be used as needed. I don't know why this works, but it has made sending attachments a happier task for my business group.
    I would be interested to see if this works for others.

  • Using Templates/Drafts in Email with Attachments Mac Mail

    I am trying to create a standard email that to send to new clients once they sign up. This standard email contains attachments and will need a few customizations (e.g.: Name, ad size, start and end dates, etc).
    Is there a way to save a draft email that will not disappear once you send it to someone?
    I am aware of saving as stationary, but stationary can't be saved with attachments.
    In my previous PC/Outlook world, I would create an email with "_____"s in it to remind me to change these fields for the individual recepient (nothing worse than sending a client information that only pertains to the last client you sent it to). I would then simply open that email and click on the "____"s and fill in the info for the individual I'm sending to.
    With Mac Mail and Drafts, I can create a template, but once I send it to someone, it deletes the draft. UGH! So frustrating!
    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

    Mail/Mailbox/New Mailbox - select On My Mac to create the Mailbox. Then drag a copy of the draft there before you send the other one.
    See last post.

  • My mac mail will not search mail anymore and doesn't load attachments anymore

    Does anyone know why this would be happening?
    My mac mail will not search mail anymore and doesn't load attachments most of the time.  When I enter some text in the search box no results come up and I know there are messages that contain the phrase that I've entered.
    Also about 3 weeks ago attachments only get loaded about 1/4 of the way - if that.  So I have to log onto my web based mail program from the host and retrieve attachements or check the messgae with my iphone.
    Please - does anyone know how to fix this?

    I figureed out that spotlight was turned off via terminal -  I shut it off to unmount a disk (which didn't work anyways)
    sudo mdutil -a -i on
    that's the termianl command to turn spotlight back on.  As far as my attachments not fully loading in mac mail on my iMac that still baffles me.

  • Lost attachments in Mac Mail ...

    I have an email thread (quite a long one). In one of the emails sent to me was an important document, it was sent as an attachment. I am trying to retrieve this document, however, when I go to find that particular message in the thread I cannot click the attachment. The message no longer is in standard format, but rather colored text.
    Does mac mail only store messages with attachments for so long? Is there a way to retrieve it? Please Help!!

    The problem of "invisible" attachments sounds all too familiar. I am using Apple's "Mail" program ver. 3.4.
    Recently, attachments have not always been showing up when the email's file size and the Paperclip icon indicates an attachment should be present. I have found that when this happens, very often I can view the hidden attachment by either going to the File Menu and choosing "Quick Look Attachments", or by pressing the Command and Y keys simultaneously. On occasion, I have had this abnormality occur from the same sender's email account who has also sent other emails with attachments that have shown up.
    If this is a known Bug, hopefully the upcoming OS X 10.5.5 update will provide a fix.

  • How can I get Mac mail to open winmail.dat attachments on lion 10.7.3

    How can I get Mac mail to open letter attachments winmail.dat??   (Lion 10.7.3) Any help appreciated...

    Sorry peterskine,
    it's true in part. There's more then one article on the subject "Recipients receive a winmail.dat attachment": attachment-HA010153018.aspx?CTT=1
    The odd thing is that my colleague and me use the same release mountain lion and we received the same email from someone on Outlook2007. He received the mail with the attachment, whilst I saw a "Winmail.dat". It already happened to me on snow-leopard, some month ago. Up til today I don't know what the difference between our machines is.
    But it is interesting: the same OS, the same mail-clients (Apple Mail) and still different results.
    Note: on my machine it used to work properly. It just suddenly happened that I started to receive winmail.dat files in stead of proper attachments.
    When I have more time on hand, I cant try to find out why this happens.

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