.mac mailbox comprised?

I'm getting mail from [email protected] with subject Delivery has failed. The intended recipient is an email address with a .ru extension(Russia?). I've received over 50 of these, all with the same time stamp. What can/should I do?

What can/should I do?
Trash them.
Maybe, if you feel so inclined, look at them to determine the source of the problem, but the chances are you're being hit with backscatter and there's virtually nothing you can do to prevent it.
You see, it's stupidly easy for anyone to send out mail that appears to come from someone else's email address - the original SMTP specification never really considered online security or identity protections. So the chances are someone is sending mail using your email address. When it bounces, the bounce comes back to you, even though you're completely removed from the source.
It is just possible that your .mac account has been compromised - someone's guessed your email address, for example, and is logging in as you, but if that were the case you'd see the messages in your 'Sent' box on me.com. You could change your password, too, if you're really concerned, but it probably won't make a difference.

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    Look in your user library/Mail to see if it is there. If not, if your have a backup, try restoring that folder.

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    There is nothing you can sync to the phone via MobileMe that you can't sync via iTunes.
    However, Mailboxes don't sync anyhow. Rather, you download messages in two places. Whether what you do in one place affects what happens in the other depends on whether you have it set up as IMAP or POP (and what settings you selected for that). Here's a decent piece on IMAP vs. POP--it applies to any account, not just gmail accounts.

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    I don't agree with that point, password protect only one mailbox is definitily possible,
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    In Mail Help and in Support the following is available:
    where the final paragraph provides the answer. Only in any Sent mailbox that Mail creates, can the column for To get switched from that for From.

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    iMac Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

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    Thanks for the input

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         /36 digit number inc hyphens/
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    Create a New User Account, and as that New User launch Mail and try setting up one email account - if POP select to leave messages on the server. See the following if not familiar with adding a new user account:
    Then create one or more On My Mac mailboxes as this New User, and see if the header will appear.
    The reason for doing this is to test the Mail app itself, and not to permanently switch to a new user account. Tell us if the behavior continues in that New User Account with Mail?

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    Either resetup your .mac account as Account Type POP, or simply create some On My Mac mailboxes and move the messages from your .mac Inbox to these one or more On My Mac mailboxes (created as New Mailboxes).
    When set up as Account Type .mac, it is the same as IMAP, and the Inbox resides on the server, as normally does the Sent mailbox. The strong point of IMAP accounts is that the Sent and Inbox synce between computers since the mailboxes reside on the server. Most people choose a .mac account specifically because the mailboxes reside on the server.
    When you first reconnected with Mail, after using web access to delete, it synced the empty Inbox, as would be expected with an IMAP or .mac account. If you have a backup copy of any xxxx.imapmbox folder that once existed on the server, then you can rename that to be xxxx.mbox and Import it into Mail. This would include the INBOX.imapmbox folder from the copy of your .mac account folder.

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    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Hello, and welcome to the Discussions.
    Unless you have taken some unexpected action, they are probably not lost, but Mail cannot display them. There can be problems with flawed conversion of mailboxes from the prior version of Mail being used prior to upgrading to 10.4. Read the discussions at the links below, for a better understanding of why messages or access may appear lost, but not really be:
    and the underlying support document at:
    If you can remove all leftover files -- but only after checking the size of mbox versus Messages folder -- then the next step would be to force Mail to re-index all the mailboxes. Rebuild may be hindered by some leftover files, or perhaps you just didn't wait long enough.
    Further info may be of benefit, after your examination of the contents of your account folders and other mailboxes.

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    I tried creating a new mailbox and moving the messages to it, but they do not appear.
    If you can help me, I'd appreciate it.
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    Mail is working great; eventually had to reinstall OX 10.4 and then the updates, but all is well now.

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    Unless you have a backup I don't think that you can recover them.

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    Thank you

    From the Mail Help:
    Mail in Mac OS X v10.4 no longer creates an On My Mac folder for mailboxes saved on your computer. When you upgrade to Mac OS X v10.4, the mailboxes that were in your On My Mac mailbox now appear at the root level of the mailbox list.
    To recreate your mailbox organization:
    Choose Mailbox > New Mailbox.
    Enter a name for the mailbox and click OK.
    Drag the mailboxes that used to be in On My Mac to the new mailbox.
    You might want to give the new mailbox the name of the email account it's used for, or call it On My Mac to match the organization in previous Mac OS X systems.
    Its a holdover from the previous Mail organization scheme. Just select the "On My Mac" Junk Mailbox and Delete it.

  • Cannot delete On My Mac mailboxes

    I have several empty mailboxes On My Mac. I right-click on them, select delete mailbox, get the warning dialog box, select delete. Mailbox still exists. How do I get rid of them?

    That list *_does not_* show mailboxes, it shows accounts. If you delete one of those accounts, you'll lose all the mail in all mailboxes associated with that account (unless those messages are still stored on the server), as well as no longer being able to send or receive mail using that account.
    As to the error, I'm not sure what it could be... possibly a permissions problem in the folder where Mail stores the mailboxes. "On My Mac" mailboxes should be stored in ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/ (where the '~' means "your home folder"). You could try quitting Mail, then moving the affected mailbox from there into the trash in the Finder. Start Mail again and the mailbox should be gone. If something goes wrong, just quit Mail and move the mailbox back from the trash to where it was. And, of course, it's always a good idea to have a good backup whenever trying something potentially destructive like this!

  • Where does the «On my Mac» mailbox come from ?

    Hi ...  In the my Mail's Trash mailbox in the sidebar, recently a sub mailbox called «Sur mon Mac (On my Mac)» mailbox (see here) was created.  Where does it come from and what is it's purpose? 

    If you add/import your own mailboxes (I have a lot of them because I like to be organized), the system will automatically add a separate trash can for anything you may delete from one of those because the system treats those separately and, by default, assigns them to "on my Mac". If you delete anything from one of your own folders (not the system default mailboxes), it will wind up in the On My Mac trashcan.
    Any mailbox under my heading of IMPORT is considered "on my mac".

  • How do I delete an infected piece of mail in my mac mailbox?

    I have bitdefender for mac and it has found tp pieces of mail in my saved mail boxes and it won't let me delete it. It says I don't have permission to delete or move this mail. I have reindexed the box but it did not work.
    any suggestions?

    I've never heard of bitdefender, and I'm familiar with most of the major AV programs available for the Mac.  There's gotta be a reason for that.  You should read my Mac Malware Guide, and if you still want AV software, you may want to consider getting something else, like the free and excellent ClamXav.
    Regarding the mail, it's fairly common to find messages with Windows malware attached in the Junk or Trash mailboxes.  That kind of spam arrives all the time.  It can't hurt you, though, and I've never yet heard of any Mac malware being delivered via e-mail.  To get rid of it, find the affected messages in Mail, delete them and then empty the trash.  I don't know how bitdefender works, but in ClamXav, you can get information about malware that has been found, like where the file is.  If you can do that, find the message file (which should end in .emlx), double-click it to open the message in Mail (don't worry, opening a message with a malware attachment in Mail is not dangerous) and delete it.
    (Note that my pages contain links to other pages that promote my services, and this should not be taken as an endorsement of my services by Apple.)

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