Mac OS X Server - Airport or other wireless hub

I want to set up this network topology,
Cable Modem->Mac OS X Server->Switch->Airport Extreme (or other wireless hub like a d-link or linksys)
so that the server is acting as DHCP server, firewall etc. and the wireless hub is just allowing for wireless service (i.e. I don't need any of the routing or firewall services from the wireless hub). Can I do this? How do I set it up? Is the Airport Extreme capable of doing this? Thank you for any help you can provide.

Ok, so I have the Airport set up, connected via ethernet and pulling it's IP via DHCP. It's pulling that IP address fine from the OS X server. It's also broadcasting it's wireless signal just fine which my laptops can see. NAT is enabled on the server as well. But, the laptops can't seem to pull an IP address through the bridge (the airport) from the server's DHCP server.
Please help.

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    If your other wireless router is not an AirPort, then you will not be able to extend it wirelessly, as most are not WDS-compatible with the AirPorts. On the other hand, if you just want to use the AirPort Express Base Station (AX) to stream iTunes and/or share an USB printer, then you only need to reconfigure it for "Client Mode."

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    Hello David Carey1. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    The #1 way to prevent "uninvited" guests from accessing your wireless network is to employ wireless encryption. I suggest using the strongest available for your AirPort Express Base Station (AX), which is "WPA2 Personal." Also use a strong password - a password that contains both characters, numbers & symbols and cannot easily be found in a dictionary.

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    The server is configured to offer the following services: file sharing, Time Machine and screen sharing.
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    Active Profiles:
    AC Power                   -1*
    Currently in use:
    hibernatemode      0
    disksleep          10
    womp               1
    networkoversleep   0
    sleep              45
    powerbutton        1
    ttyskeepawake      1
    hibernatefile      /var/vm/sleepimage
    autorestart        1
    panicrestart       15
    displaysleep       1
    If the Mac Mini is manually placed in sleep mode, via the Apple Menu or the button on the Login Screen for example, then it will sleep just fine. While the Mac Mini is sleeping, it will wake properly when the shared resources are accessed via another Mac on the network. For example, if the Macbook Pro tries to begin a Time Machine backup using the Time Machine Server on the Mac Mini, it will wake just fine and the backup will complete with no issues. The Mac Mini will not sleep again using the system sleep timer and must be manually put into sleep mode.
    There is one printer (Canon MP560) installed on the Mac Mini, connected via USB, not shared on the network and no print jobs stuck in the print que.
    I tried using the PleaseSleep software but that causes problems when the Mac Mini is used via Screen Sharing.  When the Mac Mini is controlled remotely via Screen Sharing, PleaseSleep waits about a minute into the session and forces sleep mode, cutting the session short prematurely. This is unacceptable.
    Also, there are no assertions that would prevent system idle sleep using the system sleep timer, as seen in the pmset -g assertions output below:
    6/20/12 4:51:02 PM EDT  
    Assertion status system-wide:
       PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep             0
       CPUBoundAssertion                       0
       DisableInflow                           0
       ChargeInhibit                           0
       PreventSystemSleep                      0
       PreventUserIdleSystemSleep              0
       ExternalMedia                           0
       DisableLowPowerBatteryWarnings          0
       EnableIdleSleep                         1
       NoRealPowerSources_debug                0
       UserIsActive                            0
       ApplePushServiceTask                    0
    Kernel Assertions: 0x0012
    * Kernel Assertion ID = 500
       Created At = 12/31/69 7:02:29 PM EST 
       Modified At = 12/31/69 7:00:00 PM EST 
       Owner ID = 0xffffff80122f0000
       Level = 0
       Assertions Set = None (4)
    * Kernel Assertion ID = 501
       Created At = 12/31/69 7:02:33 PM EST 
       Modified At = 6/18/12 10:34:22 PM EDT 
       Owner ID = 0xffffff8012302000
       Level = 255
       Assertions Set = None (4)
    * Kernel Assertion ID = 502
       Created At = 12/31/69 7:02:57 PM EST 
       Modified At = 6/20/12 4:05:41 PM EDT  
       Owner ID = 0xffffff801238ee00
       Level = 0
       Assertions Set = None (32)
    * Kernel Assertion ID = 503
       Created At = 6/18/12 10:32:27 PM EDT 
       Modified At = 12/31/69 7:00:00 PM EST 
       Owner ID = 0xffffff8011f22c00
       Level = 255
       Assertions Set = None (8)
    * Kernel Assertion ID = 507
       Created At = 6/19/12 10:56:46 PM EDT 
       Modified At = 12/31/69 7:00:00 PM EST 
       Owner ID = 0xffffff8018b1c400
       Level = 255
       Assertions Set = None (8)

    I Have the same issue with pleasesleep.
    No ARD Session without sleep ;-)
    My stup is a little bit different to yours.
    My MacMini act as an HTPC for Plex and it dosent sleep as well.
    I guess it has something to to with External USB HDDs or in your case printers or USB Hubs or etc. etc.
    I found a AppleScript called Nacrolepsy 2.0
    It dosent work probebly right now but I hope It could be a solution in the near future.
    Take a look at

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    This is the wrong forum for your topic. You should post it in the Mac OS X Server forum.

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    OS X Server uses BIND (Mavericks Server Admin: Overview of DNS setup) . So you should be able to edit the BIND configuration file.
    I have the following set in named.conf:
    include "/etc/named.conf.local";
    In named.conf.local:
    zone "" {
            type master;
            file "/etc/bind/";
            allow-query {any;};
            allow-update {none;};
    In  CNAME
    When I do an nslookup from workstations through the DNS server, I get the proper response:
    Non-authoritative answer:
    This article should help: esponse-policy-zones-rpz/

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    Is it possible to set up an Airport Extreme network
    so that only people with user names and passwords in
    the Open Directory on my Mac OS X Server can access
    I'm picturing a scenario where users would be
    prompted for the same user name and password they use
    for other network services when they attempt to join
    the wireless network.
    Our Airport Extreme access point is connected to the
    second Ethernet port on an original-model XServe
    that's running Mac OS X Server 10.3.9 (soon to be
    upgraded to 10.4.x).
    What you seem to be describing, is WPA2/Enterprise level security. This would require you to run some type of Radius Server on your XServe, and you would simply duplicate the name & password they use on the XServe on the Radius Server. BTW, this is considered one of the most secure methods of running a wireless network in the corporate world.
    You will however, have to research Radius & it's requirements, as I have not yet implemented that on my own system. HTH.
    G4 QuickSilver01 OWC 1.47Ghz CPU 1.5GB RAM 740GB HDD   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   17" Aluminum PowerBook G4 1.33Ghz CPU 1.5GB RAM 80GB HD

  • Setup wireless network for mac and pc with Airport Express?

    Mac Mini/OSX/10.8.2/Airport Express
    I have my AIrPort Express setup for my Mac Mini and I have dell computer that I want to share the wireless network. Is it possible to setup a wireless network with my mini and the pc using only the AirPort Express? Is the Airport Express a wireless router?

    If your Mac Mini is connecting to the Express using wireless, then this confirms that the device is working correctly. 
    The Express is a wireless router that can support up to 10 wireless connections, so your Dell computer should be able to connect assuming that its wireless card is working correctly, and the Dell indentifies the network and enters the correct wireless network password.
    If you are having difficulty with the Dell PC connecting, this Windows troubleshooting document might help: rk-problems=windows-8&v1h=win8tab1&v2h=win7tab1&v3h=winvistatab1&v4h=winxptab1


    D-Link DI-524: installation as wireless HUB/Bridge
    Practical example: D-Link DI-524
    The DI-524 is a wireless router.Although the manufacturer doesn't mention this, you can also install this device as a wireless hub.Of course this is not supported by the manufacturer. Therefor you have nowhere to go in case of any problems Plug in the power cord of the DI-524. Do not yet connect the network cable!Search for existing wireless networks with your computer. Connect with the router.This can for example be done like this:
    Click the start-button (at the bottom in the left corner of your screen).
    Go to control panel
    Go to internet connections (you may have to choose classic representation first)
    You can now see your wireless network card, among other things. Right-click and 'View available Wireless networks'.
    Connect to the router. In most cases the router will be called 'default'.Check your IP-address: you get an IP address from the DI-524
    Go to the start-button
    Go to 'Run'
    Type 'cmd' and press enter
    type 'ipconfig' and press enter
    your IP address starts with 192.
    Surf to your router with your regular browser. For this you need the address and a password, which you can find in the documentation.
    In this case the address is
    Now you must secure the router. For this it is best to use WPA-PSK
    Your key is a randomly chosen sentence. Don't make this sentence too short.
    Warning: Case sensitive!
    You cannot reach the router anymore now.
    Go back to your network card via "make connection". Search for your wireless network again and make a new connection
    You are asked for a key. Supply this key the way you configured it in your router.
    Surf back to the router.
    Disable the DHCP server.
    for this, go to Tools, Misc and switch off UPnP
    Save these settings.
    If you do not have a D-link router, look up in the manual or somewhere else where you can disable UPnP
    Now you cannot reach the router anymore again.
    It is only from this moment that you can connect the router to the modem.
    Important: Use one of the 4 LAN ports. Never use the WAN port!
    Go to your network card via the control panel. Right-click and "Repair"
    Now you should get an IP-address in the range of 10.nnn.nnn.nnn
    If you still don't have 192... you've made an error. The DI-524 still functions as a router and this is not allowed!

    There are no Mac based instructions. The router is accessed and adjusted the same way whether you are using a Mac OS X, Windows or Linux. As noted in the other post it is done through your web browser which works the same from any computer. Even a Chrome Book.
    akertrav wrote:
    Thank you for that what I have been trying to do is extend the range of my wifi witha second dilink router. I was hoping for some mac based directions to achive this rather than the PC based as presented. Thank you for your ireply Paul

  • Can this be done? Airport extreme connected wireless in extend mode to connect a wireless Mac Pro with an ethernet cable from the extended airport extreme..

    Can this be done? Airport extreme connected wireless in extend mode to connect a wireless Mac Pro with an ethernet cable from the extended airport extreme.

    This will also have an Apple AirPort router configured to provide your wireless network.
    In other words, you need to have two Apple AirPort routers to extend a wireless network.
    When the AirPort Extreme is configured to "extend" the wireless of the "main" AirPort, it will provide more wireless coverage and the Ethernet ports are enabled, so you could connect your Mac Pro to any of the Ethernet ports and use that as a network and Internet connection.

  • Mac OS X Server 10.5 Radius authentication for non airport devices

    We have an Astaro Security Gateway 220 that we are planning to use for VPN and other services, we would like to use our Xserve to do authentication for our VPN like we already do for our other services on the device. To do so requires that we use Radius as the communication protocol between the server and the gateway, it works just fine to test authenticate as long as I don't set a Nas-Identifier for the test but as soon as I do it fails. The Nas-Identifiers are used to determine which services the account has access to and are named logically for that, things like http, pptp, etc. are used. I can't figure out how to get the gateway to be able to authenticate users, I don't need to be able to limit based on user which services they can access, any service that has a restricted set of users other than just valid users will be handled separately outside this system. If anyone can give me any good ideas on how to solve this it would be appreciated, we currently are only looking at radius fore this, while we use airports for our wireless we don't link them into the server currently though there is a slight chance it will happen in the future.
    Glenn McGurrin

    I found the problem. When turning off ClamAv virus scanning and Spam filtering everything runs fine again. So now we only have to repair those functions...

  • Does Mac OS X Server 10.6 Auto Configure a Connected Airport Basestation?

    I just finished an install of Snow Leopard Server on a new Mac Mini. A 1TB Airport Time Capsule is directly connected to the Mini via Ethernet (and our cable internet modem is also directly connected via Ethernet to the Time Capsule).
    I have a static IP address.
    During the installation of the server onto the Mini there seemed to be a period during which the server took control of the Airport device and auto-configured it then reset it. At first, it seemed that all services were available externally (i.e. web) from the internet.
    However, I may have been wrong as now none of the services respond from outside the network.
    I thought that Mac OS X Server would automatically configure an attached Airport device. Is that correct? Or must I work through the Airport device and manually configure all of the port settings to enable external access?

    First off I would check the console and see what it says when you try to log in with the admin account. It will give a message saying what the issue is.
    Also is this a local admin or a network admin account?

  • How to make Mac OS X Server auto-configure Airport Extreme port-mapping

    Mac OS X Server can automatically configure AirPort Extreme to make services such as iChat, Mail, Web, and VPN accessible:
    I presume this configuration generally takes place during a fresh installation of the server.
    Is there any way to re-run this process post-installation?

    That page talks about Snow Leopard's Networking abilities, not Leopards.
    Off hand, I don't know whether what you describe is a new feature in Snow Leopard or not, but I've never seen Leopard do it (and, to be honest, wouldn't want to).
    In either case, it's basically just Bonjour telling the router to configure port forwarding. Given that, I'd start by enabling mod_bonjour in Apache:
    #LoadModule bonjour_module libexec/apache2/
    but I don't know how other processes are doing it.

  • Sync a folder from the server with 2 other macs?

    This is a story of 3 macs. 
    Mac Mini - the server
    Macbook Air - Kelly's Computer
    Macbook Pro - Ethan's computer.
    We run a small business, and I've created a set of folders on the Mac Mini which runs 24/7 and words as a nice server.  (for example, a folder for HR, one for IT, one for Sales, one for markeing... and so on.  Each folder can contain anything from a MS Word doc to excel, to adobe files, to media files...
    I have a copy of that "set of folders on both Kelly and my computer.  So, I might open a spread sheet, or a word doc, make a change, then I save it and have to copy and replace the file on teh server (if I remember).
    Or, I might copy a new media file into the marketing folder, but then I need to remember to also copy it to the server.
    Anyone see where I'm going with this? 
    Google Docs - No.  I don't think it that's what I need.     I'm learning it, but Google docs changes the formating of my MS word files.  Plus, I have other kids of files, such as adobe files for marketing and such. 
    Is there a good "auto sync"   or something that could be a good choice?  I'm open to other ideas.  Perhaps I don't know google docs enough.  But, I'd also like to keep this in house.  IT's only the 2 of us, so I'm not a fan of depending on a third party company for something like this. 
    I seem to remember that Retrospect  would targe a specified folder, and anytime ANYTHING changed in that folder, it would sync it to the server.  Does it still do that?  Anything else?
    I'm open to suggestions.

    I like Dropbox for this kind of thing. I've been using it for a year or two, very stable, free, and easy to use.
    The Google people have a talent for making their apps incompatible with Mavericks, so I would avoid Google Docs.
    If you don't want to use something in the cloud, there are a lot of apps for this, like Sync Folders  Mac App Store - Sync Folders , FolderWatch FolderWatch: Effortlessly Keep Two Folders in Sync | Mac.AppStorm , or you can do it with Automator and rsync. See Applescript: copy subfolders to another...: Apple Support Communities

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    Please check out the following Apple Support article for details on the many methods to use an AirPort Express for iTunes streaming.

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