Mac OS9

I have Mac OS9 on the mac i just purchased, but i keep seeing things about firmware for 9.1 how can u get 9.1 onto my mac? Also where can i get MacX from? is it free? I am new to this Apple game.

Each 10.x version of Mac OS X is "major release." So if you want 10.3, you should buy a 10.3 (aka "Panther") package. However, you can get any 10.3.x version of the installer package and update to the latest 10.3.9 with a free download from Apple. But to get to 10.4.x, you have to buy a 10.4 (aka "Tiger") package.
There seem to people selling their 10.3 packages on eBay. Search on "Mac 10.3". You want to get a "retail" or "universal" package, not one that came with a specific Mac.
An important consideration is software compatibility. If your Mac can handle 10.4, you may want to consider it instead of 10.3. Why? Because more and more applications are requiring 10.4.x. When 10.5 (aka "Leopard") is released in October 2007, it is likely that even more new applications will require "Mac OS X 10.4 or later" (one version back). Because of the huge installed base for 10.4, and the fact that many Macs (like your iMac) will not be able to run 10.5, software developers will probably support 10.4 for years to come. On the other hand, 10.3 is already being left behind more and more.
To run 10.4 comfortably, your iMac should have at least 512mb of memory. 256mb will work; that's what G4 Mac mini's had and they came with 10.4. But things may feel really slow because your G3 iMac is a lot slower than a fairly recent G4 Mac mini.
Message was edited by: Kenichi Watanabe

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    You can just drag the OS 9 system files in a folder called "System Folder" to the Trash & after you empty the trash, it will be gone. You don't have to erase the HD and reinstall 10.3.x. OS 9 doesn take much space on your HD, so may users just leave it even though they rarely/never use it.
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     Cheers, Tom

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    From that site:
    Mac OS Runtime for Java (MRJ) is Apple's implementation of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), based on Sun Microsystems' Java 1.1.8 specificationAlso from that site, there is a version 2.2.6 (fixes some Oracle bug)
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    Hi Ellen;
    Safari was only released for OS X 10.2 or newer. If makes use of features that only became available at that level of the operating system. I don't believe anyone has ever even tried to make it avaiable for OS 9.
    Why do you need Safari?
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    Hi, Laurent. Did you, by any chance, search your hard drive for all files that had "Classic" in their names, and trash them all? If so, that would have disposed of your Classic.prefpane file, which normally resides in System > Library > PreferencePanes, and will open to the Classic preference window if you double-click it. If that file is gone, obviously you can't do so, nor will you have access to the Classic pane any other way.
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    Welcome to the discussions!
    In order to help with installing Classic, we need a bit more information. There are plenty of documents that explain how to use the Software Restore disks that came with your computer. Unfortunately, there are many possible configurations of the Restore disks which makes it more difficult to pin down a solution. Pay close attention to the number of Restore disks that you have and which version of OS X your computer shipped with. Perhaps this document pertains to your situation: <>.

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    Hi, savith kumar. Your original post does not tell us clearly what kind of program you are looking for. I suspect this is a language problem, and that English is not your native language. But if you would try again to explain what you are trying to find, perhaps someone will be better able to help you.

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    You might want to check out this link below - Since I'm unclear as your system set-up, perhaps this will help. It sounds as though what you need to do is just install the 'classic environment' but you are going at it asthough you are trying to actually install OS9.
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    USB card reader (or PCMCIA card adapter for laptop users). Best things I ever, EVER bought.
    Trying to get the pictures off the card whilst in the camera, is slow and eats camera batteries - I can't get all the pictures off a 1Gb or 4Gb card over the USB connection, whilst the card is in the camera, without the batteries running out (so I use PCMCIA for big cards).
    Stick with OS9.2.1 if you want. You can also go fishing for OS9 compatible software on all the camera manufacturers websites, Kodak still supply OS8 & OS9 stuff - of course, the licence agreement says you have to have a Kodak camera to use the stuff. But check all manufacturers.
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    Let us know if you find anything good.

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    You can purchase Mac OS 9 online from several sites. 57-0-us_gse&kv=sdb&gc=0&dqi=&qsrc=999&o=4803&l=dir

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    and installation of suitcase fusion 3, it works finally.
    I have now a problem with framemaker : 
    Fm 9 open the old files, the console mentions the missing fonts but there are still a lot of "?" in the document,
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    Somebody had the same problem ?
    Could someone help me ?
    Is there a special way to open old documents ?
    Many thanks in advance for your answer

    Herchris wrote:
    Is there a special way to open old documents ?
    There is no special way, since opening files has no options or choices. Also with more recent documents there are (or have been) times when it's helpful to open and save them with an in-between version of FM, before opening them in FM9. This has been the case with some FM 7.x documents containing virtual fonts and foreign language encodings, which needed to be saved in FM8 before opening them in FM9 (fixed meanwhile).
    It might be a good idea to open and save the files in FM 7. I still have a Mac version of FM7 running in classic, and also FM 7.2 (Win). If nothing else helps, we could try opening and saving the files with one of these versions, before transferring them to FM9.

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    Sheepshaver works. I have it running on my mac.
    You will need a Mac OS 9.04 (or lower version) install CD to get it working.
    Install and download instructions are here at the bottom of the page:
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   MacBook Pro

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