Mac Server 10.6 - some users accounts have no rights on Home folder - help???

Hi All,
I have been having this problem with a few user accounts run from our OS 10.6.7 Server.
The user accounts are not able to move/delete files or folders. Unable to delete their trash - when logged in to any of our mac minis (10.6.8).
Permissions on home folders on server look fine and comparable with accounts that do not display these probelms. I have tried forcing chown just in case, but no difference.
Any ideas on what I could try next?

Thanks for the reply.
For instance, when the logged in under the network user account, if I try to delete a folder or a file from the desktop (created by the same user) the finder password box appears to allow the changes. The password is accepted fine, but the is not deleted from Desktop. Nothing happens.
On the home folder of the same user as above, the permissions show as:
Staff:read only
Everyone:read only
These are the same as displayed on other home folders which do not exhibit the same problems.
On the desktop folder of the same user, in the home folder, permissions are:
Staff:read only
Everyone:read only
On other users Desktop folders i see:
Which i am unable to replicate myself - no option to add _spotlight and no option for custom.
I would be grateful for any help.

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  • Some user Accounts have no "status" string when using Get-ADUser command.

    I encountered a problem. When I tryed to get list of all disabled accounts in the AD, I used the command Get-ADUser -Filter 'Enabled -eq $false' . 
    But i recieved a list of users which is not full.
    So I checked again and compared 2 accounts,  both a disabled but one had a "Status" string, and the second had not.
    In gui Snap-in all Disabled accounts marked as disabled.
    So I can' t get a list of disabled users right now. 
    So here is an Example:
    DistinguishedName : CN=User1,OU=OU2,OU=OU1,DC=Domain, DC=ru
    Enabled           : False 
    GivenName         : 
    Name              : Name  
    ObjectClass       : user 
    ObjectGUID        : 3daeb58d-47f1-47a9-ad5b-bec5fd804ac0 
    SamAccountName    : user1 
    SID               : S-1-5-21-516317273-842993208-2210532530-2418 
    Surname           : Surname
    UserPrincipalName : [email protected]
    PS C:\Users\smb_khvatov> Get-ADUser komarova 
    DistinguishedName : CN=User2,OU=OU2,OU=OU1,DC=Domain, DC=ru
    GivenName         : Name
    Name              : Name
    ObjectClass       : user 
    ObjectGUID        : df8cdf8d-b0ff-4d0b-941e-3cd65d722394 
    SamAccountName    : User2
    SID               : S-1-5-21-516317273-842993208-2210532530-16161 
    Surname           : Surname
    UserPrincipalName :[email protected]

    Hope I understood you correctly:
    2 Blocked Accounts
    First one is a normal (has a "enable" string)
    Second one is without "enable" string.
    PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-aduser bychkov -properties *
    AccountExpirationDate :
    accountExpires : 9223372036854775807
    AccountLockoutTime :
    AccountNotDelegated : False
    adminCount : 1
    AllowReversiblePasswordEncryption : False
    BadLogonCount :
    CannotChangePassword : False
    CanonicalName : DOMAIN.RU/Desktop/IT/Nikolay Bychkov
    Certificates : {}
    City :
    CN : Nikolay Bychkov
    codePage : 0
    Company :
    CompoundIdentitySupported : {False}
    Country :
    countryCode : 0
    Created : 5/12/2010 4:20:23 AM
    createTimeStamp : 5/12/2010 4:20:23 AM
    Deleted :
    Department :
    Description :
    DisplayName : Nikolay Bychkov
    DistinguishedName : CN=Nikolay Bychkov,OU=IT,OU=Desktop,DC=DOMAIN,DC=RU
    Division :
    DoesNotRequirePreAuth : False
    dSCorePropagationData : {12/31/1600 4:00:00 PM}
    EmailAddress : [email protected]
    EmployeeID :
    EmployeeNumber :
    Enabled : False
    Fax :
    GivenName :
    HomeDirectory :
    HomedirRequired : False
    HomeDrive :
    homeMDB : CN=Russia HO,CN=Offices
    SG,CN=InformationStore,CN=RUS-ML-02,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group
    (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Company,CN=Microsoft
    homeMTA : CN=Microsoft MTA,CN=RUS-ML-02,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group
    (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Company,CN=Microsoft
    HomePage :
    HomePhone :
    Initials :
    instanceType : 4
    isDeleted :
    KerberosEncryptionType : {None}
    LastBadPasswordAttempt :
    LastKnownParent :
    LastLogonDate : 6/7/2012 4:47:35 AM
    lastLogonTimestamp : 129835432554560428
    legacyExchangeDN : /o=Company/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
    LockedOut : False
    LogonWorkstations :
    mail : [email protected]
    mailNickname : Bychkov
    Manager : CN=Administrator,OU=IT,OU=Russia,OU=Users,OU=My Users and
    mDBUseDefaults : True
    MemberOf : {CN=Taxi,CN=Users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=RU,
    MNSLogonAccount : False
    MobilePhone :
    Modified : 1/28/2014 6:30:40 AM
    modifyTimeStamp : 1/28/2014 6:30:40 AM
    msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes : 0
    msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed : 8388608
    msExchHideFromAddressLists : True
    msExchHomeServerName : /o=Company/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
    msExchMailboxGuid : {190, 164, 153, 18...}
    msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor : System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurity
    msExchMailboxTemplateLink : CN=730,CN=ELC Mailbox Policies,CN=Company,CN=Microsoft
    msExchMDBRulesQuota : 256
    msExchPoliciesIncluded : {{1D2FFDEC-44A9-4E96-A1FD-0744A455AE4D},{26491CFC-9E50-4857-861B-0CB8DF22B5D7}}
    msExchRecipientDisplayType : 1073741824
    msExchRecipientTypeDetails : 1
    msExchUserAccountControl : 0
    msExchUserCulture : ru-RU
    msExchVersion : 4535486012416
    Name : Nikolay Bychkov
    nTSecurityDescriptor : System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurity
    ObjectCategory : CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=DOMAIN,DC=RU
    ObjectClass : user
    ObjectGUID : 3daeb58d-47f1-47a9-ad5b-bec5fd804ac0
    objectSid : S-1-5-21-516317273-842993208-2210532530-2418
    Office :
    OfficePhone :
    Organization :
    OtherName :
    PasswordExpired : True
    PasswordLastSet : 10/24/2011 5:06:59 AM
    PasswordNeverExpires : False
    PasswordNotRequired : False
    POBox :
    PostalCode :
    PrimaryGroup : CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=RU
    primaryGroupID : 513
    PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount : {}
    ProfilePath :
    ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion : False
    protocolSettings : {HTTP§1§1§§§§§§, OWA§1}
    proxyAddresses : {X400:C=RU;A= ;P=Company;O=Exchange;S=Bychkov;, SMTP:[email protected]
    pwdLastSet : 129639316194314373
    SamAccountName : Bychkov
    sAMAccountType : 805306368
    ScriptPath :
    sDRightsEffective : 0
    ServicePrincipalNames : {}
    SID : S-1-5-21-516317273-842993208-2210532530-2418
    SIDHistory : {}
    SmartcardLogonRequired : False
    State :
    StreetAddress :
    Surname :
    textEncodedORAddress : C=RU;A= ;P=Company;O=Exchange;S=Bychkov;
    Title :
    TrustedForDelegation : False
    TrustedToAuthForDelegation : False
    UseDESKeyOnly : False
    userAccountControl : 514
    userCertificate : {}
    UserPrincipalName : [email protected]
    uSNChanged : 18508
    uSNCreated : 17066
    whenChanged : 1/28/2014 6:30:40 AM
    whenCreated : 5/12/2010 4:20:23 AM
    PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-aduser komarova -properties *
    AccountExpirationDate :
    accountExpires :
    AccountLockoutTime :
    BadLogonCount :
    CannotChangePassword : False
    CanonicalName :
    Certificates : {}
    City :
    CN : Veronika Komarova
    codePage : 0
    Company :
    CompoundIdentitySupported : {}
    Country :
    countryCode : 0
    Created :
    Deleted :
    Department :
    Description :
    DisplayName : Veronika Komarova
    DistinguishedName : CN=Veronika Komarova,OU=Product Department,OU=Office,OU=Russia,OU=Users,OU=My
    Users and Groups,DC=DOMAIN,DC=RU
    Division :
    EmailAddress : [email protected]
    EmployeeID :
    EmployeeNumber :
    Fax :
    GivenName : Veronika
    HomeDirectory :
    HomeDrive :
    homeMDB : CN=Russia HO,CN=Offices
    SG,CN=InformationStore,CN=RUS-ML-02,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group
    (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Company,CN=Microsoft
    homeMTA : CN=Microsoft MTA,CN=RUS-ML-02,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group
    (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Company,CN=Microsoft
    HomePage :
    HomePhone :
    Initials :
    instanceType :
    internetEncoding : 0
    isDeleted :
    KerberosEncryptionType : {}
    LastBadPasswordAttempt :
    LastKnownParent :
    LastLogonDate :
    legacyExchangeDN : /o=Company/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
    LogonWorkstations :
    mail : [email protected]
    mailNickname : komarova
    Manager :
    mDBUseDefaults : True
    MemberOf : {}
    MobilePhone :
    Modified :
    msExchHomeServerName : /o=Company/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
    msExchMailboxGuid : {166, 229, 120, 212...}
    msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor : System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurity
    msExchMDBRulesQuota : 64
    msExchPoliciesIncluded : {{1D2FFDEC-44A9-4E96-A1FD-0744A455AE4D},{26491CFC-9E50-4857-861B-0CB8DF22B5D7}}
    msExchRecipientDisplayType : 1073741824
    msExchRecipientTypeDetails : 1
    msExchUserAccountControl : 0
    msExchUserCulture : ru-RU
    msExchVersion : 4535486012416
    Name : Veronika Komarova
    nTSecurityDescriptor : System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurity
    ObjectCategory : CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=DOMAIN,DC=RU
    ObjectClass : user
    ObjectGUID : df8cdf8d-b0ff-4d0b-941e-3cd65d722394
    objectSid : S-1-5-21-516317273-842993208-2210532530-16161
    Office :
    OfficePhone :
    Organization :
    OtherName :
    PasswordLastSet :
    POBox :
    PostalCode :
    PrimaryGroup : CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=RU
    primaryGroupID : 513
    PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount : {}
    ProfilePath :
    ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion : False
    proxyAddresses : {smtp:[email protected], SMTP:[email protected]}
    SamAccountName : komarova
    sAMAccountType : 805306368
    ScriptPath :
    sDRightsEffective : 0
    ServicePrincipalNames : {}
    showInAddressBook : {CN=Default Global Address List,CN=All Global Address Lists,CN=Address Lists
    Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=DOMAIN,DC=RU, CN=All Users,CN=All
    Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=Company,CN=Microsoft
    SID : S-1-5-21-516317273-842993208-2210532530-16161
    SIDHistory : {}
    sn : Komarova
    State :
    StreetAddress :
    Surname : Komarova
    Title :
    userCertificate : {}
    UserPrincipalName : [email protected]

  • I run a mac air on a single user account but multiple people using it, which is ok for the situation. All have their accounts in the apple mail app. what is missing for me is a separate password to access the mail account. otherwise anyone can see anyones

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    Any clue, how i can add a mail account to apple mail app, but with separate password / pin to open it.
    Years ago there was a program called mail switcher which added this functionality, but thats gone.

    They would have to be logged in as separate users in order not to see your account in Mail. Whatever accounts put in Mail under your account will show up. All mail accounts usually have there own user and password. The only thing you can do is to remove the password from Keychain and take the account offline so you don't keep getting prompts for passwords each time it checks for mail.
    Not a great solution.
    Best way is to give the other user their own user account with their own mail and enable fast user swithcing to log between the different users if all access the computer frequently.

  • I use migrate assistant to move files from my old pc to the new Mac , but it creates the user account. How can i delete the unwanted user account.

    i use migrate assistant to move files from my old pc to the new Mac , but it creates the user account. How can i delete the unwanted user account.

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    That's the classic behaviour after using Migration Assistant and that's normal.
    To transfer the data from the new user account to your old user account, you can follow some steps. Here is all the information you need to do this >

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    Hi there,
    You're running an old version of Safari. Before troubleshooting, try updating it to the latest version: 6.0. You can do this by clicking the Apple logo in the top left, then clicking Software update.
    You can also update to the latest version of OS X, 10.8 Mountain Lion, from the Mac App Store for $19.99, which will automatically install Safari 6 as well, but this isn't essential, only reccomended.
    Thanks, let me know if the update helps,

  • Installed mavericks server and now some users don't have access to folders!? Why and how do I fix it???

    I have just upgraded the server and os to mavericks and now users that used to be able to open and save or even log in are now locked out with the server saying wrong password. I reset their password and still nothing. I created a new user and they can't even log in? Why now? And how do I fix this. It seems that some users and groups now don't have access and all that was done was to let the group open a shared folder that they have access before. I reset everything and am now very frustrated!!!

    Seem to be an issue with Maverick
    After trying to solve the issue with all tips i found here and on the net
    I decided to go back to Mountain Lion for my server using TimeMachine backup, and stay with Maverick for my imacs
    Work well again
    Until Apple will communicate on it or deliver a patch, i would suggest to do the same

  • Login to Jabber Client (Windows/Mac) with current logged in user account.

    We are deploying Jabber Client for Windows and will eventually be deploying for Macintosh.  I have no problem building the thinapp deployment package for the Jabber client.  However, when the thinapp is ran, it always shows the account that was used to initially login to the client and setup the server connection.
    Is there a way for the client to use the current logged in user in the sign in field?  I am trying to automate or SSO the process of logging into Jabber.
    Any and all ideas, tips, and/or tricks are greatly appreciated!
    Thank you,

    This is nothing to do with the TC. This is your user issues on the Mac.
    I would do a major fix on the computer.. copy your user files to another location.. create a new administrator account.. login with the new admin account and delete the old one. Delete all the files associated with that account, so you are effectively starting with a clean Mac.
    I have just sold off a couple of computers and that is how I prepared it for the next person.. it seemed to work easily and removed all my stuff from the computer whilst still giving them full admin access.
    Please I am far from expert in doing this kind of stuff in OSX so just look up deleting original user accounts in whatever OS you run.

  • Not Enough Hard Drive Space on my Mac Mini to Save Deleted User Account Folder: What to do?

    I am no longer able to access my original user account on my mac mini because the account is corrupted and won't load. Thanks to the helpful advice I found on the internet, I was able to create a new user account and resume using my mac, but all of my old files are trapped in the old user account.
    The plan was to delete the old user account, create a disk image of the old account folders, and then migrate those folders to the new user account. Unfortunately, I don't have enough disc space left on my Mac to do that. I have just under 11gb left after deleting absolutely everything I could, and I need 81gb for the old user files. The back up plan was to select the "don't change the home folder" option, but when I went to delete the account, there was no such option. The message simply read:
    "The user's home folder will not be saved. To do so, you need 81.1gb of free disk space. Try emptying the trash or deleting other files on your disk, then deleting the user account. If you do not want to save the user's home folder, click delete immediately."
    My only two choices were CANCEL or DELETE IMMEDIATELY. There was no "don't change the home folder" option.
    So I am not sure how to proceed. Here are some questions:
    1) is there a way to save the disk image directly to an external drive instead of the user's folder on the mac hard drive?
    2) If I use the "delete immediately" option, will the files go into a "deleted users" folder where they can be recovered or will they just be erased from the computer and unretrievable?
    3) Is there a way to use terminal to change access permission on the original user account files so that I can copy them onto an external drive or integrate them with the new user account without having to first delete the original user account?
    4) In the absence of deleting the user account, will using either:
    sudo chown -R `id -un` /Users/oldusername
    sudo chmod -R u+rw /Users/oldusername
    in Terminal allow the new user account permission to access the original user files and merge them seamlessly into my new user account? Or must I delete the original account first?
    5) Is there something else I haven't thought of that would work, would be more efficient, or more effective? This wouldn't be the first time I have overthought a solution...
    When considering any solutions, please keep in mind that I cannot launch the original user account as that starts the whole endless loading loop. So, while I have the password for the original user account, any solution would appear to require that I work from the new user account only, without launching the old account.  Also I am a complete newbie at this. I've used Macs exclusively for 17 years but this is the first time I've had to do anything like this. Up to now, everything has always "just worked".  So please be as detailed with any instructions as possible!
    Any help greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
    Mac Mini 2ghz 1g ram running OS 10.4.11

    I think ComputerFixer is correct, you should be able to drag and drop it to another drive, no worries. However, if not, you could create an disk image of it using DiskUtility and create it on a new drive. But again, I don't think that is necessary. If you have administrator rights with your new account, can you simply go into the old user account folder and drag and drop the files you want to save? I have done that as well as copy the older user account to another drive (in my case, another computer on the network) and salgage my files from there. Is that an option for you?

  • Need an script to create some user account with increasing passwords

    hi friends
    i'm not expert in scripting.
    manager gave me a list of about 50 users which i must create in my windows server 2008 R2 local users & groups snap-in (Lusrmgr.msc).
    suppose i have this 5 users :
      1-albert    2-Brian   3-calvin  4-carl   5-john
    i need an script (maybe for /L ),so that it reads this 5 users from a text file or .csv file & create them & their password be so:
    albert's password be abc1
    Brian's password be abc2
    calvin's password be abc3 & so on.
    i mean their password be abc ending with increasing number which increases one unit
    thanks in advanced

    There should be some automatic user account generating scripts in the
    You can request a script here:
    This forum is for scripting questions, not script requests.
    -- Bill Stewart [Bill_Stewart]
    hi Bill
    i wasn't familiar with scriptcenter
    thanks for advice

  • Why does my new Mac mini crash on setup user account ?

    Brand new Mac mini i7 with fusion HD.  on first time setup, I got as far as the create user account screen & it seemed to be taking along time creating the account (10-15min) so I called apple. the guy asked a few questions & then instructed me to switch off the mini & try again. same result, locks up at the create user account screen with the small wheel turning (slowly) at bottom left next to the text - creating account.  after several attempts of turning off & on & trying to setup user accounts with different names & home folder names, the apple guy steped me through a download & erased the hard drive & then started to download OSx. So after a fresh install of OSx, I still have exactly the same trouble.  Can get through the initial setup about languages etc but after completing the text fields in the great user account page & clicking next, it says creating account at the bottom left, the wheel turns for 5 min or so then it stops & nothing more happens.
    I am very frustrated & disappointed with this. any help appreciated

    visit to apple store.  the guy turned on the Mac mini & setup an account with apple store defaults, which does not log into the apple server for Apple ID user or password etc...
    All works fine. the guy had no idea as to what was causing it to crash, can only assume that it had an issue with loging into the Mac server with the Apple ID. as this was the only thing different to when I & the apple care guys, where trying to set it up at home. happy it works but still very annoyed with the 15hours I had to mess around & the half a day trip to the apple store.

  • User accounts have disappeared from the Sys prefs and log-in screen!

    When upgrading to 10.4 from 10.3, I used Carbon Copy Cloner to create a bootable copy of my hard disk to an external (La Cie) drive. After performing an erase and install, the Migration Assistant would not recognize the installation on the external drive. After numerous attempts, I finally re-entered all my settings and transferred most of my files by hand into the new OS. Everything seemed to be fine until I attempted to update the user settings on one of the standard accounts. When I went to the Limitations window for this account in System Preferences the computer froze completely, necessitating a forced shutdown. When I rebooted, the account I was modifying had disappeared from the log-in screen. When I attempted to restore it in Sys Prefs, the Accounts window was blank, and clicking on the resulting items in a Spotlight search gets a preferences error message. I repaired the disk and the permissions with Disk Utility to no avail, and DiskWarrior says the directory is too damaged to rebuild. I re-installed Tiger using archive and install, also with no success. I can log in as Root and access all data, including all user accounts, but still no user accounts in the log-in window or sys prepfs. Does anyone have any thoughts on this before I (aauuugghhh) erase and install again? Any idea why the Migration Asst. can't see the clone? Did I move something into the new OS I shouldn't have?
      Mac OS X (10.4.3)   700mHz G4 iMac (Flat panel)

    When upgrading to 10.4 from 10.3, I used Carbon Copy Cloner to create a bootable copy of my hard disk to an external (La Cie) drive.
    Did you boot into the clone to ensure that it was working just like the original? If so, can you still do that? If so, I'd boot into the clone, use Disk Utility to erase and reformat the internal HD. Then, clone the clone to the original and install Tiger on top of it using the upgrade earlier version option. Then, you won't have to change or migrate anything. IMHO, it's the best way to do it.

  • Problem with some user accounts receiving email

    We are running Exchange 2003 and having our end users get their email via Outlook Web Access on their Blackberry devices, and are having a problem with just some users. When we go into BIS, we can setup their account just fine, but they never receive any e-mails. They can send e-mails fine also. We have done the following tests:
    1. I have setup my AT&T Curve to check my e-mail, works fine.
    2. I have three users I'm currently using as my "test group" since this problem began. Two using Verizon Storms, and one using a Verizon Bold. All three can send e-mail fine, one of the storm users can check e-mail, but not the other two.
    3. I have setup these accounts on my (known working from test 1) Blackberry Curve, and get the same results. I cannot receive e-mail on either of those two accounts.
    I don't see any errors in any logs (unless I am looking in the wrong place). I've even gone throught adsiedit and compared the msexch* settings and they all seem comperable. Any ideas as to what could be causing this?

    On the devices browser options, are these settings all identical?
    support HTML tables : Yes/Ns
    style sheets media type : handheld/Screen
    emulation mode : Blackberry/ Openwave (WAP/Openwave gateway/MSIE/MS PocketIE/Netscape)Content mode : WML & HTML / HTML only / WML only
    If someone helped you give them kudos. Research all info!

  • Mac app store will not connect under a managed user account but will under admin. Please help clear this up?

    After I have installed OSX Mountain lion I clicked on the app store to buy an app. Only one problem, it says it "cannot connect", I then tried under the admin account and it worked no problem. I log back into the managed user account and disable any parental controls that might be interferring, I try again and it worked. I need the mac app store to work under the managed user with parental controls on. I cleared the iTunes store cache and reset the warnings just to see if that might do the trick but no luck. When the latest update was availble I updated immediatly in hopes of that might fixing the problem but again it did not work.  I would really appreciate if anyone had any ideas on how to help solve this issue.

    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Step 1
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
              Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item selected. Move the selected item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator login password. Restart the computer and test.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    Log out, log back in, and test. If there's no improvement, continue.
    Step 2
    Reset your computer’s PRAM.

  • Setting disk quota on Mac server for Active Directory users

    I'm having trouble setting disk quotas for Active Directory users with home folders on our Mac server.
    I've enabled disk quotas on the disk I'm putting home folders on, and I can set disk quotas for local users on the server just fine. But it doesn't seem to work for Active Directory users. I've tried setting disk quotas via Workgroup Manager and via the command line using edquota. But when I use the repquota command there is no quota entry for the AD user. I've run quotacheck and that didn't help either.
    I also understand there's a setquota command but there's no man page on how that works.
    Has anyone got disk quota for AD users working.
    Better still has someone got a shell or perl script for setting quotas they could post.
    - Cameron

    sorry.. I am soooooo stupid... I have to activate "File Sharing" as well.. for the user everything was already pre-activated, not for the AD users, I just saw the Time Machine checkbox grayed out ...

  • Move-ADObject errors on DistinguishedName on some user accounts.

    Hi, I have this code below. Strange behavior I'm seeing in our AD environment. Some users are moved into the correct OU and some get an error. Why would I get the below error on only some accounts and not all? I tried putting quotes around the $DN and $OU
    but that didn't seem to help. Thanks
    $DN = $user.DistinguishedName
        $DN.SubString($DN.IndexOf("OU="),($DN.Length - $DN.IndexOf("OU=")))
     If ($DN.SubString($DN.IndexOf("OU="),($DN.Length - $DN.IndexOf("OU="))) -ne ($OU)) 
            {Move-ADObject -Identity $DN -TargetPath $OU }
    Move-ADObject : The operation could not be performed because the object's parent is either uninstantiated or deleted
    At G:\MarcG\Scripts\ADP\ADP to AD Process.ps1:94 char:10
    +         {Move-ADObject -Identity $DN -TargetPath $OU }
    +          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (CN=Del Rosario\...compmed,DC=org:ADObject) [Move-ADObject], ADException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : The operation could not be performed because the object's parent is either uninstantiated or deleted,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.Mo 

    I don't recommend using the .NET Substring method to determine portions of a distinguished name. With Substring it is difficult to ensure that embedded commas are handled correctly.
    It's much better to use the Pathname object (IADsPathname interface). I provided a PowerShell script wrapper for the Pathname object in this article:
    Windows IT Pro: Use PowerShell to Handle Active Directory Paths
    It would be helpful for you to say what your goal is rather than posting your code that doesn't work consistently.
    -- Bill Stewart [Bill_Stewart]

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