Mac Startup Sound

Hi, is there anyway that I could lower the volume of the startup noise, but does not affect my system's sound volume?
I am not looking for a way to turn off the volume.. Just want to lower it.

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    Try going here, there are several to choose from.
    Neat idea!

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    I tried that but it doesn't work for me. Must be outdated?

    There is a software utility program available from Marcel Bresink that is called Tinker Tool System. In this program under start up options is an option to mute the start up sound.

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    One of the oddities of the iMac line is that the startup sound comes from the internal speakers. If you have external speakers plugged in and unpowered, it makes no difference, you still get a "BLING" when you start up. And since the 24" machine has extra big speakers and bigger audio amp, you get an extra big BLING! Nice, eh?
    You might try the freeware utility called "Psst" <>. I haven't tried it, but it does seem to be able to silence the startup sound on most Macs.

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    1. Make sure the volume is on. Check that the machine makes other sounds.
    2. Here is a link for Safari for a Mac 10.2.8
    Though I'd be surprised if it would be very useful. Things have changed a lot on the internet since that came out. An old version of Firefox might be better. I don't know where you would get an old version of flash. It is an Adobe product.
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    Bootup holding CMD+r, or the Option/alt key to boot from the Restore partition & use Disk Utility from there to Repair the Disk, then Repair Permissions.
    If that doesn't help Reinstall the OS.

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    Turn the volume down before you shut down the MBair, the startup tone should be the same volume as when you shut down.

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    This could indicate a hardware problem unless you (or someone that has access to your computer) did something to remove the start up tone. However first check the obvious, is the volume turned up? However the first thing to try is restart in Safe Mode, this will clear some caches but I doubt it will help. If you still have a problem after checking the volume and restarting in Safe Mode then run Apple Hardware Test in extended mode at least 3 times back to back. If any errors are reported the next stop is your local Apple Store or AASP to be repaired.

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    Thank you sooo much,
    And for my operating system, I'm not sure if I clicked the right one, but I know I'm on one of the newer ones (not the newest though)
    iBook 12"   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   bought in 2002
    iBook 12"   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   bought in 2002

    Hi, Chris. Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    It sounds like you may be having logic board problems. Enough Dual USB G3 iBooks suffered from this problem that Apple began the iBook Logic Board Repair Extension Program in January of 2004. Check out the FAQ page and if the symptoms look familiar, give Apple a call.
    Since it is past the three-year time limit, try calling and ask for Customer Relations (NOT Customer Service--they can't help you) and ask them to please make an exception to the three-year limit in your case.
    You may want to consider trying the shim fix suggested by John Sawyer elsewhere here in the Displays Forum:
    [Y]ou can often fix this yourself by removing the iBook's bottom housing, and placing a shim of any sort, about 1mm to 1.5mm thick, onto the raised square on the bottom shield. I use a Scotch mounting square--you can get them in hardware stores and many grocery stores. When you reinstall the bottom case, it will press against this shim, which will press against the graphics chip, and may allow the chip to come into better contact with the logic board.
    John Sawyer
    CJS Macintosh Repair
    Instructions for removing the lower case:
    Once you get it fixed, try never to pick it up by the left front corner alone. Rumor has it that can contribute to logic board failure when the case flexes, causing the graphics chip to come loose from the logic board. If you're picking it up in your left hand (as I often do mine), pick it up in the center under the trackpad.
    Good luck. Let us know how things go.

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    You need to re install OSX. If you have the dmg file downloaded via torrentz this is how you can create a bootable external HD or Flash drive (8 GB+)

  • BT 3.1 - No more windows 7 startup sound

    Hey there Apple forums!
    I decided to install Windows 7 on my Mac a while ago. I had Bootcamp 3.0 and all the problems related to audio that BT 3.0 had, including the red optical light. Once BT 3.1 was released, I decided to install it. Notice how I hadn't changed any driver from Bt 3.0 until I installed 3.1.
    Once I installed the update, most audio problems were immediately solved. No more ghostly red optical light, no more laggy audio, etc. Audio output was still low, but nothing "Enchance audio output" couldn't solve. I was seemingly happy, until i realized that the windows 7 startup sound played no more.
    By startup sound I mean the chime that plays when you're in the login screen. This is a very small glitch, as it used to work in Bt 3.0, even with the audio issues it had.
    Is there any solution? And before you begin asking protocol questions, yes, the startup sound IS enabled, yes I have the default Windows sounds set, I haven't changed the theme (don't know if that even matters, it shouldn't matter).
    If it helps, when i connect two low speakers to the audio output jack and start Windows, and raise the volume, I CAN hear the startup chime in the login screen. But there's not even a faint sound when the external speakers are gone.
    Should anyone know a solution, please help me with a post. And the speakers I have suck, so they're not an option.

    Had same problem, tried everything like reinstalling drivers but still the problem continued. However today i tried changing the driver for the sound card to the generic driver and rebooted my macbook pro. on startup the sound card would not work on the generic driver and the system kicked in with an automatic troubleshoot and installed the correct drivers.
    Somehow this has enabled the startup sound to work and the system doesn't startup in a muted state.
    Haven't a clue why or how this has worked or how long it will continue to work but give it a go.

  • How do I turn off startup sound?

    Every computer I ever had, the first thing I do is to turn off the startup sound because it is very annoying in a public place and sometimes in a quiet place. I have not been able to find out how to trun it off on my Air. I asked the guys at the stores and they just say you can't. That is really dumb. I turned off my speaker but that is not a practical way because I may not remember to turn it off when I shut down.
    The question is how do I turn it off permenantly.
    Love to know.

    imac/Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
    I find this great solution...
    <This is a Direct Download Link>
    MuteCon for Mac OS
    or go to
    mutec202.dmg(90.3KB)(recent version)
    is a japanese site but the app is in english.
    this app mute the sound before exit and demute after boot.
    works with Lion/snow leopard/ Mointain Lion
    set the preferences like this
    and add to Admin User acount to launch on startup.
    So easy...I can not believe I lost so much time.
    Help to spread the word!!!
    <Edited By Host>

  • How to silence the startup sound?

    My MacPro emits the startup chord, loundly, from the internal speaker. All other sounds come from the external speakers. When I get home late it's like to wake the dead if I turn on my Mac.
    This did not work this way before, the startup sound played through the external speakers and I could turn them down.
    Any ideas how to kill the startup sound or make it play through the external speakers?

    Well, you know that's a funny thing, because I didn't actually intend to mute the startup chime. I just wanted it routed to the external speakers where I could control the volume properly, like the first poster. But the chime doesn't sound out of my external speakers. I don't hear it at all.
    And I don't care. If my Mac fails some test, it isn't going to work right, I'll find out about it anyway. I also don't care because in 20 years of owning Macs, if there was a problem with my Mac I can't remember any of them being due to a failed self test, it was usually a hard disk failure or something on the motherboard while I still got the normal startup chime. The power on self test does not, for example, tell PowerBook G4 owners about the widespread problem that their lower RAM slot has failed. I just haven't found the chime to be useful, while many users find it to be extremely annoying. Apple could just flash the front panel LED differently.
    The only time I've ever heard the failed self test tones is when I've played them back from some web page or utility that tells you what they mean.

  • MacBook Doesn't Play Startup Sound

    Hey guys, for some reason, my Mac doesn't play a startup sound when ever its booting up and the volume is on max. Any ideas as to what might cause this?
    I'm running Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion)

    Had this same thing after the 10.7.3 update.
    Try turning the computer off for a time, 10 minutes to whatever number of hours.
    Then when you turn it back on hold down the Option key and when the boot menu screen come up select your Macintosh HD to boot from. Once booted to the OS go into Sys Pref, Start Up Disk and select the Macintosh HD and Restart.
    Also I have noticed that the startup, Boot POST (Power On Self Test) sound is of a lower volume then it was before the 10.7.3 update. No matter what the volume is set to in the OS. Apple trying to get rid of that obnoxious sound so people will actually reboot their computer more often.

  • Startup sound

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    The 1.1 Beta works great on my Intel-based Mac. I don't believe that you will have any issues on the newest models.

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