Macbook pro release date

Any idea when will be the release date for the new laptops?

b j t wrote:
asosav wrote:
Any idea when will be the release date for the new laptops?
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Hey, really? This is for ANYTHING about apple products. Even "What apple product do I use the most?".

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    recently bought new macbook pro , transferred data over and thought microsoft office would work on new laptop. Icons are there , although requires key codes and I don't have my key codes anymore as dog chewed the packaging!! should i just buy new software package ?  I am told that this is a microsoft issue not a mac issue !! But all my other data on the old macbook pro transferred over even the icons for office for mac on the bottom app bar. only now I can't open any of my word or excel files without key code! I thought that there may have been something that could be done before having to bite the bullet and fork out for new software package.??

    If this is Office for Mac 2011 then it will work on your new computer. Reinstall it. If you don't have the key code call Microsoft's activation line to get a new key code. Explain that you lost the original key code and want to install Office on your new computer.

  • New macbook pro release,  feedback response.

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    I sent the following letter to both Irish and US offices but haven't heard back other than a general email requesting I fill in a survey, which I did, but still no response even though they "love feedback".
    Any ideas who I can get in touch with? or anyone had a similar issue with a better outcome?
    letter sent as below:
    I recently purchased a mac book pro which I had been saving for, for months.
    I was really excited to order it and I specked it up as much as possible with 8Gb Memory and 7200rpm drive and 3.06 intel core 2 duo processor.
    Bought through my employee purchase scheme it cost me £2311.23, I was happy to spend it knowing that I’d got the fastest mac book pro available.
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    We count ourselves as loyal Apple customers and we really believe in your brand and it’s standard of quality, not only when it comes to products but service too.
    I think this is why I was so disappointed to find out that 19days after my new Macbook Pro was delivered on 26th March Apple brought out a new one, with no prior warning.
    It was my understanding that Apple had countdowns before new products were launched but there seemed to be no announcements of this new version being forthcoming on your site or any forums, when I was looking into purchasing mine. So I’m saddened to find that a mere few weeks after buying my Mac a better faster version is available and for less money too at £1986.93 (a saving of £324.30)
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    I understand that it’s within Apple’s rights and the terms I agreed to on purchase, but I feel as though given that I’m a loyal home and professional user of Apple products some sort of gesture of good will would go a long way to re-establish my trust in Apple.
    I hope to hear from you soon concerning this matter.

    Prouser: If it was your understanding that Apple regularly provided "countdowns" prior to the launches of new products, you were sadly and utterly mistaken. Apple is famous throughout the industry and the world for its secrecy about new product releases. Always has been. Probably always will be. Should Apple completely shut down sales of its current products by preannouncing the arrival of their replacements? If it did, the new models would have to be priced higher to offset the cost of remaindering existing inventory of the previous models.
    Everyone understands that technology marches relentlessly onward, growing more powerful and less expensive at every step. No matter when you buy, whatever you've bought will be succeeded by something faster and cheaper within weeks or months. How long would you have had to own your new MBP before a new model appeared, in order not to feel cheated? 21 days? 35? 60? Four months? A year? My first-generation unibody MBP is now 16 months old. Should I be outraged that Apple has introduced not one, not two, but three new iterations of 15" MBPs since I bought it? Well, I'm not. That's because I paid what I thought was a fair price for it when I bought it, and it did then and still does today everything I bought it for and more. The same can be said of yours. You got a great computer at a price you considered fair. Be happy about it.

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    Mar246 wrote:
    I have a MacBook Pro that I purchased two years ago. I spilled liquid on it and now it won't turn on. I know I will have to get a new one but I was wondering if there was any way for my old data like pictures and documents to be salvaged. Is there anyway apple can take out the memory in my old broken one and put it into my new one?
    Not meaning to be a nag (well, yes, I guess I am, a little bit), but this sort of issue is precisely why one should always have an up to date backup (or more than one, ideally), on hand.  Had you a backup, the state of the internal HD would be immaterial at this point and your data safe and sound.
    But, as others have pointed out, you may be able to just remove the internal drive. put it into an external enclosure and read everything off that way.

  • Is this a new Apple? Macbook Pro issues - Data recovery.

    I am a long time supporter of Apple (20 some odd years) but things seem different now and I am not talking about the "think different" from the old ad campaigns. Apple is a part of every aspect of my life with my personal machines and gadgets to the 50 some odd machines we use at work. One personal machine is a bad apple.
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    This machine is an exception to the rule and I will say with my 20 years of interaction with Apple, This case is an exception as well. I hope that it is not the future of the "consumer driven" Apple. I guess I am just out a couple of grand for equipment and time and a whole slew of code if I cannot get my data back. And it this experience has slightly tarnished my view of a great company.
    Anyone know some great data recovery folks in the Atlanta Area?

    Hi red dirt studio,
    Out of curiosity, any particular reason you didn't secure a proper backup for your machine. Especially because it sounds like a rather important machine (work related perhaps?) and the data on it is also of equal importance. I know in Sacramento there are a few data recovery places that start @ $500 after a $100 diagnostic/consultation.
    I realize, however, hindsight is 20/20. It always is... especially when it comes to data recovery.
    Calling into AppleCare and reporting an issue does not extend your one-year limited warranty, nor does it extend your AppleCare coverage (if you purchased it for the unit). So whoever told you that over the phone needs to recheck their training material and refresh the Terms & Conditions of the agreement. No where on the pages contained within ( does it make mention or stake claim to that "exception."
    Now, having worked in AppleCare (California offices) for several years I can attest that the one exception that Apple will honor is: "Documented in Warranty/Repeat Repair." Even prior to working for Apple, I had a machine covered after the 3 year AppleCare expired because the unit had been serviced under the scope of coverage for an issue that was now occurring again. Apple made it right and fixed the machine, granting me another 90 day coverage extension as result of the repair. To my knowledge that "grace period" after the warranty/AppleCare expires is 90 days from last repair of expiration of coverage window. Don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty confident on that number.
    Regarding your issue, you need to reach out to AppleCare over the phone and attempt to get some clarification. A phone call always starts off with one of two things: (1) a SN# for the product, or (2) a case number. If you were supplying a SN# for your MacBook Pro and the phone agent accidentally logged it under another product then that's not something you should be punished for and now held financially responsible to resolve on your own. Again, though, that's something you need to take up with AppleCare.
    You also indicated that the store wants to charge you for the HD replacement. So perhaps that answers my earlier question if the unit had AppleCare. I take it the unit does not? If it does, why are you paying to replace a defective HD?
    Lastly... I'll agree that Apple doesn't "package, process and ship" damaged equipment from their facilities in China. But that doesn't mean it won't arrived unharmed. There's a lot that can happen between when the box is sealed and then opened by the consumer.

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    Start up in Safe Mode
    Reset SMC.
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    If this does not help, contact Apple.

  • Retina MacBook Pro Manufacturing Date

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    Also if you can see on the box who fractured the screen since there's a lot of complaints about LG screens over Samsung ones!
    All answers are appreciated!

    No way - you'll just have to play the 'Retina lottery' and hope for the best.
    Everyone is not having IR issues with LG screens - or, if they do at first, it goes away after using the computer for a couple of weeks.
    You pays your money and you takes your chances...

  • Connect broken ibook to new macbook pro for data recovery

    Greetings all. I'm a long time mac user but this is my first post on the forums. Hope you folks can help me out.
    I want to transfer information from my old ibook g4 (running OS 10.5.?) to my new MacBook Pro (OS 10.6.3). The catch is the ibook's monitor is not working, but the hard drive is. Also I don't have a firewire cable to connect the 2 computes or (option 2) a cable that would allow me to connect the ibook to an external monitor. In order to get either of those cables I will have to find them online as the closest store is 2.5 hours away.
    As far as I can tell the ibook's wireless is still working but I don't think sharing is turned on...
    Can any of you think of a way I could make a wireless network btw the computers? I know the ibooks passwords there any way I can get in to the ibook and turn sharing on without having use of its monitor?
    Any ideas would be really helpful. Mac support said there is no way...but common I've done amazing things with my Mac there must be a way!
    Here's how this all came about:
    Last Monday my husband was using my sacred ibook G4, which has given me 6 years of flawless service and was continuing to work perfect until this day. He picked it up to move it to the living room and accidentally dropped it. It landed, open and running, on one of it's hinges, instantly smashing it.
    After taking the ibook apart and assessing the damage we decided the best option was replacement hence my brand new Macbook pro.
    There is no visible damage to the ibooks lcd screen, but somewhere in the components is/are lose connections preventing the monitor from working. The frame on the side where the power cable plugs in, at the monitors hinge, broke and damaged a green wire connected to the screen.
    Thanks for your consideration folks. I'd sure like to get the info off the ibook. PS my husband feels terrible about what happened but on the plus side hello new laptop!

    Apparently the transfer stopped part way through.
    Hmm that doesn't make a lot of sense unless....
    on the now exposed area, touches the frame the external monitor will stop working.
    So you must absolutely prevent that from happening..
    the external monitor will stop working.
    You're probably dragging the graphics chip down when that happens or causing a logic board power spike (probably negative) that crashes that chip or worse the CPU. What can happen if that keeps on is that a tiny fuse that's about a 1/32" wide and 1/8" long can blow on the logic board. It's in the inverter driver circuit. That will require someone to perform a microsolder repair. The other thing that could happen is that the inverter driver could blow up and that would be fatal afa the internal display is concerned.
    OK so I'm a little confused here:
    able to confirm that when plugged into a monitor the computer still works.
    .. the ibook monitor still powers up do you think it may be possible to repair the current monitor?..Computer starts up fine, monitor powers up as well but does not display any images other than blue blank screen
    So the computer was working and now it's not?
    I think you should stop trying to run the computer with that inverter cable damaged. If you can't affect a repair you should probably unplug the inverter cable. The bottom would have to come off as well as the lower shield.
    I happen to have a 14" 1.42 GHz iBook taken apart and can send you pictures of the position of that cable's socket if you email me. (I'm attempting a PMU swap with this 1.42).
    I'd like to get my info back
    So with that cable disconnected you'd need to see if the iBook will go into target mode.
    If not then I'd disconnect the LVDS cable and try it w/ the external monitor. Now that's going to require that the upper case come off as well as the upper shield. There are many gottchas to doing this, the worst of which is damaging the power button socket on the logic board.
    Ultimately you might have to pull the hard drive and use an external case/USB adapter to recover that info.
    they ran into problems during the transfer but they couldn't explain what happened
    "they" seem a bit inept!
    Message was edited by: spudnuty

  • How often are new models of MacBook Pros released?

    I want to get a new MacBook Pro, but I'm not sure whether or not i should wait til a new model comes out.

    There's no set schedule. The MacBook Pro (non-retina) was last updated in summer 2012 so it's overdue for a refresh. I would check
    If you can wait a few weeks, I would.

  • Retina Display - New MacBook Air Release Date

    Anyone know when the new MacBook Air will be available within the UK? I'm looking at purchasing one and don't want to buy, only to find out the new version comes out a few days later...

    Hey CCSMG,
    Thanks for the question. Are you referring to the new MacBook Air that was released this past week? If so, they are available in the UK as of today:
    MacBook Air - Buy MacBook Air Notebook Computers - Apple Store (UK)
    Apple (United Kingdom) - Apple Press Info - Apple Updates MacBook Air
    CUPERTINO, California—April 29, 2014—Apple today updated MacBook Air with faster processors and lower prices, making the perfect everyday notebook an even better value. Now starting at £749, MacBook Air features powerful processors, fast flash storage, 802.11ac Wi-Fi, up to 12 hours of battery life and Apple’s iLife and iWork apps, giving you everything you need to handle all your work, all day long.
    Matt M.

  • Late 2008 MacBook Pro Forgetting date and wifi settings

    I have a 15" refurb MBP 5,1. It just started forgetting the time, date and my 802.11 settings including the WPA encryption key.
    Previously I made a post in the Power Forum saying that when I plugged in the power adapter I got a message in the upper right saying "not charging" yet it really was. Now this.
    I ran a repair permissions and that didn't seem to have an effect.

    Happened to me the other day. First time date and wi-fi were lost. Second time only wi-fi. It has worked OK since then.
    It could be the back-up battery or an intermittent problem with the Non-volatile RAM. Might be a case of back to Apple for a replacement!

  • I want to find out my macbook pro purchase date?

    As above subject, i want to know the date of purchase. pls help
    Thanks in adv.

    If you registered it then check at Your Support Profile for Registered Purchases. You might also try entering the computer's serial number in Decode Mac Serial Number. Or try the following:
    Go to Lookup Mac Specs By Serial Number, Order, Model & EMC Number, Model ID @ and enter the last three characters of your computer’s serial number in the field that appears:

  • How to wipe my Macbook Pro clean of data

    How to wipe my Macbook Pro of data?

    What to do before selling or giving away your Mac
    This is the Mac Pro desktop forum. I requested your post be moved to the MacBook Pro laptop forum.

  • New Macbook pro won't connect to older external hard drive

    My old MacBook suddently died after seven years. It contained a lot of data that I had backed up on an external hard drive using TimeMachine and transferring files to it. When I hooked it up to my new MacBook Pro (released mid-2012 I think), I couldn't seem to connect. Any ideas why?

    does it show up in disk utility at all?
    Did you have a second NON time machine copy of vital data as should be the case?

  • MacBook Pro Repeatedly Loads Purple & Teal Stripe, Gray, Light Blue, Bright Blue and Bright Blue Stripe Screens Instead of OS after Optical Drive Replacement by Apple (PICTURES INCLUDED)

    17 inch March 26-29 (order date – shipping date) 2011 MacBook Pro, 256GB Solid State Drive, 2.3 GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7, 1 processer, 4 Cores, 256 KB L2 Cache per core, 8 MB L3 Cache, 8 GB Memory (8GB 1333MHZ DDR3 SDRAM - 2X4GB), AMD Radeon HD 6750M Video Card, Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 512 MB total of VRAM. 110 GBs of free/unused disk space remaining.
    Full Specs are in subsequent post.
    The issues described in the title continue even after I’ve reinstalled the operating system twice (Snow Leopard) and installed Mavericks (which is working fine and even faster). I’ve tried many commands to repair this.
    If anyone has experienced any of the symptoms above or below, your advice and response will be much appreciated as well as marked. These are the details:
    My Early 2011 MacBook Pro has had the typical blue screens, screen freezes and graphics issues since I bought it about three years ago but nothing like this and NEVER any load issues until about a month ago. That was when my superdrive replacement was put in.
    Since then my MacBook Pro will go into hard freezes or kernel panics. Then I’ll have to power it down manually and power it up manually. It’ll then refuse to load the OS until after multiple tries. It started out just 2 or 3, then 4 or 5, then 6-12, then 20. Now it takes over 30 boots to load the OS. These boot issues also occur even if it doesn’t freeze, i.e.: when I shut it down or restart it naturally (via the Apple menu, etc.).
    95% of the time it’ll load to a gray screen instead of the OS. 4% of the time it’ll load to a light blue screen. Then there are the others: the first time this happened it loaded to the striped purple and teal screen shown in the picture. This happened the next four times then intermittently for about 5 or so more times.
    It also loaded gray flickering screens. Flickering screens also occurred right before it froze and had to be manually powered down and up. Then it began to load regular gray and light blue screens and all flickering screens stopped. And then bright blue screens a couple times intermittently for a few days, sometimes with lines. Sometimes it’ll load to a blank/black screen as well. I’d reset the NVRAM and SMC but it still continued, happening multiple times a day, each time taking more and more hard shut downs and hard power ons to finally load the OS.
    Until I installed Mavericks, every time it finally loaded the OS Finder began indexing. After Mavericks this has occurred 95% of the time.
    After talking to Apple Support they had me do a NVRAM and SMC reset again over the phone. The MacBook Pro refused to load the entire time we were on the phone. After the call it got worse. It froze over 6 times that day and at worse took over 30 boots to load the OS.
    I finally had time to deal with it the next day when it froze again. After over 25 boots it loaded and I put in the Snow Leopard OS dvd and ran Disk Utility. I verified the hard drive and it said it was fine. Repaired the disk anyway and it gave this message at the end:
    “Updating boot support partitions for volume required”.
    Next I tried to start in safe mode and it just hung up for hours. Then started up in single mode and it loaded the OS. It then loaded normally for three times in a row. I reinstalled Snow Leopard. Everything loaded normally. I waited an hour or so and then I downloaded Mavericks. 5 or so hours later Mavericks was installed. Everything hardware wise was fine for a day and all software issues were easily fixable incompatibilities. My Mac was even faster with Mavericks. However, Photoshop did give a perhaps relevant message:
    “Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver, and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancements. Check the video card manufacturer’s website for the latest software.
    GPU enhancements can be enabled in the Performance panel of Preferences.”
    (I have OpenGL enabled in Photoshop and it was already checked when this error occurred).
    Two days ago I went to Disk Utility to repair permissions while logged in to a non-admin account. Verified and repaired the disk, then verified permissions. Everything fine. After repairing permissions however, it gave a weird error box:
    "Unapproved caller, SecurityAgent may only be invoked by Apple software".
    The box stayed “stuck” in the Disk Utility window. My MacBook Pro then failed to do anything. I manually powered it down and up. It loaded to a gray screen with the error message box again: "Unapproved caller, SecurityAgent may only be invoked by Apple software".
    It then refused to load anything else but this message box on a gray screen even after rebooting it multiple times in safe, verbose and single modes and after resetting the NVRAM and SMC. I went online with an iPad and entered in the error and got some advice. I tried to run fsck and erase the /var/folders/ via single user mode but it still loaded to a gray screen with the error message. I just decided to skip to the end and Cmd-R loaded into recovery mode and reinstalled Mavericks again. That worked: the message has not appeared since.
    Some people have said this error is related to a hard drive cable failure. I know that this cable was tampered with during the optical drive replacement procedures because I watched them do it.
    Everything was fine for a day. Then yesterday my MacBook Pro froze while trying to open a VLC file. It took 12 boots to load the OS.  I tried single mode once and verbose mode once. 10 times it loaded to gray screens, even in those mode. A Safe boot lead to a bright blue screen. Finally reset the SMC and it loaded on the 12th time.
    Just five hours ago the same thing happened except it took over 30 boots to load the OS. Single, verbose and normal boots, NVRAM and SMC resets lead to gray screens.  Safe boots lead to bright blue screens with and without lines (see pictures). Finally loaded on a normal boot.
    I know I should have tried safe booting, verbose, single and recovery modes, disk utility, fsck and other command methods earlier this month but in the end, these methods have not solved the problem anymore than resetting the NVRAM or SMC.
    There seems to be conclusive evidence that it’s a hardware problem, stemming from last month, the FIRST AND ONLY time my MacBook Pro was opened up. Maybe it’s the hard drive cable, but it could also be the graphics card and/or logic board (something that’s always been defective on this MacBook Pro, in my opinion). Many early 2011 MacBook Pro owners have given evidence to the latter possibility online.
    The first time it started it seemed to stem from me using iPhoto and Photoshop a lot. I had both running continuously for about two weeks. This is another reason for suspecting the graphics card/logic board is at fault (in addition to three years of screen/graphics glitches). And since the card is soldered to the board and the board connected to the cable...I also have serious battery draining issues, something else that got bad after the Apple Superdrive repair. And the battery is connected to the board...
    Also, since downloading Mavericks, windows from every app get blurry/fuzzy when I scroll or zoom in. I have read that this is happening to a lot of folks though for various reasons.
    I guess it could always be the hard drive. I just don’t know. I’m taking it in to Apple, but can't right away because it’s not local.  I know they’ll be able to run a test on the hard drive. I wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem (especially the purple and teal striped screen) before they start poking around, possibly creating another problem that goes beyond my Apple Care Plan allotment.

    Model Name: March 26-29 2011 MacBook Pro (order date – shipping date)
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,3
    Processor Name: Quad-core Intel Core i7
    Processor Speed:    2.3 GHz
    Number of Processors:    1
    Total Number of Cores: 4
    L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
    L3 Cache: 8 MB
    Memory: 8 GB Memory (8GB 1333MHZ DDR3 SDRAM - 2X4GB)
    HARD DRIVE: 256GB Solid State Drive
    DISPLAY: MBP 17" HR Antiglare WS Display
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M:
    Chipset Model: AMD Radeon HD 6750M
    Type:    GPU
    Bus: PCIe
    PCIe Lane Width:    x8
    VRAM (Total): 1024 MB
    Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
    Device ID: 0x6741
    Revision ID: 0x0000
    ROM Revision: 113-C0170L-573
    gMux Version: 1.9.24
    EFI Driver Version: 01.00.573
    Intel HD Graphics 3000:
    Chipset Model: Intel HD Graphics 3000
    Type:    GPU
    Bus: Built-In
    VRAM (Total): 512 MB
    Vendor: Intel (0x8086)
    Device ID: 0x0126
    Revision ID: 0x0009
    gMux Version: 1.9.24
    Color LCD:
    Resolution: 1920 x 1200
    Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
    Main Display:  Yes
    Mirror:  Off
    Online:  Yes
    Built-In: Yes
    Battery Information:
      Model Information:
      Serial Number:    C01111403GLDGKMAE
      Manufacturer: DP
      Device Name: bq20z451
      Pack Lot Code:    0000
      PCB Lot Code: 0000
      Firmware Version:  0406
      Hardware Revision: 0001
      Cell Revision:    1102
      Charge Information:
      Charge Remaining (mAh): 4583
      Fully Charged:    No
      Charging: Yes
      Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 7765
      Health Information:
      Cycle Count: 276
      Condition:  Normal
      Battery Installed: Yes
      Amperage (mA):    -4487
      Voltage (mV): 11306
    System Power Settings:
      AC Power:
      System Sleep Timer (Minutes):    15
      Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):  10
      Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):    15
      Wake on AC Change: No
      Wake on Clamshell Open: Yes
      Wake on LAN: No
      Current Power Source:  Yes
      Display Sleep Uses Dim: No
      GPUSwitch:  2
      Battery Power:
      System Sleep Timer (Minutes):    15
      Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):  10
      Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):    5
      Wake on AC Change: No
      Wake on Clamshell Open: Yes
      Display Sleep Uses Dim: No
      GPUSwitch:  2
      Reduce Brightness: Yes
    Hardware Configuration:
      UPS Installed:    No
    AC Charger Information:
      Connected: Yes
      ID:    0x0100
      Wattage (W): 85
      Revision: 0x0000
      Family: 0x0085
      Serial Number:    0x007ad8c5
      Charging: Yes
    Current operating system: 10.9.3 (Mavericks) ; Installed on 6/21/14
    Previous operating system:  10.6.8 (Snow Leopard); Installed 4/4/11
            Reinstalled multiple times. Last reinstall: 6/21/14

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    I have a HP laser jet 1022n,  my printer got a paper jam.   I took the paper out and the printer still says it has a paper jam.  I have power cycled at least a dozen times.  even tried getting driver updates. I even took the ink cartrige out and stil

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    Hi, In cell A1 i wish to insert a Tick Box In cell B1 i wish to insert a value of for example $100 In cell C1 I wish the value to be either 0 or $100 ; this based whether i tick the box in cell A1.  So if I don't tick the box then the value in C1 wou

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    Hi All, Is there a way to catch  a mapping fauilure and take an appropriate action like sending a fault message to the sender system? Does the fault message feature serve the same purpose? Will a fault message be always triggered if there's a mapping

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    when I view an page in either SPLIT or DESIGN view using Dreamweaver 8 it does not display the actual images or embedded video instead it shows the outline of the image as a grey box. I know it can be done but cannot find the option to display. How c

  • Local DB extraction Error

    Hi, While trying to extract Local DB below are errors Unable to establish synchronization session with server. The authentication system cannot find the user with the specified username. Please check that you have entered the username correctly or co