"Macintosh HD" available space issue

So I recently purchased this Mac (Retina MacBook 15", Late 2013) and everything was hunky-dory. However, recently, after playing some video games, I noticed that I was no longer able to save the game. The game in question (The Witcher) prompted me with a dialog box that says that there is no more space to save the game. I knew that I had over 300 GB free on my main partition, since I don't use a lot of it. But when I checked Disk Utility, this happened.
Here, it shows that there are only 18.9 MB left in free space. When I click on the actual partition, this is what I get:
Obviously, there is some disconnect between the actual partition and the hard drive itself. When I press "About This Mac," it also shows the correct amount of space:
Any help would be appreciated. I turned Time Machine on and off, rebooted, repaired Disk Permissions and the Disk, but nothing changed. Thanks!

Start up in Recovery mode, launch Disk Utility, select the startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name), and run Repair Disk (not Repair Permissions.) If any problems are found, repeat. Then restart as usual.
If you don't already have a current backup, you must back up your data before you take the above step. You may be able to back up, even if the system isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
Directory corruption in a MacOS journaled volume is always the result of a drive malfunction. It's not caused by power failures, system crashes, or anything else. You might choose to tolerate such a malfunction once in the life of a drive. If it's repeated, the drive must be replaced, or there is some other hardware fault that needs to be corrected. Ignoring repeated directory errors will result in data loss.

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    “Finder does not take into account the  Backups/ local snapshots,
    but disk utility includes them.”
    Disk space / Time Machine ?/ Local Snapshots
    Local backups

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    To summarize: You used an external Verbatim HD for your TM backups. Then, you stored some movie files on the "spare" space on the Verbatim drive. Now, Disk Utility isn't being recognized, and repair is disabled. Your home Samsung drive is working fine, but the Verbatim cannot be verified.
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    I hope someone will correct me if I'm incorrect, but I believe you've essentially lost your backups and media. I don't know how you can retrieve that clump of the now-undifferentiated data on the Verbatim drive. To retrieve any lost data, you're going to require another external drive that's larger in capacity, as well as data recovery software; don't expect encouraging results. If you're desperate, there are firms like Drive Savers that can offer a more comprehensive solution - at a cost.
    Post if you have questions, or additional concerns!

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       Do this twice.
       System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy

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    Not the case.  There is a sync issue.  I tried to un-sync all your music to remove it from the device, then restart (hold down the home button along with the sleep/wake button until you see the apple, then let go). as suggested in another thread, but cannot remove the music from my phone (in an attempt to free up space as you intimated.)

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    A thread that looked into RAID5.
    A good start, AMUG review of the Mac Pro 2008.
    NewerTech to use ODD SATA ports to attach your OEM and one other drive. Free up your four internal drive bays.
    Alternative to Apple Pro RAID - HighPoint RocketRAID 3522
    Barefeats: RAID 3 vs RAID 5 vs RAID 6
    AMUG Review HighPoint RocketRAID 3522
    4-drive RAID performance
    Estimating capacity:
    Personally, from using RAIDs, don't mix drives with different performance, platters, seek or firmware.

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    Flash P-Ram - no effect
    fsck -fy from single user - disk structure is ok, no errors.
    Run verify and repair permissions from the recovery partition. Had no effect.
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    Can't create a new user as there's no disk space.
    Only option I see is reinstalling the OS which I'm trying to avoid if I can.
    Any thoughts/Suggestions? Thanks.

    If you haven't done so, try a Safe Mode boot ..
    Startup your Mac in Safe Mode
    A Safe Mode boot takes a longer than a normal boot so be patient.
    Once you are in Safe Mode, click Restart from the Apple () menu.
    If that doesn't help, try locating a diagnostics log file.
    Open the Console app located in HD > Applications > Utilites
    Select:  System Diagnostic Reports  on the left.
    Copy and paste the most recent kernel panic or crash log in your Reply.
    Hopefully that will narrow down the problem.

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    All the other tools, for example Disk Utility and About this Mac/Storage show the correct information, which is that I have 115.46GB of free space on my Macintosh HD.
    Any idea what could cause this? Or has anyone else experienced similar problems?
    Oh, and I have Filevault 2 turned on.

    Maybe I should be a bit more specific:
    Currently the Get Info for Macintosh HD shows the following:
    Capacity: 249.82 GB
    Available: 282.69 GB
    Used: -- bytes (-- KB on disk)
    While for example df -k shows the following (which is accurate):
    $ df -k
    Filesystem                        1024-blocks      Used Available Capacity  Mounted on
    /dev/disk1                          243966468 152025216  91685252    63%    /
    devfs                                     181       181         0   100%    /dev
    map -hosts                                  0         0         0   100%    /net
    map auto_home                               0         0         0   100%    /home
    localhost:/ezioMnNoyRVU8Vj-YxC4cJ   243966468 243966468         0   100%    /Volumes/MobileBackups
    No matter which way you look at it, the Finder currently calculates the available (free) space incorrectly.

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    I had a similar issue while installing the update for my iPhone 4 32 GB.  I made sure I backed up both my iPhone and iPad before updates just in case anything crazy were to happen. (It never fails, those of us who are anxious enough to download huge updates right away are the ones that run into the glitches and slow servers!)
    Anyways, I had around 9.2GB left before the update.  During the process, not only did my iPhone fill up, the meter at the bottom said I was over my capacity by 6.4GB.  I almost lost my mind when I saw that, but let the update continue. 
    Luckily, when everything was done, I re-synced my iPhone with my computer, and I got all of my space back to around 9.0GB.  Still not what it was before, but I'll blame that on extra files and new features that came with iOS 5.
    Hopefully the rest of you who are having this issue have your iDevices clear things up for you.  If not, I'm sure Apple will have an update available in no time to address the issues a lot of people have been having during this update.  Good luck!

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