"Made on a Mac" change COLOR

Posible to change the color of the "made on a Mac"?

mactreouser wrote:
Conclusion, we might need to edit the image in the editing software and re-insert into iweb...that's only way...
am i right?:D
The suggestion above of placing a colored shape over the logo in iWeb (via Insert > Shape > Rectangle) is the only one that doesn't involve editing software — but it's limited in its flexibility.
...So unless someone else chips in here with an alternative suggestion within iWeb, you're right, you'll need to follow the other suggestions of editing the image in editing software and re-inserting it into iWeb.
These Apple docs may also be of interest:
_Apple web badges_
_Guidelines for Using Apple Trademarks and Copyrights_

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              a. There was a ton of complaints about the software not working when I checked reviews, but also a ton that said everything was great. most of them were mac users though.
              b. I'm not sure if problems would still be posed, even while calibrated, by me having a wide gamut monitor.
              c. I'm a terrible excuse for a human being and I think the colors showing up brighter on the wide gamut screen is pretty (I should just make my images this bright on a normal screen and there won't be any issues. >.>)
    2. Set Firefox to color manage (easy enough)
    3. Change my photoshop working space to sRGB (since they'll have been calibrated at this point)
    3. Accept the fact that most of the people who look at my work will be doing so on a monitor that is almost certainly uncalibrated, and I can't control what they will see on my screen, but I CAN control if the colors are -actually- what I want them to be on any properly calibrated device. which is probably the best way to go anyways.
    4. Make paintings, have fun.
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    - Brendavid

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    hey i m working on my illustrator and i m having many problems with my swatches
    for example i use the green phosphorique i don't get this color i get another green
    and many colors too it's like illustrator chooses for you the only green color
    so please i kind of need help i can show you pictures of that i print screen viewed them.. so anybody who can help... pleaaaaaaaaaase contact me because i m having a project now..
    my e mail is [email protected] i would be thankful
    i even tried to download the illustrator on my friend's computer also i m having this problem ....

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    You can't expect everything to be thrown in there, especially for free. Beyond the basics, pretty much anything else would have a personal preference aspect to it.
    GraphicConverter is one of the few commercial applications I have - definitely worth the money.
    For something free, there is also Gimp.

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    Frustrated PC to Mac user.

    It sounds like you doing it correctly. I just created a test message, selected a couple of words and then clicked Format - Color and chose my color. The only text that changed color was what was selected. If that doesn't do it for you then I'd recommend using your AppleCare telephone support, you have 90 days of free support so take advantage of it!

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    Then I clicked OK.
    The sizes changed properly, but the color won't change colors at all.  It stays an ugly putty brown, no matter that I have tried every single way in that color extension box pull-down menu.
    Any help will be much appreciated.

    Try this:
    Set the background color (lower left) to blue
    Go to File>new>blank file. Enter width & height in inches for the desired document, resolution 240-300px/in for printing, background contents: background color.

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    Hi Kiran,
    no its not possible through Theme editor also ,because these colors are coming from Compiler which u are using.

Maybe you are looking for

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