Magic Mouse and Pages on iPad?

Is it possible to use Apple's Magic Mouse (or other bluetooth mouse) in the iWork applications on the iPad? I realize the interface is designed for the touch screen, but would a mouse pointer appear if the mouse is connected? If not, is it possible for a third-party app to provide mouse functionality?

is it possible for a third-party app to provide mouse functionality?
I really doubt it, but you can search the app store yourself for that.

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  • How I got the Bluetooth Magic mouse and Aluminum keyboard to work in XP

    NOTE: The following steps fixed my issue. I thought I would share what worked for me but I really don't ever visit these discussion groups. I used a combination of Sysinternal tools to isolate what was causing my issue and rectified it.
    I couldn't for the life of me get the bluetooth magic mouse and keyboard working in a bootcamp'd windows xp. Here are the steps that I performed to finally get it to work. The assumptions are that you are running a clean XP build with SP3 and all windows updates installed.
    1. Using a USB mouse and keyboard. Insert the OS X install disc into the drive and run through the bootcamp drivers install. (These steps are outlined at Page 12 in the Apple Boot Camp Installation Guide: Let the installers run per apple instructions in the bootcamp installation guide. At the end it will want to reboot. Reboot the system.
    2. After the system reboots login and run the Apple Software Update utility to update from bootcamp 3.1 to 3.2. It will run through a bunch of installers and ask to reboot at the end. Reboot.
    3. After the system reboots login and go to start=>run and type "services.msc" to bring up the services control panel.
    4. Double-click the "Bluetooth Support Service" to open the properties.
    5. Go to the "log on" tab and look to see what is set. If it is set to "NT Authority\LocalService" then click above it to change to "Local System account." Then click "OK." It will tell you the changes won't take effect until the service is restarted. No worries.
    6. You will be back in the main services control panel. Make sure the "Bluetooth Support Service" is highlighted and look up to the left and select "restart the service."
    7. Close all the open windows and then go to start=>run and type "control panel" and hit enter.
    8. Double-click the "Bluetooth devices" control panel applet and follow the Apple instructions provided on Page 18 of the guide referred to earlier. Start with the mouse first. Stop when done with the mouse and don't continue on to the keyboard yet.
    9. At this point my mouse was "installed" but did not show "connected" in the bluetooth devices applet. I then highlighted the mouse and clicked the "properties" button down to the right.
    10. Once in the properties of the mouse I selected the "services" tab. My issue before making the switch to "Local System" account for the Bluetooth services was then when I tried to click the check box to enable "Drivers for keyboard, mice, etc (HID)" I would get an "access denied" error. Now that the switch has been made you should be able to click that check box without error. Click OK after enabling.
    11. You will suddenly see systray (lower right of the screen where the clock is) saying that new hardware has been detected and enabled. Once this is all done you will see "connected" below the device in the Bluetooth applet. Give your mouse a go. It should be working now. Sweet!
    12. Follow the steps in the Apple guide for your keyboard. This should work too now. Sweet!
    Best of luck.

    It depends on how far it is and how thick your walls are. If there plasterboard partitions and only 10 feet apart then probably.
    If you have a mobile phone with bluetooth, then try sending the computer a picture of file from similar distances to that you intend using the keyboard, if it works then a bluetooth keyboard and mouse should.

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    Is there a solution simple as this one, or do I have to buy a Bluetooth extender in order to use my magic mouse and wireless keyboard? If so, which BT extender do you suggest and what is its range?
    Thank you!

    If you are still under warranty, contact Apple to get it serviced. You can also visit an Apple Store or Authorized Apple Service Provider to get it looked at.
    iPhone - Contact Support - Apple Support

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    If so, whats the cure and why does Apple not admit to it?

    it's rare that a mouse would perform in a different manner between different applications
    I would troubleshoot with other apps to see if it was just adobe apps
    and then I would troubleshoot by trying a different mouse
    could be the mouse was defect

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    Try this page.
    It will tell you which gestures are available with Trackpad and Magic Mouse respectively.
    Hope this helps.

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    bburik, I do not think so. Ipad is all touch screen, and the pointer will not show up on the ipad. The ipad is made to only be touch screen. But what you can do, is buy an external keyboard for the ipad, and then you can at least type with an actuall keyboard. But no magic mouse.

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    I have tried using bettertouchtool and magicprefs, but it appears that neither accommodates this feature easily. If there were a keyboard shortcut to employ this feature then I think I can assign it to a magic mouse gesture via BTT or Magic Prefs, but I cannot find such a keyboard shortcut.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    It could be you are approaching it incorrectly.   It can be a tricky little gadget that actually works with minimal pressure.
    Try turning over the mouse so the compartment panel faces you, optical sensor topmost.  Then holding the mouse at each side but not on the panel itself, flick the small, black rectangular panel downwards.   The top of the panel should spring out, though it may require you to manipulate it fully away from the mouse.
    Once you have replaced the batteries, starting at the bottom reverse the procedure then clip into place.   Remember to move the small switch next to the optical sensor upwards which should turn on the green light.   Then click twice to connect.

  • Magic mouse and trackpad not working

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    I tried everything, preferences, bluetooth config, but nothing works.
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    Same for the trackpad.
    My second mac is also seen, and "connected ?" , but when I try to open the connection it fails also.
    System is lion 10.7.5. imac 3,6 Ghz corei5 from 2011.

    Found out myself how to solve the problem.
    Simply resetting the PRAM and everything was ok.
    Thanks anyway

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    Barry, thanks, still not working.  I've tried every thing I can think of or have read, what I'm concluding is that there is either a problem with Mavericks or something has changed on how bluetooth works in Mavericks. Did not have this problem for the last 4 years. I can reproduce the problem when I close the laptop. I had the Bluetooth and wireless card checked out and replaced about 3 weeks ago. Problem has continued.

  • WiFi, Magic Mouse and a MacBook...

    Hi All,
    I have a weird issue. I'm using my Magic Mouse and Aluminum MacBook 13" for months now. I'm also using TIme Capsule as my Wifi-N router.
    I got myself external display couple of weeks ago, and am using my MacBook in close clamshell mode since. Also from that time I noticed, that as soon as my laptop performs some sort of heavy network operation (Time Capsule backup, copying files over local network) my mouse starts being unresponsive and rather unpleasant to work with. As soon as the heavy wi-fi job is done - mouse comes back to regular performance.
    I read a bit about issue (altough no one mentioned working in close clamshell mode) and tried to reset all the settings (SBM or whatever it's called in macbook), change wi-fi channels etc... with no luck
    Thanks in advance.

    Well, what do you know, just five days ago Apple released 7.5.1 firmware update for Time Capsule which solved my issue

  • Right-click on Magic Mouse and Volume Controls on Wireless keyboard suddenly stopped working

    I am running Mavericks 10.9.2 on an Late 2012 iMac.
    One morning the right click on my Magic Mouse and the volume controls on the wireless keyboard stopped working.
    These mouse and keyboard themselves seem fine; they work okay ehn used on a MacBook.
    Everything else about the mouse and keyboard is fine.
    This seems to be a problem what has been around for a whole, with a wide variety of solutions.
    I have read
    and have tried
    Clicking on and off the 'right click' checkbox in the Mouse System Preferences - No effect
    Deleting /Library/Preferences/ - No effect
    Restarting in Safe Mode - When starting in safe mode, the computer crashes out and restarted
    Resetting NVRAM / PRAM - Is it CTRL+CMD+P+R or CMD+OPT+P+R ?  Neither work for me (I do try it using a wired keyboard, but never get the double chime)
    Upgraded to 10.9.2 - no effect
    Moved the /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHIDMouse.kext and AppleHIDKeyboard.kext and and back in (and re-authenticate) - No joy
    Moved the /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHIDMouse.kext and AppleHIDKeyboard.kext from a working MacBook on same OS - Made the keyboard misbehave even more
    Has anyone got any other cures for this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Here is what worked for me.  My scrolling on the mighty mouse and a few buttons on my wireless keyboard weren't working properly.  I reset the SMC, a link explaining the process is below.  Hope it helps you too!

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  • Apple Magic Mouse and ID

    I've recently purchased the lovely Apple Magic Mouse and am finding it quite difficult to use with InDesign CS4 - other ID versions would be the same I imagine. With this mouse you scroll by stroking its top surface, rather like a trackpad. This is excellent in other applications but in ID, because the pasteboard area is so large and the sensitivity of the mouse so high (even when scrolling is turned down to the minimum in its preferences), it's very easy to make your document shoot sideways off the screen. I expect Illustrator would have similar problems.
    Is there a way in which the ID pasteboard can be resized or constrained? Maybe someone will come up with a prefs panel to control the new mouse's scrolling more precisely - but not yet.
    Thanks for any ideas.
    John Mallinson

    I agree, it's far too sensitive. The core problem is that we have become so accustomed to resting our fingers on the surface of mice, because they always require a *definite* press, or scroll action. Now the magic mouse is so sensitive to ANY touch that it reacts to touches meant to push the mouse or were not meant to contact the surface of the mouse.
    At first I liked it a bit, but the more I use it, I think it's Apple's worst mouse ever. Puck included (at least you could buy a housing to put them in). This mouse doesn't "seem" to track the same as all other wired mice I've ever used. The touch interface is great for vertical scrolling, but as pointed out here, far to sensitive in circumstances where such scrolling is not desired. Perhaps this could be rectified with a *very* comprehensive preference panel, ie one that lets a user specify the amount of scroll or movement required to initiate a swipe/scroll. The Wacom tablet panel has such prefs, for each program and an overall control as well (ie all unspecified apps). My other major complaint against the mouse is the overall shape. It is simple not comfortable or natural. I prefer a more bulbous mouse, since like many of you I imagine, I end up using the back of my palm to "push" the mouse around or rest my fingers on it. The Magic doesn't lend to resting on it at all. I also need to lift it up, or scroll it farther to the side of the screen than the room I have on my mouse surface. With my Mighty Mouse I pick it up by the sides and put it back down somwhere in the center of my mouse area. I have a dual screen setup, and my coworkers all have 24" iMacs, so it can still be a lot of screen space to traverse.
    My Magic Mouse was a gift, but I still feel the $70 for it was a waste. I use it primarily because the scroll ball on the Mighty gets dirty fast and does not respond, and at that I rest the Magic next to my keyboard to scroll but still use the Mighty 95% of the time. If Apple would have made the exact same Mighty Mouse but only made the center area where the ball is, a touch sensitive surface, I would be in mouse heaven (they could delineate the area with a small inscribed line or something).
    IMHO big Apple Fail.
    aka SuperMacGuy

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    It sounds like you have assigned the primary click on the trackpad to something else, perhaps a gesture.
    Use your mouse, login and then open the Trackpad preference pane and see how you have the interface configured.
    Oh and you can have both the Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad powered up and working at the same time. No need to keep moving batteries around.

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    I've been using the Apple rechargables in my keyboards/mice/trackpads for over a year now.  They last 3-4 weeks in my usage pattern but I have spares ready to go when they get weak.

Maybe you are looking for

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