Magic mouse dilemma....

Right, try and work this one out if you will please ladies and gentlemen...
I have a magic mouse that i've had for around a year and it works absolutely fine with my macbook pro of a similar age, no issues... Recently the track pad gave up on my mac mini, late 2013 model so I thought, no drama, I'll use me magic mouse... Connects fine, everything is fine other than the tracking, very jittery.. Still using same mouse mat as with macbook pro where as said, no issues... No drama I thought, I'll just go out and get another magic mouse, one for each, so brand new magic mouse, still performing with my mac mini the same as the old one, jittery as ya like tracking,,, ):
Tried new mouse with macbook, fine, no issues..!! All on the same mousemat this is.. Here's the sting, when I use either of my mice on my sofa instead of my mousemat, they both work fine with my mac mini...!!!! How on gods earth can that be...????
Any help here would be most gratefully appreciated coz this has proper done me brain in... ):
I don't want to use my sofa as a mousemat obviously and as said, both mice work fine on mousemat with macbook, brain damage....!!

Well, just had a bit of a moment of clarity I think.... There's me thinking my trackpad had gone west coz it was doing the same thing, jittery tracking so that ended up in the bin, now I've had the same problem with the new mouse...!!! And I've also noticed that my keyboard connection is dropping out sometimes as well, only when not in use, when typing it's fine but starting to think it may be a bluetooth receiver problem on my mac mini, does that sound feasible...?? Altho I'm not quite sure how that would explain my mouse working perfectly on my sofa...!!
I'm not used to having this kind of thinking with apple lol, I've never had any problems with anything before...!!

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    Anyone have any comments, advice, suggestions. All comments would be much appreciated.
    Message was edited by: Anthony MacCarthy
    Message was edited by: Anthony MacCarthy

    Can't predict the future, but I understand the dilemma with regards to which is a better mouse.
    For app switching, there is a way to do such, but at the cost of a lost function: -mouse/

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    Thanks for the advice.  I was slightly cautious about buying a Magic Mouse on E-Bay so I did buy a new device from an online retailer (Pixmania) that was selling this item for £50.90 which is a little bit cheaper than Apple.
    So I have heeded your warning before reading your posting, but I can see the dilemma of buying a pre-owned device.
    Best Wishes for 2014.

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    It could be you are approaching it incorrectly.   It can be a tricky little gadget that actually works with minimal pressure.
    Try turning over the mouse so the compartment panel faces you, optical sensor topmost.  Then holding the mouse at each side but not on the panel itself, flick the small, black rectangular panel downwards.   The top of the panel should spring out, though it may require you to manipulate it fully away from the mouse.
    Once you have replaced the batteries, starting at the bottom reverse the procedure then clip into place.   Remember to move the small switch next to the optical sensor upwards which should turn on the green light.   Then click twice to connect.

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    Does anyone have suggestions to get it fixed? Smooth scrolling is selected in mouse preferences.
    Kind regards,

    Same problem here. As well, every few minutes, the mouse doesn't scroll at all until I've scrolled up and down two or three times. Other forums have posts about this problem, too. Things that didn't help:
    • quitting/restarting Safari
    • restarting
    • resetting PRAM
    • turning off smooth scrolling
    The problem occurs independently of:
    • Flash websites
    • complex pages
    • currently loading pages (active, or background tabs)
    • any other wireless activity

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    Acredito que com uma adoção via hardware do terceiro click, com um gesto nativo do próprio mouse, traria grandes benefícios para todos que utilizam este Magic.
    Alguém sente falta, ou sou apenas o único?!

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    please help me

    Take a look in system preferences > mouse and see if your mouse buttons are enabled.

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  • Is anybody else struggling with an intermittent connection when using the Magic Mouse/Trackpad ONLY on Boot Camp?

    I've seen thousands of posts about Bluetooth connection issues and interference and stutter/lag for both the Magic Mouse and Trackpad (affecting both Mac OS X and Windows under Boot Camp) but my problem is different.
    To summarise my setup, I use:
    - Retina MacBook Pro (lid closed or open, doesn't make a difference to this problem)
    - Thunderbolt Display
    - Wireless Keyboard
    - Magic Trackpad (have also tried a Magic Mouse and experience similar issues to the Trackpad)
    And in Mac OS X, everything works perfectly. The keyboard and trackpad work smoothly when I'm 6-7 metres from the machine, whether or not the laptop lid is open or closed, and whether or not the Thunderbold Display is connected.
    But on to my problem: the bluetooth connection is incredibly unreliable/intermittent when in Windows (I run Windows 7 64-bit and Boot Camp 4.0, and got both devices connected without any trouble via Bluetooth).
    But during usage, the cursor stutters/lags frequently, and tap to click (when enabled) seems to get triggered by mistake all the time (even when I'm not touching the Trackpad or even at the computer, clicks get registered).
    The Wireless Keyboard is perfect, and works well 5 metres from the machine. The Mouse and Trackpad, though, don't even work reliably when they are 6 inches from the machine. The built-in trackpad on the laptop works perfectly too, in Windows and Mac.
    I spent a week assuming I was suffering from Bluetooth interference, so I tried:
    - using the laptop with the lid open
    - removing the Thunderbolt display completely and trying the Magic Trackpad
    - repositioning items on my desk
    - disabling wifi
    All of these adjustments made minor differences to how good/bad the Trackpad was, but none came close to fixing the problem or making it work as smoothly as under Mac OS X. It was only after doing all of this that I realised perhaps it was just a Apple driver for Windows issue, so I booted into Mac OS X and tested everything out, and sure enough, it's all perfect. But back into Windows, the Trackpad doesn't work reliably at all.
    Obviously, the hardware is not at fault, and I assume the signal strength doesn't vary between operating system (why would it?) so I'm left believing this must be a driver issue. The TrackPad and Magic Mouse drivers have been out for a couple of years, so I'm surprised they can still be this bad. I tried both the latest driver from Boot Camp 4.0 ( for the Trackpad, and also the older one from Boot Camp 3.2 ( and both are equally bad for me.
    So my question is: has anybody else struggled with using the Trackpad (or Magic Mouse) with Boot Camp 4.0 and Windows 7 64-bit, whilst finding it to be perfect under Mac OS? I haven't found many posts complaining about the Windows driver, which is why I assumed it was an interference issue. But I'm almost sure it isn't, having spent 2 weeks investigating.
    Any thoughts/suggestions/answers much appreciated!

    After much testing, I have found the cause of lagging/jumpiness on the Bluetooth Magic Mouse and Magic TrackPad in Boot Camp. Hopefully this will help others:
    The drivers for the Broadcom 802.11n Wireless Adapter have a setting called "Bluetooth Collaboration" that is Disabled by default. Enabling this option removes the problem instantly. My Magic Trackpad now works flawlessly, even if I stand 6 metres from the machine. It now works just as well as under Mac OS. The setting can be found under:
    Control Panel > Device Manager > Network Adapters > Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter (right click and choose "Properties". Under the "Advanced" tab, highlight the setting named "Bluetooth Collaboration", then change it to Enable. Then click OK.
    I narrowed the problem down to the wireless card by disabling ALL startup services and processes for Windows, then re-enabling one by one. As soon as I enabled the Windows Wireless Service, the problem came back. Similarly, disabling the Wireless Card inside the Network and Sharing Center (or Device Manager) removes the problem. This led me to believe it must be a driver issue with the wireless card, since the problem didn't occur with the Magic TrackPad under Mac OS, or on my mother's Windows 7 64-bit computer. So when I went into the Driver Properties to check for an update, I found this setting about Bluetooth Collaboration.
    I really hope this helps others trying to use Bluetooth devices under Boot Camp. All Apple notebooks use the Broadcom card (and have done for years), so this driver is installed for almost anybody using Boot Camp on an Apple notebook. I'd assume this problem would affect anybody using Boot Camp + wifi + a Bluetooth device.

  • Cannot get Magic Mouse to work in Windows 7 64-bit using Boot Camp

    I recently purchased a Magic Mouse and installed it on the Mac OS X partition of my MacBook Pro. After successfully installing on the Mac side, I switched to Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit using Boot Camp to install on the Windows partition. When I try to "Discover" a new Bluetooth device, the Magic Mouse does not show up in the list of devices (the mouse is powered on and next to the computer).
    I am using the most recent version of Boot Camp (3.0.2) and have updated Windows 7. Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, is there a fix for it?
    I appreciate any help!

    OK, that is a Bluetooth mouse so open Windows Devices and Printers>Add a Device Toggle the power (on the mouse) off and then on. he mouse should appear in the window, follow instructions to add it.

  • My magic mouse is now jumping around every time I pick it up / put it down. It started in the last few days. Any ideas?

    Hi all -
    I looked around the forums and couldn't find an existing solution...
    This afternoon, I started using my Magic Mouse again, after about a week without turning it on. The mouse now jumps around erratically and sends spurious click commands - menus pop up all over the place, links are clicked, apps opened, etc. Usually it takes the form of the mouse jumping 1-8" to the left, and it seems proportional to the impact - if I put it down normally, it jumps about 4" to the left. If I put it down a little harder then normal, it usually jumps to the upper left corner.
    This ONLY seems to happen when I pick up the mouse to reposition it on the mouse pad. If I slide it smoothly along the pad, then there don't seem to be any issues.
    It has been in my backpack, and was turned on (I realized this afternoon when I took it out), so I wondered if it might have been the batteries. I checked them, and they're fine. It also had trouble connecting, though, and I had to cycle both the mouse and BlueTooth on the MBP.
    I also saw several posts here that said it might be the optics, so I tried blowing those out, but they look crystal clear.
    Just to be safe, I also updated the Wacom tablet drivers to the latest, no luck.
    MBP (July 2011) 15" i7, upgraded to 8 G RAM
    Lion 10.7.4
    Magic Mouse
    Wacom Intuos 5 tablet
    no external monitors
    It's possible this started when I installed the Wacom drivers, since it 'feels' kinda like using a tablet in absolute mode, rather than mouse mode - but with the mouse hardware. I have not tried swapping out the mouse for another one, nor tried this mouse with another Mac. I can try those in the next few days when I get an opportunity, but figured I'd ask in the meantime.
    I'm suspicious of either the Wacom tablet (but I can't imagine there would be a problem, as SO many people would have experienced it already).
    I'm also suspicious that maybe something has been jiggled loose inside the mouse, but have no idea how to tell.
    Can anyone save me a trip to the (distant) genius bar?

    hey try a smc reset
    EDIT (smc reset
    Shut down the computer.
    Plug in the MagSafe power adapter to a power source, connecting it to the Mac if its not already connected.
    On the built-in keyboard, press the (left side) Shift-Control-Option keys and the power button at the same time.
    Release all the keys and the power button at the same time.
    Press the power button to turn on the computer. 
    Note: The LED on the MagSafe power adapter may change states or temporarily turn off when you reset the SMC.)
    if that doesnt help look at replacing the batteries in your magic mouse and try it then
    if the issue still presists take it into a apple store and they can test it there to see whats up

  • I use an iMac (27" 3.4) and have problems with the Magic Mouse. It does not use contact, but opens useless and unrelated submenus with every click, even on the empty desktop. I can't shift, open or close pages. Has anyone out there the same problem?

    I use an iMac 27" (mid 2011). Until recently I had OSX 10.6.8 installed, but both, the HDD and SSD had to be replaced, and I lost all the memory.
    After the repair through Apple Care I had OSX 10.7.5. (Lion) installed, which developed a Magic Mouse problem.
    Unlike with most users, I have no problems with connection, but grapple with a different kind of erratic behaviour.
    All fancy stuff is turned off in the mouse preferences. When I try to move, open or close pages, unrelated submenus pop up and hinder the
    required task. No matter how often I click, these menus stay there, and they even come up when clicking on the bare desktop.
    It renders the mouse absolutely useless, as no work can be done with it.
    The first 'Magic Mouse' had depleted batteries every few days, despite switching it off after use.
    I was supplied a new Mouse, which does better battery-wise, but the problems are the same. I can't get a result by clicking on any link, due to
    the pop-up menus, so both 'Magic Mice' are totally useless.
    At present I am using the old USB mouse from my Mac Pro, and that works still o.k.
    The problem are not the mice, but the software. The first 2 weeks after installation of OSX 10.7.5 the Magic Mouse worked though.
    I have no idea as to what the reason may be.
    Has anyone in the community ever experienced that particular problem. Any hint would be welcomed.
    Thank you!

    Not using any mouse pad, I have a very smooth desktop. But I just tried to use a sheet of A4 printing paper, but no result, the problem persisted.
    Someone on this forum suggested, that USB3 may interfere with the magic mouse.
    I have 2 LaCie HDD's about 70 cm away from the mouse, I use them on Thunderbolt. But in operation or not - the result is the same, the mouse plays up! Just now I was clicking the desktop and the mouse created a new folder!!
    Thanks for the advice, Bee
    Cheers, Gerd

  • Most of the time when i click my magic mouse on an item it gives me options like back, open new page, etc.

    When I try to use my magic mouse, most of the time it won't open an item but instead will give me options like: back, open new page, open link in new window, and I am actually on top of for instance, the comment field in facebook...It takes several attempts of clicking off the entire page to get it to just open the link or respond appropriately...

    the mouse performs a right click instead of a left click. Check your mouse preferences in the system settings.

  • Scrolling and rightclicking with magic mouse doesnt  work anymore

    Suddenly scrolling and rightclicking with magic mouse doesnt work any more. Left clicking and cursor moving works normal. I have checked the system preferences for the mouse and find nothing strange or unchecked. Any ideas?

    Also tried the universal access thing. Doesnt work.

Maybe you are looking for