Magic stable OS X + QT combo for FCP

I'm self-moderating and moving this from a different thread:
I just ordered my Mac Pro and will be sticking with FCS1 (FCP 5.1.4) for now. I will be doing a fresh and squeeky clean install and want to make sure I have a rock solid system from the start.
Shane Ross wrote:
Magic Combo for FCP 5.1.4:
OS 10.4.11 or 10.4.10
QT 7.1.6. 7.3 also works fine...but 7.1.6 is solid.
What about using with OS X 10.5? I'm looking forward to the OS upgrade which comes along with the hardware.

Zebulun wrote:
Do yourself a favor and move to FC Studio 2.
Is that an offer to cover the cost?
I very much want to move to FCS2, I don't need to be talked into it at all -- but it just is not in my budget at the moment. I've already sunk into as much debt as I can handle with the machine upgrade.
Zebulun wrote:
Shane is right with those versions. Do a bit of searching and you'll find folks have problems with QT 7.4.x and FCP 5.1.4
I actually haven't had any issues at all running FCP 5.1.4 with QT 7.4.1 on OS X 10.4.11. So, I guess I'm one of the lucky few.

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    meant as an addendum:
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    Best wishes

    Hi Thomas, that's it!
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    Glad I cheked because it was in Pal - thought the conversion in DVDxDVPro looked a bit ropey.
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    Thanks again for the answer - and so quick on a Sunday too!
    Kind regards

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    It's not a bad install of Mountain Lion. I've had the same thing happen to me, but it affected not only Mail, but a variety of other programs including iPhoto and MS Office, where I had to delete preferences, caches, and reinstall the OS as well as the program itself. I'm still having issues with Mail, so I've gone to another program.
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    Here's a thread that helped me with iPhoto:

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    Do you have these codes because this will be your app? Or is this a "loan" from the school to install on your machine? Do you use your own Apple ID to redeem the code and install the app?
    If it is your app, then you may install it on as many Macs as you own or have in your control.

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    Here is a link to apples spec page:

    sarecco wrote:
    Welcome to the family. if you are not familiar with the Macintosh operating system, get yourself a book.
    sarecco wrote:
    I want to go with an 8 core either Two 2.26GHz, OR 2.66GHz? Is the 2.2 fast enough with FCP?
    Either will work fine.
    sarecco wrote:
    How much ram do i need?
    As much as you want but 8G will be adequate. More might not help significantly.
    sarecco wrote:
    Do I need to stripe 2 sata drives together for the video?
    Depends on the video you're trying to use or if you want to do 9 camera multiclips. Maybe.
    sarecco wrote:
    Which video card?
    The stock 4870 is the gold standard for Motion; the current rev of FCP does not care much about the GPU but we are hoping future revs will use the card directly.
    sarecco wrote:
    Can you recommend any other software/hardware that will help me?
    Umm, withotu knowing what you need to do, of course not.
    sarecco wrote:
    No sweat, ignore those other guys. We see this post about once a week around here so you can easily research it on the forum. Strongly urge you to locate your local Macintosh user group.

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    R&amp;B wrote:
    … And since you can't just export a sequence to Motion …
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    I don't own Automatic Duck so I don't know how that particular application goes about doing this, but the only way I can think of doing it is through a QuickTime Export Component. A-Intro/chapter1_section1.html

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    Simon Ubsdell has created one in Motion for FCP X.
    Download his to see how he did it.

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    Appreciate any replies

    Most of FCP's speed in performing functions is directly related to processor speed. The only way to increase performance would be to use a Mac with faster processors. Performance is also related to data throughput, so if you're working with high data rate video formats, a fast RAID and/or SATA (or eSATA) media storage solution would help.
    The exception to FCP performance is when rendering/processing FX Plugs; they are dependent on the power of the graphics card.
    Motion is mostly dependent on the power of the graphics card.
    There is no way that I'm aware of that you can speed up RAM. Having the extra RAM will just mean that you can successfully work with more applications open at the same time.

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    DV, HDV, DVCPRO HD (possibly) and maybe AVCHD only. Those are the ONLY formats you can edit. I say possibly with DVCPRO HD because the ONLY drives you can use on an iMac are firewire drives. Those are fine for DVCPRO HD (Firewire 800 required), but only for working with P2 DVCPRO HD...nothing from tape. You only have one firewire bus, so capturing using that bus for the camera, AND for the drive is sketchy. Will work most of the time, but not all of the time. Forget Uncompressed SD or HD...not gonna work. The ONLY thing you can upgrade is the RAM...that's it. So Motion will work fine, but not optimally with the graphics card already in place.
    Mac Pro: great expandibility
    YOu can install different graphics cards, install capture cards for working with uncompressed HD and SD...and can install eSATA cards for working with faster drives. It comes with 4 internal drive slots, three empty, so that you can install fast drives internally that will work with uncompressed SD and DVCPRO HD and ProRes (ProRes on the iMac will be iffy).
    Mac Pro is a professional machine, and iMac is a consumer machine. If you work with DV and HDV only, and only need firewire drives, it should be fine. But that's about all you can do with it.

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    Hello shelljoy1,
    If you are unable to find the combo pack locally, we sell a PGI-5/CLI-8 Combo Pack with PP-201 Paper at the Canon eStore website here:
    Hope this helps!
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

  • Gimp Newbie Needs Basic Instructions in Formatting Stills for FCP

    Sorry if this is redundant or too basic for the forum, but I'm new to Gimp (and honestly, photo editing in general) and need some basics. Tutorials, links, etc appreciated.
    My question... In Photoshop, I can select a pixel aspect ratio that gives me the option of DV, widescreen, anamorphic, and others. Is there a similar feature in Gimp? If not, is there a process that you are using to prepare high resolution still photos for importing into FCP?
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    *** is Gimp?
    Anyway, I don't prepare hi-res, medium-res or even low-res photos for FCP. I import them and drop 'em on the Timeline (FCP will automatically scale them to Sequence and correct pixel aspect). Once I have them in FCP I can see how they look on an external TV monitor. After viewing them there, if they need any PS adjustments, I right-click on it in the Timeline and choose "Open in Editor" (Photoshop is set as my default still image editor in FCP preferences).
    If adjustments are needed, it's typically rotation, contrast*, color balance*, fixing areas of the image that might cause morie patterns on a TV, etc. When I'm done in PS, I save the changes and close the image and jump back over to FCP where the changes were automatically updated to the image on the Timeline.
    * = can also be done right in FCP with the 3-Way Color Corrector

  • Macbook Pro Specs for FCP

    I am a pro photographer interested in working with video. I have 2 questions:
    1. Best way/forum to learn FCP?
    2. Ideal specs on Macbook Pro for FCP?
    Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

    The specs are clearly listed in the FCP marketing pages. They are conservative and you will need external drives.
    There is no best way to learn an application as deep and complex as a video editor. You explore the net, buy some books, decide what your level of competence needs to be in order to bill your clients.
    There is a direct comparison to your chosen profession. How did you learn to be a professional photographer? There's more to taking pictures than having decent equipment and known how to launch Photoshop. I started shooting when I was 11 years old in 1965 and I needed 15 years to become adept with the physics of light and the chemistry of film. Digital shooters, generally, have no clue about how their tools work. How does one teach them?

Maybe you are looking for