Mail Corrupting Attachments

Hi everyone,
I have been attempting to email .pdf attachments to my work email address (an Imac running Panther) however, when I check my attachments at work they are corrupted. This also occurs if I encase the .pdf in a StuffIt document (the .sitx document posts an error on opening). Would anyone know the cause of this. Is it the Imac or the G5 Tower?

Yes, a number of times. I had a bit of trouble from the word go when setting up the Mac, mainly me. I have made it a bit of a habit to run the disk utility after I update or install software, and everything seems to be going fine except for the things I've mentioned. I noticed you're running the updated system (4.6), I'm a bit scare to download it and update in case I get problems as per some other people on the forum particularly Intel based machines? Have you had problems with 4.6?

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    I know this has been posted many times in the past, but I have found that anyone has had the problem resolved, so I thought I'd make another post.
    Basically it goes like this... Almost all attachments sent or received by Mail corrupt. Some badly so they will not open, some not so bad, so they are illegible or appear fragmented.
    The attachments are fine when downloaded directly from my webmail, or when I use another application such as Entourage (I'd rather not switch applications, I like Mail and its free).
    As I keep my emails stored on my server for a week or so I have been able to create another user and try downloading the same emails through here again in Mail. The attachments still corrupt, but not in the same way, some that were corrupted aren't and vise versa.
    It strikes me that this is a problem with the application itself, but will a reinstall help, or is it likely to be a system issue somehow?

    Hi Ayman
    Thanks for replying. This has unfortunately not worked for me. The problem has been a proper and thorough corruption. All attachments would corrupt going in and out. Receivers would complain of unrecognisable formats. And received messages would become scrambled.
    To confuse things, If I If I reinstalled as a new user and downloaded everything again JPEG attachments would corrupt but in a different way.
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  • Corrupted attachments in connecting to an IMAP server

    I'm using to connect to our local IMAP server (over SSL). For a long while, I've had problems with large attachments being corrupted when I open a message in Mail. If I view the same message in our webmail client (which also talks to the IMAP server), the attachments are uncorrupted.
    If I save a message as source and decode using a mime64 decoding tool, the attachments are corrupted in the same way as from within mail. This is most clearly visible when the attachment is a large jpeg.
    If I remove the locally cached messages by deleting the /Library/Mail/IMAP-xxxxx folder, then re-download all the messages, the attachments will be often corrupted in a different position in the image.
    Using another IMAP mail client (Thunderbird) on the same machine to connect to the same IMAP server shows no corruption in the same messages which are corrupted in
    I can't say whether this problem was introduced with Tiger, but it has persisted for a long time. This problem is only for INCOMING attachments; I have had no problems with corruption in the attachments I send to others.
    Other Tiger users in the building have the same issue. Any suggestions to identify and fix this problem will be greatly appreciated. It's possible it's bug in Mail, and I would be happy to contribute any information or perform any testing required to fix it.
    Using: v2.1 (752/752.2)
    Thunderbird v1.5.0.7 (20060909)
    Mac OS X 10.4.8 Build 8L127
    1 Ghz Powerbook G4 with 1.25 GB RAM
    Best regards,
    Powerbook G4 Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    The right way of doing that would be rebuilding the
    mailbox, i.e. select it and do Mailbox >
    Rebuild. Does that make a difference?
    Rebuilding the mailbox — no difference. The attachments are corrupted at a different position in the image, but still corrupted.
    Another thing to try would be trashing the Mail
    cache, i.e., quit Mail, in the Finder go to
    Trashing the Mail Cache — no difference. The attachments are not re-downloaded from the server, and so the position of the corruption in the image doesn't change.
    What happens if you move or copy the message to a
    local "On My Mac" mailbox, and open the local copy
    The local copy then has corrupted attachments.
    A quick test — disabling these plug-in components has no effect on the corrupted messages, even after re-building the mailbox in question.
    I should point out again that it's not just my machine that's affected by this problem. I verified today that other users of the same server are also affected. This isn't likely to be caused by a quirky configuration on my machine.
    Also, open System Preferences, and go to
    Accounts > Login Items. What do you see
    The items below the line have been added recently, and the problem was definitely there before hand.
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Mail is corrupting attachments

    Mail has started corrupting attachments in both sent and recieved emails. This affects jpegs, pdfs, zip files, etc although so far not word or text documents.
    Its been a pain usually with me requesting that stuff be resent only to find it corrupted in a different way. My webmail checks out fine and I have even started entourage running to double check. Entourage works fine, for what it is.
    So far as I am aware I haven't changed any settings, nor installed anything untoward.
    Can I fix this, I'm not keen on switching email software.

    This is a user to user help forum only and although certainly there are some Apple employees who peruse these Discussions, you are not providing anything to Apple directly here.
    The displays all image/photo and single page PDF attachments inline or viewed in place within the body of the message by default which cannot be turned off.
    You can control-click on an inline or viewed in place attachment and select View as Icon but this has no effect on the attachment.
    Depending on the recipient's email client and available preference settings, such attachments may appear inline or viewed in place within the body of the message when the message is opened (as with the when receiving such attachments) or as attached files only which must be opened separately to be viewed which the sender has no control over.
    The same in reverse. Windows Outlook and Outlook Express sends image/photo and single page PDF attachments as attached files only (not displayed inline or viewed in place) but when received and opened by a user, such attachments appear inline or viewed in place within the body of the message along with the attached files available below the message header which can be saved outside of the message.
    The Image Size adjustment included with Tiger Mail should be used with image/photo attachments only and not with single page PDF attachments that appear inline or viewed in place. When used with single page PDF attachments, the file type is converted to jpg since this is what the Image Size adjustment is for - for images only.
    What needs to be changed is not providing the Image Size adjustment when attaching a single page PDF file.

  • How to remove mails (and attachments) permanently?

    I just realized my Archive.mbox (~/Library/Mail/V2/Mailboxes) is quite big (8.5GB) and I decided to remove old mails with large attachments.
    As I use GMail account via POP3, first I removed mails from the Google account and I freed up about 1.5GB extra space. Later, I searched for mails with attachments in, then sorted then and started to remove and emptied the trash. This operation was quite weird as some of them where moved to the Trash folder, some not.
    As I was controlling the space of the Mailboxes folder this is what I noticed:
    - Archive.mbox - the size of the mbox didn't change (anyone know why?)
    - Deleted Messages.mbox increases while removing another mails then decreased while wiping it out (this is what I expected)
    In summary, I removed a lot of mails and didn't free up ANY space! Does anyone know how to do it properly?
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    Thanks for anwers,

    Each IMAP account it's own Archive folder. POP accounts all share the same Archive folder.
    I removed a POP account in Mail but the archive messages did not delete. You would need to move them out of the Archive folder then trash to remove if you have archived other POP account messages. However, if it's only the one account, you can manually delete this folder in the User's Library then rebuild the Mail index.
    Quit Mail
    Go to the User's Library folder. This folder is hidden by default. To unhide: Select the Finder in the Dock. Under Go in the Menu bar > hold down the Option key and you’ll see the Library.
    Scroll to Mail folder.
    Mailboxes folder stores the "On My Mac" messages. IMAP accounts store it's Archive folder in the account's folder.
    In Mailboxes you'll find the Archive folder. Delete.
    In the MailData folder, delete the 3 files with envelope in the name.
    Open Mail and it will reindex your messages.
    Let me know if this helps.

  • In mail, my attachments, both photos and documents appear in the body of the message.  How can I get my attachments to appear as a separate attachment and not as part of the message.  Thanks for your help, Karen.

    In mail, my attachments, both photos and documents, appear in the body of the message.  How can I get my attachments to appear as a separate attachment and not as part of the main message????  Thanks for your help, Karen.

    softwater wrote:
    ...and costs $14.99
    Yep! And if you absolutely need (or think you need) that functionality, it is worth every penny.
    As Don already pointed out, exactly what the recipient sees will depend on how they've set up their machine and what unnecessary 3rd party apps they might've installed to display attachments the way they want.
    In theory, that is true. In practice, Attachment Tamer will cause more of your messages to show up as plain-jane icons on the other end. The problem is, after all, people running Outlook 2003 and 2007. These people likely aren't doing many system modifications.
    If I were you, I'd use the free solutions provided above, save my money and let my recipients decide how they will handle their mail.
    I completely agree.

  • Question: Is there a way to create a PDF from outlook e-mail that does not embed the attachment? better, is there a way to convert the e-mail with attachement (not embeded) as pdf pages? - Problem: I have 1400 e-mails with attachments that need to be conv

    Is there a way to create a PDF from outlook e-mail that does not embed the attachment? better, is there a way to convert the e-mail with attachement (not embeded) as pdf pages?
    - Problem: I have 1400 e-mails with attachments that need to be converted into pdf and the attachments cannot be embeded.
    System: PC Windows 7 using Acrobat X Prof. - Thank you!

    Hi ,
    There is an option of embedding index for faster search while converting email to a PDF .
    However I am not sure that will serve your purpose or not .
    I would recommend you to get in touch with Microsoft support as well .
    Meanwhile I'll work on it and get back to you in case I get a desired solution .
    Sukrit Dhingra

  • Snow Leopard Server Mail - need attachments from mail server no longer on line.

    Switched to GMail
    pulled in .pst file for outlook but it had been configured to leave attachments on server.
    the mail server is no longer online - how do I get the attachments?
    I have access to the server but do not want to risk the mail syncing with google and deleting the files on the old mail server.
    The export was not done cleanly - now I have to go back to pull from server.
    Is there a way to export a users mail with attachments from the server to a folder that can then be imported into regular mail program?
    To make it more fun the person is on a windows XP using outlook - so I will need to get it from the closed server to his outlook.

    Enable Finder to Show Invisible Files and Folders
    Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder.  At the prompt enter or paste the following command line then press RETURN.
    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
    killall Finder
    To turn off the display of invisible files and folders enter or paste the following command line and press RETURN.
    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
    killall Finder
    Alternatively you can use one of the numerous third-party utilities such as TinkerTool or ShowHideInvisibleFiles - VersionTracker or MacUpdate.

  • When i send an e-mail with attachments to one of my contacts, they says they did not receive.

    When I send an e-mail with a pdf attachment, my boss says she did not receive it. My SENT folder indicates that the e-mail and attachments were sent. I have not received an error message and I have checked the e-mail address 6 times. My bosses' e-mail address is in my contacts.
    No one else is complaining about this.

    search google for "iphone remove picture from contact"

  • How to send mail with attachments - ALBPM 5.7

    Hi All,
    I am new to BPM,
    Someone could help giving me a example of Send Mail with attachments in Aqualogic Studio 5.7?

    subject as String="Subject"
    message as String="Message"
    mailAttachment = Fuego.Net.MailAttachment(source : BinaryFile.readToBinaryFrom(name : nombrefichero), fileName : "test2.doc")
    mailAttachments[0] = mailAttachment
    correo as Mail
    correo.attachments = mailAttachments
    correo.contentType = "text/html"
    send correo
    using from = "[email protected]",
    recipient = "[email protected]",
    subject = subject,
    message = message

  • I'm using OS 10.6.8 and Mail 4.5. When I receive mails with attachments which are visible the save button doesn't work. Some contacts have problems opening files sent by me using Mail too. This was never a problem on pre-Intel. A real Mac **** up !

    I'm using OS 10.6.8 and Mail 4.5. When I receive mails with attachments which are visible the save button doesn't work. And some contacts occasionally have problems opening files sent by me using Mail too. This was never a problem on pre-Intel Mac. A real Mac **** up ! Any ideas ?

    Can you drag and drop the attachments visible in the email to the Desktop OK or does that fail ?
    Re the sending: Are these recipients on Mac's or PC's as the file type could be an issue, if on Mac's then try setting the Mail Preferences Composing setting to Plain Text not Rich Text and see if that improves things.

  • In Exchange 2013 i cannot open mails with attachments greater than 19.6 MB in EWS or OWA

    i have in Exchange 2013 CU3 on Windows 2012 the following problem :
    When backup mails using EWS i get the message " EWS Error Code : ErrorMessageSizeExceeded." in mails with attachments greater than 20.137 KB ( 19.6 MB).
    Then I checked all the settings of the EWS , but the defaults are already significantly higher than these 19.6 MB (Base64 approximately 26.5 MB)
    web.config ( maxAllowedContentLength = " 85000000 ").
    Settings of the MaxSendSize and ReceiveSize are 300MB .
    All requestfiltering settings in IIS are set to 85MB.
    When i access via EMS or OWA , file attachments over 19.6 MB can not be opened .
    However, the preview shows in OWA the correct mail including attachment and it can be saved from the preview up to the set maximum size.
    By double clicking on an email in OWA bigger than 19.6 MB i get the following error message:
    "Error : Your request can not be completed right now Please try again later . . "
    Send and receive mail can also be up to maxsize .
    When accessing via Outlook , this problem does not occur.
    i hope anyone here can help me
    Thanks in advance

    To change the maximum message size for Outlook Web App clients, you need to change the value of
    maxAllowedContentLength, maxRequestLength and both instances of
    maxReceivedMessageSize by editing %ExchangeInstallPath%ClientAccess\Owa\web.config in notepad.
    To change the maximum message size for Exchange Web Services clients, you need to change the value of
    maxAllowedContentLength and all instances of maxReceivedMessageSize="67108864" in %ExchangeInstallPath%ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\web.config.
    When you are finished, save and close the Web.config file. Also need to restart IIS by running the following command:
    IISReset /noforce
    For more information about Configure Client-Specific Message Size Limits on Client Access Servers, please refer to:
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Receiving mail, but can't send mail with attachments?

    I can't send mails anymore, I have been able to send some without any attachments (i.e. reply doesn't work as it automatically attaches the original text). This started 3 days ago. Also, my mail doesn't seem to recognize powerpoint and word docs., but I a know the people who have send me such files do not have VISTA. When I choose "open with" then it works. So I have 2 problems, one being moe urgent then the other.
    1) can't send mail with attachments
    2) .doc (word), .pps (powerpoint)attachments are not always recognized.
    thank you all!!!

    Try going into Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > select the account > account name , tap on SMTP (under the 'Outgoing Mail Server' heading) and then tap on your Primary Server and try entering your email account and password and see if it then works

  • Mail: Saving Attachments

    I upgraded the OS on my iMac from Snow Leopard to Mavericks 10.9.3 (13D65) on Sunday, and now I'm having a problem with I'm running Mail Version 7.3 (1878.2), and I'm unable to save any attachments or images in emails.
    From browsing in this forum, I note that there's been some changes to Mail between the Snow Leopard and Mavericks versions of the OS, and now there are options for "Save Attachments" and "Quick Look Attachments" in the File menu.  However, for some reason within my copy of Mail, these are greyed out:
    I also note that there are "hidden icons" that appear when you mouse over the header/detail information within each email message, and that these contain an attachments symbol (usually a paperclip). However, again in my copy of Mail, the attachments symbol doesn't exist:
    Additionally, when I click on an image or attachment within an email message, the only option I get is "copy image" or "copy attachment" -- when I select this, nothing happens. (I used to get a very helpful menu with all sorts of options... This appears to have gone.)
    I've checked for this issue on multiple emails and in multiple email boxes, and it seems to be a problem throughout -- and I've googled, too, but not found anything to suggest what is happening here, or how to fix it.
    Does anyone have any advice or ideas as to what's wrong, and/or how I could save images/attachments from my email? This is severely compromising my workflow.

    Try control - clicking the attachment. You should get an option to display as icon. Select it and see if you can save it.
    If you want all attachments to display as icon, try running the Terminal command below.
    defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool YES
    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Sadly, neither of your suggestions worked. I'm beginning to wonder whether saving attachments can be somehow disabled at sender level. Have you heard of such a thing? But then, it wouldn't account for this happening across

  • Sending mails with attachments using oracle 8i

    Could anybody please send a sample code for sending mails
    with attachments using oracle 8i.
    Thanks in advance

    For oracle8i there is an example package from OTN:
    You have to re-write the package a bit to work it with BLOBs instead of RAW attachments, but that should be no problem
    Hop this helps,

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