Mail is generating secondary mailboxes, seemingly at random

From time to time, Mail seems to generate a secondary mailbox for some accounts. The original mailbox still appears as normal in my Inbox folder, but at the bottom of the sidebar, just below my Smart Mailboxes, another version will magically appear. Most often, this contains just a Junk folder, which has a couple of spam emails in it, which don't appear in my regular Junk folder, but sometimes there's a Sent folder, or an Inbox folder in it. Usually, it's a account, but it happens with a gmail account I have, too.
I can delete these peculiar mail boxes, but then eventually they'll reappear, like the ghostly town of Brigadoon, Is there some setting somewhere I'm missing?

From time to time, Mail seems to generate a secondary mailbox for some accounts. The original mailbox still appears as normal in my Inbox folder, but at the bottom of the sidebar, just below my Smart Mailboxes, another version will magically appear. Most often, this contains just a Junk folder, which has a couple of spam emails in it, which don't appear in my regular Junk folder, but sometimes there's a Sent folder, or an Inbox folder in it. Usually, it's a account, but it happens with a gmail account I have, too.
I can delete these peculiar mail boxes, but then eventually they'll reappear, like the ghostly town of Brigadoon, Is there some setting somewhere I'm missing?

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    You should ask questions like this in the Exchange forum.  It is not a scripting question but is a product behavior question.
    You cannot add an external contact without first creating the contact first.

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    Hi Steve,
    Not certain, but this can fix myriad Mail problems...
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), it will try to repair your Disk Directory while the spinning radian is happening, so let it go, run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, then move these folder & file to the Desktop.
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    I too had this problem, it happend yesterday around noon. No idea what triggered it, but I know that it is happening to other people, message boards are peppered with strings of postss about this. Restarts and PRAM clearing didn't help me at all, nor did a mailbox rebuild. In other discussoins here, I see information about more techincal solutions, but they intimidate me, worried I will make matters worse.
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    Thank you.

    Thanks for your reply!I almost got it to work.
    I disabled my mail account on my iPhone first, then disabled it on my Mac.
    Then I went to Yahoo's website and deleted the extra folders that my Mac generated and used.
    I enabled it again on my iPhone and it appeared to work great. Didn't generate any extra folders.
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    This is a little confusing. My Mac is creating the blank folders and anything I do on my Mac is reflected in those folders on Yahoo's website. The extra folders you see in the Mac app are the changes made using Yahoo's website.
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    What did I do wrong? Are my settings not configured properly?
    Message was edited by: Joey!! 【ツ】

  • Public Folder To Mailbox Map Generator maximum mailbox size

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    [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\scripts>.\PublicFolderToMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 5120MB E:\Migration\
    PublicFolders\PFMapNameToSize.csv E:\Migration\PublicFolders\PFMapFolderToMailbox.csv
    [25/11/2014 11:32:08] Reading public folder list...
    [25/11/2014 11:32:08] Loading folder hierarchy...
    [25/11/2014 11:32:08] The size of the folder @{FolderName=\IPM_SUBTREE\Company\Admin Team\Info; FolderSize=174
    62349238} (17462349238) is greater than the mailbox size 5368709120
    [25/11/2014 11:32:08] Unable to load public folders...
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    There is circa 45 GB of data in the PF hierarcy currently, with the largest folder containing around 42 GB of data.
    I thought the idea was that the mapping generator would split the public folder data up and distribute it across multiple mailboxes as required?
    Can anyone assist with achieving this please?

    Hi Belinda,
    Thanks for the reply. I've done some more investigating, as I thought the public folders sizes being reported were larger than expected.
    Upon running the Get-PublicFolderStatistics cmdlet across the public folder hierarchy I can indeed see that the largest public folder we have is only 4.46GB in size, not the 42GB being reported by the generator.
    [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\scripts>.\PublicFolderToMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 25600MB E:\Migration
    \PublicFolders\PFMapNameToSize.csv E:\Migration\PublicFolders\PFMapFolderToMailbox.csv
    [25/11/2014 11:40:10] Reading public folder list...
    [25/11/2014 11:40:10] Loading folder hierarchy...
    [25/11/2014 11:40:10] The size of the folder @{FolderName=\IPM_SUBTREE\Company\Dept\SubDept Inbox\Offers; FolderSize=45160928457} (45160928457) is greater than the mailbox size 26843545600
    [25/11/2014 11:40:10] Unable to load public folders...
    Name ItemCount TotalItemSize LastUserAccessTime LastAccessTime FolderPath Offers 4314 4.46 GB (4,788,856,098 bytes) 25/11/2014 11:41 26/11/2014 08:14 Company\Dept\SubDept Inbox\Offers
    Going back a step - before running the PublicFolderToMailboxMapGenerator.ps1
    , the issue is initially occurs when running the Export-PublicFolderStatistics.ps1 as this is where the folder sizes are calculated and output to the PFMapNameToSize.csv. This is where the folder size is inflated by 10 times!
    Is this a bug?
    Does anyone know how to change this behaviour?

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    It seems to have disappeared and I have know idea what I did.

    In each account, is Junk filtering enabled -- Mail Preferences/Junk Mail? Also, have you selected (account by account) to move any Junk message to the Junk Mailbox?
    Message was edited by: Ernie Stamper

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    What do I need to do to make sure that incoming messages not otherwise directed by one of my rules all end up in my Inbox?

    It sounds like an error in the mail rule.  Pay particular attention to the Any or All criteria.

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    Options are:
    "Quit and rebuild Information" or "Quit"
    If I rebuild then I was losing all my sent messages which is a drag and it takes a while to re-download all the messages. So what I tried was deleting the Envelope Index.lock file and then launch mail and it started up with no problems.
    I think the reason this is happening is that it is possible that when I shut my computer down, Truecrypt dismounts the drive while Mail is accessing the mail folder (hence the lock file) and so when I start up again and remount the truecrypt drive that lock file is still there and I have to delete it or Mail thinks some other program is using the mail folder. Just a guess.
    Hope this helps someone else if they Google this error.

    I do but I do it from another computer -- that is the whole point of IMAP, by the way. I don't see how my accessing the IMAP server from another computer should cause to think that my mailboxes on my local host, which are just copies, need to be rebuilt. I filed a bug on this and Apple gave me the annoying "Known issue" response, which means maybe they'll fix it, maybe not, thank you very much. It went away for a while, and now it's back again... sigh.

  • I am trying to generate an array of 30 random numbers. after every 5 readings a new vi should open and tell the user that 5 readings has been completed. and again carry on with the generation of array.

    since i do not have a transducer now, i am currently generating an array of 30 random numbers. after every 5 readings a warning should be given to the user that 5 readngs are complete. this cycle should repeat. the array size is 30.
    please help me out,  waiting for reply asap.
    once i have the transducer, i will be taking 30 analog samples and then after every 5 smaples that wraning will be displaye din a new VI
    Go to Solution.

    Use a while loop with a time delay representing your sampling period.
    Use the count terminal to check if equals 4, so 4th iteration=5th sample.
    Use a case structure. The true case will only be executed on the 4th iteration.
    In the true case place a subVI  with your desired message in the front panel. Go to the VI properties window and set "open front panel when called".
    The closing condition of the warnign is not giving in your description.
    Consider that rather than usign a subvi for this, you could use the "One/Two/Three button dialog" or "display message" vis at the "dialog and user interface" pallete.
    Please give it a try and send your own VI. Do not expect us to provide a working solution.

  • On 10.4.11 Mac Mail I get this: Mail cannot update your mailboxes because your home directory is full. You must free up space in your home folder before using Mail. Delete unnedded documents or move documents to another volume. I can't open mail.

    On 10.4.11 iMac Mac Mail I get this message: "Mail cannot update your mailboxes because your home directory is full. You must free up space in your home folder before using Mail. Delete unneeded documents or move documents to another volume." I can't open mail to do this. I have reinstalled software but no effect. How do I get into Mail to delete?

    Found this on the "more like this" Worked like a charm!
    With the quit and using the Finder, go to Home > Library > Mail. Copy the Mail folder and place the copy on the Desktop for backup purposes.
    Go to Home > Library > Mail > Envelope Index. Move the Envelope Index file to the Desktop.
    Launch Mail and you will be prompted to import mailboxes. Select OK and allow the import process to complete.
    After confirming all mailboxes were successfully imported and available, you can delete the copy of the Mail folder and old Envelope Index file from the Desktop and this should resolve the problem.

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