Mail is slow (Sending small email takes 2 mins)

Mail has been extremely slow for some time now.
My Mail V2 folder seems to have some redundant folders:
- AosIMAP-<my user name>                  Inbox is  66 MB
    All the boxes in here show recent dates.
- IMAP-<my user name>            Inbox is 23 MB
     All the boxes in here show dates of 2012, except the Inbox which was updated a few minutes ago.
- Mac-<my user name>           Inbox is 63 MB
    All the boxes in here show dates of 2012, except the Inbox which was updated a few minutes ago.
I have no gmail accounts, just one live dot com account for work.
A search shows that I have some redundant emails.
For example, one 2013 email is in
- AosIMAP-<my user name>
- Mac-<my user name>
What is the purpose of these 3 mailboxes?

Yea!!! I got it fixed. In System Preferences and Network enter the DNS server numbers. Get those from your ISP.

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    You may have a virus protection program doing realtime scanning of your email. Try disabling the virus protector for a test and see if it goes through.
    Also make sure your settings are correct by using the Verizon auto fix email tool.

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    And are people seeing who I'm Blind CCing? Mail certainly is an effed-up app -- it's very badly putr together and just serves to remind me that Apple has really put some horrific software into their systems over the years, and seemingly with every new iteratioon and every new OS, the apps just get worse and less intuitive, not the opposite, with NO WAY to downgrade. If I had my way, this MacBook would be running Tiger. with iMovie from 2004 (same for all the iLife apps -- they've degenerated into Microsoft-like unusable messes).
    But I'm seriously worried about this Mail issue -- the last thing I want is for people to be receiving emails that I'm not aware are being sent.
    And I REALLY wish Eudora functioned on this machine -- I don't know why it doesn't but it keeps giving me error messages. But that's a separate problem.
    Anyone else experienced anything like this?

    Thanks, guys . . .
    I kind of knew that Mail couldn't possibly be sending emails to people without my being aware of it but I just wanted to double check.
    As far as the other email programs go, for some insane reason all the ones I try (Thunderbird, for one) have problems connecting with my SMTP (outgoing) server. In one case, there's no way to change my account setting from IMAP to POP . . . the way these programs are set up, just configuring your settings requires a B.S. in network technology . . . every time these things happen, I end up on the phone with the local ISP for two hours and most of them have no idea what a Mac is  . . .
    I think in this case I wll just stick wth the Devil I Know. Every email program has its drawbacks and Mail is clunky and unintuitive but thank God, it integrates with SpamSieve, the only junk mail killer that really, really works (I just learned how WELL it works when I tried Thunderbird and it downloaded all the mail I'm REALLY getting s opposed to the mail that I end up seeing -- for every legit email that SpamSieve lets through, there are at least 75 that it doesn't. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm inundated with at LEAST 400 junk emails A DAY for my two accounts and without SpamSieve I'd be in the First Circle of ****, but I digress).
    It's been a year now with Mail and although I despise it at least now I think I'm getting used to it, and your reassurances about people getting unwanted mail definitely removed my last doubts.
    I'll stick with Mail, since the others don't look exactly like champs either, and just pray Apple doesn't "Upsdate" anything for a good long while.
    Cheers, mates

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    It's because you're using an IMAP account, which resides on the server, not on your Mac. So whenever you send an email, it's sent to the server, which then sends it back to your Mac, so the two are always in sync.

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    It is a bug in Mail. The only way to reset is to quit and reopen Mail.
    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Mail Feedback

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    I will say that Mail Scripts does work. I have used it for a couple of years and it allows me to create an email, save as DRAFT, then run the script for it to send it out in the future.
    It even still works on Mountain Lion 10.8.1
    Grab it here:
    Here is original Developer:

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    guys refuse to share the outgoing server details. Hence, I am only able to retrieve my emails but am unable to send out.
    Perhaps they are not clear on what settings you need? The settings you need are what any user with any computer (Mac, Windows, Unix, Linux, whatever) would need to configure their email program. You aren't asking for anything special here.
    Consider showing the article I mentioned ( to your IT person so he/she sees what it is your are looking for (and want to use your email).
    If that does not work you might want to seek someone higher up the IT chain to talk to (Or go to your superior and ask them to intercede as you are being denied what you need to use your tools.)
    Asking for one's email settings is not like asking for nuclear missile launch codes from the US government. If you are someone who has an account given to you by your organization you need the settings to use the account assigned to you. Unless of course they intend for you to only be able to receive and not send. In which case, everything is as it should be.

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    The online instructions provided by Verizon for Entourage indicate changing the outgoing port setting to 587.   But that does not work.
    Why can't the Mac Mail program send out email through Verizon any more?
    Go to Solution.

    RTorg wrote:
    Thanks for helping.  While the university has web mail for off campus access, our IT said that off campus users (i.e., when at home) using a dedicated email client (e.g., Mac Mail) should send outgoing email through their internet service provider.  I agree, it doesn't seem right to me, but that's what they have us do.
    Settings that worked previously: The incoming server is a pop account, with a user name and password.  The outgoing server is using port 587 with user name and password.
    The university email is generally [email protected]  But it could also be [email protected]
    Until about two days ago, these settings were working fine, so it seems like something changed somewhere.
    Thanks very much for any help you can offer.
    So when you're off-campus, are you still in Washington? If so, you're in an area that's been sold to Frontier, and it's entirely possible that your email access has been converted. You can contact Tech Support if you need help setting things up and/or verifying the status of your account. I was able to find this via Google, hopefully it will help you:
    Basically it says your SMTP server should be, but there's also a link-off that appears to provide walk-throughs for configuring your client.
    Hope this helps!
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.
    "All knowledge is worth having."

  • Mail suddenly stopped sending outgoing emails!

    I have 4 email accounts in Mail that just stopped sending outgoing emails yesterday without changing anything!
    I have another Mac (OS X 10.6) connected to the same router, I set up one of the email addresses on that with the same details and it works perfectly.
    I've noticed there are a couple of other threads on here with the same thing and they don't appear to have answers, hopefully someone knows something!
    Help, very much appreciated!

    You likely have corrupted settings for your  "Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)".  Open Mail>go to Mail's Preferences>Accounts>there set up your Outgoing Mail Server which will INCLUDE resetting up your Password, as its asking you to.  Click on "SMTP Outgoing Mail Server" near the bottom of the Accounts window while your mail account is highlighted in the left hand column.  When you click on SMTP... you will see a drop down box icon offered at the right side of the line.  Click it and then select at the bottom of the the list "Edit SMTP Mail Server".  Fill in the required settings for your ISP mail account using their recommended settings.

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    I'm having this same problem, when i send an email the mail app, freezes up until the mail is sent
    its very annoying

  • Mail 8 slow receiving exchange email.

    Generally, Mail 8 is very slow in receiving emails from Exchange. Whereas all my other devices, i.e. iPhone, Androids and Windows are almost instantaneously. I believe is something to do with protocol, but is there anyway we can workaround? Please advise.

    Sometimes this issue is caused by a misconfiguration or incompatibility of the Exchange server, or perhaps by a bug in Mail. If so, you won't be able to resolve it yourself. The fact that your iOS devices may be working well with the same account isn't relevant, because iOS uses a completely different protocol (ActiveSync) to communicate with Exchange servers. By default, OS X Mail uses the EWS protocol.
    Each of the following steps has been reported to help with Exchange issues, at least temporarily, in some cases:
    1. Back up all data. Open the Internet Accounts pane in System Preferences and check to make sure you don't have duplicate Exchange accounts. If you do, delete all but one of the duplicates. If there are no duplicates, delete the account and recreate it with the same settings. The messages will still be on the server.
    2. Rebuild the affected mailbox.
    3. Reindex messages.
    4. In the Keychain Access application, delete the password item for the account. The next time Mail tries to access the account, you'll be prompted for the password. Check the box to save it in the Keychain.
    5. If you've created subfolders of any Exchange mailbox, log in to the server through its web interface, move the messages out, and remove the subfolders. For best results, a mailbox should have no subfolders.
    6. Synchronize with the server using IMAP rather than EWS. This is only possible if IMAP is enabled on the server.
    7. Consider using Outlook instead of Mail to access your Exchange mail.
    See also this discussion.

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    Contact AOL customer or technical support.

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    I had the same problem.  This seems to have worked for me: I configured the printer with a static IP address (see below).
    Then I went to the Print & Fax control panel, hit "+" to add a printer, clicked "IP" and then put in the static address.  It filled in the rest without any problem.
    Giving the printer a static IP address is pretty easy to do if you have experience with networking; you need to choose an address on your subnet (often which is not in the range given out by your router's DHCP server (your router's DHCP configuration page should tell you what this is).  The "subnet mask" is almost always "" .  You can set the configuration either from the printer's web interface, or from the control panel.
    Hope this helps!

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    I'm wanting to send out multiple emails with a graphic, that will open in diverse Browsers, Apple and PC.  Is there a way to do it without having to embed the graphic somewhere up on the web and write a bunch of html?
    Or, what IS the protocol these days?  A direct to a tutorial would be most appreciated,

    If the graphics files are not uploaded to a web server, i.e., if you want them included in the email message, then they must be sent as attachments. That is the only way to send non-text via email. Different email programs have different ways of displaying attachments. Some will show only icons, some will only show a list of attachments. Some like Mail will show the contents of the graphic file within the message. If your recipient is using a program that cannot show embedded graphics, then nothing you do on your end will change that.
    Email simply not a medium in which you have precise control over what the recipient will see.

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