Make a single pixel vertical column

I have a 1024x768 canvas and I want to draw two 1 pixel columns, one starting in column 0 and one in column 1023 (basically two tall white strips on the far left and far right)
how can I make this as a png which is transparent in the middle.  I need to put this on top of another image and cover the left and right edges.
Is this possible with photoshop?

New Document: 1024 x768
New Layer
Click and hold on the Rectangular Marquee. Choose the Single Column Marquee Tool (vertical)
Click and hold anywhere in the document - drag cursor to upper left (even beyond) Let go of mouse.
Hold shift key down and repeat on right side.
Pres the D key to reset swatches.
Command Delete / Control Backspace (PC)
Hide background layer.
Save for Web and Devices - Choose PNG 24. Save.
Here: Right click and save this file.

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    Any suggestions?
    Take it in for repair.

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    Peter, I added the work around to the script. It appears to fix the problem. With my basic test files.
    #target photoshop
    while (app.documents.length) {
    var defaultFolder = new Folder ('~/Desktop');
    var inputFolder = defaultFolder.selectDlg('Please select your Folder of Bitmap files…');
    var outputFolder = defaultFolder.selectDlg('Please Make/Select a Folder to save Cleaned up files to…');
    if (inputFolder != null && outputFolder != null) {
    var fileList = inputFolder.getFiles(fileFiltering);
    if (fileList.length > 0) {
    } else {
    alert('This Folder contained NO Photoshop Tiff files!');
    } else {
    alert('A Required folder was NOT chosen!!!');
    // Main Photoshop file processing
    function main(fileObjs) {
    with (app) {
    var whiteRef = new SolidColor(); = 255; = 255; = 255;
    backgroundColor = whiteRef; // This will be used with resizeCanvas(+)
    var userDisplayDialogs = displayDialogs;
    var userRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
    displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
    preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
    for (var i = 0; i < fileObjs.length; i++) {
    if (fileList[i] instanceof File) {
    var docRef = activeDocument;
    with (docRef) {
    var baseName =, -4);
    if (mode != DocumentMode.GRAYSCALE) changeMode(ChangeMode.GRAYSCALE);
    docRes = resolution;
    resizeCanvas(width + 4, height + 4, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
    // Cleans single pixels
    artLayers[0].applyMaximum(1); // Adjust as required
    artLayers[0].applyMinimum(1); // Ditto
    artLayers[0].applyMaximum(1); // Ditto
    artLayers[0].applyMinimum(1); // Ditto
    resizeCanvas(width - 4, height - 4, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
    var thisBitmap = bitmapOptions(docRes)
    changeMode(ChangeMode.BITMAP, thisBitmap);
    var newFilePath = new File(outputFolder + '/' + baseName + '.tif');
            SaveFileasTIFF(newFilePath, false, TIFFEncoding.TIFFLZW, false, false, false);
    displayDialogs = userDisplayDialogs;
    preferences.rulerUnits = userRulerUnits;
    function bitmapOptions(res) {
      bitOptions = new BitmapConversionOptions();
    //bitOptions.angle = 0;
    //bitOptions.frequency = 150;
    bitOptions.method = BitmapConversionType.HALFTHRESHOLD;
    //bitOptions.pattenName = '';
    bitOptions.resolution = res;
    bitOptions.shape = BitmapHalfToneType.SQUARE;
    return bitOptions;
    function SaveFileasTIFF(saveFile, aC, iC, la, sC, tr) {
      tiffSaveOptions = new TiffSaveOptions();
      tiffSaveOptions.alphaChannels = aC;
      tiffSaveOptions.byteOrder = ByteOrder.MACOS;
      tiffSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
      tiffSaveOptions.imageCompression = iC;
      tiffSaveOptions.layers = la;
      tiffSaveOptions.spotColors = sC;
      tiffSaveOptions.transparency = tr;
      activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, tiffSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
    // Mac ONLY filtering (Photoshop Tiff's)
    function fileFiltering(fileObj) {
    if (fileObj.creator == '8BIM' && fileObj.type == 'TIFF') {
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;

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    Hi Ashutosh,
    please check below, explained by some experts.
    In the below link  editing two columns MOD_RANK and TECH_RANK.
    These two columns will be in edit mode once after selecting the required record
    Editing single cell in a row of ALV table
    And also look for more info

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    Can you attach a screenshot?
    Use a compressed image type like PNG or JPG to save the screenshot and make sure that you do not exceed the maximum file size (1 MB).

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    Which column is the sal column? I can’t see any numeric columns in your query. If you use htmldb_item calls in your query column, then this makes them strings and you can’t build sums on string columns. If you want to build sums in an updateable report / tabular form, then don’t use the htmldb_item API. Instead use the built-in display types on the report column attributes page. Using the built-in display types is the better options in most cases anyway and they do allow you to calculate sums even if the column is a text field or display and save type field.

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    To make it simple the draw this is what I want but with much more fragments(pixels) around, thousands of them. How come could I approach this?
    Thanks in advance.

    if mc is the object whose pixels you want to randomize and display in a bitmap:
    var bmpd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(mc.width,mc.height);
    var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmpd);
    function randomizeF():void{
        var a:Array = [];
        for(var x:int=1;x<=bmpd.width;x++){
            for(var y:int=1;y<=bmpd.height;y++){
        var i:int=0;
    function shuffle(a:Array) {
        var p:int;
        var t:*;
        var ivar:int;
        for (ivar = a.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
            t = a[ivar];
            a[ivar] = a[p];
            a[p] = t;

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    Sure...just load up your hard square brushes from Photoshop's brush presets.
    But there's still a problem, that is: Even with 1 pixel hard square brushes, there's been a bug in Photoshop for years that causes the effect to extend out past the single pixel to the right and downward. In other words, you want to affect just a single pixel, but it will actually affect a 2px × 2px region, where the pixel your cursor is over is the one in the upper left of that 2 × 2 box. You may have to make a marquee selection to constrain your dodging/burning operation.
    This bug affects all the tools that use the brushes.

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    Ive been pulling my hair out on how to do this all day and im getting no where i dont even know where to begin! Please help if anyone knows how to do this.

    she said posting here if help was needed was a good idea...
    This is Classroom in a forum.
    I believe the first line should have read Use 40 black 1 pixel x 400 pixel vertical lines, and create an experimental composition using varying vertical > horizontal spacing.
    One way (she may be following this thread, you know) would be to:
    1) create a horizontal/vertical (composition Three/Four) line with the Pen Tool with a length corresponding to the whole composition and two or more Anchor Points, ShiftClickDragging at each with different lengths of the Handles;
    2) Create a vertical/horizontal line by ClickDragging with the Line Tool (or just Click with the Line Tool and set the Length and direction, then move a copy (ShiftAlt/OptionDrag the original, start dragging a tiny bit before you press the keys);
    3) Object>Blend>Blend Options, set Spacing to Specified Steps, 38 steps;
    4) Select the lines from 2) and Object>Blend>Make;
    5) Select both the Blend from 4) and the line from 1) and Object>Blend>Replace Spine.
    Other ways include creating the first line and then ShiftAlt/OptionDragging to create the other lines up/down/left/right depending on composition, or creating or all the lines (maybe using the blend) and then ShiftClickDragging individual lines.

  • Just a single pixel.

    I can't find a method in graphics or ghraphics2d that will allow me to change a single pixel in the paintComponent method. the best I can do is a very short line (g.drawLine(x, y, x, y)). surely a method like this would call a method that draws a dot, but I can't find it. a little help please.

    This is just my 2 cents.
    somebody must know more about the 'graphics' class,
    and how the drawLine method is programmed - it must,
    itself, draw one pixel at a time.Well, maybe not. A Java implementation does not talk to the hardware. It will generally have to call some native method that calls a 3rd party graphics implementation (X, WinG, Direct Draw, etc. ), which in turn could call another level of abstraction... including the driver and eventually hardware. There's no guarantee that a 3rd pary API or interface will have a "drawPoint(x,y)" method on ever conceivable OS and graphics configuration. Furthermore it might be the case that a particular optimization occurs in the hardware level. Maybe some graphics hardware is only capable of drawing "lines" even if they are only 1 pixel long. Certainly hardware accellerated 2d and 3d graphics aren't drawn 1 pixel at a time at the software level. It makes sense that a filled rectangle should be done at hardware level, probably evel lines.
    Probably the most overhead here is putting 2 extra values on the call stack.
    Anyway, I think the old saying about premature optimization is as true here as it is otherwise. If you can actually show with the use of a profiler that an application's bottleneck is the Graphics.drawLine method, and that there's no more efficient way to write the app, THEN we have a problem.
    Or satisfy your curiosity:
    public static void main(String[] args)
            int trials = 30;
            int loops = 20000000;
            long cummulative_2parms = 0;
            long cummulative_4parms = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<trials; i++)
                long t;
                //2 parms
                t = -System.currentTimeMillis();
                for (int j=0; j<loops; j++)
                    two_parms(j, j);
                t+= System.currentTimeMillis();
                cummulative_2parms +=t;
                        "2 parm ms:  " + t + "\n" +
                        "cummulative " + cummulative_2parms + "\n");
                //4 parms
                t = -System.currentTimeMillis();
                for (int j=0; j<loops; j++)
                    four_parms(j, j, j, j);
                t+= System.currentTimeMillis();
                cummulative_4parms +=t;
                        "4 parm ms:  " + t + "\n" +
                        "cummulative " + cummulative_4parms + "\n");
        static void two_parms(int x, int y)
        static void four_parms(int i01, int i02, int i03, int i04)

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    I'm creating a single page vertical scrolling website.
    I would like the first 'page' to be a photo which fills not only the width but also the height of the screen.
    Is there any way to make the box do this without simply making the box height very tall to accommodate for taller screens?
    Thanks guys

    I think this thread is specific to ASP. NET. This form is to discuss problems about Windows form control. So I suggest you posting this thread into ASP. NET forum.
    If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I will be glad to help you again.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How do I get Firefox to show bookmarks in a permanent, vertical column on left side of the screen?

    IE allows me to bookmark my favorites and keep them listed in a vertical column on the left side of the screen--which I keep open at all times. Is that function possible in Firefox?

    To open the Bookmarks sidebar, in the View menu select Sidebar and then Bookmarks. Alternatively use the keyboard shortcut Control+B

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    I'm developing an application and i want to make one single connection for video(netstream) and chat(sharedObject).
    I have one connection for each but i have limited connection availeble in the server so i need to make a single connection to handle the video net stream and chat sharedObject.
    I use this urls to connect:
    private var serverWebcamURL:String = "rtmp://myserverIP/live";
    private var serverChatURL:String = "rtmp://myserverIP/multicast/chat";
    What do i have to do to make this work?
    Thank You,

    LOL...thanks QTK.
    In front of my face!

  • Why does my Macbook Air make a single buzz/beep?

    Why does my Macbook Air make a single buzz/beep every time I open it or turn it on? It doesn't happen after again after the initial buzz. If I open it after it has been sleeping, it starts up and then there is a buzz. This has only happened since I downloaded iOS Maverick.

    Beeps on startup:
    1 beep = no RAM installed
    2 beeps = incompatible RAM types
    3 beeps = no good banks
    4 beeps = no good boot images.
    5 beeps = processor is not usable

  • One pixel vertical line on new iMac 24" display - defective?

    I have a one pixel vertical line that is fairly constant on my new (one week old) 24" iMac -- it sits there between the Edit and View mens mocking me, and runs the length (well, height) of the screen.
    I've tried changing resolutions and resetting the SMC and neither seemed to do anything. My guess is it's defective, so I'm probably looking at a trip to our nearby Apple Store... the only thing is, I don't want to be without my computer for an extended period of time, since I use it for work and everything.
    Is this the sort of thing that the Apple Store could order the new part and do the swap in house? If they replace the whole unit, could I put the existing HD in it? (of course the defect shows up right after I migrate and do all my upgrades, installs and patches)

    I recently just had the LCD on my 24" imac replaced due to a stuck pixel. Without even bringing my imac into the apple store i told one of the genius bar associates about my problem and they ordered the LCD without even seeing my computer. They then called me when it came in and i took it down there for it to be replaced. I took it on a monday morning and i went and picked it up on tuesday. It is an in house repair so as long as they are not super busy you should not have to be without it for to long. I would try what i did, go in their without your imac first and tell them your issue and see if they will order the part. That way your not leaving your imac there while they order the part in.

Maybe you are looking for

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