Make a string into a comma delimited list

I imagine someone out there has done this before, I am
struggling with the right code to get it done. Please see code, any
suggestions welcome and much appreciate in advance - thanks

Try the code below. At the end of the loop, remove the extra
comma at the end of the string.

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    Parent | Child
    Charles | William
    Charles | Harry
    Anne | Peter
    Anne | Zara
    Andrew | Beatrice
    Andrew | Eugenie
    into this:
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    Anne | Peter,Zara
    Andrew | Beatrice,Eugenie
    In other words, I'd like to take a list of values pertaining to some key and produce them as a comma-delimited-list.
    I know its is possible in T-SQL although the method is a bit of a nasty hack. Is it possible in PL-SQL?
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    With model clause (10g)
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    from t
    return updated rows
    partition by ( parent)
    dimension by ( row_number()over(partition by parent order by child) rn)
    measures(child, cast( null as varchar2(4000)) as res)
    ( res[0]=res[0]||','||child[iteration_number+1]);
    PARENT  RES                                              
    Anne    Peter,Zara                                       
    Andrew  Beatrice,Eugenie                                 
    Charles Harry,William                                    
    3 rows selected.

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    <cfoutput query="GetAuctions1">
    <CFQUERY NAME="GetAuctions2"
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    cfpdfparam is a WIN!  Thanks for the heads up, i had no idea that you could use the tag like that.
    action = "merge"
    destination = "C:\Inetpub\mydir\secure\test\output_merge.pdf"
    overwrite = "yes">
    <cfpdfparam source = "C:\Inetpub\mydir\secure\test\0003. A-001 - Restaurant, Floor Plan.pdf">
    <cfpdfparam source = "#expandPath('/secure/test/0001. G-001 - General.pdf')#">
    <cfpdfparam source = "#expandPath('/secure/test/0002. G-101 - General Information.pdf')#"></cfpdf>
    Works Great, Thanks!

  • REGEXP_SUBSTR for comma delimited list with null values

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       REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]*', 1, 1) pos1
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]*', 1, 2) pos2
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]*', 1, 3) pos3
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]*', 1, 4) pos4
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]*', 1, 5) pos5
    FROM (SELECT 'AAA,BBB,,DDD,,FFF' val FROM dual);
    AAA   BBB
       REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]+', 1, 1) pos1
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]+', 1, 2) pos2
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]+', 1, 3) pos3
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]+', 1, 4) pos4
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]+', 1, 5) pos5
    FROM (SELECT 'AAA,BBB,,DDD,,FFF' val FROM dual);
    AAA BBB DDD FFFAs you can see neither of the calls works correctly. Does anyone know how to modify the regular expression pattern to handle null values? I've tried various other patterns but was unable to get anyone to work for all cases.

    Hi, Martin,
    This does what you want:
       RTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]*,', 1, 1), ',') pos1
      ,RTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]*,', 1, 2), ',') pos2
      ,RTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]*,', 1, 3), ',') pos3
      ,RTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '[^,]*,', 1, 4), ',') pos4
      ,RTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (val || ','
                          , '[^,]*,', 1, 5), ',') pos5
    FROM (SELECT 'AAA,BBB,,DDD,,FFF' val FROM dual);The query above works in Oracle 10 or 11, but in Oracle 11, you can also do it with just REGEXP_SUBSTR, without using RTRIM:
       REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '([^,]*),|$', 1, 1, NULL, 1) pos1
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '([^,]*),|$', 1, 2, NULL, 1) pos2
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '([^,]*),|$', 1, 3, NULL, 1) pos3
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '([^,]*),|$', 1, 4, NULL, 1) pos4
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (val, '([^,]*),|$', 1, 5, NULL, 1) pos5
    FROM (SELECT 'AAA,BBB,,DDD,,FFF' val FROM dual);The problem with your first query was that it was looking for sub-strings of 0 or more non-commas. There was such as sub-string. consisting of 3 characters, starting at position 1, so it returned 'AAA', as expected. Then there was another sub-string, of 0 characters, starting at position 4, so it returned NULL. Then there was a sub-string of 3 characters starting at position 5, so it returned 'BBB'.
    The problem with your 2nd query was that it was looking for 1 or more non-commas. 'DDD' is the 3rd such sub-string.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Feb 16, 2012 11:36 AM
    Added Oracle 11 example

  • Use PL/SQL Table values as a comma delimited list in a in (...) clause

    One my procedure's parameters is a PL/SQL table of id's (NUMBER) that the GUI sends it, based on the user's selections.
    Now, I want to use the table's values in my select's where clause to return only the correct records.
    select ......
    from ....
    where id in (i_array_ids)
    doesn't work of course, and my attempts of transfering the ids to a comma delimited list of numbers (as opposed to a lenghty varchar2 string) that could work between the ( ) have all failed.

    And here's an example I gave with some more up-to-date syntax than in that old AskTom thread:

  • Validating comma-delimited list for numeric entries

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    BreakawayPaul wrote:
    I had the idea to just do a replace() to get rid of all the commas and treat the value as one big number.  It seems to work.
    True. That is a creative test. But what if the list begins with 0 or contains negative or decimal numbers?
    If you must include those such eventualities, then you could extend the test to something like
    <cfset myList="0,1,2,x">
    <cfset maxNo=arrayMax(listToArray(myList))>
    <!--- The rest of the business code goes here --->
    <cfcatch type="expression">

  • String Array to Comma spearated list

    Hey Guys,
    I have a struts application that receives a string[] array of product numbers corresponding to those that a user has selected. I need to put these into a SQL query in the form of "PRODUCTS.PRODUCT_NAME IN ('product1','product2','product3')" -- in otherwords, a comma separated list, with each item wrapped in apostrophes.
    I can successfully drop in individual items using notation like the following:
    <c:set var="where" value="and PRODUCTS.PRODUCT_NAME IN ('${formChecker4.selectedProductListForm2[0]}')" />What I'm not sure about is the best way to create my comma separated list. In my formChecker4 class, I have getSelectedProductListForm2() and setSelectedProductListForm2() methods, but these expect and return a string[] array, not a plain string. Does anyone have any handy suggestions for converting my array into a string, either within my class or within my EL tags?
    Here's some of my formChecker4 class:
        private String[] selectedProductListForm2;
        public String[] getSelectedProductListForm2() {
            return this.selectedProductListForm2;
        public void setSelectedProductListForm2(String[] selectedProductListForm2) {
            if (selectedProductListForm2.length == 0) {
                this.selectedProductListForm2 = null;
            } else {
                this.selectedProductListForm2 = selectedProductListForm2;

    1) don't do it in JSP
    2) [Use a prepared statement. |]

  • Adding spaces in comma-delimited lists

    I'm pulling from a database comma-delimited db that appears
    like so:
    How can I add spaces after the comma (if there's commas at

    #Replace(yourstringorvar, ",", ", ", "ALL")#
    Azadi Saryev

  • Comma delimited lists

    The data is as below:
    create table mylist
    id number,
    list varchar2(50)
    insert into mylist (id,list) values (111,'1,2');
    insert into mylist (id,list) values (222,'2,3');
    insert into mylist (id) values (333);
    create table mylistvalues
    value number
    insert into mylistvalues (value) values (1);
    insert into mylistvalues (value) values (2);
    insert into mylistvalues (value) values (3);
    insert into mylistvalues (value) values (4);
    I have to populate all ids in mylist table where list has one valid value in mylistvalues table.
    The output should be 111 and 222, because 1,2,3 are in mylistvalues table.

      FROM  mylist,
      where regexp_like(',' || list || ',',',' || value || ',')
    SQL> SY.

  • Selecting from a comm delimited list

    Often we run queries like
    But what if your question goes in the opposite direction, what syntax would work?
    In other words. suppose I want to know which values in the list are not in the table. How could I find that out without having to create a temp table?
    I'm thinking that something like the following might work:

    If you have a list of 30,000 items that you want to consider, then you'll likely want to have those items in a table. Here I'll create a fake table of orders, then create a shipment for most of those orders. Then I'll ask which orders of order type "PACKAGE BODY" have not been shipped.
    SQL> create table orders as
      2  select object_id AS order_id,
      3         object_type as order_type,
      4         owner as customer
      5    from all_objects;
    Table created.
    SQL> create table shipments as
      2  select *
      3    from orders
      4   where mod(order_id,47) > 0;
    Table created.
    SQL> select order_id
      2    from orders
      3   where order_type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
      4  minus
      5  select order_id
      6    from shipments
      7   where order_type = 'PACKAGE BODY';
    10 rows selected.

  • Inserting the Comma Separated Strings into Table

    Hi Seniors,
    i had two string and i want to insert the records in the Table COMMENT . In this way.
    would u please give some programe to insert the records.
    The Data and the Table
    ( 901,902,903,904 )
    ( 'hai','nice','good & mail is [email protected] ','excellent and the phone 011-235323' )
    comm_id loc_id company_name comments
    1      10 901      Hai
    2      10 902      nice
    3 10      903      good & mail is [email protected]
    4      10 904      excellent and the phone 011-235323

    Hi, Seenu,
    In Oracle 10 (and up) you can easily split a comma-delimited list using REGEXP_SUBSTR.
    INSTR and SUBSTR can do the same thing in any version, but it's more complicated.
    See the general instructions below:
    /*     How to Split a Delimited String
    This shows how to take a single row with a delimited string, such as
         Animal     amoeba,bat,cedusa,dodo
    and transform it into multiple rows:
         Animal     1     amoeba
         Animal     2     bat
         Animal     3     cedusa
         Animal     4     dodo
    PROMPT     ==========  -1. sep_char parameter  ==========
    VARIABLE     sep_char     VARCHAR2 (10)
    EXECUTE     :sep_char := ',';
    SELECT     :sep_char     AS sep_char
    FROM     dual;
    PROMPT     ==========  0. string_test table  ==========
    DROP TABLE     string_test;
    CREATE TABLE     string_test
    (     grp_name     VARCHAR2 (10)
    ,     list_txt     VARCHAR2 (50)
    INSERT INTO string_test (grp_name, list_txt) VALUES ('Animal',     'amoeba,bat,cedusa,dodo');
    INSERT INTO string_test (grp_name, list_txt) VALUES ('Date',     '15-Oct-1582,16-Oct-2008');
    INSERT INTO string_test (grp_name, list_txt) VALUES ('Nothing',     NULL);
    INSERT INTO string_test (grp_name, list_txt) VALUES ('Place',     'New York');
    INSERT INTO string_test (grp_name, list_txt) VALUES ('Skip',     'Hop,,Jump');
    SELECT     *
    FROM     string_test
    ORDER BY     grp_name;
    PROMPT     ==========  Q1.  Oracle 11 Query  ==========
    WITH     cntr     AS          -- Requires Oracle 9
    (     -- Begin sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
         SELECT     LEVEL     AS n     -- Requires Oracle 9
         FROM     dual
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= 1 +     (
                             SELECT     MAX ( REGEXP_COUNT (list_txt, :sep_char) )     -- Requires Oracle 11
                             FROM     string_test
    )     -- End sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
    SELECT     grp_name
    ,     n
    ,     REGEXP_SUBSTR     ( list_txt     -- Requires Oracle 10
                   , '[^' || :sep_char || ']'     -- Anything except sep_char ...
                        || '+'               -- ... one or more times
                   , 1
                   , n
                   )     AS item_txt
    FROM     string_test
    JOIN     cntr                                   -- Requires Oracle 9
    ON     n     <= 1 + REGEXP_COUNT (list_txt, :sep_char)     -- Requires Oracle 11
    ORDER BY     grp_name
    ,          n;
    /*     Notes:
         REGEXP_SUBSTR (s, '[^,]+', 1, n)
    returns the n-th item in a comma-delimited list s.
    If there are fewer than n items, it returns NULL.
    One or more consecutive characters other than comma make an item, so
    'Hop,,Jump' has two items, the second one being 'Jump'.
    The sub-query cntr produces a list of integers 1, 2, 3, ..., w
    where w is the worst-case (the largest number of items in any list).
    This actually counts separators, not items, (e.g., it counts both
    commas in 'Hop,,Jump', even though), so the w it produces may be
    larger than is really necessary.  No real harm is done.
    PROMPT     ==========  Q2. Possible Problems Fixed  ==========
    WITH     cntr     AS
    (     -- Begin sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
         SELECT     LEVEL     AS n
         FROM     dual
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= 1 +     (
                             SELECT     MAX ( REGEXP_COUNT (list_txt, :sep_char) )
                             FROM     string_test
    )     -- End sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
    SELECT     grp_name
    ,     n
    ,     REGEXP_SUBSTR     ( list_txt
                   , '[^' || :sep_char || ']'     -- Anything except sep_char ...
                        || '+'               -- ... one or more times
                   , 1
                   , n
                   )     AS item_txt
    FROM     string_test
    JOIN     cntr          ON n     <= 1 + NVL     ( REGEXP_COUNT (list_txt, :sep_char)     -- Problem (1)
                                  , 0
    WHERE     REGEXP_SUBSTR     ( list_txt     -- Problem (2)
                   , '[^' || :sep_char || ']'     -- Anything except sep_char ...
                        || '+'               -- ... one or more times
                   , 1
                   , n
                   )     IS NOT NULL
    OR     list_txt     IS NULL          -- Problems (1) and (2) together
    ORDER BY     grp_name
    ,          n;
         (Possible) Problems and Fixes
    (1) If list_txt IS NULL, then REGEXP_COUNT (list_txt, :sep_char)
         returns NULL, the join condition fails, and the output
         contains nothing corresponding to the row from string_test.
         If you want a NULL item to appear in the results, use
         NVL to make sure the expression returns 0 instead of NULL.
    (2) If list_txt contains multiple consecutive sep_chars (or if it
         begins or ends with sep_char, then the original query
         will return NULL items.  To suppress these, add a WHERE
         clause to test that the item_txt to be displayed IS NOT NULL.
    PROMPT     ==========  Q3. Oracle 8.1 Query  ===========
    SELECT     grp_name
    ,     n
    ,     SUBSTR     ( list_txt
              , begin_pos
              , end_pos - begin_pos
              )     AS item_txt
    FROM     (     -- Begin sub-query to compute begin_pos and end_pos
         SELECT     grp_name
         ,     n
         ,     list_txt
         ,     INSTR     ( :sep_char || list_txt
                   , :sep_char
                   , 1
                   , n
                   )     AS begin_pos
         ,     INSTR     ( list_txt || :sep_char
                   , :sep_char
                   , 1
                   , n
                   )     AS end_pos
         FROM     string_test
         ,     (     -- Begin sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
              SELECT     ROWNUM     AS n
              FROM     all_objects
              WHERE     ROWNUM     <= 1 +     (
                             SELECT     MAX     ( LENGTH (list_txt)
                                       - LENGTH (REPLACE (list_txt, :sep_char))
                             FROM     string_test
              )     -- End sub-query cntr, to generate n (1, 2, 3, ...)
         WHERE     n     <= 1 +     ( LENGTH (list_txt)
                        - LENGTH (REPLACE (list_txt, :sep_char))
         )     -- End sub-query to compute begin_pos and end_pos
    ORDER BY     grp_name
    ,          n;
    /*     Version-Dependent Features and Work-Arounds
    The code above, Q3, runs in Oracle 8.1.
    The following changes were made to Q1:
    (11) REGEXP_COUNT was introduced in Oracle 11.
         In earlier versions, to find the number of sep_chars in list_txt,
         see how much the LENGTH changes when sep_chars are removed.
    (10) REGEXP_SUBSTR was introduced in Oracle 10.
         In earlier versions, use INSTR to find where the sep_chars are,
         and use SUBSTR to get the sub-strings between them.
         (Using this technique, 'Hop,,Jump' still contains three items,
         but now item 2 IS NULL and item 3 is 'Jump'.)
    (9.a) The WITH-clause was introduced in Oracle 9
         In earlier versions, use in-line views.
    (9.b) "CONNECT BY LEVEL < constant" doesn't work in Oracle 8.
         Use ROWNUM from any sufficiently large table or view instead.
    (9.c) ANSII join notation (JOIN table_name ON ...) was introduced in Oracle 9
         In earlier versions, join condition go in a WHERE-clause.

  • Comma delimited string relating to subreports

    I previously opened a discussion called comma delimited string for a report header. The response I received then worked well for 'Year' but not for two other areas I am trying to use it for.
    Original Code
    stringvar Year:= Year+ {@Year} + ", ";
    Report Footer:
    stringvar Year;
    Left(Year, len(Year)-2);
    I needed to modify the code to eliminate duplication in Year and this worked fine. See the code below. I also needed this code for two other areas, Author and School. Without the extra line of code with the 'instr' function the code would always show and error for ' Left(author, len(author)-2);'.  It came up with and error saying that the result was less than 0 or not and integer and went into debug mode. I added the instr function line and it worked for most but not all. This is my problem. Either the ' Left(author, len(author)-2);' line or 'If instr(author, {@Author } ) = 0 then' makes data disappear. It will show a comma delimited string for 'Author' on most rows but not from some. The same would be true for' School'. I am not sure what is going on. The code below is what I am currently using in the subreports.
    stringvar author;
    If instr(author, {@Author}) = 0 then
        author:= author + {@Author } + ", ";
    Report Footer:
    stringvar author;
    If instr(author, {@Author } ) = 0 then
        author:= author + {@Author }  + ", ";
        Left(author, len(author)-2);

    Hi Abhilash,
    The code for the @Author is:
    If ({Command.chrStatus} = "External")then
        {Command.chrSurname} & ", " & {Command.chrFirstname}
        {Command.chrSurname(1)} & ", " & {Command.chrFirstname(1)}
    The goal of this code was to pull all the authors into one comma delimited string.
    eg Smith, Brian; Jones, Barry; Lee, Henry
    The same desire was with the Schools and the code was the same. I just don't know why this is returning the blanks.
    You mentioned in the last post that this would be better done in an SQL command. Should I open up another discussion because I think this would be the way to go. I just don't know how I can do the same comma delimited code in SQL.

  • Splitting string separated by commas into words and assigning numerical values

    Project details :
    I have a project where a description field is being looked at and based on the values (multiple words) I have to do a vlookup from another spreadsheet to get the dates from the appropriate date fields.
    I have created a user defined function to extract keywords from a list from a table. It extracts words from the string separated by comma delimiter.
        I am thinking of assigning values something like this: cooler = 1, compressor = 2, frame = 2, change of order = b etc.
        So if there is a “cooler, compressor, frame, change of order” in the cell, then it should read as: b12 (unique values). Based on the values, I can do a vlookup on the dates. I tried sumproduct in conjuction with search function but did not
    work. Tried split function but did not quite work.
    Any help regarding this is greatly appreciated. Thank you, regards
    engine, compressor, frame, cooler     =Keywords(Wordlist,A2) is the function I am calling
    frame, cooler
    engine, cooler, change order

    You're asking this question in the wrong forum, this is a PowerShell forum.
    The Excel VBA forum is this way:
    Side note to whoever voted up the OP - why??
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,950+ strong and growing)

  • Converting Floats to comma-delimited strings?

    Does anyone know of any methods or classes that can convert a float to a comma delimited string?
    Alternatively, conversion of a non-comma delimited string to a comma-delimited string would be just as good.
    An example of a comma-delimited string would be the display on the iPhone calculator.
    -- tia rick

    Also in this guide: rmatting/DataFormatting.html
    and a small example:
    NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
    [numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
    //[numberFormatter setFormat:@"$#,##0;$#,##0;-$#,##0"];
    label.text = [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:floatVal]];
    [numberFormatter release];
    notice the commented out line is commented out because apparently setFormat is not supported on the iPhone (yet???) It's what I really need.
    good luck

Maybe you are looking for