Making a 3D frame for my homepage

Are there any tutorials for creating a 3D in appearance frame? I want a frame or box on my homepage to appear as though it is 3d or leaping out from the background. As you can tell, I have only just aquired PE7.

No, I can do that, this is a link to the sort of thing I mean QUZ7oF4fC0QXWsoDACQ&sqi=2&ved=0CEYQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=787#imgrc=xf1gjSmb6l5ntM%3A%3BAyYI6IbA or-for-photoshop%3B550%3B452

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    do this steps,
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    ->provide the saturation as 100
    ->select the pattern and select any one of the pattern
    ->and then check the output
    you will get the required do this in the same fashion i explained

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    got it
    here's a rough draft of 2 hours of sunshine
    -bill w

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    My favorite method is to use a one-cell table for graphics and captions.
    Import the graphic by reference into the table cell. Create a "Caption"
    paragraph tag and assign it to the table title. (The title can be set
    for above or below the table cell. I prefer below.) Now, whenever you
    insert this table, it will be ready for graphic and caption. Another
    advantage of this method is that graphic and caption always stay
    together at page/column breaks.
    When you create the table format above, assign it to have a -2.0 space
    above. Then, create a paragraph tag, such as "TableAnchor" and assign it
    -2.0 pt font size and -2.0 space below. (You can substitute a different
    point size, but it must be the same in all three places. The TableAnchor
    paragraph will hold the table and these settings let tables fit against
    the top margin where necessary. Otherwise, they dip down a bit.
    I wrote this from memory, so I hope I remembered all the steps!

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    Sorry, but Google discontinued the Google Chrome Frame service:
    Chromium Blog: Retiring Chrome Frame

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    Anywhere you can find it via the obvious Google search. It won't be from Apple, but will be a generic replacement.
    Why are you throwing away any future chances of out of warranty replacements when you drop or drown it?  Apple will give you a warranteed replacement phone for $199 (in the US, roughly the same in your country)

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    You would need an image editor to edit the images and add a border to the image first before importing them into Final Cut.
    Cheapest and very good image editor?
    Located in the Mac App Store. $14.99 USD.
    Here is the Pixelmator website to give you an overview of the app.
    Good Luck!

  • The Export Frame for Classes specified in the Publish or Export settings

    I have a site I'm currently editing for a client, I'm adding a video element into it, but it doesn't play when I test movie, and when I test scene it gives me this error message:
    WARNING: The Export Frame for Classes specified in the Publish or Export settings, frame 2, does not exist. No bytecode for ActionScript 2.0 classes or interfaces was exported.
    I've heard its a bug in CS3
    Can anyone help?
    here's the actionscript:
    /**********---------- Config Part ----------**********/
    Stage.scaleMode = "noscale";
    Stage.align = "TL";
    //Stage.showMenu = false;
    /**********---------- Variable Part ----------**********/
    var xmlpath:String;
    var dataArr:Array = [];
    var curItem:Number = 0;
    //sound volume setting
    var volume:Number = 50;
    //buffer time setting
    var bufferTime:Number = 10;
    var locked:Boolean = false;
    //please set these fellowing value from external xml file.
    var autoPlayFirst:Boolean = false;
    var autoPlayAll:Boolean = false;
    var autoNext:Boolean = false;
    var mainStyleColor:Number = FFFFFF;
    var titleItem, videoItem, thumbList, controlItem, scrollItem;
    /**********---------- Function Part ----------**********/
    // Load the xml file.
    function loadXML(url:String, callback:Function) {
        var myxml:XML = new XML();
        myxml.ignoreWhite = true;
        myxml.onLoad = function(success) {
            if (success) {
                if (callback != null) {
    if(xmlpath !== undefined ){
    loadXML(xmlpath, parseXML);
    // parse xml data
    function parseXML(xml:XML) {
        curItem = -1;
        dataArr = [];
        var i, j, temp1, temp2, temp3;
        temp1 = xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
        // config part
        autoPlayFirst = temp1[0].firstChild.nodeValue=="false";
        autoPlayAll = temp1[1].firstChild.nodeValue=="true";
        autoNext = temp1[2].firstChild.nodeValue=="true";
        mainStyleColor = int(temp1[3].firstChild.nodeValue);
        // item data
        temp2 = xml.firstChild.childNodes[1].childNodes;
        for (i in temp2) {
            dataArr[i] = {};
            temp3 = temp2[i].childNodes;
            for (j in temp3) {
                dataArr[i][temp3[j].nodeName] = temp3[j].firstChild.nodeValue;
    function init() {
        // title item
        titleItem = this.attachMovie("titleItem", "titleItem", 1);
        titleItem._x = 68;
        titleItem._y = 21;
        // video list
        videoItem = this.attachMovie("videoItem", "videoItem", 2);
        videoItem._x = 68;
        videoItem._y = 50;
        videoItem.posX = videoItem._x;
        videoItem.posY = videoItem._y;
        videoItem.posW = videoItem._width;
        videoItem.posH = videoItem._height;
        // thumb list
        thumbList = this.attachMovie("thumbList", "thumbList", 3);
        thumbList._x = 558;
        thumbList._y = 20;
        // control item
        controlItem = this.attachMovie("controlItem", "controlItem", 4);
        controlItem._x = videoItem._x-1;
        controlItem._y = videoItem._y+videoItem._height+11;
        controlItem.posX = controlItem._x;
        controlItem.posY = controlItem._y;
        var mainStyleColor:Number = FFFFFF;
        // scroll item
        scrollItem = this.attachMovie("scrollItem", "scrollItem", 5);
        scrollItem._x = thumbList._x+thumbList._width-scrollItem._width+3;
        scrollItem._y = thumbList._y+thumbList.mask._y;
        // set main style color
    function setStyle() {
        wEffect.setRGB(thumbList.back, mainStyleColor);
        wEffect.setRGB(controlItem.back, mainStyleColor);
        wEffect.setRGB(titleItem.back, mainStyleColor);

    click file/publish settings/flash/actionscript settings and make sure frame 1 is set as the export frame.
    if that's already set, don't use test scene.

  • Making an iweb site for .mac on a computer with no internet connection

    I am making an iweb site for publishing to a .mac account on a computer that is supposed to have internet access via airport, but it's not working properly at the moment.
    I would really like to transfer the site onto my other machine in my office which has a decent broadband connection (I have iweb installed on there too). Is it possible to transfer a site that is yet to be published from one computer to another?
    David T

    You might want to try burning your Domain file to a CD or DVD by using and opening the file & Publish from the other computer while effectively backing up your Domain file in the process.

  • Can't set Poster Frame for Movies on site

    Hi - Any insight into this problem is much appreciated - I've built a simple site, a few pages have 2 or 3 compressed MPEG-4 movie files on the page (they are roughly 30MB each clip). I built the clips in FCP then exported them using Compressor and saved them as MPEG-4 files. I then dragged the files onto blank pages and built the site that way. I have set the Poster Frames for these clips in iWeb08, but after I publish the site the Poster Frames only save on a few files, most do not. Also, some of the clips stop playing mid-way through. Any simple fixes for this/these problem(s)? Thanks.

    "This whole thing stems from me being 41 and still bowing down to my Mother's every wish and guilt trip.
    Sorry to tell you so late in your life that you only have one job when it comes to moms and grand-moms. Give them what they want!
    Part of your "monicker" best describes the issue.
    You can edit your published pages using hundreds of tools but the are best edited with a plain text editing app like BBEdit (any plain text editor works).
    You can use Safari to view your page and even "save" the source code (Command-Option-U) and then "save as". Edit this new page to make your changes and drag it back into the appropriate Web older of your iDisk (replacing the older version).
    I did it to one of my pages to add a sound file to one of my slideshow pages:
    just because others said it couldn't be done.
    Darn. Now you have another mother, or worse, an in-law. Sorry.

  • Can't set POSTER FRAME for .mp4 movies... can for most others

    I've got QTPro.
    When I try to create a poster frame for a .mp4 movie I compressed it tells me I have to save and does one of the following two things:
    1) Tells me I can't save after I hit SAVE
    2) Tells me it wants to save as a .mov file... I don't WANT a .mov file.
    Any thoughts?

    "This whole thing stems from me being 41 and still bowing down to my Mother's every wish and guilt trip.
    Sorry to tell you so late in your life that you only have one job when it comes to moms and grand-moms. Give them what they want!
    Part of your "monicker" best describes the issue.
    You can edit your published pages using hundreds of tools but the are best edited with a plain text editing app like BBEdit (any plain text editor works).
    You can use Safari to view your page and even "save" the source code (Command-Option-U) and then "save as". Edit this new page to make your changes and drag it back into the appropriate Web older of your iDisk (replacing the older version).
    I did it to one of my pages to add a sound file to one of my slideshow pages:
    just because others said it couldn't be done.
    Darn. Now you have another mother, or worse, an in-law. Sorry.

  • Is it possible to place a video into a circle frame for export as interactive PDF?

    I've been trying to figure out how to embed video files into a circle shape frame for export as interactive pdf. Every time I export the document as interactive PDF, the video frame reverts back to a rectangle shape. Basically what I'm attempting to do is embed a .gif like animation of a face (saved as mp4 because it's my understanding that PDF can't support gif files) in a circle frame that plays on document load when exported as interactive pdf. Any suggestions, bypasses, solutions would be much appreciated. 

    Correct! Good solution!
    But you missed a couple steps in your directions:
    (1) Make a rectangle filled with Paper color.
    (2) Make a circle filled with None (this will be the mask for the movie).
    (3) Move the circle over the rectangle. Select both and choose Object > Path > Make Compound Path. This creates a paper-color rectangle with a hole.
    (4) Position the rectangle-with-hole object over the movie to position the mask.
    (5) Use the Buttons and Forms panel to make that object into a button. Give it an action of playing the movie.
    (6) Choose File > Export > PDF (Interactive).
    It works because the button (which has interactivity) is atop another object which has interactivity (the movie).

  • How to add a rectangle color frame for the video clips ?

    Hi there,
    I have shrink the 3 video clips small enough to fit all 3 of them into 1 screen.
    And now I want tomake a border rectangle color frame for these 3 video clips.
    Any tips on how I shall start ?
    Thanks & regards

    Ian R. Brown wrote:
    I have a feeling it can't be done because the border will probably go round the original full size video.
    A workaround would be to use the Custom generator to make a rectangle which you resize and put above the background.
    Then put your video you want framed on top of the lot and resize it so that a bit of the coloured Custom generator is showing all the way round.
    It's gonna be fiddly but simple enough in theory!
    Thanks Ian, that was a good idea.
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    Any tips ?

Maybe you are looking for