Making a style change fonts after a tab

I'm wanting to setup a style that will make everything Goudy Old Style and then anywhere there is a tab put in a leader and change the type after the tab to Goudy Extra Bold.  I've everything working except I don't know how to make it apply a change in style when it sees a tab.

This is Nested Styles.
Create a Charater style of Goudy Extra Bold.
In your paragraph style, select drop caps and nested styles
In the nested styles list-- None /  up to  / one /  tab character
Bold style / up to / forced line break.

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    Hi Gurus,
    Is it possible to change the font size and face of a "tab" in a tabstip container.
    For example: I have a Tab strip container with 3 tabs:
          Tab1 : North Region
          Tab2: South Region
          Tab3: Central Region.
    When we name the tabs as above, it displays in a default font size and font face in the output while executing the WAD template. I want to increase the font size of say " North Region" Tab so that it appears bigger.
    Can some one guide me as to how this can be achieved.

    Hi Benni,
    Could you please explain where i am supposed to enter the code mentioned by you "<style type="text/css" >.urBtnStd </style>"
    The XHTML code looks as below-->
                <title >BEx Web Application</title>
                meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"
                <bi:QUERY_VIEW_DATA_PROVIDER name="DP_1" >
                    <bi:INITIAL_STATE type="CHOICE" value="QUERY" >
                        <bi:QUERY value="RBEI_BICM_HR_RRF_PERIOD" />
                    <bi:SYSTEM_MESSAGES_VISIBLE type="CHOICE" value="X" text="" />
                    <bi:VARIABLE_SCREEN value="" />
                    <bi:MELT_VARIABLES value="" />
                    <bi:HAS_MAIN_TEMPLATE_OBJECT type="CHOICE" value="" />
                    <bi:WEB_TEMPLATE_ACTIONS type="COMPOSITE" >
                        <bi:ACTION_BEFORE_FIRST_RENDERING type="COMPOSITE" />
                <p >
                    <br />
                <bi:TABSTRIP_CONTAINER_ITEM name="TABSTRIP_CONTAINER_ITEM_1" designwidth="600" designheight="600" >
                    <bi:TABPANEL_LIST type="ORDEREDLIST" >
                        <bi:TABPANEL type="COMPOSITE" index="1" >
                            <bi:CAPTION value="North Region" />
                <br />
                <br />
    Edited by: Sandeep Rupert Saldanha on Feb 17, 2010 10:53 AM

  • How to change the font size from tabs ???

    I found a tip to change the CSS in the apache directory in the forum here.
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    PL/SQL Release - Production
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    can i change the font size of tabs/regions etc in any other way??

    The font size is defined by the style class used for the tab cells (tabs are normally created as cells in a table).
    To do this, the simplest solution may be to edit the page template:
    1 - Go to Shared Components/Templates
    2 - Select the page template(s) that you are using (you will have to do this for each template that you've used that uses tabs)
    3 - Scroll down to "Standard Tab Attributes" - you'll see two sections: Current Tab and Non Current Standard Tab.
    In Current Tab, you'll have something like:
    &lt;a href="#TAB_LINK#" class="t12standardtabcurrent"&gt;#TAB_LABEL#&lt;/a&gt;
    In Non Current Standard Tab, you'll have something like:
    &lt;a href="#TAB_LINK#" class="t12standardtabnoncurrent"&gt;#TAB_LABEL#&lt;/a&gt;
    After the class="...." attribute add in style="font-size:12px" (use whatever px value you want)
    4 - You should repeat the process for Current Parent Tab and Non Current Parent Tab as these contain the same settings
    5 - Apply your changes

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    Start up in Safe Mode.

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    No, changing font style is not an option.


    Hi all !
    DO you know if it is possible to change the font/style  in an ALV grid display ? if there is a way i will be glad to hear
    about it .
    I searched alot and still didn't find something useful .
    thanks ,
    azit .

    Eg to change Font style in ALV
    *& Report  Z_DEMO_ALV_JG                                              
    &----REPORT  z_demo_alv_jg                           . Include for all style values
    INCLUDE <cl_alv_control>.* Internal table for final output data
    DATA: i_flight TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sflight.* Internal table for field catalog info
    DATA: i_fields TYPE lvc_t_fcat.* Field symbol for field catalog
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <wa_fields> TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
    Select data
    SELECT * FROM sflight
    INTO TABLE i_flight
    UP TO 100 ROWS.IF sy-subrc = 0.* Get field catalog
          i_structure_name             = 'SFLIGHT'
          ct_fieldcat                  = i_fields
         inconsistent_interface       = 1
         program_error                = 2
         OTHERS                       = 3
      IF sy-subrc = 0.*   Changing the style of field catalog
        LOOP AT i_fields ASSIGNING <wa_fields>.
          IF sy-tabix > 4.
            <wa_fields>-style  =  ALV_STYLE_FONT_ITALIC.
            <wa_fields>-style  =  ALV_STYLE_FONT_BOLD.
        ENDLOOP.  ENDIF.* Calling the FM to display ALV report
          i_structure_name = 'SFLIGHT'
          i_grid_title     = 'Style demo'(001)
          it_fieldcat_lvc  = i_fields
          t_outtab         = i_flight
          program_error    = 1
          OTHERS           = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.

  • Glossary Hotspot Wizard Changes Font Styles

    Hello Again,
    I am still looking for advice on this problem if anyone has
    any to offer. If not, I'll let this one die. Thanks!
    I am working in RoboHelp 7 for HTML. When I use the Glossary
    Hotspot Wizard, styles (colors, font types) for some fonts in my
    project are changed. These changes occur across all topics in the
    project. Can anyone explain:
    1. Why this is happening, and
    2. How I can fix this?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi there
    The graphic looks a bit off because the forum software sizes it smaller. In my Firefox browser I am able to click the image to view at full size where it is crystal clear.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7, 8 or 9 within the day!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
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    RoboHelp eBooks

  • I'm using firefox 6.0.2 It's making problem with Bangla font ONLY on FACEBOOK others bangli website FORNT SIZE are OK. On the FACEBOOK it shows Bangla font in a very / Too small! I change font SIZE in firefox setting but i can't solve. Pls HELP me

    I'm using firefox 6.0.2 It's making problem with Bangla font ONLY on FACEBOOK others bangli website FORNT SIZE are OK. On the FACEBOOK it shows Bangla font in a very / Too small! I change font SIZE in firefox setting but i can't solve. Pls HELP me ..

    Reset the page zoom on pages that cause problems: <b>View > Zoom > Reset</b> (Ctrl+0 (zero); Cmd+0 on Mac)
    You can use an extension to set a default font size and page zoom on web pages.
    *Default FullZoom Level:

  • Font Size / Style changes on recipient's end?

    I've been using mail since Leopard and recently upgraded to Snow Leopard where I'm currently on Mail version 4.2 (1078).
    Whenever I compose and send a message where the default font is Helvetica 12 and the email format is rich text, some recipients receive my email where the font is very tiny, maybe a 4 pt font and the style changes.
    In many of my emails, I will copy and paste a paragraph or two from another email where the font is theoretically the same and then I will edit a few words in the body of the email before submitting.
    When some recipients reply back with my original email text, I sometimes see the edited text as a tiny font or the font size of my email has shrunk down considerably.
    I sent a test email to my hotmail and gmail accounts but this issue does not seem to arise. What I saw before sending my email is exactly the same font size/style in my hotmail and gmail accounts.
    Is this an issue with the recipient's email browser or are there some incompatibilities with Apple's Mail and other email browsers?

    Thanks baltwo and Tom. I'll try sending as a PDF file as well.
    Also, I did a test per Tom's instructions about reformatting text. First, I copied text from another email and then pasted it in a new message. I highlighted all the text where I wanted to increase the text size and left one paragraph unchanged.
    I sent the email to the recipient that's having these issues where she replied back with my forwarded email.
    All the text where I increased the point size shrunk and the text that I left alone was actually okay - Weird! I also noticed that the font style changed on their end. By the way, the recipient uses Microsoft Outlook as their email browser.

  • Illustrator Crashing - When changing Font Styles

    Illustrator keeps crashing every time I try and change font styles on a piece of copy

    Hi Selina,
    Two possible (maybe the most probable) causes could be:
    Corrupt font(s) or A font caches issue
    For Troubleshooting Corrupted Fonts:
    To Clear the Font cache for Mac:
    (It can also help if you are on Mac to boot in safe mode)
    Have you installed extra fonts or maybe a Font management Progam.
    If you removed the installed fonts or disable the font management progam you get the same results?
    Hopefully this will help you solve the problem.

  • Run time change font style

    Hi All,
    I want to put some validation on particular field and on the basis of it i want to change font style or colour.
    Can anyone tell me hoe it is possible?

    I am giving you a sample code you can modify it according to your requirement.
    I have created a CSS in ProcessRequest Method of Controller.
    CSSStyle oraaniltext = new CSSStyle();
    oraaniltext.setProperty("color", "#F6358A");
    oraaniltext.setProperty("background-color", "#000000");
    OAMessageTextInputBean comCode = (OAMessageTextInputBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("InvoiceIdTI");
    Here i have set the CSS of a item of Type MessageTextInput and set its Foreground Color and Background color.
    I hope this will give you some clue.

  • JEditorPane HTML font style changing problems

    I have tried changing the font size using the action:
    StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction("12", 12)
    but that seems to have problems. When I change it on the editor and write and re-read the change html the font size does not look the same.
    Is there a bug in changing the font size of htmls using the JEditorPane or JTextPane component?
    How/What does the "font-change-bigger" or "font-change-smaller" work with in the HTMLEditorKit? Should I be using these members somehow instead?

    When you use HTMLEditorKit, you can not specify font out size of HTML. For Example, use FONT tag in html to set your font. There are many ways to change font in html. tags like h1, h2 etc..

  • I can't change fonts or stroke styles/sizes

    I haven't used my InDesign in a long time. I have CS5 and I am on a PC using Windows 7.
    However, today, I tried to do a few very simple things and I can't!
    My stroke menu is greyed out. All I can get is a 1pt black stroke.
    Then I tried to type some text, and it's stuck on Minion Pro. The program will not let me change fonts, unless I go in through the menu. I can't use the drop-down box to change font or text size.
    Edit: Now I've discovered I can't use either selection tool.
    What is happening? Please help!

    Could be this: InDesign tools and panels don't respond to mouse clicks (Windows 7/Vista)
    or you might need to trash your prefs. See Replace Your Preferences

  • Is there a way ? changing font / color in all the title lips at once.

    i am making intro titles..  but now that i have made all the title clips... i really feel i need to change the font style....  also the color .. ( color i can go to the color board after making it to a compound clip..) but to change the font for all the title clips at on go  ,,,, what do i do ???  
    I really feel this will be a useful and much demanded feature... i dont know if there is a way which already exists... do let me know.. thank you..
    arun kanth

    You can make multiple selections of titles and make changes to parameters (like color, font, etc.) and have them apply to all selected titles at once. Use the Text inspector especially if you have varied titles -- it's easier.
    Be careful you don't make changes you don't really want to make (changing font and size can bash the formatting of specific types of titles, like lower thirds or some of the bugs.)
    If you run into the situation where a value does not appear, for example: you select several titles of all different font sizes, the size slider will look disabled. The slider might be disabled, but you can click and drag up or down on where the number should be to adjust "relative" sizes (you'll see something like +6 or -4, etc.)

Maybe you are looking for

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