Making MacOS report its IP via email on startup

I am the family tech support guy and 'manage' about 5 machines all over the place using Apple Remote Desktop 3. Now, since these machines get dynamic IPs, I whipped up a little applescript that would tell me the machine's LAN IP and the WAN IP. Here it is:
set theData12 to do shell script "ifconfig | grep \"inet\" | tail -1"
set j to the offset of "inet" in theData12
set k to the offset of "netmask" in theData12
set theIPLocal to (characters (j + 5) thru (k - 2) of theData12) as string
set theData14 to do shell script "curl -l \"\""
set finaloutput to "LAN IP: " & theIPLocal & return & "WAN IP: " & theData14 as string
do shell script "echo " & finaloutput & " | mail -s 'IPSender Alert' [email protected]"
I've set it as the login item, and it runs, but for some reason, I'm not getting the email. It doesn't seem like it's going out even. Could it be that the ISP is blocking local SMTP communications?
Any advice or workaround are much appreciated!

I'm guessing the problem is that you can't mail from the command line at all, rather than a problem in your script.
By default mail is going to try to use the built-in mail server to deliver mail. Unless you've changed the configuration it is going to try to send mail directly to the mail server of the recipient's domain and the chances are that's going to get blocked since you're coming from a dynamic IP address.
If that's the case, the solution would be to configure postfix (the built in mail server) to relay through the respective ISP's mail server which should solve the problem.
Edit /etc/postfix/ and look for the line:
#relayhost = [mailserver.isp.tld]
and change it - remove the leading # and enter your ISP's mail server in place of the [mailserver.isp.tld].

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    Hello Mirko;
    As far as I know there is no standard functionality for that.
    But you can read the results from cluster B2 and print it on smartform. And you can send this smartform via mail.
    Of course it will be a development and you will need assistance of an abaper.

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    Please check the following forum thread that may help --> Re: Generate report in Excel and send to user via email.
    Thanks, RZ

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    Hi !
    You're able to use Report-Variables (e.g. from a Group in the Data Model) in the distribution.xml-File to send email to different adresses.
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    reports6i sends mails where the Report itself is attached as a file in the format you specified. The support for sending a report as part of the HTML mail body is provided in Reports9i.

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    Hi Zahid
    From Forms 6.0, you need to call Reports using standard SRW.Run_Product call. Please refer to the product document for other SRw calls which can be used for Forms/Reports integration. In this SRW call, you need to sent the runtime argument to Reports. In your case, write a pl/sql code which would set the destype=mail, desformat=html and desname set to the email address for reciever which you would be fetching from DB in Forms application. And then send these arguments in the SRW call to run the Reports.

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    Any help will be appreciated!
    Thanks for your time.

    Thanks for your response.
    The customer has updated with the following:
    The problem here is the standard program "IBY_FD_SRA_FORMAT module: Send Separate Remittance Advices" sets the output type to HTML if the remittance advice delivery method is "MAIL". Below is the extract from the log file of the program "IBY_FD_SRA_FORMAT module: Send Separate Remittance Advices"
    ******** EXTRACT BEGIN ********
    Since the delivery method is EMAIL, the XML Publisher output type is set to be html.
    ********* EXTRACT END *********
    This causes the following issue: -
    The concurrent program ends without generating a pdf output and hence cannot be emailed out as a pdf document.
    Action required from you: -
    [1] Ensure that the standard program does not default the output type to HTML for email. This should be PDF instead.
    [2] Ensure that IBY XDO Delivery, sends the PDF output as an attachment.

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