Malware and yosemite

Good malware and antivirus software to use with Yosemite

It is some of the worst carper out there. It is to be avoided at all costs.
Why do you think need all of this crappy software?
Why not just learn to use OS X as it is designed to be used?

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  • My Mac Mini/Yosemite is new. But it now has malwares and Mac Keeper keeps popping up even after uninstalling.. Who can help?

    Hi everyone,
    My mac mini is new. I have a few issues with it.
    But the most annoying is the malwares that infested it now. I have only been using it for about 3 weeks or so. Of course, I thought everything that popped up are safe to click and just standard to click. I don't know yet what's best. Either, I figure out how to remove these ads / malwares or I just thought of reformatting it and start anew with it.
    What would you guys recommend and please include steps for me to follow. I'm no techy.
    By the way, I do not see these extensions on my Finder files (Conduit, also known as Trovi, MyBrand, or Search Protect, etc.) As a matter of fact, my extensions folder is empty except for the Adblock and AdBlock Plus that I recently installed to kill the ads.  However, it worked but it didn't stop MacKeeper and Facebook ads from popping to a new window each time I click a link, or just a space on a safari)
    On YouTube, when I watch a video, every second, the other videos are pushed down for as long as i watch, they are kept being pushed down. These are done by ads that are being stopped by the AB and ABP. yes, the ads do not appear. Just a white space forever adding up. Very frustrating. Please help.
    Thanks in advance!

    How to uninstall MacKeeper - updated
    How to Remove MacKeeper
    Helpful Links Regarding Malware Problems
    If you are having an immediate problem with ads popping up see The Safe Mac » Adware Removal Guide, AdwareMedic, or Remove unwanted adware that displays pop-up ads and graphics on your Mac - Apple Support.
    Open Safari, select Preferences from the Safari menu. Click on Extensions icon in the toolbar. Disable all Extensions. If this stops your problem, then re-enable them one by one until the problem returns. Now remove that extension as it is causing the problem.
    The following comes from user stevejobsfan0123. I have made minor changes to adapt to this presentation.
    Fix Some Browser Pop-ups That Take Over Safari.
    Common pop-ups include a message saying the government has seized your computer and you must pay to have it released (often called "Moneypak"), or a phony message saying that your computer has been infected, and you need to call a tech support number (sometimes claiming to be Apple) to get it resolved. First, understand that these pop-ups are not caused by a virus and your computer has not been affected. This "hijack" is limited to your web browser. Also understand that these messages are scams, so do not pay any money, call the listed number, or provide any personal information. This article will outline the solution to dismiss the pop-up.
    Quit Safari
    Usually, these pop-ups will not go away by either clicking "OK" or "Cancel." Furthermore, several menus in the menu bar may become disabled and show in gray, including the option to quit Safari. You will likely have to force quit Safari. To do this, press Command + option + esc, select Safari, and press Force Quit.
    Relaunch Safari
    If you relaunch Safari, the page will reopen. To prevent this from happening, hold down the 'Shift' key while opening Safari. This will prevent windows from the last time Safari was running from reopening.
    This will not work in all cases. The shift key must be held at the right time, and in some cases, even if done correctly, the window reappears. In these circumstances, after force quitting Safari, turn off Wi-Fi or disconnect Ethernet, depending on how you connect to the Internet. Then relaunch Safari normally. It will try to reload the malicious webpage, but without a connection, it won't be able to. Navigate away from that page by entering a different URL, i.e., and trying to load it. Now you can reconnect to the Internet, and the page you entered will appear rather than the malicious one.
    An excellent link to read is Tom Reed's Mac Malware Guide.
    Also, visit The XLab FAQs and read Detecting and avoiding malware and spyware.
    See these Apple articles:
      Mac OS X Snow Leopard and malware detection
      OS X Lion- Protect your Mac from malware
      OS X Mountain Lion- Protect your Mac from malware
      OS X Mavericks- Protect your Mac from malware
      About file quarantine in OS X
    If you require anti-virus protection Thomas Reed recommends using ClamXAV. (Thank you to Thomas Reed for this recommendation.)
    From user Joe Bailey comes this equally useful advice:
    The facts are:
    1. There is no anti-malware software that can detect 100% of the malware out there.
    2. There is no anti-malware that can detect everything targeting the Mac.
    3. The very best way to prevent the most attacks is for you as the user to be aware that
         the most successful malware attacks rely on very sophisticated social engineering
         techniques preying on human avarice, ****, and fear.
    4. Internet popups saying the FBI, NSA, Microsoft, your ISP has detected malware on
        your computer is intended to entice you to install their malware thinking it is a
        protection against malware.
    5. Some of the anti-malware products on the market are worse than the malware
        from which they purport to protect you.
    6. Be cautious where you go on the internet.
    7. Only download anything from sites you know are safe.
    8. Avoid links you receive in email, always be suspicious even if you get something
        you think is from a friend, but you were not expecting.
    9. If there is any question in your mind, then assume it is malware.

  • Why does iTunes make me log in every time I open it since upgrading to v. and Yosemite?

    Since upgrading to itunes v. and Yosemite (same day), iTunes has been making me log in every single time I open it.
    Not only that, but it makes me log in several times, for iCloud, for iTunes match, for whatever else we do on iTunes. It gives me like five different reasons to log in, and I have to type my password in five times.
    Can anyone tell me what is going on here and how to fix it? Thanks!

    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Keychain Access in the icon grid.
    Select the login keychain from the list on the left side of the Keychain Access window. If your default keychain has a different name, select that.
    If the lock icon in the top left corner of the window shows that the keychain is locked, click to unlock it. You'll be prompted for the keychain password, which is the same as your login password, unless you've changed it.
    Right-click or control-click the login entry in the list. From the menu that pops up, select
              Change Settings for Keychain "login"
    In the sheet that opens, uncheck both boxes, if not already unchecked.
    From the menu bar, select
              Keychain Access ▹ Preferences ▹ First Aid
    If the box marked
              Keep login keychain unlocked
    is not checked, check it.
              Keychain Access ▹ Keychain First Aid
    from the menu bar and repair the keychain. Quit Keychain Access.

  • I think I might have downloaded malware and want to know if there is a program I can run on my computer to look for malware

    I was on a website and a tab with another website that looked sketch came onto my screen. I couldn't exit the page and a message appeared on my screen saying something about safeguarding my mac and in a panic I just clicked "Okay" because there were no other options. The popup message did not say anything about a download, but immediately something downloaded to my computer so right away, without looking at it, I moved whatever had downloaded from my downloads into my trash and then emptied my trash. I know I should have read the message or tried to force quit my browser but I panicked and am now concerned I may have downloaded some type of malware. I am aware that there are no mac viruses "in the wild" but am concerned I may have downloaded spyware or a trojan. I was borrowing a family members computer and they do not know if they had any antivirus software but I am assuming because they do not know that they do not have any sort of security downloaded other than what comes with the mac. I was wondering if there is some sort of program I could run to check for malware and what I should do with the computer in the meantime, like maybe have it shut off? And in the case of some sort of malware, does that mean I need to get a new computer? I'm just scared and know I should have been smarter about the situation but now I don't know what to do.

    It's not malware. It's a JavaScript scam that only affects your web browser, and only temporarily.
    Some of those scam pages can be dismissed very easily. Press command-W to close the tab or window. A huge box will pop up. Press the return key and both the box and the page will close. If that doesn't happen, continue.
    From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Security
    and uncheck the box marked Enable JavaScript. Leave the preferences dialog open.
    Close the malicious window or tab.
    Re-enable JavaScript and close the preferences dialog.
    If the Preferences menu item is grayed out, quit Safari. Force quit if necessary. Relaunch it by holding down the shift key and clicking its icon in the Dock. From the menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    to get rid of any cookies or other data left by the server. Open your Downloads folder and delete anything you don't recognize.

  • I have created several short (3-5 minute) movies using iMovie 10.0.6 and Yosemite.  I want to create one movie that includes these short movies that I can then either burn to a DVD or show in iMovie's Theater.  How can I do it?

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    Another easy way to fix this.
    What I've noticed is that upon upgrading your projects and events to work with iMovie 10, initially it will work... Until you quit iMovie and reopen it again. Any events with hashtags will show up without the star next to the iMovie event. SO, if you happen to read this, after upgrading to iMovie 10 from its predecessor, immediately change the event name to NOT include a hashtag/pound symbol.
    Otherwise, if it's too late, you can either do the above or this...
    Hold down option and click on iMovie. This will prompt you Locate, Create a New Library, Cancel this window, or Choose a different library. What you want to do is create a new library, call it whatever you want to, this will only be temporary. After the program opens, it should be a blank Library. Then go to File > Open Library > iMovie Library (your original library) and proceed to change the name of your events. Quit the program. Go into your Movies folder in Finder, delete the library you temporarily created, and your back in business.

  • I have a MacBook Air. With latest version of Pages and Yosemite my full-screen function no longer operates.

    My full screen function no longer works in Pages after latest software updates for Pages and Yosemite.
    Has anyone else experienced this phenomena? It flashes to full screen then immediately reverts to the normal display.

    Yes it does.
    Open your Pages document in Pages v5.5.1.
    To enter full-screen:
    Pages > View > Enter Full Screen (or control+command+F)
    Hover over the green traffic light in your Title bar. It will show diagonal full-screen arrows. Click.
    To exit full-screen:
    Hover over the Document Title bar, then Pages > View > Enter Full Screen (or control+command+F)
    Move your pointer over the Document Title bar, and press the green traffic light again

  • "Error Disk too Slow" Macbook Pro 2011 - Maverick and Yosemite - The Great Grand Mystery Unfolds!!!

    Hey everybody,
    Logic Pro X user here, have a late 2011 Macbook Pro, upgraded to 16gb of ram, 2.8ghz intel core i7, running latest version of Mavericks and more recently on a separate partition I tried Yosemite with a  clean install of only Logic Pro X.
    I use Apogee Quartet as my audio interface, I have a OWC Mercury Elite Firewire 800 external drive that I record to, all LPX files are on my internal drive.
    Before Mavericks I had 0 issues with this setup, no with just one sole drummer track, or one single audio or software track, I get the various disk too slow errors after a few seconds.
    I have tried reinstalling LPX, I tried a clean partition with nothing but Logic Pro on it (both Mavericks and Yosemite).
    I have reset my PRAM and used Apple Hardware diagnostics as well as memtest (i think it was called) and even reverted back to my old original RAM that came with the computer.  All hardware tests passed, I have verified and repaired disks from disk utility as well as from the recovery partition.
    I have worked with Apple a bit over the phone doing these things, I have also read just about every thread on this pervasive issue.  And its ruining my experience as a user.  I absolutely loved Logic on Mountain Lion, no issues whatsoever! I'm considering reverting back to it actually.
    On a side note I also have a HDMI Tv connected through the thunderbolt display, and a self powered USB hub that I connect my wireless mouse, iPhone cable and WD MY passport drive (which I only use for Time Machine).
    I'm basically at my wits end and open to anybodies suggestions, I even tried resting the SMC and several other things advised in these forums.
    I'm Stil under Apple Care and wondering if going into them is my only hope left.
    I find that garageband acts the same, but I have no other system issues! its so bizarre, performance on all other programs is totally fine, its only when I want to record that I get issues.
    For the record I do have some 3rd party VTS (Arturia V collection, EZ drummer 2 and AMplitube) but when I did the clean partition they weren't there and I still had the disk to slow error, so I'm not convinced its because of those.
    Also Since the partition I obviously have played with my storage but I still have 75 gas of space on the mavericks partition (out of 500gb ) and on Yosemite partition I have 125 gbs available and on my Firewire external drive I have about 150gb left on a 500gb drive, so I'm not convinced its a space issue either (especially since before Mavericks Mountain Lion seemed to work just fine.)
    HELP! Please help...I'm so exhausted trying to fix this on my own, and admittedly I've run to the end of my own capacity and don't know where to go from here.
    Thank you for any suggestions, sorry for the long post, and if I have left anything out please let me know, this is my first post.

    And yes I did upgrade my apogee drivers to the recent ones they just released.

  • How can I make Final cut pro 7 and Yosemite work?

    Hi dear Apple.
    I have this huge problem with Final cut pro 7 and Yosemite.
    I have tried to install it on a Mac book pro that has Yosemite but it doesn't work.
    I have an I mac with finalcut pro 7 working on Lion but I need to upgrade it to Yosemite to be able to use CC Adobe.
    I have a feature film worth 6,7 million SEK with Final cut pro 7 and I can't translate it to XML files to premiere cause it is in its last editing process. I get an error everytime I try. Also the last version of Fcp (X) ***** for a professional editor. So.. My only option is to finish this film in Fcp7.
    How can I use Yosemite and still be able to keep Fcp7?
    Please help me or do something about this issue soon. I bought fcp7 for 11000 SEK at the time that was quite expensive. 

    Hi Meg the dog! Thanx for answering!
    I know it was left to die 4 years ago. I just think its ****** up.. I work with documentaries and it takes quite a while to finish. I have done one for 6 years now. If I had known that Fcp7 was left to die I would never had started to edit 6 years ago...
    I did try this recommended on the forum by another user:
    Go to the app location in finder, CTRL click on the app and choose [Show Package Contents]. A folder [Contents] appears, click on it and choose [MacOS]. You'll see a Unix executable. Double click, you'll start Terminal. At the same time fcp will launch. After fcp is launched, close terminal and confirm when asked. Now fcp is up and running. Close fcp and the next time, just open fcp the normal way. DONE!
    But it doesn't work for me. I can't launch fcp7.
    I have Fcp7 Installed on my I mac and I wonder if that will effect fcp7 if I upgrade to Yosemte?
    I tryed to export XML to work on premiere and this is what happends:
    Any recommendations? I am going crazy here..

  • Does anyone know how to remove pop up, malware and virus form OS X 10.9.5, there is a lot of pop up on my mac book air.

    Does any one know how to remove pop up and malware. There is a lot of pop up on my mac book air OSX 10.10

    Helpful Links Regarding Malware Problems
    If you are having an immediate problem with ads popping up see The Safe Mac » Adware Removal Guide and AdwareMedic.
    Open Safari, select Preferences from the Safari menu. Click on Extensions icon in the toolbar. Disable all Extensions. If this stops your problem, then re-enable them one by one until the problem returns. Now remove that extension as it is causing the problem.
    The following comes from user stevejobsfan0123. I have made minor changes to adapt to this presentation.
    Fix Some Browser Pop-ups That Take Over Safari.
    Common pop-ups include a message saying the government has seized your computer and you must pay to have it released (often called "Moneypak"), or a phony message saying that your computer has been infected, and you need to call a tech support number (sometimes claiming to be Apple) to get it resolved. First, understand that these pop-ups are not caused by a virus and your computer has not been affected. This "hijack" is limited to your web browser. Also understand that these messages are scams, so do not pay any money, call the listed number, or provide any personal information. This article will outline the solution to dismiss the pop-up.
    Quit Safari
    Usually, these pop-ups will not go away by either clicking "OK" or "Cancel." Furthermore, several menus in the menu bar may become disabled and show in gray, including the option to quit Safari. You will likely have to force quit Safari. To do this, press Command + option + esc, select Safari, and press Force Quit.
    Relaunch Safari
    If you relaunch Safari, the page will reopen. To prevent this from happening, hold down the 'Shift' key while opening Safari. This will prevent windows from the last time Safari was running from reopening.
    This will not work in all cases. The shift key must be held at the right time, and in some cases, even if done correctly, the window reappears. In these circumstances, after force quitting Safari, turn off Wi-Fi or disconnect Ethernet, depending on how you connect to the Internet. Then relaunch Safari normally. It will try to reload the malicious webpage, but without a connection, it won't be able to. Navigate away from that page by entering a different URL, i.e., and trying to load it. Now you can reconnect to the Internet, and the page you entered will appear rather than the malicious one.
    An excellent link to read is Tom Reed's Mac Malware Guide.
    Also, visit The XLab FAQs and read Detecting and avoiding malware and spyware.
    See these Apple articles:
      Mac OS X Snow Leopard and malware detection
      OS X Lion- Protect your Mac from malware
      OS X Mountain Lion- Protect your Mac from malware
      OS X Mavericks- Protect your Mac from malware
      About file quarantine in OS X
    If you require anti-virus protection Thomas Reed recommends using ClamXAV. (Thank you to Thomas Reed for this recommendation.)
    From user Joe Bailey comes this equally useful advice:
    The facts are:
    1. There is no anti-malware software that can detect 100% of the malware out there.
    2. There is no anti-malware that can detect everything targeting the Mac.
    3. The very best way to prevent the most attacks is for you as the user to be aware that
         the most successful malware attacks rely on very sophisticated social engineering
         techniques preying on human avarice, ****, and fear.
    4. Internet popups saying the FBI, NSA, Microsoft, your ISP has detected malware on
        your computer is intended to entice you to install their malware thinking it is a
        protection against malware.
    5. Some of the anti-malware products on the market are worse than the malware
        from which they purport to protect you.
    6. Be cautious where you go on the internet.
    7. Only download anything from sites you know are safe.
    8. Avoid links you receive in email, always be suspicious even if you get something
        you think is from a friend, but you were not expecting.
    9. If there is any question in your mind, then assume it is malware.

  • What is causing, and how do you fix, a song stopping during playback? I have latest iTunes 12.0.1 and Yosemite 10.10.1

    What is causing and how do you fix a song stopping during playback? I have latest iTunes 12.0.1 and Yosemite 10.10.1.
    It stops then after several seconds (like 25 secs) then it starts again ... and then several seconds later it stops again!
    I have the latest software so I don't know what to do?
        David V.

    When you have the problem, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • With 'Mail v8' and 'Yosemite' accounts settings are not saved and I keep having to check the "SSL" box

    With 'Mail v8' and 'Yosemite' 'mail' "account settings" are not saved and I keep having to check the "SSL" box. This has only occurred since upgrade to Yosemite?
    Any help would be appreciated as this is so frustrating!!

    Update to 3.6.16 has fixed this problem.

  • SMS messages not syncing in iOS 8 and Yosemite

    I'm using iOS 8 and Yosemite.  I was able to receive calls and sms messages from my phone on my computer.  That has all of a sudden stopped.  SMS contacts are now listed in red in Messages and are not delivered.  iCloud accounts are the same on both devices.  Any ideas?

    Hey srobs,
    Thanks for the question, I can definitely understand how frustrating it may be when messaging does not work on your iPhone. The following resource provides some great troubleshooting steps that you can attempt:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages
    To resolve issues with sending and receiving iMessages, follow these steps
    1. Check iMessage system status for current service issues.
    2. Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive and make sure that you registered iMessage with your phone number or Apple ID and that you selected iMessage for use. If the phone number or Apple ID isn't available for use, troubleshoot iMessage registration.
    3. Open Safari and navigate to to verify data connectivity. If a data connection isn't available, troubleshoot cellular data or a Wi-Fi connection.
    4. iMessage over cellular data might not be available while you're on a call. Only 3G and faster GSM networks support simultaneous data and voice calls. Learn which network your phone supports. If your network doesn't support simultaneous data and voice calls, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and turn Wi-Fi on to use iMessage while you're on a call.
    5. Restart your device.
    6. Tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings on your iPhone.
    If you still can't send or receive an iMessage, follow these steps
    1. Make sure that the contact trying to message you isn't blocked in Settings > Messages > Blocked.
    2. Make sure that the contact you're trying to send a message to is registered with iMessage.
    3. If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, back up or forward important messages and delete your current messaging threads with the contact. Create a new message to the contact and try again.
    4. If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, delete and recreate the contact in the Contacts app. Create a new message to the newly created contact and try again.
    5. Back up and restore your device as new.
    Matt M.

  • Netflix "Slo-Mo" with 2011 Mini Server and Yosemite

    I have recently run into a problem with my 2011 Mini Server and Yosemite.
    Now that I am using my Mini as a HTPC with Yosemite, when I first boot
    and then log into Netflix and start a movie or TV show, the playback
    runs in literally slow motion.  Video is slowed and audio is also slowed
    (like playing a 45 on 33 for those that remember).
    However, if I open display prefs and change refresh from 60Hz to 24Hz,
    and then change it back to 60Hz, all works well.
    Has any one else seen this issue and have a more permanent solution?
    Also, it doesn't matter if running Netflix under Silverlight or HTML5.

    Thanks, that's all very helpful.
    I would like to restore the Mini to its current condition since I've already done some installs and configuration on it--not a show stopper, just convenient if I don't need to redo some things.  One idea might be to use the online restore option to get a fresh OS install back and, presumably, recreate the recovery partion in the process, then restore the CCC over that, which would leave the recovery partition alone.
    Hmm. Things to ponder and maybe try.  I'm not too concerned about killing it and having to start over, so now might be a good time to experiment before I have too much time invested in configuring it. 
    Its purpose in life is to be a render node for 3D animation, so it's intended to be a minimal OS install anyway, just fast hardware and lots of disk storage (which is why I want the whole terabyte in one volume).

  • SMS - iMac and Yosemite Requirements Question

    A question about requirements for SMS....
    iPhone running on 8.1.2
    2010 iMac running on 10.10.1
    2007 iMac running on 10.10.1
    2012 Macbook Air also running on 10.10.1
    SMS works fine on the Macbook Air (check)
    SMS does NOT work on the 2010 iMac
    SMS DOES work on the 2007 iMac
    What is confusing to  me is I just went though about 2 hours with Apple support.  They discovered that the reason SMS is NOT working on the 2010 iMac is that under system information you see this:
    BluetoothLow Energy Supported: No
    Handoff Supported: No
    Instand Hotspot Supported: No
    Under the Macbook air, all these fields are YES.
    Now here is the confusing thing...
    On the iMac 2007, they are all set to NO, but SMS works fine!
    So, my question is...
    What are the true requirements to have SMS work correctly?
    You need IOS 8 and Yosemite
    You need a specific piece of hardware?
    Support told me that the 2007 iMac should NOT be working because the Bluetooth fields are set to NO, but it does!
    Any clarification in this would be appreciated.
    And sorry this is so long!
    Bluetooth Low Energy Supported: No
      Handoff Supported: No
      Instant Hotspot Supported: No
    Bluetooth Low Energy Supported: No
      Handoff Supported: No
      Instant Hots

    System requirements for Continuity on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac - Apple Support
    8:40 pm      Saturday; December 13, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • Firefox 33.1.1 running on either Mavericks and Yosemite crashes (infinite beachball) about a minute after opening.

    Firefox 33.1.1 running on either Mavericks and Yosemite crashes (infinite beachball) about a minute after opening. On both systems I had installed the XMarks and LastPass add-ons. I noticed that when I disabled those add-ons, the crashing behavior stopped. Is there a known issue with those add-ons and the 33.1 version of Firefox?

    Does this also happen in Firefox beta? It is working for Yosemite for me on Beta channel.
    However if the crashes continue please do post back with the last 5 crash reports.We're sorry to hear that Firefox is crashing. In order to assist you better, please follow the steps below to provide us crash IDs to help us learn more about your crash.
    #Enter ''about:crashes'' in the Firefox address bar and press Enter. A Submitted Crash Reports list will appear, similar to the one shown below.
    #Copy the '''5''' most recent Report IDs that start with '''bp-''' and then go back to your forum question and paste that into the "Post a Reply" box. (Please don't take a screenshot of your crashes, just copy and paste the ID's. The below image is just an example of what your Firefox screen should look like)
    Thank you for your help!
    More information and further troubleshooting steps can be found in the [[Firefox crashes - Troubleshoot, prevent and get help fixing crashes]] article.

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  • No Authorization to Songs I Purchased

    I used to have a PC that the whole family used, and then for my birthday I got a Macbook for myself, and I transfered all my music from iTunes on the PC to my Macbook, and updated my iPod and everything. This was in May. Today when I went to sync my

  • Bbc iplayer won't in firefox but will in dolphin

    i have a tablet bbc iplayer will play in dolphin but not in firefox. i have followed the instructions onbbc and it still won,t work.

  • Upgrade error in program

    Hi Everyone, I am working on upgrade from 4.6c to ECC6.0. During syntax checking i find one error in program. The statements ENHANCEMENT-SECTION and ENHANCEMENT-POINT (without the STATIC addition) can only be used in executable coding. How can i reso