Manage Skype ToGo numbers

I have set up 2 contact STG numbers and 7 registered phones. To now everything worked as expected but suddenly I cannot register any more numbers. Here are the specifics:
Skype File Menu+Accounts+Skype To Go Number;
The STG window shows my 2 contact numbers and 7 registered numbers
I click Manage and get the STG Settings window. But when I click 'Add New Number' nothing happens. In fact the only link that works in this window is 'Back to Account'
I tired uninstalling and reinstalling Skype but the problem remains.
Can anyone help.

We're only able to reproduce the issues intermittently so we need some help from the users experiencing the problem.
Please let me have the following information:
1) are you seeing the problem in the client or on the web browser
2) browser (Chrome, IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox etc)
3) browser version (usually available under Help->About)
4) OS (e.g. Mac, Windows 7 etc)
5) what exact behavior or error message are you seeing (e.g. clicking on the Add but nothing happens, clicking Save but nothing happens, no page loads up, etc)
I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

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    Skype Numbers
    020 3286 xxxx
    United Kingdom · Part of your Unlimited World 3 months subscription - expires on September 25, 2012
    061 748 xxx
    Ireland, Republic of · Expires on September 25, 2012
    (850) 937-xxxx
    United States · Part of your Unlimited World 3 months subscription
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    Sometimes you have to select small things in pieces.  Keep in mind that the Quick Selection tool by default (per a little button on top of the Photoshop main window) adds to a previous selection, but if you hold the alt key down it will subtract.  You don't have to do it all at once.
    So if in one stroke you don't select enough, do it again to select a little more.  If in the next stroke it selects too much, hold down Alt and brush over the part you don't want selected.  With a little patience you'll get the selection just right.
    Sometimes it's useful to "train" the Quick Selection tool by holding down Alt and brushing over the parts you don't want selected first.

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    ThisTruckTweets wrote:
    Since about 3 weeks ago we noticed a degredation of sound quality using my skype to go numbers. 
    Please file here:
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • As of Contract Management 13, serial numbers are no longer used.

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    Status: Reviewed
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    stat -c '%x %n' /usr/bin/* | sort
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    Hello David,
    The e-mail was sent from Skype to our users who have a verified phone number and who are eligible to use the Skype To Go service.
    If you received the email, it means you have been enabled with a Skype To Go access number to make international calls, at normal SkypeOut rates, directly from your mobile phone.
    There is no cost for your Skype To Go access number but you can disable it in your Skype account if you wish.
    We apologize for any confusion.
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Skype-in numbers in multiple countries, caller ID ...

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    Sounds logical isn't it? Why is this obvious feature not available?
    Go to Solution.

    jagel wrote:
    Ok. So, _if_ I would have multiple Skype-in numbers in countries where this feature would be allowed, _then_ Skype would automatically use the most appropriate Skype-in numbers as Caller ID for all calls made to these countries?
    For example, if I would buy, next to my Dutch and UK Skype-in numbers, also an American Skype-in number, and I would make a call to any country in Europe, would my UK number than be used, whereas all calls to American numbers would show my American Skype-in number as caller ID?
    If you have multiple Online Numbers, you would designate one as the "default" for Caller ID.  Then you can also set this up so that other Online Numbers for other countries are used when you call those countries, if those numbers are eligible for use as Caller ID.  You can't designate the use of certain numbers as Caller ID for different countries, or continents (i.e., a US number for Caller ID when calling North America, a UK number when calling Europe, etc.).
    Using myself as an example, my US and UK Online Numbers can be used for Caller ID.  I also have numbers in Australia and Mexico, but neither of those can be used for Caller ID.  My US number is the default number for Caller ID with Skype, but I allow my UK number to be used for Caller ID when I call numbers in the UK.  In your case, you would probably want a UK number to be your default number for Caller ID, but allow the use of the US number when you call phones in the States from Skype.  Does that make sense?
    Location/Ubicacion: Arizona USA
    Time Zone/Hora Local: UTC/GMT -7
    If this message has adequately addressed your issue, please click on the “Accept as Solution” button. If you found a post useful then please "Give Kudos" at the bottom of my post, so that this information can benefit others.
    Si esto mensaje le ha ayudado, por favor haga clic en "Aceptar como solución". Si encuentra un mensaje útil, por favor "Da Kudos" al final del mensaje, por lo que esta información puede beneficiar a otros.
    I am not a Skype employee. No soy un empleado de Skype.

  • Change item to be managed by serial numbers

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    I know this is not an SDK/development question, but have no idea where else to search for answer. So any suggestions will be appreciated!
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    Thanks a lot in advance,

    Hi Ibai,
    Thanks for your reply. I have tried this, but it adds the quantity I type in the Initial Quantity to the existing quantity, so I have double the required amount in stock after this operation. I have sent a query to SAP and their response was:
    Hi, unfortunately it is not possible to assign serial numbers to items in stock that was entered BEFORE you turned on the serial number management. The system assigns the numbers only to the items that had 'manage item by serial number' ticked before they were purchased/sold. But it is possible to add serial numbers to items with transactions, but you can only add them trough new receipt documents (not update the "old" items that were in stock before you turned on the "serial management") This also means that you cannot add serial numbers to this item in a salesorder, delivery or invoice that was made before the management was turned on - unless you cancel the document and enter it again. The "drawback" with this is that you will not have equal numbers of serial numbers and actual items in stock. (The customer will always come to a point where they need to receive more quantity of this item to create new serial numbers again.) The solution can be at some stage to issue the stock with no serial numbers to a different warehouse or to get rid of this stock in other ways. The other option is to issue all stock from warehouse, and enter them again trough an opening balance, this time WITH serial numbers. You will then have equal number of stock and serial numbers.
    So, it doesn't seem to be possible.

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    It's not. Forward the email to [email protected] and then delete it.

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    I have 2 Skype online numbers, I would to divert or call forward just 1 of the online numbers
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    Many thanks

    it's not possible, sorry
    both Online numbers are associated with one Skype Name, and Call Forwarding applies to the Skype Name, not an Online number
    you also cannot move an Online number from one Skype Name to another

  • Manager Skype One user can't join join my group.

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    I am the admin of my skype manager, i want to invite an user on the skype manager.
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    Anyone can help me to resolve this problem?

    For business / partnership questions please use the Microsoft "For Business" contact form here:
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Skype phone numbers and how they work?

    ok so here is what I know. With skype you can choose the country of the phone number you want your phone number to originate from. So if I choose my number to be an Australian number any person calling me from Australia will be charged at a local rate if from the same state.
    This is my question.
    If I set up my phone number to be an Australian number, then I travel overseas to Canada and someone calls my number, what will the rate of charge be for the caller? will it still be a local call since the number is an Australian number or will it not work at all????
    And will I in return be able to call back to Australia at a local rate since my number is australian??
    Also, Im assuming I need to be connected through wi-fi for someone to call my skype account from a land line phone?

    Kristle wrote:
    On my bill there are several int/md messages with no phone numbers
    That is your phone accessing the internet, or media data.  Generally this was how older phones that accessed WAP sited reported their usage, instead of the way newer phones using the WWW report usage.


    I have 2 subscriptions/phone numbers on my current skype account - one for Australia and one for New Zealand. Since I can't change my skype name, can I transfer the subscriptions/phone numbers to a new account? I have recently been married, so my name has changed and I use the phone numbers for business so it's important I'm using my correct name... Grateful for some advice
    Go to Solution.

    Hi, KDelaney, and welcome to the Community,
    Have you considered changing your name as it is displayed?
    Skype does not permit the transfer of anything from one account to another, regardless of what it is (credit, subscriptions, Skype Numbers, etc.).  If you wish to start over again, as if you had moved to a different location, you would cancel the subscriptions and Skype Numbers on your first account, and add the same new subsriptions to a new account.  Likewise with credit, you can request a refund of the credit on the first account and then purchase new credit for the new second account.
    Anticipating your next question, it would be an interesting and convenient feature if Skype had a facility to forward one account to another, but alas they do not.
    Best regards,
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    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

  • Multiple Skype Online numbers linked to one accoun...

    Hi folks,
    i need to set up online numbers in a couple of different countries but have these all linked to one Skype account.
    Is that possible? 

    mulhuzz wrote:
    i need to set up online numbers in a couple of different countries but have these all linked to one Skype account.
    Is that possible? 
    Yes it is. Each Skype account can have up to 10 Online #s in the same or in different countries.
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Two Skype phone numbers

    We have 2 Skype number, one for Bus, the other for home.
    They are on the same account; therefore they share the same mail box and therefore the same Voice Mail message.
    I understand they need to be separate accounts.
    How do I transfer the phone number to a new account and apply the recent payment to the account?

    Hi, DoggyDaddy, and welcome to the Community,
    Unfortunately, transferring subscriptions, features, or credit from one account to another is not possible.  The only thing you could do is to cancel one of the Skype Numbers, which will stop its renewal, and start a new account and a new Skype Number subscription. 
    Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

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