Managing email campaigns from Webtools

Hi Experts
Does anyone have a useful document for using the Marketing > Campaigns email function within webtools?  I would like to be able to create an HTML mailshot which will be sent to approx 2000 subscribers but am having trouble both building the mailshot and sending test email. 

I have not had very good experience with mailing campaigns. There are many options out there that are inexpensive and offer much more capabilities and better reporting, but if you're truly interested in pursuing the Web Tools avenue, I would do two things:
1. Test to make sure your email is working - This is easy enough to test, as there is a simple "Forgot Password" function at the login screen. The difficult part may come if you find this doesn't work. There are other threads that deal with dealing with SMTP issues, but I guarantee you that if this doesn't work, neither will your campaigns.
2. Investigate the Admin->Marketing menu - Where the magic takes place, you can create new campaigns & lists from the Campaigns  and Contact Lists sections appropriately. I don't know too much about this, but to get started you'll need to create a contact list and populate it. Once done, you'll have to create a campaign and then tell it to use the newly created list.
One of the big caveats that I would like to point out with the Web Tools campaign system is that if you wanted to have users sign up for newsletters/mailing lists, the out-of-box functionality allows them to sign up any email address, not just their own. This can get tricky if they decide to put in someone else's email, who upon receiving your emails could in turn file a complaint that you are not following CAN-SPAM laws, potentially resulting in a blacklisting of your mail server. While the frequency of this happening is pretty darned small, the severity of the damage could be quite thorough. Of course, if you're going to manage the lists yourselves or build out a separate device to capture who is "subscribed" to what and who isn't (which is what we did in the long run), that removes the threat in the first place.

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    Rajiv Sharma

    Hi Rav,
    I would suggest that you start configuring SCOT as described in:
    <a href="/people/thomas.jung3/blog/2004/09/08/sending-e-mail-from-abap--version-610-and-higher--bcs-interface">Sending E-Mail from ABAP - Version 610 and Higher - BCS Interface</a>
    Then you can go further on as described in the:
    <a href="">Best Practice CRM Campaign Management - Configuration Guide</a>

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    Thank's for your help!
    Kind regards,

    Hello Stefan,
    if you check SAP code, it will not change anything in an eMail which comes back as a bounce from whatever mailserver, it just update some data to execute the rules which are maintained in ERMS.
    Therefore the problem you have with Borderware mail server is the standard behaviour of all external mail servers, which normally send back bounces as an attachment and that is how it works in standard SAP CRM system.
    Moreover, there are many different mail servers, some do not attach the original eMail. Try one if you can if that crucial one for you.
    Raja Pamireddy
    CRM Marketing forum Moderator.

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    <detail><ErrorCode xmlns="">UserCannotBeFound</ErrorCode><ErrorMessage xmlns="">An
    error was encountered while retrieving the user profile.</ErrorMessage></detail>
    Please help ! :( 

    check this one, may solve the issue.
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog:

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    Hi Alessia,
    I´d like to help you, but could you plz provide me some more information about your configuration: auto reaction methods, scot, type of monitors etc.

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    Hi Trina
    Not really. The biggest advice I can give you is to do thorough testing.
    At Pretty Digital we have a VMWARE server set up in the office thats loaded with 30 virtual computers set up to mimic all the main browsers / operating systems and email clients. We do thorough testing like this.
    For simpler setups you can use something like Litmus -
    We've used this before and it's pretty good
    They also have an additional services that does SPAM SCORE testing. This flags any content issues so you can adjust your content and try again.-
    What you might like to do is team up with another agency to share a litmus account (if you want to be sneaky) we may or may not have done that before. .
    Hope that helps.
    Brett Stockley
    e: [email protected]
    s: brett_stockley

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    Hi Kushal,
    As your are in CRM 5.0 you can create Activity template from SAP GUI. Just execute CRMD_ORDER and select your Activity type (ZOO5) and in Menu click on Extras->Template->Create  just enter required details such as (description, responsible org etc.)  save the template it will create Activity template number. While creating Email Campaign just enter activity template number.
    Execute Email Campaign it should create Activity with required details.

  • Business Catalyst Help | Send an email campaign

    This question was posted in response to the following article:

    If you are using links in your email campaigns to populate web forms on your site then you should be using the URL module (ie - ) in conjunction with link parameters.  So-- if you have a link in your campaign to "get in touch with us" then the link should be similar to: Shmo&email=[email protected]
    You can use campaign tags to render names and email address into your links like above. THEN, on your BC site you can use the URL module to read any parameters in the url.  So, if your form is at /get-in-touch on your site, you can pull the name that is passed into the url as a parameter from our email link and it can be a value of a form field. 
    Or, for email:
    Your form fields might have different names but you can us the URL Module in the value of the form field to have it autopopulate.
    For your tell-a-friend emails you can edit that email layout by going logging into your BC admin panel and going to Site Manager > System Emails > Tell A Friend 
    You should see the tags and which should output the right name and link to that item that they are being told about. Make sure those tags are in your Tell-A-Friend email.
    Also-- this is not a great place to ask questions.  You should try asking questions in the main BC forum at
    I happened to find this accidentally but most people check the forums on the regular.

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    <Edited by Host>

    I know this post is over a year old. We setup our VPP account in Feb last year. It's very frustrating.
    This is what I wrote to Apple.
    This whole system *****!!!!
    Seriously. I sign up under the old system and now we have to go through more doors to get in than a gold refinery.
    You honestly think your product is worth this much pain. Get real!!!
    I work at a school as THE ONLY IT Support Officer. I setup a generic user account for VPP under the old system so that the account was not tied to my name just in case I left or someone else had to take over the role. Now we cant use that account to manage the VPP account. We have to create other admin accounts. Trouble is, most of us already have our personal emails attached to iTunes accounts, AND YOUR SYSTEM WON'T LET US USE THESE ACCOUNTS TO BE ADMINS FOR OUR VPP ACCOUNT BECAUSE THEY ARE ALREADY ATTACHED TO AN ITUNES ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now I'm home and I can't remember my logon password and cant recall my recovery key because it's all back at work on a system I cant access until 2 weeks from now when the school holidays are over.
    Well done Apple, you managed to make Microsoft look good!
    The generic email account we setup is a distribution list account for the purposes of adding and removing people as needed. Apples change now means that we have to create more email accounts. I won't be doing that any time soon, I already have 5 and not about to create moer.
    I too will not be recommending that schools go with Apple products. They are a consumer product, not an enterprise product. The promise you the world and all you get is pain.

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    Is there a way to do this in Eloqua?  Is there a recommended third party tool to manage email preferences and has the ability to interface with Eloqua?

    Possible Now might be able to handle this scenario - they are not quite live with an Eloqua integration and I am not sure of their ability for multiple instance support.
    The other alternative is to build out a central data warehouse and, via API update all of the Eloqua instances with the unsubscribe data.
    (a third option is to centralize your Eloqua instances - usually needs some process/people changes too)

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    I am a self-taught novice unfortunately, so haven't a clue what the problem is. I'm not sure of the operating system, but we bought the Macbook in May and it has all the recent updates installed. I have just had a new baby so can't get into the store fdor a one-to-one, so if anyone could explain why this happens / what I can do about it, I would be very grateful! Thanks!

    If you think getting your web pages to appear OK in all the major browsers is tricky then dealing with email clients is way worse. There are so many of them.
    If you want to bulk email yourself, there are apps for it and their templates will work in most cases...
    This one will create the form, database and send out the emails...
    The alternative is to use a marketing service if your business can justify the cost. Their templates are tested in all the common email clients... html
    "I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link."

  • I am trying to email pictures from my ipad to my email address on my computer and I have been going along nice but now I get a message that says "cannot send mail the message was rejected by the server"  can't see to figure out why it stopped sending now.

    I have been emailing pictures from my ipad to my computer and have been going along nicely and now when I went to send 5 pictures to my computer from my ipad I am getting a message that says " cannot send mail The message was rejected by the server"  cannot understand why this is happening and have not been able to fix.  Now when I try to send pictues even to another email address I am getting the same message.

    Email may not be the best way to move pictures.
    There are lots of ways of moving files.
    A simple and popular way to copy files and share files among your devices.
    "Box lets you store all of your content online, so you can access, manage and share it from anywhere. Integrate Box with Google Apps and Salesforce and access Box on mobile devices" Rated the most secure cloud storage by SkyHigh Networks.
    Using iTunes to transfer files:
    Files Connect -- "Cloud Storage services like Dropbox, MobileMe iDisk, Google Docs/Picasa, Facebook photos, FTP, SFTP, WebDAV ... AFS (Apple File Shares) SMB (Windows shares)  protocols"
    Windows File server
    "The kiteworks mobile file sharing solution provides secure creation, viewing, and sharing of enterprise content on smartphones and tablets while providing IT and security teams the administrative controls to manage user privileges and access rights necessary to ensure enterprise security and compliance."  " Includes choice of private cloud on-premise."
    "Dukto is a simple application that allows you to share files between devices connected to the same (wireless) LAN network."

  • Why am I getting ErrorCode: OperationNotSupported _Code: 204 When I am trying to get campaigns from sandbox account

    Hi All,
          Seasonal Greetings. 
          I am new one to bing ads . I am trying to get Campaigns from my sandbox account. The following is my code.                    
    // To ensure that a cached WSDL is not being used,
    // disable WSDL caching.
    ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
        //$accountId = <youraccountid>; // Application-specific value.
         $accountId = "8951263";
        // Use either the sandbox or the production URI.
        // This example is for the sandbox URI.
        $URI =
        // The following commented-out line contains the production URI.
        //$URI = "";
        // The API namespace.
        $xmlns = "";
        // The proxy for the Campaign Management Web service.
        $campaignProxy = 
            $URI . "CampaignManagement/CampaignManagementService.svc?wsdl";
        // The name of the service operation that will be called.
        $action = "GetCampaignsByAccountId";
        // The user name, password, and developer token are
        // expected to be passed in as command-line
        // arguments.
        // $argv[0] is the PHP file name.
        // $argv[1] is the user name.
        // $argv[2] is the password.
        // $argv[3] is the developer token.
        if ($argc !=4)
              "php file.php username password devtoken\n");
        $username = $argv[1];
        $password = $argv[2];
        $developerToken = $argv[3];
        $applicationToken = "";
        // Create the SOAP headers.
        $headerApplicationToken = 
            new SoapHeader
        $headerDeveloperToken = 
            new SoapHeader
        $headerUserName = 
            new SoapHeader
        $headerPassword = 
            new SoapHeader
        $headerCustomerAccountId = 
            new SoapHeader
        // Create the SOAP input header array.
        $inputHeaders = array
        // Create the SOAP client.
        $opts = array('trace' => true);
        $client = new SOAPClient($campaignProxy, $opts); 
        // Specify the parameters for the SOAP call.
        $params = array
            'AccountId' => $accountId,
        // Execute the SOAP call.
        $result = $client->__soapCall
            array( $action.'Request' => $params ),
         print "Successful $action call.\n";
         print "TrackingId output from response header: "
              . $outputHeaders['TrackingId']
              . ".\n";
         // Insert a blank line to separate the text that follows.
         print "\n";
        // Retrieve the campaigns.
        if (isset(
            if (is_array($result->Campaigns->Campaign))
                // An array of campaigns has been returned.
                $obj = $result->Campaigns->Campaign;
                // A single campaign has been returned.
                $obj = $result->Campaigns;
            // Display the campaigns.
            foreach ($obj as $campaign)
                print "Name          : " . $campaign->Name . "\n";
                print "Description   : " . $campaign->Description . "\n";
                print "MonthlyBudget : " . $campaign->MonthlyBudget . "\n";
                print "BudgetType    : " . $campaign->BudgetType . "\n";
                print "\n";
    catch (Exception $e)
        print "$action failed.\n";
        if (isset($e->detail->ApiFaultDetail))
          print "ApiFaultDetail exception encountered\n";
          print "Tracking ID: " . 
              $e->detail->ApiFaultDetail->TrackingId . "\n";
          // Process any operation errors.
          if (isset(
              if (is_array(
                  // An array of operation errors has been returned.
                  $obj = $e->detail->ApiFaultDetail->OperationErrors->OperationError;
                  // A single operation error has been returned.
                  $obj = $e->detail->ApiFaultDetail->OperationErrors;
              foreach ($obj as $operationError)
                  print "Operation error encountered:\n";
                  print "\tMessage: ". $operationError->Message . "\n"; 
                  print "\tDetails: ". $operationError->Details . "\n"; 
                  print "\tErrorCode: ". $operationError->ErrorCode . "\n"; 
                  print "\tCode: ". $operationError->Code . "\n"; 
          // Process any batch errors.
          if (isset(
              if (is_array(
                  // An array of batch errors has been returned.
                  $obj = $e->detail->ApiFaultDetail->BatchErrors->BatchError;
                  // A single batch error has been returned.
                  $obj = $e->detail->ApiFaultDetail->BatchErrors;
              foreach ($obj as $batchError)
                  print "Batch error encountered for array index " . $batchError->Index . ".\n";
                  print "\tMessage: ". $batchError->Message . "\n"; 
                  print "\tDetails: ". $batchError->Details . "\n"; 
                  print "\tErrorCode: ". $batchError->ErrorCode . "\n"; 
                  print "\tCode: ". $batchError->Code . "\n"; 
        if (isset($e->detail->AdApiFaultDetail))
          print "AdApiFaultDetail exception encountered\n";
          print "Tracking ID: " . 
              $e->detail->AdApiFaultDetail->TrackingId . "\n";
          // Process any operation errors.
          if (isset(
              if (is_array(
                  // An array of errors has been returned.
                  $obj = $e->detail->AdApiFaultDetail->Errors;
                  // A single error has been returned.
                  $obj = $e->detail->AdApiFaultDetail->Errors;
              foreach ($obj as $Error)
                  print "Error encountered:\n";
                  print "\tMessage: ". $Error->Message . "\n"; 
                  print "\tDetail: ". $Error->Detail . "\n"; 
                  print "\tErrorCode: ". $Error->ErrorCode . "\n"; 
                  print "\tCode: ". $Error->Code . "\n"; 
        // Display the fault code and the fault string.
        print $e->faultcode . " " . $e->faultstring . ".\n";
        // Output the last request.
        print "Last SOAP request:\n";
        print $client->__getLastRequest() . "\n";
    But I am getting responce 
    GetCampaignsByAccountId failed.
    ApiFaultDetail exception encountered
    Tracking ID: efa654c5-b112-4e96-8c3d-79bac7e70112
    Operation error encountered:
    Message: This operation is not supported.
    ErrorCode: OperationNotSupported
    Code: 204
    s:Server Invalid client data. Check the SOAP fault details for more information.
    Last SOAP request:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Header><ns1:ApplicationToken></ns1:ApplicationToken><ns1:DeveloperToken>BBD37VB98</ns1:DeveloperToken><ns1:UserName>-XXXXXX-</ns1:UserName><ns1:Password>-XXXXX-</ns1:Password><ns1:CustomerAccountId>8951263</ns1:CustomerAccountId></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest><ns1:AccountId>8951263</ns1:AccountId></ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    Please Help me to get out of this .  
    Thank you in advance.
    Deepa Varma 

    Hello Nalin,
              Thank you for the reply . Now I am using
    $campaignProxy ="" ;
    // The API namespace.
        $xmlns = "";
        $xmlns = "";
    But I am getting 
    GetCampaignsByAccountId failed.
    AdApiFaultDetail exception encountered
    Tracking ID: ca31d743-7b7b-4479-8082-44997d60d549
    Error encountered:
    Message: Authentication failed. Either supplied credentials are invalid or the account is inactive
    ErrorCode: InvalidCredentials
    Code: 105
    s:Server Invalid client data. Check the SOAP fault details for more information.
    Last SOAP request:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2=""><SOAP-ENV:Header><ns2:ApplicationToken></ns2:ApplicationToken><ns2:DeveloperToken>BBD37VB98</ns2:DeveloperToken><ns2:UserName>vbridgellp</ns2:UserName><ns2:Password>XXXX</ns2:Password><ns2:CustomerAccountId>8951263</ns2:CustomerAccountId></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest><ns1:AccountId>8951263</ns1:AccountId></ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    I am able to login to sand box UI and see my campaigns. What may be reason for the error ? 
    Thank you in Advance. 
    Deepa Varma

Maybe you are looking for