Manually lock deleted message in SM21

Hi all,
              I am getting a message in SM21 belongs to a certain user only.The message showing that manually deletion of lock from that userid.
But I checked that the user does not have authorization to run SM12.
How can I avoid this error.
nani Prakash

Check if that User is having SE38/SA38 Authorizations, may be he is running the Program directly.
With regards,

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    Hi Yash,
    in productive sysems the messages with status 21 can not be deleted by the regular deletion report, it has to be archived first and then will be deleted by the archive job itself. so you have to configure archiving.
    for non productive systems you can set the parameter ARCHIVE->PERSIST_ARCH_MANUAL_CHANGES to delete the manually changed messages, afterwards it will be deleted by the regular deletion job.
    please check the SAP note 872388.
    manually cancelled or manually changed messages (status 019 and 021) have to be archived. Therefore you always have to configure archiving to handle manually edited messages. Should you decide (for non-productive systems only) that you would like to delete these manually cancelled messages, please refer to Note 820149

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    I have a question regarding mail management.
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    Thanks for the tip, Ralph.
    I just went over to the GMX website and went to their support forum and apparently this is a known problem when accessing e-mail through an IMAP or POP3 e-mail client. A post was made at the end of August saying they are aware of the problem and are trying to fix it.
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    I will mark this thread as resolved but since I just have to wait for GMX to fix the problem on their side. At least we got to the bottom of this, thanks for the help guys.
    Message was edited by: MrElussive

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    Could you just check this?
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    click OK, click next, after test email has been sent click close, click finish
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

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    Message Edited by Danielem on 09-23-2009 03:16 PM
    Message Edited by Danielem on 09-23-2009 03:16 PM

    hi, did you try pop3 gmail account ?
    and ıf you have problem yet ? you should your gsm operator support and you should want auto sync delete about your gmail account?.. because this is a sync problem and they manage your account only some matter, ı hope that they can help you, and can you tell us thnks lot of;=)
    best regard
    Blackberry support teams in linkedin ...join
    For Russian

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    I believe it’s the server, not Mail, who is permanently deleting those messages. Try turning OFF Store deleted messages on the server, so that deleted messages are stored locally instead, or create a new mailbox on the server and do Mailbox > Use This Mailbox For > Trash on it. Manually move messages to the mailbox that was previously being used to store deleted messages on the server (which should appear now with a generic folder icon in the mailbox list) and see whether the messages are still being deleted from there after one week like before, even though as far as Mail goes it’s now a mailbox like any other.

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    PB 12"   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    --Mike Zuhl

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    Any suggestions would be helpful.

    adam_30 wrote:
    i can go with other carrier with my iphone 5s so for all the pple that are ging to read this read it again befor saying something to mee kk thanxso for what  relly happen is i when too do the update to the ios 8.1 solfwaer  on  my dad iphone 5 frist so i coundn`t boot it back up so i call apple an they told me how to make the iphone 5 boot backup my dad  was sineg into evering his itunes an his apple id an find myi phone an there telling me that he was not sing in but i know he was so he was  able to get into his email bec he forgot his password too but how is that tho i would like to know that tho me on the other hand i have been ******* lock out of all my gmail an the curreent email that google has lock me out too its  the current email is lock to my iphone 5s is lock to an so the owle  email i can get on its bec it save on a friends laptop an i have the frist bill that rogers send to me  its pretty much its  the proof-of-purchase that what rogers told me today when it talk to like 15 different pple i talk  today an they all told me the same thing it shown that we did  it from rogers a show the day we had it activadev an its show the number of the activadev so am i getting such a heard time to get this  done for me an like in one of the postting i did say that the one rorgers supervisor mamageran guy was talking to the apple supervisor mamageran an the rogers supervisor mamageran guy told the apple supervisor mamage that he was  confirmed  that the iphone 5s that apple lock wasnot a lost or a hot iphone 5s to the apple supervisor mamageran so after he ending up the rogers supervisor mamageran guy told me the my frist rogers bill it the same as the proof-of-purchasean that rogers supervisor mamageran is what there a saying to be so it the rogers supervisor mamageran say that that good so apple that should be good gor u an that rogers supervisor mamageran told me the he have gave that to pple an it work for them y not me just want to know
    ......................................... what?

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    I recently spoke to someone from Apple support, and here's what I gathered:
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    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Mail Feedback

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    I need to monitor my son's phone activity. I've already set up restrictions, locked out the app store to keep him from downloading other texting/messaging apps, and locked user account changes for imessages. I set up text forwarding so that any messages he gets I'm getting too, but I don't see any way to lock it so he can't turn that off. Am I missing something or does Apple not provide that in their parental controls? I want him to be able to text, I just want to make sure I'm able to monitor the content. Another option would be if there's a way to prevent him from deleting his messages so I can look at them on the phone? Thanks

    Justarius362 wrote:
    I set up text forwarding so that any messages he gets I'm getting too, but I don't see any way to lock it so he can't turn that off. Am I missing something or does Apple not provide that in their parental controls? I want him to be able to text, I just want to make sure I'm able to monitor the content. Another option would be if there's a way to prevent him from deleting his messages so I can look at them on the phone? Thanks
    No, you cannot prevent turning off Forwarding in the Messages app, nor prevent deleting messages.

  • Crashing when deleting messages... 2700c

    Hi, I'm new on this forum. I'm Rafal, and I'm from Poland, I'm eighteen. Good evening
    From few days I have enormous problem with my phone - Nokia 2700 classic. In my inbox is 7000 messages, in Outbox 8000. Together 15000... from a few days I have a problem with the turning on phone. if the phone runs correctly, I try to delete some messages. when I try to delete messages (singly or over a dozen), the phone crash - black screen, the keybord doesen't work - I must remove battery and put again to the phone.
    I upgraded firmware from 7.75 to 9.95 with NSU. No results.
    I tried any codes like #*7370# - no results...
    Even Nokia Communication Centre can't delete any sms...
    Maybe I could format phone memory? Just HOW?
    Please help!  

    Just had same issue, had 785 messages to delete.
    Like others the screen went blank and I thought it had crashed, but if you press a button and wait a while you will see the screen come back on and it is very slowly deleting them.
    On mine it was taking 10 seconds per messages to delete them.
    Every 100 or so I clicked waited for the screen to appear and then cancelled the operation and then started again.
    Took an hour or so but eventually deleted them all.
    Just tested again and it deleted messages instantly.
    Looks like I need to keep on top of things and delete them more often. I usually do it every 200 or so messages.
    I've had other nokias that actually crash (as in lock up and require a battery out restart) when they receive a message and they have reached max memory, then its a real pain as every time the network tries to deliver the message it crashes the phone and its not obvious at first that its because its full.
    Hope this helps!

  • Is it possible to retreive deleted messages from your Iphone

    anybody can tell me, if it is possible to retreive deleted messages from your iphone handset

    Macbook354 wrote:
    Yeah, unless you want to deal with the pain of trying to get you messages to your computer, you will have to take a screenshot (by taping the home and lock button at the same time).
    If you want to print a screenshot, it will be in the photos app to print ( click the share button and click print).  If you so not have a AirPrint printer, there are third-party apps for computers like fingerprint (look it up) that can make a fake AirPrint printer.
    I want to add something more.
    In most cases, you would need to use a paid third party tool to export and then print your iPhone text messages on your computer. If you have a low amount of messages you want to print you can also take prints creens of each message, then transfer the photos to your computer and print from there. This and more methods of printing iPhone text messages here: How to Print Text Messages from iPhone?

Maybe you are looking for