Many to many using date

Hi all,
I am constructing a staff training section in my site and need to display the courses and dates that staff members have completed.
I decide to use a Many to Many as the number of courses available  can be changed. I Have the following tables in the BD:
     Lots of fields
I am trying to use the following relationship table
     staff_ID (primary)
     course_ID (primary)
     course_date (DATE)
When I insert the Many to Many action into the staff insert page it works as expected EXCEPT only the bottom field of the insert table is selectable (see image)
Is it even possible to insert dates in this way? If not can anyone suggest another option?
Thanks in Advance

OK solved the problem of the inactive fields (changed the auto increment setting of the staff_ID as it was conflicting with other mtm I had in the same form)
Now however,a new problem has arisen. the fields all work and the date picker works but the date is not being stored in the course_date field of the database?
All I get in the database is 0000-00-00, any ideas?

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    This is the one from 2010 but should still work.
     You basically create a new document in the library (must have the columns you want into the word document), then you use the Quick
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    If you had important info on it, you should have made backups so you would not lose the data.

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    Hi Sam,
    Thanks for joining the forums to ask your question. This site may help you with finding a keyboard shortcut for brightness. It also gives several other shortcuts that may be useful in the future.
    Often times you might have to press the function key (fn) along with the corresponding F# key that has the icon you are looking for. For example, pressing FN + F9 on my computer let's me adjust the brightness. Most of the time the brightness icon looks like a sun or star :
    I hope this helps. If not, let me know and we can continue working to get your screen at the right brightness level.
    Thanks for attending HP Expert Day!
    I am an HP employee and am happy to help any way I can.
    Thank you for participating in HP Expert Days. I am an HP employee and am happy to help you.

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    I'm not familiar with My Data Manager but from the name I would think it would tell you what app or apps have used the data and that might help narrow down the problem. If it doesn't have that information, you can go to Settings > Cellular > Use Cellular Data For and that shows usage by each app and if you click on System Services in that list it will also give details of that usage. The numbers are since you last reset the statistics (bottom of that screen). With a little time and detective work you may be able to identify the cause.
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    If you dump all the data from request (see the javadoc, and especially the "header methods" ) you'll see the data you can get are quite simple.
    The only thing you can try to rely on are ;
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    - the User-Agent header : from this, you can guess the OS and the browser used
    - the Referer header : usefull to get where your user comes from (where they found a link to your site)
    - the Cookie header : if you're using a servlet container with session id stored in cookie, you should see the Cookie header appear on the second request to your site. That helps finding out wether your user accep cookie or not (from a server point).
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    Hi Gayatri
    Did you not see my answer for CASE because CASE does indeed offer the use of the BETWEEN clause, but DECODE does not. Let me give you a little synopsis of DECODE.
    In its most simple form it takes 4 values and looks like this: DECODE(A, B, C, D)
    This essentially means, IF A = B THEN C ELSE D
    The trick to solving BETWEEN in a DECODE is to work out algoriths where A = B. Because we don't know how many values are between 00 and 99, although I could guess there were 100 we could of course have 100 parts in the DECODE but that would be awful. How about if we look at it another way and say this:
    IF PART_NUMBER < 'SDK00' THEN pay_amount
    ELSE pay_amount + 100
    This statement only had 2 hard coded values, but how to make DECODE work with less than? Easy, we use the LEAST function. The LEAST function takes 2 values and returns the one with the lowest value. So I use LEAST(PART_NUMBER, 'SDK00') then whenever the PART_NUMBER is lower than SDK00 it will be true. A similar situation exists for the opposite function GREATEST. Putting all of this together then, you can do this:
    In English this can be read as follows:
    IF the PART_NUMBER is greater than or equal to SDK00 and the PART_NUMBER is less than or equal to SDK99 THEN PAY_AMOUNT x 100 ELSE 0
    Best wishes

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    datapump is terribly slow, make sure you have as much memory as possible allocated for Oracle but the bottleneck can be I/O throughput.
    Use PARALLEL option, set also these ones:
    set high enough to allow for maximum parallelism:
    that's it, patience welcome ;-)
    For maximum throughput, do not set PARALLEL to much more than twice the number of CPUs (two workers for each CPU).
    Edited by: g777 on 2011-02-02 09:53
    breaking news ;-)
    I am playing now with storage performance and I turned the option of disk cache (also called write-back cache) to ON (goes at least along with RAID0 and 5 and setting it you don't lose any data on that volume) - and it gave me 1,5 to 2 times speed-up!
    Some says there's a risk of lose of more data when outage happens, but there's always such a risk even though you can lose less. Anyway if you can afford it (and with import it's OK, as it ss not a production at that moment) - I recommend to try. Takes 15 minutes, but you can gain 2,5 hours out of 10 of normal importing.
    Edited by: g777 on 2011-02-02 14:52

  • How to get pivot table by using dates

    How to get pivot table by using dates in column.
    Below is the sample table and its value is given.
    create table sample1
    Order_DATE       DATE,
    order_CODE       NUMBER,
    Order_COUNT   NUMBER
    Insert into sample1 (Order_DATE,order_CODE,Order_COUNT) values (to_timestamp('30-SEP-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1,232);
    Insert into sample1 (Order_DATE,order_CODE,Order_COUNT) values (to_timestamp('30-SEP-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),2,935);
    Insert into sample1 (Order_DATE,order_CODE,Order_COUNT) values (to_timestamp('30-SEP-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),3,43);
    Insert into sample1 (Order_DATE,order_CODE,Order_COUNT) values (to_timestamp('30-SEP-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),4,5713);
    Insert into sample1 (Order_DATE,order_CODE,Order_COUNT) values (to_timestamp('30-SEP-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),5,11346);
    Insert into sample1 (Order_DATE,order_CODE,Order_COUNT) values (to_timestamp('29-SEP-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),1,368);
    Insert into sample1 (Order_DATE,order_CODE,Order_COUNT) values (to_timestamp('29-SEP-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),2,1380);
    Insert into sample1 (Order_DATE,order_CODE,Order_COUNT) values (to_timestamp('29-SEP-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),3,133);
    Insert into sample1 (Order_DATE,order_CODE,Order_COUNT) values (to_timestamp('29-SEP-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),4,7109);
    Insert into sample1 (Order_DATE,order_CODE,Order_COUNT) values (to_timestamp('29-SEP-12','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),5,14336);
    select * from sample1;So how to get the data like below.
    order_code 30-sep-12 29-sep-12
    1 232 368
    2 935 1380
    3 43 133
    4 5713 7109
    5 11345 14336

    Using the extra data I inserted in my previous reply:select ORDER_CODE,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),1,ORDER_COUNT,0)) JAN,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),2,ORDER_COUNT,0)) FEB,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),3,ORDER_COUNT,0)) MAR,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),4,ORDER_COUNT,0)) APR,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),5,ORDER_COUNT,0)) MAY,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),6,ORDER_COUNT,0)) JUN,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),7,ORDER_COUNT,0)) JUL,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),8,ORDER_COUNT,0)) AUG,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),9,ORDER_COUNT,0)) SEP,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),10,ORDER_COUNT,0)) OCT,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),11,ORDER_COUNT,0)) NOV,
    SUM(DECODE(extract (month from ORDER_DATE),12,ORDER_COUNT,0)) DEC
    from SAMPLE1
    where trunc(order_date, 'YY') = trunc(sysdate, 'YY')
    group by order_code
    order by order_code;
             1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   600   600   0   0
             2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  2315  2315   0   0
             3   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   176   176   0   0
             4   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 12822 12822   0   0
             5   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 25682 25682   0   0Now a bit of explanation.
    1) Whenever you pivot rows to columns, no matter what version of Oracle and no matter what method you use, you have to decide in advance how many columns you are going to have and what the names of the columns are. This is a requirement of the SQL standard.
    2) I use the WHERE clause to get just the data for this year
    3) With EXTRACT, I get just the month without the year.
    4) Using DECODE, I put every month's data into the correct column
    5) Once I do all that, I can just GROUP BY order_code while SUMming all the data for each month.

  • I accidentally deleted my firefox profile on OS X. My bookmarks, usernames, passwords - all gone. Used data recovery software...

    Data recovery software called Data Rescue 3. It seemed to have brought up many deleted files. I sifted through as many as I could. I have removed the ones that are .pdf, etc. and obviously not related to firefox.
    The folder & files I recovered:
    1) SQLite - I have many files called SQ00001.db, SQ00002.db, etc. I don't know if these are the user names or passwords or what? They are in a folder called SQLite. If I click on this nothing happens.
    2) There are files under misc called login-0001.keychain - Are these passwords, usernames?
    3) Web Bookmarks - Files called Bookmarks00001.plist. If I click on this it opens up in text edit and I can see some books randomly throughout.
    4) Mozilla - Only on file called bookmarks-00001.html
    5) There are many other files one in text ending in htm. and plist.
    6) Some other files called DS_Store-00001, etc.
    7) Also some files called embed.default.js.gz (under Archives folder and ZIP). I don't know what this is.
    I tried to recover the files... I don't know what to do with them. Obviously some files might be useless. If I could get the usernames saved that would mean everything to me. Literally. I have all my work on there... :(
    I could look up other files specifically, please just let me know. Running OS X 10.6.8.
    A lot of questions said use data recovery, I've read and read and am truly stuck. What do I do with these files? How do I get my username and profile info back. There is no file called .ini or 12345678.default. (example).
    Please, please, please help. Thank you.

    For passwords, look for 2 files key3.db and signons.sqlite
    For usernames saved in form fields, look for formhistory.sqlite
    Bookmarks are in places.sqlite
    For descriptions of each profile file, read:
    <br> [[Profiles - Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data#w_what-information-is-stored-in-my-profile|What information is stored in my profile?]]

  • ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value

    AIX 5.2
    I have dropped many big tables after moving on another database, what i thought it will free the space of the disk because right now there is no provision to extend the disk size and disk size have already occupied 90%. I dropped tables which had 150 GB total size but when i am trying to resize the datafiles it is giving below error whereas that datafile has free space ( example: free space 8000mb and total size 20000mb of that file i tried to resize it to 14000mb it is giving below error)
    I tired the same for many datafiles for a particular tablespace all datafiles are giving same error except one of them.
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value

    user13382934 wrote:
    AIX 5.2
    I have dropped many big tables after moving on another database, what i thought it will free the space of the disk because right now there is no provision to extend the disk size and disk size have already occupied 90%. I dropped tables which had 150 GB total size but when i am trying to resize the datafiles it is giving below error whereas that datafile has free space ( example: free space 8000mb and total size 20000mb of that file i tried to resize it to 14000mb it is giving below error)
    I tired the same for many datafiles for a particular tablespace all datafiles are giving same error except one of them.
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value
    ThanksThis error occurs when some object has blocks "adjacent" to the High Water Mark.
    In order to RESIZE, the object needs to be identified & then moved;
    preferably to a different tablespace.
    After do so you can RESIZE at least a modest amount.

  • Does watching videos on iTunes U use data?

    A couple weeks ago I was watching videos on my iPhone from iTunes U while at home connected to Wi-fi. I found out that my video streaming using 200+ MB of data and ended up costing me a lot.
    I considered that maybe the Wi-fi just wasn't working but now yesterday I was watching another video. I kept checking to make sure that the Wi-fi was on and working. Yet from just watching a couple 5-10 min videos, I used around 70 MB of data.
    Is anyone aware of how iTunes U shares course information (in particular the videos)? I just assumed that it would use Wi-Fi if I was home but that does not seem to be the case.
    I have 90% sure that this is not an issue with my Wi-Fi at home.
    It there a way to make sure that iTunes does not use data to stream videos. I can't afford to be watching them otherwise.
    Many thanks to anyone who can help,

    You could try going to settings, general, network, and turning cellular data off. Then try using itunes university. That will let you know if it's able to use wi-fi or not.

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    How is it possible to use data synchronization in business rule (
    Or to write a batch file for synchronization. Have anyone an example for such a batch file?
    Many many thanks,
    Edited by: WhiteBaer on 04.01.2010 08:25

    Hello Michael,
    i am trying to synchronize two applications (Planning and HPCM). I did it with Data Synchronization.
    Now i want to make it possible to synchronize the applications without going out of planning. For example with Custom Menu (Right-Click-Menu).
    Another way to do it is to use XREF in Calculation Script.
    It must be possible to write a batch file to execute a synchronization.
    Do you have any idea?
    Many thanks in advance,

  • Using Data Merge for filenames?

    First off, I'm running Indesign CS5 on Snowleapord.
    I've used Data Merge to create one file with 45 pages. Each page is a form letter, with the first line being the persons name.
    What I need to do is save each of those pages as its own Jpg file, (Easy to do, just export>Jpg)
    Where  I'm having trouble is in the filename scheme. If it saves each page as  "formletter-1" "formletter-2" I end up not knowing who's letter it is.
    I'd  like to name the files for the name of the person in the letter, the  <<Name>> field from data merge. There are FAR to many to do  this by hand.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks so much.
    I don't know anything about scripting. I hope somebody can write one or provide me with a link to a solution.

    I am trying to do the same thing.
    I have an Indesign document with data merge information on it. I can successfully get it to create either a multipage indesign document or PDF.
    I now want to name PDF with one of my field names and create single named PDF files.
    I tried clicking on the above link be the website has no information on it.
    I am using a mac and unfortunately know nothing about scripting.
    Many thanks if someone can help.

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