Masking problems

I have stumbled over a masking-problem, that I hope you can
help me solve. I have made a mask with a movie clip containing
several graphic objects on separate layers. Please see reference
image 1.
I tried to create a "splattering" effect, which I felt I
did... until I played the result.
It seemes that overlapping content in the mask will null out
the overlapping areas in the mask, and reveal content behind the
masked layer. Please see reference image 2.
What I wanted was to reveal the masked layer only, not the
content behind, so that it would look similar to reference image 1.
Please explain what I'm doing wrong and how I can fix this.
Thanks alot in advance! :D

Originally posted by:
(...) if you're doing it on the timeline, you'll need 1 layer
for each graphics OR you put all the graphics in 1 layer in 1
movieclip and make the animation IN the movieclip. That should work
Are you talking about the root-timeline? On the root I have
two layers. One with an image, and the other one which is a mask
layer to the first. The mask layer contains a movie clip. This
movie clip is my "splattering"-mask. The idea is that the image on
the first layer of the root-timeline will be gradually revealed by
the effect created in the movie clip lying on the mask layer.
The movie clip contains several layers. Each with a separate
single "splat" motion tweened to create a realistic look.... well,
at least good enough for me. :) - The problem mentioned appears
when two layers in the movie clip are overlapping. This causes the
mask to null out the overlapping areas when run.
Is this the same method you're describing? If so, what do you
suggest the problem is?
And what suggestion do you have for solving this in the code?
I assume you're talking about ActionScript? I'm open for anything
as long as the problem gets solved. :D
Thanks alot for your help so far.

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    Hope someone can help me.
    Thanks a lot
    /Per Haar
    Mask problem in Premiere Pro CC 2014 - YouTube

    But the whole point is that I am not able to place the mask properly because of the strange way it behaving. The purpose of a mask is that it should affect the area it is located above and not somewhere else, and it should also fill the entire mask and not only a spot at the center of the mask area.
    It has nothing to do with the order of things, or if I turn up feathering or extract the edge. It's all about the wired way it applys it self.
    If I apply and drag the mask to the corner, it should affect the corner and not somewhere near the center of my footage. As it is right now I have to zoom out to 25% and drag the mask way out of frame to affect the corner of my footage.

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  • Project coding mask problem

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    My coding mask is: 00/XXXX.X.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX
    The First six characters are for the Project definition.
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    Sorry for the delay in reply. There was some problem in SDN website here as a result of which I was not able to post my reply.
    In the meanwhile I found out the reason for this problem.
    My coding mask was 11/XXXX.X.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX
    Since it is 'X', the project creation was not being allowed to create more than 9 WBS elements.
    I then tried changing to 11/XXXX.
    Now it is working fine.
    Thanks for your support guys.
    But I have one more doubt now.
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    I am trying to use the SDO_RELATE operator on my spatial table.
    I have been experiencing problems.
    I also get the same problems if I use the SDO_GEOM.RELATE geometry function.
    Table2 contains about 20 000 rows.
    Table1 contains about 1 000 000 rows.
    Both tables contain area geomteries.
    I can not get the following 'masks' to return any results.
    -- COVERS
    The all return -
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    Elapsed: 00:00:20.00
    However the mask INSIDE does work!!! And it returns the correct results.
    The query syntax I am using is below. And substituting any of the above mentioned masks for INSIDE results in the ORA-03113 error.
    I have validated all the geometies in my table using SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_LAYER. They are all valid.
    Query Syntax
    SELECT /* ORDERED */ count(g2.parcel_ref)
    FROM table2 g2
    WHERE 1 < (SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ count(*)
    FROM table1 g1
    WHERE SDO_RELATE (g1.geometry,
              'MASK=INSIDE querytype=WINDOW') ='TRUE');
    SELECT /* ORDERED ORDERED_PREDICATES */ count(g2.parcel_ref)
    FROM table2 g2
    WHERE 1 < (SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ count(*)
    FROM table1 g1
    WHERE SDO_FILTER (g1.geometry, g2.geom, 'querytype=WINDOW')='TRUE'
    AND SDO_GEOM.RELATE (g1.geometry, 'inside', g2.geom,0.001)='INSIDE');
    Does anybody have any ideas why all the masks (except INSIDE) fail?

    I have finally got back to looking at my problem queries.
    The first discovery I have found is that I can repeat the problem using one feature in one of the geometry tables.
    You can see the syntax that I am using below. As I stated before, the INDSIDE query works, but the COVEREDBY fails.
    SELECT /* ORDERED */ count(g2.parcel_ref)
    FROM table2 g2
    WHERE = 3658
    AND 1 < (SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ count(*)
    FROM table1 g1
    WHERE SDO_RELATE (g1.geometry, g2.geom, 'MASK=INSIDE querytype=WINDOW') ='TRUE');
    SELECT /* ORDERED */ count(g2.parcel_ref)
    FROM table2 g2
    WHERE = 3658
    AND 1 < (SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ count(*)
    FROM table1 g1
    WHERE SDO_RELATE (g1.geometry, g2.geom, 'MASK=COVEREDBY querytype=WINDOW') ='TRUE');
    *** THIS ONE DOES NOT WORK! The error is below.
    SELECT /* ORDERED */ count(g2.parcel_ref)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    I have also been running some other queries on my data.
    Again, one query works, the other does not.
    FROM table2 g1, table2 g2
    WHERE = 194
    AND SDO_FILTER (g2.geom, g1.geom, 'querytype=WINDOW')='TRUE'
    AND SDO_GEOM.RELATE (g2.geom, 'overlapbdyintersect', g1.geom,0.0001)='OVERLAPBDYINTERSECT';
    SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ count(*)
    FROM table2 g1, table2 g2
    WHERE = 194
    AND SDO_RELATE (g2.geom, g1.geom, 'MASK=OVERLAPBDYINTERSECT querytype=WINDOW') ='TRUE';
    *** THIS ONE DOES NOT WORK! Again, the error is below.
    SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ count(*)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    I have checked that the two problem geometries are 'valid'.
    SQL> select sdo_geom.validate_geometry(geom, 0.001) from table2 where id=194;
    SQL> select sdo_geom.validate_geometry(geom, 0.001) from table2 where id=3658;
    Below is a print of the geometry of each of the problem features.
    Have you got any ideas as to why the queries are failing?
    Thanks in advance,
    SQL> select geom from sample_lr_prm_iacs2002 where id=3658;
    RAY(475710.144, 133881.126, 475714.379, 133844.065, 475723.656, 133762.89, 47572
    4.07, 133759.271, 475964.952, 133791.345, 475963, 133796.9, 475959, 133806.2, 47
    5956.8, 133812.5, 475955.2, 133816.1, 475951.3, 133824.1, 475944.3, 133838.6, 47
    5933.5, 133861.8, 475932, 133864.5, 475928.5, 133869.7, 475918.8, 133885.8, 4759
    12.5, 133897, 475907.6, 133903.9, 475898.6, 133914.2, 475888.8, 133922.7, 475824
    .2, 133974.3, 475809.9, 133976.2, 475808.1, 133974.6, 475805.5, 133972, 475796.3
    , 133955.7, 475783.99, 133933.51, 475782.67, 133931.44, 475780.87, 133927.97, 47
    5780.14, 133927, 475778.95, 133924.69, 475778.12, 133923.03, 475775.33, 133919.3
    4, 475773.51, 133917.39, 475768.42, 133913.14, 475765.56, 133911.12, 475757.25,
    133906.26, 475751.77, 133903.28, 475741.52, 133897.2, 475714.92, 133883.62, 4757
    10.86, 133881.5, 475710.144, 133881.126))
    SQL> select geom from table2 where id=194;
    RAY(467345.544, 109699.287, 467345.379, 109699.279, 467345.288, 109698.752, 4673
    44.9, 109696.5, 467339.8, 109665.2, 467325.9, 109583.1, 467311.35, 109500, 46730
    9.1, 109487, 467308.27, 109482.113, 467308.242, 109482.142, 467307.491, 109478.1
    99, 467307.44, 109477.435, 467307.3, 109475.9, 467307.331, 109475.837, 467307.02
    4, 109471.295, 467306.963, 109471.307, 467306.831, 109471.334, 467306.831, 10946
    9.765, 467307.192, 109469.68, 467310.196, 109468.973, 467345.545, 109459.288, 46
    7363.626, 109453.84, 467395.576, 109447.4, 467444.616, 109440.217, 467457.247, 1
    09439.474, 467460.715, 109437.245, 467461.458, 109436.255, 467467.251, 109435.39
    6, 467468.145, 109435.264, 467468.264, 109435.663, 467481.7, 109435.2, 467487.2,
    109435.3, 467488.8, 109435.4, 467490.6, 109435.5, 467493.4, 109435.9, 467495.6,
    109435.9, 467500, 109435.8, 467505.75, 109435.8, 467515.85, 109436.2, 467525.2,
    109436.45, 467531.95, 109436.5, 467534.7, 109436.55, 467541.45, 109436.8, 46754
    4.65, 109437.05, 467547.65, 109437.3, 467551.3, 109437.7, 467551.95, 109437.75,
    467555.6, 109438.1, 467556.4, 109438.15, 467558.6, 109438.25, 467562.95, 109438.
    35, 467585.5, 109439.1, 467593.55, 109439.35, 467597.5, 109439.35, 467600.45, 10
    9439.3, 467603.65, 109439.35, 467606.8, 109439.3, 467607, 109439.3, 467610.15, 1
    09439.2, 467613.35, 109439, 467615.7, 109438.8, 467618, 109438.55, 467620.3, 109
    438.25, 467623.3, 109437.65, 467626.2, 109437.1, 467626.85, 109437, 467629.8, 10
    9436.5, 467631.6, 109436.25, 467634.15, 109435.95, 467635.05, 109435.85, 467636.
    95, 109435.7, 467637.35, 109435.65, 467639.25, 109435.4, 467640.1, 109435.25, 46
    7641, 109435.1, 467643.7, 109434.5, 467644.3, 109434.3, 467652.15, 109432.45, 46
    7653.35, 109432.2, 467654.4, 109431.95, 467656.8, 109431.25, 467658.35, 109430.7
    5, 467659.75, 109430.15, 467660, 109430.05, 467662.95, 109429.15, 467667.25, 109
    427.9, 467667.8, 109427.8, 467668.5, 109427.7, 467670, 109427.5, 467670.7, 10942
    7.4, 467671.45, 109427.35, 467671.7, 109427.35, 467678.95, 109427.45, 467680.4,
    109427.5, 467681.75, 109427.55, 467683.2, 109427.55, 467684.55, 109427.5, 467685
    .95, 109427.45, 467687.35, 109427.35, 467688.55, 109427.25, 467695.4, 109426.55,
    467696.8, 109426.45, 467698.15, 109426.3, 467699.55, 109426.1, 467700.75, 10942
    5.95, 467703.45, 109425.35, 467703.95, 109425.2, 467708.85, 109423.95, 467717.8,
    109421.4, 467721.2, 109420.5, 467726.4, 109419.2, 467729.8, 109418.5, 467731.45
    , 109418.15, 467735.95, 109417.45, 467737.5, 109417.25, 467742.8, 109417.05, 467
    748.2, 109416.7, 467748.95, 109416.6, 467749.7, 109416.45, 467750.5, 109416.3, 4
    67752, 109415.9, 467752.75, 109415.65, 467753.4, 109415.45, 467753.95, 109415.2,
    467754.55, 109415, 467755.1, 109414.75, 467755.6, 109414.45, 467756.15, 109414.
    2, 467756.45, 109414, 467762.25, 109409.8, 467768.8, 109404.9, 467770.4, 109403.
    7, 467771.3, 109403.1, 467771.513, 109402.932, 467772.658, 109403.214, 467772.92
    9, 109403.281, 467777.496, 109404.803, 467790.963, 109405.789, 467804.758, 10940
    7.103, 467810.013, 109407.431, 467821.181, 109409.73, 467831.035, 109410.716, 46
    7843.188, 109412.03, 467849.757, 109412.686, 467853.992, 109414.38, 467854.15, 1
    09416.85, 467854.85, 109427.6, 467855.35, 109436.3, 467855.75, 109443.95, 467856
    .25, 109451.7, 467854.7, 109460.35, 467852.45, 109472, 467850.5, 109482.45, 4678
    48.45, 109493.25, 467847.15, 109500, 467846.25, 109505.2, 467845, 109511.7, 4678
    44.25, 109515.9, 467843.15, 109521.5, 467841.85, 109528.55, 467840.65, 109534.95
    , 467840.05, 109538.2, 467839.65, 109542.4, 467839.05, 109548.35, 467838.55, 109
    553.6, 467837.9, 109560.6, 467837.2, 109568, 467836.45, 109576.3, 467836.05, 109
    581.45, 467835.45, 109588.4, 467834.55, 109597.9, 467833.1, 109614.5, 467832.35,
    109622, 467831.2, 109634.4, 467830.6, 109640.2, 467830.55, 109640.5, 467828.5,
    109642.15, 467824.2, 109642.3, 467821.1, 109642.35, 467819.75, 109642.4, 467818.
    9, 109642.4, 467818.6, 109642.45, 467818.4, 109642.45, 467818.25, 109642.5, 4678
    18.05, 109642.5, 467817.85, 109642.55, 467817.65, 109642.5, 467817.45, 109642.5,
    467817.2, 109642.55, 467816.95, 109642.55, 467816.7, 109642.6, 467816.45, 10964
    2.6, 467815.85, 109642.7, 467815.35, 109642.7, 467814.65, 109642.8, 467812.25, 1
    09643.05, 467811.4, 109643.1, 467810.55, 109643.2, 467809.1, 109643.4, 467807.1,
    109643.7, 467805.75, 109643.85, 467804.45, 109643.95, 467800.55, 109644.5, 4677
    98.75, 109644.7, 467795.9, 109645, 467794.95, 109645.15, 467793.6, 109645.3, 467
    792.15, 109645.55, 467790.65, 109645.75, 467787.25, 109646.05, 467782.8, 109646.
    5, 467778.15, 109646.95, 467774.5, 109647.4, 467770.1, 109647.85, 467765.75, 109
    648.3, 467760.85, 109648.9, 467753.35, 109649.65, 467748.7, 109650.1, 467745.15,
    109650.45, 467741.05, 109650.85, 467739.95, 109650.95, 467736.45, 109651.35, 46
    7732.1, 109651.95, 467729.1, 109652.3, 467724.95, 109652.7, 467723.05, 109652.95
    , 467720.5, 109653.2, 467716.65, 109653.75, 467712.05, 109654.45, 467708.65, 109
    654.9, 467704.45, 109655.4, 467700.35, 109655.95, 467695.65, 109656.65, 467692.4
    , 109657.1, 467690.4, 109657.25, 467682.65, 109657.8, 467679, 109658.1, 467676.1
    5, 109658.35, 467674.75, 109658.5, 467674.3, 109658.5, 467674.1, 109658.55, 4676
    73.7, 109658.55, 467673.3, 109658.65, 467673, 109658.7, 467672.7, 109658.8, 4676
    72.1, 109658.9, 467671.4, 109659, 467670.9, 109659.1, 467670, 109659.25, 467669.
    75, 109659.3, 467668.75, 109659.4, 467668.3, 109659.4, 467667.85, 109659.45, 467
    665.4, 109659.65, 467661.9, 109660.05, 467659.5, 109660.3, 467656.65, 109660.7,
    467652.55, 109661.25, 467648.35, 109661.8, 467644.65, 109662.25, 467641.7, 10966
    2.65, 467639.5, 109662.9, 467636.75, 109663.25, 467633.25, 109663.6, 467631.7, 1
    09663.75, 467631.5, 109663.8, 467631.1, 109663.8, 467630.9, 109663.85, 467630.55
    , 109663.85, 467630.35, 109663.9, 467630.2, 109663.95, 467629.85, 109663.95, 467
    629.05, 109664.05, 467628.35, 109664.15, 467628.05, 109664.2, 467627.7, 109664.3
    , 467625.95, 109664.55, 467623.15, 109665.1, 467622.85, 109665.15, 467622.6, 109
    665.25, 467622.3, 109665.3, 467622.05, 109665.35, 467621.9, 109665.35, 467621.65
    , 109665.4, 467621.4, 109665.4, 467621.15, 109665.45, 467620.95, 109665.5, 46762
    0.7, 109665.6, 467620.5, 109665.65, 467620.3, 109665.65, 467619.8, 109665.75, 46
    7619.5, 109665.8, 467619.15, 109665.8, 467618.45, 109665.9, 467616.8, 109666.1,
    467613.2, 109666.6, 467610.15, 109667.05, 467608, 109667.3, 467605.85, 109667.5,
    467603.75, 109667.7, 467602.25, 109667.9, 467601.05, 109668, 467597.05, 109668.
    35, 467592.6, 109668.8, 467589.7, 109669.1, 467587.1, 109669.4, 467583.65, 10966
    9.75, 467580.7, 109670.1, 467576.3, 109670.65, 467567, 109671.85, 467562.25, 109
    672.4, 467556.85, 109673, 467553.95, 109673.3, 467550.35, 109671.95, 467545.1, 1
    09670, 467540.35, 109668.3, 467539.9, 109668.15, 467539.75, 109668.15, 467539.6,
    109668.1, 467539.5, 109668.05, 467539.35, 109668, 467539.2, 109668, 467539, 109
    667.95, 467538.75, 109667.95, 467538.55, 109667.9, 467538.35, 109667.9, 467534.8
    , 109667.7, 467530.65, 109667.35, 467523.9, 109666.75, 467519.5, 109666.4, 46751
    6.2, 109666.1, 467511.8, 109665.65, 467508.1, 109665.3, 467504.85, 109664.9, 467
    501.35, 109664.5, 467500, 109664.4, 467498.7, 109664.3, 467480.5, 109673.4, 4674
    73.7, 109677, 467468.4, 109680, 467461.5, 109683.8, 467453.2, 109688.1, 467448.1
    , 109690.4, 467441.4, 109693, 467439.6, 109693.6, 467430, 109696.2, 467424, 1096
    97.7, 467420.3, 109698.5, 467419.444, 109698.653, 467419.409, 109698.708, 467397
    .983, 109702.395, 467373.562, 109709.767, 467362.964, 109719.213, 467362.94, 109
    718.668, 467362.504, 109719.213, 467347.528, 109705.39, 467346.459, 109701.945,
    467346.01, 109700.498, 467345.636, 109699.291, 467345.544, 109699.287))

  • CS 4 Quick mask problem

    My first posting here
    Cant figure out whats wrong. Maybe somebody here can guide me to a solution.
    When selected quick mask.
    Masking out an area and using brush to select area.
    When exiting the mask i dont get the marked area visible by the "walking ants" showing my what area i masked.
    Regardless of brush diameter.
    Before i had the same problem when opacity was set lower than for example 50. Setting the value higher solved the problem.
    Now opacity is 100 but i can see through the marked out area
    I have choosen red as color for masking area.
    Also the brush is "cut" in half when exceeding ca 300 in brush diameter.
    Any tips?

    Thanks for quick replies.
    Photoshop is updatet to latest version,
    Drivers are not possible to update yet. No newer that the one i am using.
    There exist one that nvidia says will fit to my laptop but get a fault message when installing.
    Will examine this further,
    Regarding if color i 100 % black.
    Where can i check this?
    When using cs 3 i couldnt see through the quick mask when opacity was 100.
    Now it seems like 50 %
    Regardless of which color i choose to use when brushing the areas i want selected
    Is there another menu option where i can check enter opacity?

  • Quick mask problem ..?

    When i use the quick mask tool  it always gives me the inverse selection .. ì have to invert it manually every time. what could be the problem ? any advice would be appreciated..

    Double click on the Quick Mask Symbol and make the switch.

  • Flash gradient mask problem

    Having a bad day everything i do doesn't work today... I am trying to create a gradient mask but because its not on the main timeline also its in a nested swf, just can't get it working, this is what I was using and tried it with _parent.(instanceName) and _root
    clip.cacheAsBitmap = true;
    mask.cacheAsBitmap = true;
    Any ideas

    mask shouldn't be in quotes.
    if removing the quotes doesn't solve your problem what's the following show:
    clip.cacheAsBitmap = true;
    mask.cacheAsBitmap = true;

  • Picture in Picture (Mask) Problem

    Hey guys,
    I'm using a technique to mask out a watermark in a video I've been editing in iMovie. I created a black box over a transparent background in photoshop and exported it as a bunch of different image file formats. I drag it into iMovie 09 as a Picture in Picture, place it on top of my movie, delete the stupid Ken Burns effect, and it works like magic. The watermark disappears! However, my video darkens. I have no idea why it would be doing this. Is it a problem with how I'm exporting from photoshop? Any help would be much appreciated!

    > Is this a poblem with DW8?
    Most likely not. Please list the exact steps you are taking,
    and what it is
    you want to do. The simple act of inserting content into any
    whether a 'layer' or a table, would not be expected to cause
    that container
    to change locations on the page.
    And what is the 'overflow box'? Do you mean the visibility
    column on the
    Layers panel?
    As a wild guess, I would imagine what is happening is that
    you are not
    inserting the image into the layer, you are REPLACING the
    layer with the
    image. Did you look at the code <shudder> to see if the
    layer's markup was
    still there?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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    Tutorials & Resources
    "AnohterDWUser" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fig25i$t3r$[email protected]..
    > Hi folks, while i design view, has anyone had any
    problems after inserting
    > the
    > image into the layer that the "Overflow" box is not
    available and only
    > available before inserting the image? Supposidly, you
    should be able to
    > make
    > the overflow box to "hidden", but the overflow box
    disappears after
    > inserting
    > the image and I cannot find it. Also, the layer moves up
    towards the top
    > of the
    > page. Is this a poblem with DW8?
    > Help...

  • Smart object masks problem

    Let's see if I can explain the problem I'm having...
    1. I create a blank 12x12 320 dpi image.
    2. I choose place from the file menu and choose an image to place on the 12x12 document as a smart object
    3. I make a selection on the smart object (rectangle for example)
    4. Press the mask button under the layers on the layers palette to apply the rectangular mask for the smart object.
    5. Now select the smart object and try and re-size it with the layer handles.
    The mask for the smart object gets all messed up. It's like it puts the mask at the bottom right of the smart object now. I can un-link the mask and object and move it back, but it seems it is behaving incorrectly.
    Can anyone verify this?

    The problem is your mask is not linked to the smart object, and therefore doesn't transform with it. The workaround in CS3 was to drop the smart object in a group and apply the mask to the group instead. I'm assuming by your post this is still necessary in CS4. You might try clicking between the mask and the smart object (in the layers panel) first and see if a link (chain) icon appears...

  • Secondary CoCo and Mask Problem in Trial Version?

    I have been playing around with Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 for 15 days.
    Buying a license after 30 days was my plan, however the secondary color correction doesn't seem to work.
    Indeed the Mask function doesn't work and I tried with RGB and three way color correction.
    Is it the limitation of the trial version?
    I just hope that when buying a license I will have access to the mask function.
    Another problem is the tonal range that doesn't seem to work in Three way colour correction.
    I am using a Macbook Pro 2014, 2.6 Ghz I5, 8GB 1600Mhz DDR3, OS 10.9.4
    My question is : Did adobe lock some functions in the trial software?

    Found the solution here: Redesigned Three-Way Color Corrector | Learn Premiere Pro CS6 | Adobe TV

  • Need help with simple mask problem

    hi there this is mark from superbooty a band that has played in the bay area for over 10 years...
    i was wondering if someone could help me with a Motion2 problem i'm having regarding masks.
    i'm working on this simple animated scene of a car going by a beach - the photo is from the passenger side and shows the outside mirror.
    i'm moving the background (different from the original that came with the car) and i want to move an image of tokyo inside the mirror housing too.
    i figured out how to do the mask but when i try to animate the image of tokyo the mask layer moves with it. when i lock the mask i can't move the image - ???
    there's got to be a way to lock the mask but be able to move what it is masking..
    here are the links to three images that show what the problem is - the first is
    the shot of the scene unmasked, shot 2 is the scene with the mask enabled, and the third is the shot when i try to animate the tokyo background:
    any help would be most appreciated - thanks!

    Adam's solution is the one I'd use - put the mirror contents in a layer, mask the layer, then manipulate the mirror content image. Did this solve it for you - if so, please click on the or buttons over posts as appropriate...

  • Dynamic text and animated masking problem?

    Can anyone suggest to me what might be happening here. I will
    try and explain step by step... I am using flash MX
    I have dynamically created a movieclip which I want to mask -
    _root.createEmptyMovieClip("myMovie", 1);
    I dynamically add a movieclip into it which I then load a jpg
    into -
    _root.myMovie.createEmptyMovieClip("image1", 0);
    _root.myMovie.image1.createEmptyMovieClip("newFile", 0);
    I dynamically create another movieclip called myNormalText1
    insde the first movie -
    _root.myMovie.createEmptyMovieClip("myNormalText1", 2);
    this holds a dynamically created text box called mytext -
    // the text box formating is dynamic, uses devise fonts,
    arial and is red ect.
    I have then attach a movieclip and use it as a mask to create
    a transition effect over _root.myMovie (which holds the image and
    the mask movieclip is what is causing me the problem!!!
    method one
    when the mask movieclip contains this -
    a phisically drawn box that fills the whole page
    I use a shape tween to make the box transform into a thin
    rectangle down the left hand side of the screen
    I get a transition effect which makes _root.mymovie disapear
    to the left which is what I want!
    The image and text are masked correctly!
    *** Please note I am aware that dynamic text boxes using
    devise fonts are not displayed correctly under a mask layor when
    they are not embeded, in flash MX. I am able to view my movie in a
    browser window which uses flash player 8 that now allows dynamic
    devise fonts to be masked!
    method two
    I then wanted to create a different transition effect like
    venitian blinds,
    so, in my mask movieclip I created several rectangles that
    fill the page
    again I used a shape tween so they get thinner,
    when I tested my movie the same way in the browser,
    the mask did not work correctly over my text in
    yet the image in _root.mymovie was masked correctly???
    the only differance between the two methods is the shape
    tween in method one uses one box shape, and the shape tween in
    method two uses several rectangler box shapes.
    I was wondering if anyone knows why the text is correctly
    masked in case one and is not correctly masked in case 2
    I want to do other transition effects using masks in this way
    and I am having no luck :-(
    Thanks for any advice
    Claire Wall

    I have been researching this ALOT and found some info that
    basically tells me when I use setMask() over dynamic device fonts,
    the mask uses its bounding box (the rectangular outside edge of the
    whole mask movieclip) as the mask.
    In case 1 the mask moviclips bounding box shrinks when the
    shape tween plays because there is one rectangular box being
    tweened. It appears to mask the text correctly.
    In case 2 I have variouse different shape tweens going on
    inside the mask movieclip so the bounding box stays the same size
    across the whole screen and it wont appear to mask my text
    I think I have answered my own question, but this still
    leaves me stuck! I want to create this venitian blind effect using
    masks over devise fonts.
    I came up with the idea of using for example 4 different
    masks over the one movieclip but again flash doesnt like this and I
    guess I can only use one setMask() per movieclip?
    Can anyone suggest a way I can use multiple dynamically
    created masks on one movieclip or cant it be done?
    Claire x

  • Photoshop masking problem

    I am currently using the cloud version for photoshop.  Whenever i mask out anything, it doesn't completely mask all the way. It still leaves a transparent look as though my opacity was lowered. The problem is that all my opacity are at 100%. I found a temporary solution where after I mask the object in normal mode, i switch to multiple and mask out what remains. Now I can get away with this to a certain point, but I need a permanent solution to this problem. Any suggestions?

    Upload you problem PSD with problem masked layer and post a link to the uploaded PSD file.

  • Flash Masking problems

    i am having problems with creating a mask in Flash 8. I have
    created the mask and stoke. I want a wavy line to gradually appear.
    The animation stutters and once the line has appeared it flashes up
    again. Something is wrong. Can you please point me in the right
    direction. Perhaps I can send / upload the .fla file for someone to
    many many many thanks

    it all depends on how you have your file structured. This
    should be no problem, post your fla for us to look into.
    you probably just need a stop() action on the last

Maybe you are looking for

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