Mass Deletion Of Purchase Requisitions Without Using LSMW

We would like to delete huge volume of PR generated through MRP. Deleting PR will be a frequent activity in our business scenario. Since the person responsible for MRP is not very much conversant with LSMW, we want to avoid using LSMW.
I tried with MEMASSQR. But 'deletion indicator' field is not available in the field list.
Is there any method through which I can carry out mass deletion of PR?

I've tryed this from Manish Kumar Agarwal :
Go to SM30 enter the table MASSFLDLST
then create the new entry object type = BUS2105
Table name = EBAN Field:- "EBAKZ" (Purchase requisition closed)
Then run MEMASSRQ and select this field and then PRs after tnat on next page you will get option like film:- carry out mass changes go ahead with it.
But strangelly, it doesnt appear in the memassrq... any idea?

Similar Messages

  • Mass Deletion of Purchase Requisitions

    Hello Gurus,
    I have a unique issue. Our SAP system creates multiple MRP generated purchase requisitions on a daily basis and we do not have the manpower to delete each single PR using the ME52N transaction. I checked the MEMASSRQ transaction which is used for mass changes of PRs. However, in MEMASSRQ, there isn't any field mentioned particularly for deletion or blocking of purchase requisition. I found a BAPI, BAPI_REQUISITION_DELETE, but even this BAPI is used to delete the PRs one by one. Not for mass deletion.
    Right now, there are around 4000 PRs in our system which are lying and we have to delete them all. So, I want your help in finding out whether there is a transaction/report available for mass deletion of purchase requisitions.
    Your suggestions would be very much helpful for us.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Perhaps you can try to archive them. Check archiving object MM_EBAN. See not Note 123900 - Archiving purchasing documents/purchase requisitns for futher information.
    I hope this helps you

  • Generated a report which gives PR(Purchase Requisition) analysis using ALV.

    hi experts,
    please give me tables and fields for following report, and also exlain me briefly,
    Generated a report which gives PR(Purchase Requisition) analysis using ALV.
    thanks in advance,

    please find this report which link SO PO PR and Prd Ord and there status.
    REPORT z_so_info.
    TABLES: vbak, vbap, afko, afpo.
    *Field catalog
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.
    DATA: lv_repid TYPE sy-repid VALUE sy-repid,
    xfield TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
    afield TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 1(25) text-002.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: so_so FOR vbak-vbeln OBLIGATORY.
    p_kunnr LIKE vbak-kunnr, " sold-to
    p_kunwe LIKE vbak-kunnr. " ship-to
    CONSTANTS: c_zor TYPE vbak-auart VALUE 'ZOR',
    c_we TYPE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'WE',
    c_ag TYPE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'AG'.
    c_space TYPE space.
    RANGES: ra_parvw FOR vbpa-parvw,
    ra_kunnr FOR vbpa-kunnr.
    DATA: BEGIN OF gt_output OCCURS 0,
    vbeln LIKE vbak-vbeln, " sales order number
    posnr LIKE vbap-posnr, " SO item number
    matnr LIKE vbap-matnr, " material number
    sh LIKE vbpa-kunnr, " Ship-to
    sp LIKE vbpa-kunnr, " Sold-to
    lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr, " Vendor
    bstnk LIKE vbak-bstnk, " PO number
    banfn LIKE vbep-banfn, " Purchase requi
    po_st TYPE char30, " PO status text
    pstyv TYPE vbap-pstyv, " Item catagory
    aufnr LIKE afpo-aufnr, " Production Order
    prd_stat TYPE string, " Prd order status
    END OF gt_output.
    DATA: wa_output LIKE gt_output.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_output> LIKE gt_output.
    *Table for sales order and PO
    TYPES : BEGIN OF gs_data,
    vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbap-posnr,
    pstyv TYPE vbap-pstyv,
    matnr TYPE vbap-matnr,
    END OF gs_data.
    DATA: gt_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_data,
    wa_data TYPE gs_data.
    *Table for Production Orders
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_prd,
    aufnr TYPE afpo-aufnr,
    posnr TYPE afpo-posnr,
    kdauf TYPE afpo-kdauf,
    kdpos TYPE afpo-kdpos,
    wepos TYPE afpo-wepos, "Goods Receipt Indicator
    elikz TYPE afpo-elikz, "Delivery Completed Indicator
    objnr TYPE aufk-objnr, "Object number
    getri TYPE afko-getri, "Confirmed Order Finish Date
    gltri TYPE afko-gltri, "Actual finish date
    END OF gs_prd.
    DATA: gt_prd TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_prd,
    wa_prd TYPE gs_prd.
    *Table for partner data
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_partner,
    vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbap-posnr,
    parvw TYPE vbpa-parvw,
    kunnr TYPE vbpa-kunnr,
    END OF gs_partner.
    DATA: gt_partner TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_partner,
    wa_partner TYPE gs_partner.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_po,
    ebeln TYPE ekkn-ebeln,
    ebelp TYPE ekkn-ebelp,
    vbeln TYPE ekkn-vbeln,
    vbelp TYPE ekkn-vbelp,
    END OF gs_po.
    wa_po TYPE gs_po.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_preq,
    vbeln TYPE vbep-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbep-posnr,
    banfn TYPE vbep-banfn,
    END OF gs_preq.
    DATA: gt_preq TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_preq,
    wa_preq TYPE gs_preq.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_po_stat,
    ebeln TYPE ekko-ebeln,
    procstat TYPE ekko-procstat,
    lifnr TYPE ekko-lifnr,
    END OF gs_po_stat.
    DATA: gt_po_stat TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_po_stat,
    wa_po_stat TYPE gs_po_stat.
    *Field symbols
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs> TYPE tj02t-txt04,
    <fs_temp> TYPE tj02t-txt04,
    <fs_stat> TYPE char30.
    PERFORM fr_build_range.
    PERFORM fr_get_data.
    PERFORM fr_build_fc.
    PERFORM fr_output.
    *& Form fr_get_data
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_get_data.
    *Get SO
    SELECT avbeln aposnr apstyv amatnr
    FROM vbap AS a
    JOIN vbak AS b
    ON avbeln = bvbeln
    JOIN vbpa AS c
    ON bvbeln = cvbeln
    INTO TABLE gt_data
    WHERE b~vbeln IN so_so
    AND b~auart EQ c_zor "Only Sales Orders
    AND c~kunnr IN ra_kunnr. "from selection screen
    *get data of the production order
    IF NOT gt_data[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT aaufnr aposnr akdauf akdpos awepos aelikz
    FROM afpo AS a
    JOIN aufk AS b
    ON aaufnr = baufnr
    INTO TABLE gt_prd
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE a~kdauf EQ gt_data-vbeln
    AND a~kdpos EQ gt_data-posnr.
    *Get partner data
    IF NOT gt_data[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT vbeln posnr parvw kunnr
    FROM vbpa
    INTO TABLE gt_partner
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE vbeln EQ gt_data-vbeln.
    *Get Purchase Order
    IF NOT gt_data[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT ebeln ebelp vbeln vbelp
    FROM ekkn
    INTO TABLE gt_po
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE vbeln EQ gt_data-vbeln
    AND vbelp EQ gt_data-posnr.
    SELECT vbeln posnr banfn
    FROM vbep
    INTO TABLE gt_preq
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE vbeln EQ gt_data-vbeln
    AND posnr EQ gt_data-posnr.
    IF NOT gt_po[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT aebeln aprocstat a~lifnr
    FROM ekko AS a
    JOIN ekpo AS b
    ON aebeln = bebeln
    INTO TABLE gt_po_stat
    WHERE b~ebeln EQ gt_po-ebeln
    AND b~ebelp EQ gt_po-ebelp.
    *Move data to output table
    LOOP AT gt_data INTO wa_data.
    wa_output-vbeln = wa_data-vbeln.
    wa_output-posnr = wa_data-posnr.
    wa_output-pstyv = wa_data-pstyv.
    wa_output-matnr = wa_data-matnr.
    READ TABLE gt_po INTO wa_po WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    vbelp = wa_data-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-bstnk = wa_po-ebeln.
    READ TABLE gt_po_stat INTO wa_po_stat WITH KEY ebeln = wa_po-ebeln.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-lifnr = wa_po_stat-lifnr.
    CASE wa_po_stat-procstat.
    WHEN '01'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Version in process'.
    WHEN '02'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Active'.
    WHEN '03'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'In release'.
    WHEN '04'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Partially released'.
    WHEN '05'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Released Completely'.
    WHEN '08'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Rejected'.
    ENDIF. "inner read subrc
    ENDIF. "outer read subrc
    READ TABLE gt_preq INTO wa_preq WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    posnr = wa_data-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-banfn = wa_preq-banfn.
    READ TABLE gt_prd INTO wa_prd WITH KEY kdauf = wa_data-vbeln
    kdpos = wa_data-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-aufnr = wa_prd-aufnr.
    *get the purchase requisition for production order as well
    FROM ebkn
    INTO wa_output-banfn
    WHERE aufnr EQ wa_prd-aufnr.
    *Get the status of the production order
    PERFORM fr_get_prd_stat USING wa_prd-objnr
    CHANGING wa_output-prd_stat.
    ENDIF. " sy-subrc
    READ TABLE gt_partner INTO wa_partner WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    parvw = c_we.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-sh = wa_partner-kunnr.
    READ TABLE gt_partner INTO wa_partner WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    parvw = c_ag.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-sp = wa_partner-kunnr.
    APPEND wa_output TO gt_output.
    CLEAR: wa_data, wa_prd,wa_partner,wa_output.
    ENDFORM. " fr_get_data
    *& Form fr_build_range
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_build_range .
    *Range for partner function
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_parvw-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_parvw-option.
    MOVE 'SH' TO ra_parvw-low. " we
    APPEND ra_parvw.
    CLEAR ra_parvw.
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_parvw-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_parvw-option.
    MOVE 'SP' TO ra_parvw-low. " ag
    APPEND ra_parvw.
    CLEAR ra_parvw.
    *Range for ship-to and sold-to
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_kunnr-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_kunnr-option.
    MOVE p_kunnr TO ra_kunnr-low.
    APPEND ra_kunnr.
    CLEAR ra_kunnr.
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_kunnr-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_kunnr-option.
    MOVE p_kunwe TO ra_kunnr-low.
    APPEND ra_kunnr.
    CLEAR ra_kunnr.
    ENDFORM. " fr_build_range
    *& Form fr_build_fc
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_build_fc .
    sales order number
    afield-fieldname = 'VBELN'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Sales #'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAK'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    sales ITEM number
    afield-fieldname = 'POSNR'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Item #'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAP'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    Material Number
    afield-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Material #'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAP'.
    afield-outputlen = 10.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Vendor Number
    afield-fieldname = 'LIFNR'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Vendor Num.'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'EKKO'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    afield-fieldname = 'SH'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Ship-to'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBPA'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    afield-fieldname = 'SP'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Sold-to'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBPA'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PO number
    afield-fieldname = 'BSTNK'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'PO NUM'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'EKKO'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PO status
    afield-fieldname = 'PO_STAT'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Step'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PO step status
    afield-fieldname = 'PO_ST'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'PO.Status'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Purchase requisition
    afield-fieldname = 'BANFN'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Pur. Req.'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBEP'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Item catagory
    afield-fieldname = 'PSTYV'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Itm. Catg'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAP'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Prodcution Order number
    afield-fieldname = 'AUFNR'.
    afield-seltext_m = 'Prod.Order'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'AFKO'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PRODCUTION status
    afield-fieldname = 'PRD_STAT'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Prd. Step'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    afield-outputlen = 20.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PRODUCTION step status
    afield-fieldname = 'PRD_ST'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Prd. Status'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    ENDFORM. " fr_build_fc
    *& Form fr_output
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_output .
    i_callback_program = sy-repid
    it_fieldcat = xfield[]
    i_default = 'X'
    i_save = 'A'
    t_outtab = gt_output
    program_error = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    ENDFORM. " fr_output
    *& Form fr_get_prd_stat
    -->P_WA_PRD_OBJNR text
    FORM fr_get_prd_stat USING p_objnr CHANGING p_prd_stat.
    DATA: lt_status TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF jstat,
    wa_status TYPE jstat,
    lv_status TYPE tj02t-txt04,
    lv_temp2 TYPE char5,
    lv_buff TYPE string.
    client = sy-mandt
    objnr = p_objnr
    only_active = 'X'
    status = lt_status
    object_not_found = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    LOOP AT lt_status INTO wa_status.
    IF wa_status-stat(1) EQ 'I'.
    SELECT txt04 FROM tj02t
    INTO lv_status
    WHERE istat EQ wa_status-stat
    AND spras EQ 'E'.
    lv_temp2 = lv_status.
    CONCATENATE lv_temp2 p_prd_stat INTO p_prd_stat
    CLEAR: wa_status, lv_status, lv_temp2.
    lv_buff = p_prd_stat.
    *Status of Production Order
    IF lv_buff CS 'CRTD'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Not Active'.
    IF lv_buff CS 'REL'.
    IF lv_buff CS 'GMPS'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Printed In Prod'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Printed'.
    IF lv_buff CS 'TECO'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Technically Compt.'.
    ENDFORM. " fr_get_prd_stat

  • Deletion of Purchase requisitions

    Hi all,
    I have to use the BAPI  BAPI_REQUISITION_DELETE  to delete the Purchase requisitions.
    Please tell me how to use this BAPI and what are the parameters to be given or if possible please give the Sample program

    hi there
    tables: eban.
    data: gt_BAPIEBAND type BAPIEBAND occurs 0 with header line,
          gt_return type bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line,
    PARAMETERS: p_banfn  like eban-banfn.
      select * from eban where banfn eq p_banfn.
         move: eban-bnfpo to gt_BAPIEBAND-PREQ_ITEM,
               'X'        to gt_BAPIEBAND-DELETE_IND,
               'X'        to gt_BAPIEBAND-CLOSED.
         append gt_BAPIEBAND.
          NUMBER                            = p_banfn
          RETURN                            = gt_return.
      if gt_return[] is not initial.
        loop at gt_return.
             ID      gt_return-id
             TYPE    gt_return-type
             NUMBER  gt_return-number
             WITH    gt_return-message_v1
          case gt_return-type.
            when 'E' or 'A'.
      call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'.

  • Heuristic run @ destination location is creating the purchase requisition without source plant

    Hello All,
    Trust you are doing well.
    Believe this is the good time to connect with you all get some advice on the below mentioned scenario:
    Material (XXXXXX) is discontinued at source location (Plant specific material status: 90) but the same material
    (XXXXXX) is still used in destination location (plant specific material status: 60). Here heuristic run @ destination location is creating the purchase requisition without source plant.
    Here the customer expectation is that “SNP should not create the order, since the material is discontinued in source plant”
    Could you please advise?

    Hi Prabin,
    You can change the SNP profile to NO PLANNING automatically and exclude the target location from the SNP run. Maybe you can try using Badi: SMOD_APOCF005.
    This is what I would do:
    1- Do not exclude the status 90 in the iModel.
    2- Then when you change the status in order to discontinue a material at the source location you will be changing the status from 60 to 90 and you will CIF this modification to APO. At this time, I would use the BAdI: SMOD_APOCF005 to identify this situation. You will need to add a code in order to identify what are the possible target plants of your source plant and you will need to change the SNP Profile at the target location.. look for a BAPI for this...
    Take a look of this document to see an example code of SMOD_APOCF005:
    APO SNP - Master Data Automation
    Kind Regards,

  • Upload of purchase order details using LSMW

    Hi friends,
    I encountered a problem while uploading purchase order details using LSMW . in the field mapping I could not able to fine the field TCODE. as a result I could not assign the transaction code ME21. could you please suggest me a solution.

    Check with the following
    Select fifth Radio button then follow the bellow step
    <b>5) select radio-Button 5 and execute
       Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules
       Select the Tcode and click on Rule button there you   will select constant
       and press continue button
       give Transaction Code : ME21 and press Enter</b>
    Thanks & regards
    Sreenivasulu P

  • Upload Purchase info Records using LSMW

      Im uploading purchase info records using LSMW - direct method
    Object               0060   Purchasing info rec.
    Method               0000
    Program Name         RM06IBI0
    i need step by step process for this. any one have done this using this program help me out.

    Hello Jürgen
    and thank you!
    One additional question: When I import info records using LSMW, one condition record (PB00) is created automatically. Is it possible to change the validity of that condition record using LSMW, too? Or can I only create new condition records?
    Thanks again

  • Create Purchase info record using LSMW idoc method

    Hello Friends,
    I am trying to update Purchase Info records using LSMW Standard program RM06IBI0.
    But it is not updating the condition price details and scale Quantity.
    For that the  form  suggessted LSMW IDOC method. with : Message Type         COND_A / COND_A02.
    But i dont know is the info record created earlier to this step or else we can create both using this method
    at a time ?  Does anybody please suggest.
    ( Actually Purchase Info record created using transaction  ME11 ).

    you first create the info record and subsequently you load the conditions.
    become familiar with the condition tables and its key first. Check How table A017 and A018 are maintained.
    Intresting is the field VAKEY which is actually the link to your info record.
    This is a combination of vendor, material, purchasing org, plant , and info record indicator.
    data:  begin of ZZVARKEYA,
            ZLIFNR like LFM1-LIFNR,
            ZMATNR like MARc-MATNR,
            ZEKORG like LFM1-EKORG,
            ZWERKS like MARC-WERKS,
            ZINFTYP like EINE-ESOKZ,
            end of zzvarkeyA.

  • Create Purchase requisitions directly using PS network or indirectly ME51N

    Hello SAP-PS consultants,
    My customer manage big projects that most of the work done by suppliers, contractors and consultants. We use WBS element to define phases in project and for link to budget control in FM (every phase as different budget). We also use activities network to manage the work in the phases. I offer my customer to create Purchase requisitions, as a standard integrated process, using activities. My customer thinks that is more difficult and complicated to create Purchase requisitions directly using PS network. From your experience, is it better to create purchase directly using PS network or indirectly using MM transaction?
    Muly Zohar

    Hi Muly,
    The decision to go for PR creation from PS or from MM will be based on the customer requirement.
    1.If the customer requirement is to have both the cost integration as well as the integration project schedule with the PR , then you create the PR from PS.Any changes in the dates of the network will change the requirement dates of the components and will be transferred to the Purchase requisition. Further more planned cost distribution across the duration of the activity is possible in this approach.
    2. Creating the PR from MM will have only the cost integration with the project. Any changes in the project schedule will not transfer the requirement date to the purchase requisition. You normally go for this where scheduling and procurement are independent of each other.
    By clearly explaining these points to your client, I hope they can  make a better choice of which approach to take based on business requirement.
    K Ramaiah

  • Unable to delete the Purchase Requisition line item

    Hello MM sapperu2019s,
    I am unable to delete one of the line item in Purchase Requisition. Please let me know how to delete this Purchase Requisition line item.
    When I tried to delete the line item in ME52N the delete button is gryed out hence I could not able to do it.
    The purchase requirement has reference of network in the account assignment.
    Please let me know if you need more clarification.

    You are experiencing the stnadrad behavior
    When the Preq is automatically created from either
    a production, plant maintenance, or network, order, what you can change
    in the PReq is very limited.
    This is to ensure no conflicts arises between the PReq and the source
    application of the PReq (be it PP, PM/CS or PS).
    The technical explanation is due to the recorded value in EBAN-ESTKZ
    (Creation indicator).  The value stored here (automatically by the
    system) controls what you can or can't change in ME52/N.
    We cannot delete the line item in this case

  • HT3702 is there any other way tu purchased app without using credit card or paypal??

    Hi Guys,
    Does someone knows how to purchased apps without using credit card or paypall? is it available?

    iTunes gift card?

  • HT5622 how to purchase apps without using credit cards

    how to purchase apps without using credit cards

    If they are available in your country, you can use Gift Cards. Basically a prepaid card of a specified amount you can redeem to your iTunes account to get the balance for it added to your account.
    Then you can use that balance to buy things in iTunes, iBooks, and App Stores.
    If available in your country, thye can be bought form most convenience and electronic stores.

  • Deletion of Purchase Requisition when PM order is TECO

    When a Purchase Requisition (PR) is created from PM order using control key PM03, after approval of PR, Purchase Order (PO) is issued. After completion of maintenance job and acquiring services or material procured against PR which has been created from PM order, PM order is Technically completed. When order status is set as TECO, PR got deleted. This behaviour of deletion of PR when order is TECO is not normal and not required. Does any body can have reason for this deletion of PR and solution to fix this problem.

    This is standard behavious in the PM/CS order.
    To stop the MM guys getting "confused" (poor things...), maybe you need a warning message when TECOing an order to say that there are open PRs without PO (see user-exit link at the top of this forum).

  • Is there any way to create a Purchase Requisition without Purchase Inf Rec?

    i am dealing with the Preq creation for services when there is not any previous contract and i have noticed that the vendor and the net price are posible to populate them directly in the Purchase Requisition. if then i try to run the ME59 it is not possible to automatically convert it to a Purchase order because there is no PIR (when i assign the source of supply in the Preq then the PO is correctly created using ME59).
    I have been reviewing customizing but there is not any point related to that.
    Someone knows if it is possible to create a Preq for services without PIR?

    For Service auto- PO from PR, you need to activate Automatic Purchase order creation for Service requisitions in ML91 t.code.
    For material :automatic PO creation from PR, follow the steps.
    1) Material Master purchasing view tick automatic PO check box
    2) Vendor Master purchasing view tick automatic PO check box.
    3) Maintain Source list for Vendor & Material.(ME01)
    4) Maintain Purchase Info Record.(ME11)
    5) Create a Purchase Requisition.(ME51)
    6) Use T.Code: ME59 & execute for PR for vendor, you will be able to create automatic PO.
    During creation of PR , select check box of Source Determination in the 1st screen of ME51
    Ensure that Purchase Info Record should be there.
    If you have more than one vendor then fixes only one vendor in source list.
    Biju K

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