Masth head

Hi Friends,
I have down loaded the masthead par.bak file and customised after customisation we need to add the .jar file into lib folder but i was unable to find the jar file from server side can any body tell me the server path where i can found the exactly the jar file?

Hi Sai,
server location for jar,
C:\usr\sap\Instance number\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps\\irj\servlet_jsp\irj\root\WEB-INF\portal\portalapps\*\private\lib\*
or follow Mayank guide also.
Chinnadurai R
{Points are welcome}

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    i have configured free goods,in the order the cost is coming for free goods at item level and it is not adding  to the header cost total.
    for eg:i have 2 items and 1 free item.costs r 300,400,500 respectively.
    in the header it is showing only 700 as cost.
    i observed the inventory doc is posting correctly with 1200(which includes free goods cost). 
    can anybody tell weather it should add up or not and how it can be done??

    Dear Yugandhar
    SPRO->Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions->Free Goods->Control Free Goods Pricing->
    Control Pricing For Free Goods Item Category you will find statistical value
    or in VOV7 below pricing you find statistical value
    Statistical values                                                                               
    Indicates whether the system takes the value of an item into account 
        when it determines the total value of a document.                    
    There are three options                                                              
          System will copy item to header totals                  
    X     No cumulation - Values cannot be used statistically     
    Y     No cumulation - Values can be used statistically                                                         
    Check if it is initial for your item category
    Standard for TANN is initial and pricing is B     Pricing for free goods (100% discount)             
    Do give your feedback

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    Run XDO Start
    RTFProcessor setLocale: en-us
    FOProcessor setData: C:\Documents and Settings\kpoda\Desktop\Invoice Printing Efficiencies\Sample XML Data\Sample Output4.xml
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    Do you have two templates (template1 & template2) that you want to display in the same document where the pages for template1 has one set of header and footers; and template2 has another set of header and footer?
    If that is the case you can simply create a new section in your rtf template so you have section1 and section2.
    In the body of section1 you call template1 and template2 in the body of section2.
    You can then have different header and footers for the two templates in the same document.
    BR Kenneth

  • Header information not getting displayed in the lines

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    or send me the xml and RTF template to [email protected] so that I can get a better look at the data structure and try to help.

  • Header not getting  displayed in the next page in the second table

    Dear Experts ,
    I have a query regarding Header not getting  displayed in the next page in the second table of the main window. .Let me elobrate the issue.
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    Sachin Hada

    Hi Sachin,
    you need to cteate two pages FIRST and NEXT.
    in first page --> FIRST
        next       --> NEXT
    in next page
      page---> NEXT
      next ---> NEXT.
    you copy the first page main window is the same in next page
    I think help ful for you
    thanks & Regards

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    Open a query in Excel analyzer and click Save as workbook button(to save as a workbook).   The query name should come as a title.
    Senthil Kumar.P

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    Expiration Date:
    Sales Person Name:
    Customer Name and address
    ... some other text data ...
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    Active Filters
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    --> View Selector
    --> Funnel Chart
    --> Ticker
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    Hi Noorie,
    Thanks a lot.
    Your answer is perfect.

  • How to add header and fooder in text file

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    Recorder type :
    file creation time:
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    Record Type;
    the actual code is
                           pst = con.prepareStatement("select REQUEST, DOMAIN_NAME, TRUNC(DATE_OF_CONFIGURATION) AS dateofConfig  FROM employee where id=300");
                               rs = pst.executeQuery();
                            while ( {
                                 request = rs.getString("REQUEST");
                                    domain_name = rs.getString("DOMAIN_NAME");
                                    dateofconfig = rs.getString("dateofConfig");
                                    System.out.println(request + " " + domain_name + " " + dateofconfig);
                                   data.add(request + " " + domain_name + " " + dateofconfig);
                            System.out.println("before calling method");
                            writeToFile(data, "c:/Employee.txt");
                            System.out.println("file created successfull");
           private static void writeToFile(List list, String path) {
                    BufferedWriter out = null;
                    try {
                            File file = new File(path);
                            out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, true));
                            for (Object obj : list) {
                                String s=  obj.toString(); 
                    } catch (IOException e) {
    Edited by: user13836688 on Mar 21, 2011 4:06 AM
    Edited by: user13836688 on Mar 21, 2011 4:07 AM
    Edited by: user13836688 on Mar 21, 2011 4:08 AM

    user13836688 wrote:
    i have created simple application for generate report from database into text file.First off, when posting code, use &#91;code]...&#91;/code]. or '' tags, not '<code>'.
    But i need to add header and fooder in text file. I dont know is there any API for adding these.
    Can anyone help me to create header and fooder in text file.Well you plainly have the code to write the file contents; and furthermore your report seems to be contained in a List called 'data'. Why not just add the header and footer lines to it? I'd also suggest making 'data' a LinkedList. That way you can add the header afterwards with no performance hit, just in case the information it contains isn't available at the start of your report loop.

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    Finding simple information seems impossible, no where does it mention spares or replacements 
    I have tried a lot of fault finding am convinced this is the problem  

    Hello NigelH1, 
    The Print Head for the Photosmart 7250  is not available outside HP.
    Please call HP Tech Support for further assistance.
    If you are in US , the toll free # is 1-800-474-6836 .
    If you are not in US , then log on to , at bottom-left corner there is a world map icon, click on it and then select the region you belong to, which would then provide support options for you for that region.
    Give Kudos to say "thanks" by clicking on the "thumps Up icon" .
    Click "Accept as Solution" if it solved your problem, so others can find it.
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.

  • Packing Status at Delivery Header

    We are in the process of creating a form that will include the details of the all delivery items packed on a handling unit. We want the output to be triggered automatically when the delivery has been completely packed.
    We created a requirement to look at the packing status at delivery header level.  There is a packing status field (VBUK-PKSTK) at delivery header level  and packing status (VBUP-PKSTA) at item level.
    We did not expect the delivery header level header to change to "C" until all item were "C".  However, the header level field changes to "C" when the first item on the delivery is packed.  I
    I looked through the SAP Notes to see if there was something there to address this, but could not find anything. 
    I then searched the forums and found a message from 2007 saying that you must configure item categories with "must be packed" in order for this to work. I know we do not want to configure our system that way.  We have many sites and most do not use handling units.
    However, before I have my developer add code to check all statuses at item level prior to triggering an output, I want to make sure this is what has to be done.  And I have not missed a note to correct this.
    Thanks in advance.

           Go to transaction "SE16N" and enter table "VBUK" and give the delivery number in the field sales document number. Now you type "&SAP_EDIT" in the transaction bar and execute. Here you can change the status(Total goods movement). And see If you can actually bill the document. Kindly please let me know If you need any more information on this.
    Ram Pedarla

  • SSRS - Is there a multi thread safe way of displaying information from a DataSet in a Report Header?

     In order to dynamically display data in the Report Header based in the current record of the Dataset, we started using Shared Variables, we initially used ReportItems!SomeTextbox.Value, but we noticed that when SomeTextbox was not rendered in the body
    (usually because a comment section grow to occupy most of the page if not more than one page), then the ReportItem printed a blank/null value.
    So, a method was defined in the Code section of the report that would set the value to the shared variable:
    public shared Params as String
    public shared Function SetValues(Param as String ) as String
    Params = Param
    Return Params 
    End Function
    Which would be called in the detail section of the tablix, then in the header a textbox would hold the following expression:
    This worked beautifully since, it now didn't mattered that the body section didn't had the SetValues call, the variable persited and the Header displayed the correct value. Our problem now is that when the report is being called in different threads with
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    So far I've tried several things:
    - The variables need to be shared, otherwise the value set in the Body can't be seen by the header.
    - Using Hashtables behaves exactly like the ReportItem option.
    - Using a C# DLL with non static variables to take care of this, didn't work because apparently when the DLL is being called by the Body generates a different instance of the DLL than when it's called from the header.
    So is there a way to deal with this issue in a multi thread safe way?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Angel,
    Per my understanding that you want to dynamic display the group data in the report header, you have set page break based on the group, so when click to the next page, the report hearder will change according to the value in the group, when you are using
    the shared variables you got the multiple thread safe problem, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and can reproduce the issue, according to the multiple safe problem the better way is to use the harshtable behaves in the custom code,  you have mentioned that you have tryied touse the harshtable but finally got
    the same result as using the ReportItem!TextBox.Value, the problem can be cuased by the logic of the code that not works fine.
    Please reference to the custom code below which works fine and can get all the expect value display on every page:
    Shared ht As System.Collections.Hashtable = New System.Collections.Hashtable
    Public Function SetGroupHeader( ByVal group As Object _
    ,ByRef groupName As String _
    ,ByRef userID As String) As String
    Dim key As String = groupName & userID
    If Not group Is Nothing Then
    Dim g As String = CType(group, String)
    If Not (ht.ContainsKey(key)) Then
    ' must be the first pass so set the current group to group
    ht.Add(key, g)
    If Not (ht(key).Equals(g)) Then
    ht(key) = g
    End If
    End If
    End If
    Return ht(key)
    End Function
    Using this exprssion in the textbox of the reportheader:
    =Code.SetGroupHeader(ReportItems!Language.Value,"GroupName", User!UserID)
    Links belowe about the hashtable and the mutiple threads safe problem for your reference:
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu

  • Error while creating a PO - Please select Purchasing Organization from Head

    Hi All,
    We have recently upgraded to R12 from 11.5.9 in Test environment. Due to upgrade all the purchasing setup which was there in 11.5.9 is now available in R12.
    We are creating a Standard Purchase Order. I have entered the header level details with default operating unit. Now when i am tryong to update the line level details, system is giving an error message ' Please select Purchasing Organization from Header'.
    Could anyone of you guide us on the change in setup that needs to be done in R12.
    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry guys.. This is a form personalization.

  • Using a variable/drop down list in header of planning layout

    Dear all,
    I have created a simple BPS application for purely GL planning (No CO related objects like cost centre involved). I have the following characteristics in the header of the manuel planning layout.
    Business area
    Chart of accounts
    Company code
    Currency Type
    Fiscal year
    Fiscal Year Variant
    Fiscal year/period
    Value type
    I have created variables for Business area, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Year Period, Posting Period and Version. The client wants either a variable or a drop down list for these characteristics in the header in the web application. When I assign a variable and put the characteristic in header, I get the error message in the web application saying header characteristic can only have a fixed value. Can someone tell me if it is possible and if so than how? I'll be very grateful for any inputs. Thanks a lot.

    When you create a variable, assign some values to the variable. These then become available in the drop down box. Ths first time a Web interface is called, these variable values are initial.As a result, u get the error messages. Select the variable values and then the error message should go away.

  • IPod Touch no longer working with car Head Unit since update

    Hi there, I have a problem with using my iPod Touch with my car's head unit.
    I've been using my iPod Touch with the Alpine IDA X001 Head unit fitted in my car for the last 3 months without any problems, however I installed the latest software update for the Touch (v4.0) and now the head unit connects and then says no USB device. At first I thought it was the cable as the cable supplied with the head unit is pretty fragile, so I've replaced it with a new one but it still doesn't work.
    I've tested with my iPod Nano and it works perfectly so its not a problem with the head unit or lead (I plugged the Touch in and it didn't work, plugged the Nano in and worked perfectly and then plugged the Touch in and didn't work).
    Can anyone help or is it gonna be a case of Restoring the iPod Touch back to factory settings ????

    I was also having this problem with my Kenwood car stereo. I went into the store and they did a complete restore. I didn't think it worked but the next time I plugged it into my usb to connect with my car stereo it worked. So you might try doing a restore.

Maybe you are looking for

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