Mathscript and Application EXE

I have the problem when I build a application (exe) with my mathscript node. My calculations are very well done in my application, however I also use the "plot" command in this node. And this plot command does not work with the exe.
Is there any option to plot my results when I using an exe application?

GrantM wrote:
smercurio_fc wrote:
Version 8.5 introduced the ability for this function to be supported by the Run-Time Engine, as long as you did not write something like "val = plot(X)", but instead wrote just "plot(X)".
Actually, MathScript will just ignore the plot function in the run-time engine.  This is detailed on the MathScript RT Functions Not Supported in the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine help.  The MathScript plots rely on LabVIEW scripting, now an NI Labs release.  Unfortunately, scripting is not supported in the run-time engine.  As an alternative, many of the MathScript plots are available as LabVIEW front-panel indicators.  You can drop them and wire the data from the MathScript node to them.
Grant M.
Senior Software Engineer | LabVIEW MathScript | National Instruments
Then the LabVIEW Help doesn't agree with the actual operation.

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    Here is the details about conhost.exe process:
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    The werfault.exe is used for Windows Error Reporting.
    You can go to event viewer to check if there are any error messages.
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    Alex Zhao
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    You might want to follow the procedure here:
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    Dll Created In: - MFC VC
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    Kindly Suggest: -
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    actually  it is not executing Create () method,
    I will give snippet of the code for understanding the problem because we are not finding any kind solution for it.
    Kindly assist us in understanding and fixing this problem.
    Code Snippet: -
    Int Initialize (LPTSTR SiteAddress, short PortId)
    CClientTSSocket *m_pJtsSockto;
    m_pJtsSockto = new CClientTSSocket;
    LONG lErr = m_pJtsSockto->ConnectTS(csIPAddress,PortId);
    ErrorLog (0, 0, "--------ConnectTS has been called ------------","" );
    DWORD errorCode = GetLastError();
    CString errorMessage ;
    ErrorLog (0, 0, "Image System", (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)errorMessage);
    return  IS_ERR_WINDOWS;
    Note: -
    CClientTSSocket extends CAsyncSocket
     IS_ERR_WINDOWS is a macro error code which value I found 7.
    LONG ConnectTS(CString strIP, UINT n_Port)
    ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling Create [is going to call]","");
    ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling [Create not called successfully] ","");
     n_Err = GetLastError();
     ErrorLog(n_Err,0,"ConnectTS is calling1111111111111111Erorrrrrrrrrrrrr","");
    return NET_INIT;
    ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling2222222222222222222","");
    n_Err = GetLastError();
    return NET_INIT;
    n_Err = GetLastError();
    Code description: -
    int GETImage_MT() method we call Initialize() method and pass client machine IP and Port and there we call
    ConnectTS() method, In this method we Create() method and finally it returns the error code as mention in macro 7.
    Logs after running the program: -
    --------ConnectTS has been called ------------
    ConnectTS is calling Create [is going to call]
    Image System 
    Note: - According to logs, problem is coming in Create method().
    Here 0 is errorMessage received in catch block. And from catch block it returns macro value 7. And when we run same method individually from same machine, same environment through same dll
    from different exe, it is working fine and we are facing any kind of problem. While same problem application was working properly earlier but now continuously it showing problem.
     Kindly assist us to resolve the issue.

    Pointer variable was already initialized; I have mention in code; kindly assist us.
    Dll Created In: - MFC VC 6.0
    Application Exe Developed In: - VC 6.0, C# and (Applications which are using dll)
    OS: - Windows XP sp2 32bit / Windows Server 2008 64 bit
    Problem: - Facing problem in creating socket
    in a method from an already deployed application exe while same method is working from another exe from same environment from same location.
    Description: - We have product component
    which has an exe component and from exe we invoke a method, which is defining in dll, and that dll is developed in MFC VC6.0. In the dll we have a method which downloads images from another system after making socket connection. But every time we are getting
    Error code 7, it is not giving desire result while same method is working from another exe from same environment from same location. And also me dll is deployed on many systems and giving proper output from same application.
    Already Attempt: - Because error is coming
    on client side so what we did, we created a driver in C# which invokes same method from same environment (on client machine) using same dll and we are astonished because it worked fine there.
    Kindly Suggest:
    - We are not able to figure out root cause because nothing is coming in windows event logs but what I did, for finding the problem line, I wrote logs on each line and found the exact line in application exe which is not
    working, actually it is not executing Create () method, I will give snippet of the code for understanding
    the problem because we are not finding any kind solution for it. Kindly assist us in understanding and fixing this problem.
    Code Snippet: -
    Int Initialize (LPTSTR SiteAddress, short PortId)
    CClientTSSocket *m_pJtsSockto;
    m_pJtsSockto = new CClientTSSocket;
    LONG lErr = m_pJtsSockto->ConnectTS(csIPAddress,PortId);
    ErrorLog (0, 0, "--------ConnectTS has been called ------------","" );
                       DWORD errorCode = GetLastError();
                       CString errorMessage ;
                       ErrorLog (0, 0, "Image System", (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)errorMessage);
                       return  IS_ERR_WINDOWS;
    Note: - CClientTSSocket extends CAsyncSocket
     IS_ERR_WINDOWS is a macro error code which value I found 7.
    LONG ConnectTS(CString strIP, UINT n_Port)
              ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling Create [is going to call]","");
                       ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling [Create not called successfully] ","");
              n_Err = GetLastError();
              ErrorLog(n_Err,0,"ConnectTS is calling1111111111111111Erorrrrrrrrrrrrr","");
                      return NET_INIT;
              ErrorLog(0,0,"ConnectTS is calling2222222222222222222","");
                       n_Err = GetLastError();
                       return NET_INIT;
                       n_Err = GetLastError();
                       return SERVER_NOT_CONNECTED;
    Code description: - From int GETImage_MT() method
    we call Initialize() method and pass client machine IP and Port and there we call ConnectTS() method, In
    this method we Create() method and finally it returns the error code as mention in macro 7.
    Logs after running the program: -
    --------ConnectTS has been called ------------
    ConnectTS is calling Create [is going to call]
    Image System  0
    Note: - According to logs, problem is coming in Create method(). Here
    0 is errorMessage received in catch block. And from catch block it returns macro value 7. And when we run same method individually from same machine, same environment through same dll from different exe, it is working fine and we are facing any kind of problem.
    While same problem application was working properly earlier but now continuously it showing problem.
     Kindly assist us to resolve the issue.

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    Hi Frank,
    How did you call the application in a war?

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    The version difference is probably one of the problems. A second problem may be that the resource/device/item names that are configured in MAX, and/or the IAK file name may be different on the second machine so the EXE may be trying to access a non-existant item.

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    Fault bucket 1031393421, type 17
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: communicator.exe
    P2: 4.0.7577.4103
    P3: 4fd6bebb
    P4: EMET.DLL
    P6: 545ffd74
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 00060310
    Attached files:
    These files may be available here:
    Analysis symbol: 
    Rechecking for solution: 0
    Report Id: 97ed67e2-de0a-11e4-822e-00125a5e8f35
    Report Status: 0
    Faulting application name: Photoshop.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5480306d
    Faulting module name: EMET.DLL, version:, time stamp: 0x545ffd74
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x0006714e
    Faulting process id: 0x15c4
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d0721e6fc383e7
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (32 Bit)\Photoshop.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\EMET.DLL
    Report Id: b159a74a-de11-11e4-86b9-1cc1de578f37

    One guess is that old Outlook plugins can sometimes cause issues with EMET.  Try starting Outlook in safe mode, by holding down the CTRL key when starting Outlook to see if that helps, and look in Outlook in File / Options / Add-Ins menu item to see
    the add-ons that are installed.  Verify that the OS and apps have all the latest patches if you haven't, though you have probably already done that.  If those don't work you could try unchecking the EMET application protection boxes for the
    application that isn't working, one by one.  Note that EMET 5.2 is out now so that might be something to try too. 

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    Can I set my SSRS project to use x86, platform? Like I did with SSIS? 
    If so, how?  SSRS and SQL 2012 somewhat new for me. Thanks
    Developer MS Reporting Services

    Hi DCady,
    To manage a data source that connects to a 32-bit driver under 64-bit platform, we use C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. To manage a data source that connects to a 64-bit driver, we use C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe.
    Generally, if we use the 64-bit odbcad32.exe (C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe) to configure or remove a DSN that connects to a 32-bit driver, for example, Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb), we will receive the following error message:
    The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
    To resolve this error, we need to use the 32-bit odbcad32.exe (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbacad32.exe) to configure or remove the DSN.
    Besides, please make sure there are no DSN using the same name in both 64-bit and 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator.
    Managing Data Sources
    Mike Yin
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

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    I want to ask that when my application exe runs, it does not allow any other program or any other exe to be opened above it. Instead other exe opens but behind that and my exe always remains at the top. Is there any way so that i launch any exe,and it opens above my application exe.

    Choose 'Never' for the floating style of your panel.

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    Hello Elcuad, and Canino video,
    Please verify the following steps and report back  your findings:
    - uninstall the currently installed MXO2 effects and drivers
    - go to control panel - user accounts - and locate the account you are using, then drop down the UAC level all the way, ok and reboot
    - download our 7.02 driver with Internet Explorer, followed by our effects
    - after the files are downloaded, right click each file, go to properties, and confirm they are not blocked, if they are click the unblock button
    - reinstall the Matrox driver, again, the one we just downloaded, followed by the effects, reboot
    - go to start, all programs and locate the premiere icon, hold shift and ctrl keys down, and launch this particular icon, keeping the keys down until the application opens up
    - please build a new project and try it out

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    Best Regards,
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    Thanks for Replying. ADF InputFile Component is for uploading only. What I want to achieve is - I want to display Attachments for a particular Requistion_Header_Id in EBS. These attachments are stored in FND_ATTACH_DOCUMENTS and the other FND related tables. That is why I was looking for that particular library. In case you can guide me on some other way to achieve this functionality, then it will be really helpful.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Best Regards,

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    Hi sayedfarhan,
    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    >>I am creating a form application where I want to install vstf_testagent.exe and vstf_testcontroller.exe on remote machine and configure it.
    According to your issue, as you said that you want to install vstf_testagent.exe and vstf_testcontroller.exe on remote machine and configure it.
    So please you refer the following MSDN document to install and configure the test agent and test controller on this remote machine.
    Generally, I know that we used this test controller and test agent to run automated tests on remote machine. Note:I know that if you want to install and configure test agent and test controller for automated test, it will not need to any code for
    So whether your issue is related to run your automated tests remotely with the test agent and test controller.
    In addition, as you said that:
    >>I am creating a form application where I want to install vstf_testagent.exe and vstf_testcontroller.exe on remote machine and configure it. 
    Could you please tell me whether you want to install and configure the test controller and test agent for your form app?  
    If I misunderstanding your issue, please tell me more detailed message about your issue.
    Best Regards, 
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