Mavericks USB transfer speeds

Is it just me or did Apple seriously kick down the maximum transfer rates on usb devices.  Literally feel like i'm using USB 1.0 in the year 2000 when transfering ANYTHING!  Cloud promotions? 

I was noticing the same issue on my iMac, late 2009 with USB 2.0 ports running Mavericks 10.9.2. The transfer speed was way below what it should be. I ran some tests to collect data. From what I recall I was getting about 7MB/s  rate compared to the USB 2.0 stated rate of  48MB/s. I don't expect to hit close to the stated rate however being that it was only 14% of the stated rate seemed a bit too low. I called Apple and the support was great but after a few attempted resets, configuration changes, etc..the issue was not solved. The person finally came back stating that after discussing with their engineering team, this is a known issue and will be fixed in the 10.9.3 update for Mavericks. I transferred a file of about 500MB and timed it. I would expect some error in the timing but the transfer rate consistently was hovering about 12-16% of the stated USB 2.0 rate. I am going to wait and see what 10.9.3 does. May I ask what rates were you seeing?
This little test also had me suspect other areas including ethernet and wi-fi. Over ethernet to my time capsule (n) I got a rate of about 25MB/s, which is about 19% of the stated gigabit etherent. The test over wi-fi to my time capsule resulted in about 9MB/s, which is about 23% of the stated rate for Wireless N.

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    Message was edited by: Nanotechnology

    In windows 7 it's quite easy to see the transfer speed of say a USB drive, but I've been trying to search up some sort of app or widget that can tell you how fast the USB transfer speed is, just to gauge the performance. I know there is xbench but that's just read/write speeds. Thanks.
    Message was edited by: Nanotechnology

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    The only testing that could be performed prior to resetting the AirPort would be to make throughput performance measurements ... but, at best, these would only stand to confirm the slow transfer speeds that you are seeing.
    However, if you do want to make some quantitative measurements, one easy to use (& free) utility is: AJA System Test.

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    The details:
    External HD: SimpleTech Model 96300-41001-073
    OS: Windows 7 x64
    Memory: 4GB
    Current transfer speed ~8.80 KB/s
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    I just tested mine as well. Writes at around 2-3MB/s, reads around 18MB/s . Not sure if its just a hardware limit or not. It has not been a huge deal for me though. I have transfered 500-700MB movies over to it and till now did not even pay attention to the transfer speed. Usually just walk away when I do it.

  • USB Transfer Speeds

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    Thanks for any help.

    480Mb copied from iPod:
    USB1.1 - 11 min 15 seconds (G4/1GHz)
    USB2.0 - 2 min 44 seconds (G5, 2.0 dual)
    (for comparison, the same folder copied in 2 min 18 seconds via FW from my 3g iPod)
    I would think that syncing an entire music library or regualr transfer of large files via USB1.1 would be rather tedious and time consuming, but for updating an already installed library a CD or two at a time, and for an occasional video transfer, USB1.1 wouldn't be too bad.
    Give it a try - but set your iPod to be manually managed first, then plug it into the Mac and copy a few files - you'll get the feel of the performance difference very quickly. If you run no other application (and switch off the screensaver etc), it'll certainly help. Bear in mind too that any figures you get given will depend to some degree on how fast the system the file copy was done on since USB is CPU controlled.

  • Slow USB transfer

    I can't figure out how to replicate this yet, but it's happened twice today. I'm stuck and don't know what to look at next, but it's a problem.
    My USB transfer speeds slowed to a crawl on a 2GB directory copied via Ranger just now, and earlier on a larger transfer. Several GB took ~2 hours over USB 2.0 from ext4 HDD to fat32 USB. The USB stick is RadioShack's GigaWare brand and shows up as Sandisk in lsusb, and never been formatted since i opened it.
    Looks like ehci_hcd is loading properly for the disk. usb 8-2 is my mouse. Got a USB fan plugged in (one 5V one), too.
    I haven't modified the udev rules and usually let udiskie mount things.
    dmesg | grep usb
    [304447.009631] usb 1-3: reset high speed USB device number 2 using ehci_hcd
    [304447.239650] usb 8-2: reset full speed USB device number 2 using uhci_hcd
    [306484.456105] usb 2-1: new high speed USB device number 7 using ehci_hcd
    [306484.581252] scsi10 : usb-storage 2-1:1.0
    [309421.079092] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 7
    [324573.564350] usb 8-2: USB disconnect, device number 2
    [372694.409521] usb 8-2: new full speed USB device number 3 using uhci_hcd
    [372694.576607] input: Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.2/usb8/8-2/8-2:1.0/input/input17
    [372694.576714] generic-usb 0003:045E:0745.0004: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0] on usb-0000:00:1d.2-2/input0
    [496984.930431] usb 2-1: new high speed USB device number 8 using ehci_hcd
    [496985.056227] scsi11 : usb-storage 2-1:1.0
    [498636.454057] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 8
    [499099.880160] usb 2-1: new high speed USB device number 9 using ehci_hcd
    [499100.005128] scsi12 : usb-storage 2-1:1.0
    [499953.395984] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 9
    [659242.307482] usb 2-2: new high speed USB device number 10 using ehci_hcd
    [659242.786728] usbcore: registered new interface driver usblp
    [661547.446152] usb 2-2: USB disconnect, device number 10
    [681909.354822] usb usb3: root hub lost power or was reset
    [681909.354862] usb usb4: root hub lost power or was reset
    [681909.354902] usb usb5: root hub lost power or was reset
    [681909.355014] usb usb6: root hub lost power or was reset
    [681909.355053] usb usb7: root hub lost power or was reset
    [681909.355091] usb usb8: root hub lost power or was reset
    [681909.595249] usb 1-3: reset high speed USB device number 2 using ehci_hcd
    [681909.825233] usb 8-2: reset full speed USB device number 4 using uhci_hcd
    [788645.857480] usb usb3: root hub lost power or was reset 
    [788645.857521] usb usb4: root hub lost power or was reset
    [788645.857560] usb usb5: root hub lost power or was reset
    [788645.857806] usb usb6: root hub lost power or was reset
    [788645.857861] usb usb7: root hub lost power or was reset
    [788645.857901] usb usb8: root hub lost power or was reset
    [788646.097878] usb 1-3: reset high speed USB device number 2 using ehci_hcd
    [788646.327888] usb 8-2: reset full speed USB device number 4 using uhci_hcd
    [1043552.825767] usb 2-3: new high speed USB device number 11 using ehci_hcd
    [1043552.951568] scsi13 : usb-storage 2-3:1.0
    [1069442.865548] usb 2-3: USB disconnect, device number 11        # Disk unmounted with udiskie via pcmanfm and physically removed
    [1069585.269848] usb 2-3: new high speed USB device number 12 using ehci_hcd   # Disk reinserted and mounted
    [1069585.394806] scsi14 : usb-storage 2-3:1.0   # Transfer speeds are normal again
    I'm not sure where to look next to try to diagnose. There's a bug report that may describe this but i'm out of my depth here.
    On edit I'm assuming those power lost/reset events are suspends but not sure.
    Last edited by nathan28 (2011-08-24 03:19:46)

    First of all, what I'm about to say may be close to worthless... but that never stopped me before
    But this caught my eye:
    Looks like ehci_hcd is loading properly for the disk. usb 8-2 is my mouse. Got a USB fan plugged in (one 5V one), too.
    combined with this:
    [788645.857480] usb usb3: root hub lost power or was reset
    [788645.857521] usb usb4: root hub lost power or was reset
    [788645.857560] usb usb5: root hub lost power or was reset
    [788645.857806] usb usb6: root hub lost power or was reset
    [788645.857861] usb usb7: root hub lost power or was reset
    [788645.857901] usb usb8: root hub lost power or was reset
    I have a nettop powered by one of those little 90W "brick" power supplies and if I plug my Hauppage USB TV adapter into the sucker it draws so much power that all hell breaks loose on the system. I can't tell how badly though because the USB keyboard goes dead.
    A powered USB hub fixed that issue.
    But again, I have no idea if this is even remotely related to your errors.
    Another thing (since I'm on a roll with bad advice)... I've got some USB flash drives that are simply dog slow... they just are. Put a different brand into the same slot and do the same operations and the difference is amazing. Plus, you don't mention the size of the USB flash drive, but they are known to get slower on writes the closer they are to being full... that's just how they roll.

  • Extremely slow usb transfer/copy

    My Macbook Air 13" medio 2011 copies extremely slow to usb.
    I made a benchmark and got the following results:
    System Info
    Xbench Version
    System Version
    10.8.3 (12D78)
    Physical RAM
    4096 MB
    Drive Type
    SanDisk Cruzer Blade
    Disk Test
    Uncached Write
    2.69 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Write
    2.61 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Uncached Read
    4.74 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Read
    20.98 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Uncached Write
    1.48 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Write
    0.40 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Uncached Read
    3.92 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Read
    20.32 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    When I bought the computer the usb transfer speed, was fast, but have become very slow over time.
    I've tried to do a clean install of OSX but it has not helped

    This is a know issue for last 2 years and there has been no response from Apple. I guess its time to ditch mac and install Ubuntu.

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    Actually that's pretty good for USB. USB is slow - there is nothing you can do about it. Firewire always has been faster. Personally, I only use external Firewire drives for cloning or backing up. Even then, if it's a fresh clone, it'll take moe than an hour for 160 GB.
    So, I schedule it when I have other things to do and walk away until it's done.

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    The reason that I am asking this question is that I did a backup of about 40GB to a Seagate drive attached to the USB port and it TOOK FOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I have a gig capable drive on order and am praying that the performance will be much better than the USB drive.

    What is the speed you are getting from the USB Port..?
    I think you need to make some changes on your Wireless router, so the Download and upload speed improves.
    Open an Internet Explorer browser page on your wired computer(desktop).In the address bar type - Leave username blank & in password use admin in lower case...
    For Wireless Settings, please do the following : -
    Click on the Wireless tab -
    This settings are for 2.4GHz.
    -Here select manual configuration...Wireless Network mode should be mixed...
    -Provide a unique name in the Wireless Network Name (SSID) box in order to differentiate your network from your neighbours network...
    - Set the Radio Band to Standard-20MHz and change the Standard channel to 11-2.462GHz...Wireless SSID broadcast should be Enabled and then click on Save Settings...
    Please make a note of Wireless Network Name (SSID) as this is the Network Identifier...
    For Wireless Security : -
    Click on the Sub tab under Wireless > Wireless Security...
    Change the Wireless security mode to WEP, Encryption should be 64 bits.Leave the passphrase blank, don't type in anything...
    Under WEP Key 1 type in any 10 numbers please(numbers only and no letters eg: your 10 digit phone number) and click on save settings...
    Please make a note of WEP Key 1 as this is the Security Key for the Wireless Network...
    Click on Advanced Wireless Settings
    Change the Beacon Interval to 75 >>Change the Fragmentation Threshold to 2304, Change the RTS Threshold to 2304 >>Click on "Save Settings"...
    Now see if you can locate your Wireless Network and attempt to connect, and after this try Downloading and Uploading on your Storage Drive and check whats the speed you are getting
    Same goes for your 5GHz Wireless Network.
    Wireless Network mode should be mixed...
    -Provide a unique name in the Wireless Network Name (SSID) box in order to differentiate your network from your neighbours network.
    Set the Radio Band to Wide-40MHz and change the Wide channel to159 and Standard Channel to 161-5.805GHz...
    For Wireless Security : -
    Click on the Sub tab under Wireless > Wireless Security...
    Change the Wireless security mode to WPA, For Encryption, select AES...For Passphrase input your desired WPA Key. For example , MySecretKey , This will serve as your network key whenever you connect to your wireless network. Do NOT give this key to anyone and remember the key.
    NOTE : Passphrase should be more that 8 characters...
    Try and see how is the data transfer speed.

  • File transfer speed in Shared USB Hard Drive via Airport Extreme

    I' am planing to buy one of this, but first I need to know what kind of file transfer speed I can expect when sharing USB drive via Airport Extreme 1000Mbps Ethernet.
    Message was edited by: Robert81

    most likely 14m/sec but normally 10.5 this is ethernet wired and usb attached. wireless would be about 8M/sec
    Wired is good enough I use it for Finder copy frequently.

  • Casio Exilim EX-Z1000 USB Cradle Transfer Speeds

    I just picked up this EX-Z1000 camera and soo far am very happy with it. I do notice however that the transfer speeds are far slower then USB 2.0 should be. It takes me around 30 minutes to move a 1gig movie file off the camera. I have tried a different memory card as well to see if it was the card but they both are slow.
    So I figure it has to do with the cradle or Mac OS not supporting full usb 2.0 speeds. Does anybody else have this problem? Does anybody have a Casio Exilim with a Cradle that gets good transfer speeds?
    Thanks in advance.
    G5 2.3 Dual - MacMini 1.42 - iBook G4 1.33 - PowerMac G4 500   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    I have the same camera. It has a USB-1 interface. The Casio "FAQs" indicate that it's "compatible" with USB-2 ports but that's pretty much a meaningless statement. The spec REQUIRES that USB-1 and USB-2 devices communicate with each other. Obviously, such an interconnection must run at the slower USB-1 data rate.
    BTW, you'll find that it has the world's worst user manual. However, once I figured out how to get it to do what I want, I'm really pleased with it (except, of course, for the USB issue).

  • Slow USB 3.0 transfer speeds on MacBook Pro

    Hi There,
    I have a 2013 Macbook Pro and I've been having issues with slow transfer speeds to USB drives. I recently purchased a new Kingston Data Traveller 3.0 thinking the issue was with my USB drive itself, but my transfer speeds remain incredibly slow. Any ideas what's going on or how to fix this?
    Thanks in advance!

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • USB Flash Drive Transfer Speed Extremely Slow

    I have a 32GB Verbatim USB Flash Drive. The speed is 480Mb/sec. My mac is a MacPro running 10.5.8.
    For some reason the transfer speeds from the computer to the flash drive is really slow. 2gb file takes 3 hours to transfer. I tested the flash drive on another MacPro and the transfer speeds were normal.
    I have reformatted the flash drive (as FAT32) but it doesn't seem to help that much.
    Anyone have this problem before and know whats up? This thing is basically unusable right now...

    I just used Quickbench to test the speeds on my USB drive. About 38mbs Read, 32mbs Write. Pretty poor numbers. How that works out to your own I don't know, maybe you could do the math to find out.
    Good luck.

  • Transfer speed via USB 3

    I am transferring data between two portable hard drives via the USB3 ports on the front of my HP Pavillion desk top. The transfer speed is very slow and fluctuates. For the transfer of 375gb it is taking over 24 hours. Any ideas

    Hello @1001Mike,
    I would be happy to assist you, but first I would encourage you to post your product number for your computer. I am linking an HP Support document below that will show you how to find your product number. As well, if you could indicate which operating system you are using. And whether your operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit as with this and the product number I can provide you with accurate information.
    How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number?
    Which Windows operating system am I running?
    Is the Windows Version on My Computer 32-bit or 64-bit?
    Please re-post with the requested information and I would be happy to provide you with assistance. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP
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    "Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong." ~ Donald Porter

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