MAXDB of Cont, Server monitor by SolMan on db2. Possible?

I have just installed Content Server 640/MAXDB 7.6.
Everything I have read suggests monitoring is by SAP.
My solution Manager (and all my SAPs) runs on Db2.
Is it possible to monitor MAXDB on content server with DBACOCKPIT of Solution Manager which runs on Db DB2:
Solution Manager is latest release and Support package: SM 7 w NW Enh 1 @ SP 25.
If it is possible is there step by step instructions anywhere?  Do I need MAXDB client software on SolMan?
Ken Chamberlain

Hello Ken Chamberlain,
yes, you can.
Reference - SAP note:
990602     FAQ: CCMS for MaxDB/SAP liveCache technology
< Pay attention to the answer on the question 9. >
Following steps need to be done:
Install the database dependent MAXDB DBSL SAP kernel part on the SolMan application server;
Install the MAXDB client on the  SolMan application server;
   Review the SAP notes:
     822239                          FAQ: SAP MaxDB Interfaces
     822271          FAQ: SAP MaxDB client software
Create the MAXDB connection in /ndb59.
    Use the /ndb50n to monitor the MAXDB database.
Follow the MAXDB documentation at
    < DBACOCKPIT: Start DBA Cockpit (as of SAP Release 7.0) >
-> Database Administration in CCMS: SAP MaxDB
Regards, Natalia Khlopina

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    Hi Michal,
    Thank you for jumping in on this thread. Great timing with your blog
    However the following thread suggests we can still use SALRT_CREATE_API:
    XI Alerting and Central Monitoring : some alerts remain on PI
    "Try removing the "CentralMonitoringServer-XIAlerts" RFC connection from both systems (proxy and PI). Then, ensure all* parameters are configured correctly on PI (restart system to apply changes on exchange profile) and try executing the scenarios again.
    Check the target CCMS system the RSALERTDISP report and see if the alerts are being received there."
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  • HOW TO: Relay/Send email from websites, Server Monitor in OS 10.5 Server

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    Scenario: Mac OS 10.5.2 Leopard - Advanced Configuration - Setup is for strictly sending emails through SMTP, routed through your ISP or another provider. This is not for receiving emails.
    -Open up Server Admin
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    -Click on your server, then choose the Settings button
    -Then choose Services from the Tabs/Buttons below
    -Select the Mail checkbox and then hit Save
    -Now choose the newly added Mail service in the left pane, then click the Settings button up top
    -Start with the Advanced tab. Under Security, un-check everything and don't use SSL unless you want to. You don't need to mess with the other sub-tabs here.
    -Next choose the Logging Tab. Under SMTP log level, choose debug so you will be able to see what goes on in the log.
    -Mailing List, Quotas and Filters tabs can go untouched. You can mess with them later if you want.
    -Click the Relay tab. It is a good idea to only accept relays from your local machine. If you uncheck this, I believe it leaves you with an open relay that anybody can access.
    -Now for the General Tab. Under Domain Name put anything you want. Any made up name and extension is fine.
    Under Host Name, again put anything you want.
    Un-check Enable POP, Un-check Enable IMAP - Basically un-check everything
    Check or leave checked Enable SMTP
    Now check Relay outgoing mail through host:
    Then enter your hosts SMTP server. ex.
    Now check Authenticate to relay with user name: and enter your username and password
    -Now hit the Save button
    -Now we need to take a look at the file and add a few things
    -If you aren't showing all files in Finder already, open up
    Now type in: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles True
    Hit enter
    Now type in: killall Finder
    Now Finder should reset and all files should be visible - To hide all files, do the same thing but type False
    -Now open Macintosh HD and navigate to /private/etc/postfix/ (Note: you won't be able to open and edit this in TextEdit. I recommend a program like TextWrangler )
    -Once you have open, all your settings should be together at the bottom of the doc. Scroll down. You will need to add in a few lines and verify all the settings are exactly as below (except of course your own names and SMTP server):
    readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
    mydomain_fallback = anything.anyting
    messagesizelimit = 0
    myhostname = anything.anything
    mailbox_transport = cyrus
    mydomain = anything.anything
    mailboxsizelimit = 0
    enableserveroptions = yes
    inet_interfaces = all
    relayhost =
    smtpsasl_passwordmaps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd
    smtpsasl_authenable = yes
    smtpdsasl_authenable = no
    smtpsasl_securityoptions =
    smtpduse_pwserver = no
    smtpdrecipientrestrictions = permitmynetworks,reject_unauthdestination,permit
    smtpdpw_server_securityoptions = none
    -Now save the document
    -Now go back to Macintosh HD and navigate to /private/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd
    Open passwd with TextWrangler or you editing app, and verify that your SMTP server, username and password are correct. It should look something like this: [email protected]:password
    -This should be what you entered in Server Admin when you first started. If all is well, quit your editing app.
    -Now, while you are still at /private/etc/postfix/sasl/passwd you need to edit permissions for passwd
    You can chmod in or secondary click on passwd and "Get Info"
    Click the lock and enter your password to unlock the settings
    Next click the + button and add yourself and Admin
    -Now you can close out of everything and go back to Server Admin
    -Hit the Reload (twisty arrow) button at the bottom and once everything is reloaded, hit Start Mail
    -Now type localhost in your browser to see if your website can send email. You can also open up other apps such as Server Monitor and do something to change the status to have it send an email.
    -You can click on Mail in the Server Admin and then view the SMTP log. As long as emails are being sent and then removed from the queue, you are in good shape. If you are getting an SASL error or mechanism error, open up and verify your settings and/or check permissions on passwd file

    Don't you need the Mail service running to have apps like Server Monitor send email notifications? - Also for hosted sites that use the sendmail function you need a service running to get the emails sent.
    Really you are not hosting a Mail server. It is open, but there is no incoming and if you only accept SMTP relays from the local machine, there should be no issues.

  • What is a "logged in user" on the "Active Sessions" report in CF8 Server Monitor?

    I was looking at the Active Sessions Report (The Chart View) and saw I have more "logged in users" than "active sessions".
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    I also don't see a way to get a list of what CF is counting as a logged in user.  I can only see a way to get the total count.
    Any help is appreciated. 

    Thank you Michael for the reply, but I don't think that is the issue.
    When a user opens their browser on the intranet, a session begins and they are logged in (using the cflogin and cfloginuser).    If they close their browser, the session should hang around for 20 min. (per the server setting).   I am assuming this is still considered an "Active Session" since I can see this behavior in the report.
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    I left the Server Monitor open last night and for most of the night, I had 0 sessions, but 57  "logged in users".   This morning, as people opened their browsers, the Active Sessions and Logged In Users moved together.   The gap of 57 looks consistent.
    It looks like people are remaining logged in after their session ended.
    I am really looking for a detailed explaination of "active session" and/or "logged in user" as used in the server monitor.  It would be really nice to find a way to list the details about each item counted in the "logged in user" and not just the total count. 
    Thanks Again for your reply.

  • Server Monitor no longer working between 10.5 client & 10.4 servers?

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    So I tried what I thought would be the obvious fix of upgrading to the latest Server Admin Tools suite (downloaded from Apple, also v10.5) on my desktop which includes Server Monitor 1.5.1-- only to discover it does not work either.
    If I boot back into 10.4, everything works again so I am 110% sure the problem is related to Leopard. The 10.4 servers can also monitor each other fine (as a test).
    Now I've seen some similar reports in this forum about problems with the admin tools after 10.4.11 and such. But none of them clearly described IMHO the exact problem of using Server Monitor under a remote Leopard client to monitor a 10.4 Xserve.
    Can anyone else confirm this problem? Am I missing something?

    Wow, thanks for the article reference. Some times no amount of searching will uncover the hidden treasures.
    So... not to be too dramatic but... what is Apple trying to do? PUNISH users that have not purchased any copies of 10.5 server? Why wouldn't they release a stand-alone Server Admin Tools installer like they have in the past? (They "forgot"???)
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    p.s. Where is that number for my Apple rep... >:-( UNHAPPY!

  • Server monitor not working (hardware monitor)

    Just finnished installing my brand new maxed out Intel Xserves. And the Server monitor isn't working.
    This thread:
    Didn't solve my problem. hwmond is running on the Xserves but each server line just says "Waiting for response". My /System/Library/ServerSetup/SetupExtras file doesn't even HAVE a Disabled key. It has Label, OnDemand, Program, ProgramArguments and ServiceIPC keys, but no Disabled. And the hwmonds is running anyway.
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    Running /System/Library/ServerSetup/SetupExtras/hwmondSetup just says "already loaded"
    Server Admin works, I can log in and edit services. Workgroup manager also works.
    When i run the hwmond as root on the server, it says "Failed to communicate with the front panel" which could be due to hwmond already running, but I can't turn off the process since launchd (?) launches it again.
    When I choose "Configure local Machine" the password I entered is always blank, but maybe that's by design.
    Since these servers aren't installed yet I have them in my office and their IP's are temporary, so I read this:
    And it says that for this environment I should set the hostname to "localhost" in /etc/hostconfig. Done. Nothing changed.
    I've googled this and searched here but found nothing. I'm running out of options... What should I do?

    I set the server on a desk and do a fresh install off a DVD with the "erase HD" option. Then I install and configure the software I need (Software update, Sophos, power options, etc.) I did not configure LOM at that point, because I wasn't sure how to do it, and I needed to deploy the server. (luckily LOM was easy enough to set up after it was deployed.) Once the server is ready, I connect a FireWire HD to it, which has OS installed on it and boot from that.
    That way my server is just an attached disk, and I use Disk Utility to create an image of it, which I then deploy on other servers.
    I've had an issue with the G5 XServes where such a method required relatively simple modification before the server monitor would work:
    But, I've not had to do that with the Intel XServes.

  • Server monitor not working

    I have server monitor installed on a 10.5.8 client mini to monitor our 9 xserves and it works fine on all the older ones (all G4 or G5 xserves running tiger or panther) but will not detect any of the 4 new Intel Xeon xserves running 10.5 (mixture of .6 and .8). In each case it alternates between reporting "Software is not installed properly on server" and "CANNOTLOAD_BUNDLEERR".
    I'm assuming this is something specific to 10.5 - some sort of SNMP setting or something perhaps? Obviously I've checked the passwords, I'm using root username/password for each one, all the servers are on and available, and like I say, it's working fine on the older ones.
    Anybody had any experience with this and know the answer?
    Further info: 3 of the servers (of which one is 10.5 and not working) are on the local network (local to the monitoring mini), the remaining 3 10.5's are each on other LAN's to which I have a currently working VPN. In each case the 10.5 machine which isn't working is on the same LAN as an older machine that is, so I know that's not the issue.

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    Have you gone to Server Monitor on each of the Intel units and set up the "Configure Local Machine" from the Server menu? It should reject you if you enter the IP address of the Ethernet connection to your LAN - you have to use a different IP address. Configure only the information for 'Network 1' with the info for your LAN.
    It may be purely anecdotal, but it seemed to start working for me after I enabled the firewall on the server, leaving all the ports on the LAN open and shutting everything down on the other address groups.

  • Why does Server Monitor not work with non-Xserves?

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    Do Power Macs lack some hardware components or is this just a software thing?

    God question, unfortunitly I dont have the answer but I would also like to know why the software only works for X-Serve....Is there any 3rd Party Software that is similar to "Server Monitor"?

  • Does the Server Monitor work on PowerPC based machine (w/o LOM)?

    I tried using the Server Monitor locally on a PowerPC G4 machine which has 10.5.1 server installed. I always get a "Failed to connect to server" error message, except if I try with the original local admin, then I would get a "User and or Password" error.
    Strangely, the username of the admin is M999, but if i type in "M999" as username, I would still get a "Failed to connect to server" error, while if I use "m999" as username, I get a user name password error. Either way, I couldn't use Server Monitor.
    So I am wondering whether Server Monitor support machines w/o LOM at all? Is there an trick I should know about?

    There is no trick you need to know. Its really quite simple, Server Monitor only works with XServes. Apple added LOM capability when they rolled out the Intel XServe.
    For more informaiton. Hope this helps, Tony

  • Server Monitor doesn't see any sensors

    I inherited this Intel XServe and hot days like this make you take a closer look at the sensor data... all of which are invisible to SM.
    SM doesn't see power, temperature, and blowers. Their respective tabs show one entry under Location: None.
    I'm not using LOM but connecting locally via the loopback address.
    OSX Server 10.6.4, Server Monitor 1.8(5)
    Using 3rd party software like Temperature Monitor does read the temp sensor data fine.

    The way that Apple recommends for the Xserve LOM reset and reboot is to unplug the box. The LOM is an embedded computer riding atop the network controller, and always powered on when the chassis has power.
    For completeness, there's an ipmitool cold restart option for the bmc that might work, but (given the lack of documentation; Apple's recommended approach toward resets; this is a production environment; that haven't tried it) I wouldn't follow that approach.
    I'd also look at a network-enabled remote power switch for this environment. Cheap, and saves you the trip to the DC or the call to the DC staff.

  • Server Monitor can't see server

    Machine and OS specs:
    2 x 2GHz Dual Core Intel Xserve using 1 x ethernet port
    OS X 10.4.10
    I have just installed a new Xserve set up with mirrored RAID drives which is working perfecty apart from the Server Monitor will not connect just giving the message 'waiting for response'. I have tried all the various admin and root passwords and even tried to connect from my older G4 Xserve with the LOM password, but get the same result. All other administration software works fine.
    I have searched various forums and advice sites, but the suggestions I've found have not worked. I read that the can be edited to <false/> from <default/>, but when I open the file in a text editor I get this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    - already set to <false/>!
    When I try to connect to the server via it's Terminal by typing ssh -l adminuser (my IP address) I get the message: 'The authenticity of host '(my IP address) (my IP address) can't be established'. This leads me to think something else is up. I can ping it OK.
    I have tried pretty much everything I can think of including manually setting IP addresses etc, but I would really appreciate any help or advice with this one.
    G3 • G4 • G5 • Intel - You name it!   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  
    G3 • G4 • G5 • Intel - You name it!   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  
    G3 • G4 • G5 • Intel - You name it!   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    On the XServe launch Server Monitor, select Add Server and in the IP Address field key in or localhost. In the Name and Password fields key in the default System Administrator account details. Click on Save password in keychain and select a suitable Update every settiing. If you launch WGM you will see the System Administrator account already listed in the local NetInfo node (UID 501). Use the short name as listed in WGM.
    Although I have not had the chance to do this yet, but enabling Lights Out Management (LOM) opens port 623 which Server Monitor can use. This may allow for remotely using Server Monitor to monitor the XServe.
    Hope this helps – Tony

  • CF8 on Apache: server monitor's flex2gateway 500 error

    The basic problem has been fairly well documented elsewhere, but this is it in a nutshell:
    When you attempt to bring up the server monitor (a Flex app) in CF 8, the monitor can fail to let you in, and instead display a 'Coldfusion Server is Unavailable' message. On the backend, I see this:
    2011-06-13 17:58:55,051 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost].[/].[MessageBrokerServlet ]] Servlet.service() for servlet MessageBrokerServlet threw exception
    flex.messaging.MessageException: No configured channel has an endpoint path '/flex2gateway/cfamfsecure/index.cfm'.
    I've seen documentation on how to fix this in IIS and JRun, but we're using Apache 2.2 and JBoss.
    Been scouring the Interwebs for a solution, but it's eluded me.
    Can anyone help? Thanks much in advance.

    Looks as though one solution is to bypass Apache by hitting CF Admin via the JBoss port that it's running on. As that's working for me, I'll mark this question as answered! :-)

  • Installing Server Monitor on my G5 desktop?

    We have a nice Xserve here at work and I'd like to be able to use Server Monitor remotely on my G5 desktop. Basically, this is a laziness issue since the server sits about 15 feet away from my desk. So, is there a way to do this?

    Sure you can.
    Download the tools here:
    I am not sure what the licensing requirements are, but as long as you are running a legal copy of XServer software then you should be fine.

  • Process/Server monitoring suggestions

    I've seen a couple of articles recently ( (1) (2) ) on hardware and process monitoring and so was looking into implementing something. Currently, we just have an unsophisticated 2-Xserve setup, with a mix of synchronization and parallel running -- if the primary goes down, the backup is accessible (not doing IP failover), but I haven't yet set up a notification system or anything in the way of an automated reboot.
    Does anyone have any recommendations? I was looking at the munin/monit article posted recently -- the nice thing about it is that it does process monitoring, so it would be possible to receive notification on something like MySQL or Apache hanging. I looked at the watchdogtimerd manual page entry -- it doesn't seem quite sufficient.
    This system does not need to be super robust, but I'd prefer to set up a separate machine to help with reporting on the two Xserves, with the Xserves running a heartbeat monitor to check on the monitoring machine also.
    It doesn't even need to be set up on an OS X Server, Linux would be fine (although we have a dormant OS X Server 10.4.x installation sitting here in an aging desktop).
    Thanks for any advice!

    I've seen a couple of articles recently ( (1) (2) ) on hardware and process monitoring and so was looking into implementing something. Currently, we just have an unsophisticated 2-Xserve setup, with a mix of synchronization and parallel running -- if the primary goes down, the backup is accessible (not doing IP failover), but I haven't yet set up a notification system or anything in the way of an automated reboot.
    Does anyone have any recommendations? I was looking at the munin/monit article posted recently -- the nice thing about it is that it does process monitoring, so it would be possible to receive notification on something like MySQL or Apache hanging. I looked at the watchdogtimerd manual page entry -- it doesn't seem quite sufficient.
    This system does not need to be super robust, but I'd prefer to set up a separate machine to help with reporting on the two Xserves, with the Xserves running a heartbeat monitor to check on the monitoring machine also.
    It doesn't even need to be set up on an OS X Server, Linux would be fine (although we have a dormant OS X Server 10.4.x installation sitting here in an aging desktop).
    Thanks for any advice!

  • TA27369 how do you see the server monitor application

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    Is the XServe booted? If not then Server Monitor isn't going to help you much. All it can do is give you environmental status of your server (power supply, memory, temperature, etc.). It can't diagnose a failed disk or restore a failed system.
    That said, if you want to run it, you can run it from any other system on your network. The Server Admin tools should have been included with your server disks, or you can download them from Apple.

Maybe you are looking for

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