MB5TD Value Column Coming empty

I am running Stock in Transit report (MB5TD). There is Stock in transit from one plant to another (STO PO), i need to update the Value in LC and other value columns.
Thanks & Regards,
Satish Reddy.

It is a  standard report . If data is there it  will displayed.
Please check you layout
G.Ganesh Kumar

Similar Messages

  • Value column is empty in MB5T

    I am running Stock in Transit report (MB5T). There is Stock in transit from one plant to another but  the value column is all zeros.
    I wanted to know, what could be the possible resaons to have 0.00 in value column?
    Any help is appreciated!

    It is a  standard report . If data is there it  will displayed.
    Please check you layout
    G.Ganesh Kumar

  • VL02n : Tables for cost and value column

    Hi Gurus,
    I need the values of cost and value columns(coming  in smartform output of VL02n tcode) in my customized ALV report. Please tell from which tables these values are coming?

    Hi Pankaj,
    Please try to check  VL02N Tcode value from table LIKP and LIPS.
    you can also check table VBFA-Sales document flow .
    check all required field in inside table.

  • Show row/column with empty dimension values.

    I have 2 columns where 1 column is dimension and 1 column is measure.  I need to hide the row when the dimension is empty.
    What I did is at the block I UN-TICK  "Show row/column with empty dimension values".  But it didnt works.

    click on the block and add a filter with condition dimension isnotnull. this will eliminate the dimension rows with empty values.

  • Cumulated values, but last column sometimes empty

    We have a report which cumlated an amount key figure per fiscal period. The query shows the following results:
    001.2009   002.2009   003.2009  004.2009
    10                 20               30         40          --> every month we get +10
    But know we have a data record, were we have no value for april and the report shows the following results:
    001.2009   002.2009   003.2009  004.2009
    10                 20               30        
    The last column is empty. Can somebody explain me this result? Is this normal? If I show the total cumulated result, the result is correct.
    Thank you very much.

    I suppose there is no data posted for Month of April and calmonth reads data from master data not the posted data, if it is right then the query is running fine.

  • The fixed value date is empty and not displayed in the VA05 report

    Hi SD Gurus,
    With in the Sales Order in the line item level in the billing tab we have the fixed value date (VBKD - VALDT) were entered. 
    But when we try to execute the report VA05 were the fixed value date column shows empty (i.e without the date it shows the blank).  Can you any one help me with regard.
    We would like to fix this problem.
    Thanks in advance for providing solution to this query.
    Thanks and Regards,
    SAP-SD group

    Hi janarthanam,
    Goto t-code SQVI,SAP Quickviewer.
    Give a name to your query and enter description ,etc.
    Next enter the table from which you want to fetch data,ie,VBKD .
    Select "Layout mode" for displaying data on the SAP screen or "Basis mode " if you want to extract the data to a word doc,excelsheet or a flat file.
    Next you can select the fields you want to display into your report,their position and ascending/descending order,Here make sure u select
    the field u need to display ie. the fixed value date ( VALDT) .
    also select the fields u wish to have in the selection criteria.
    Enter these required information and u would get a report on the SAP screen or in your desired format.
    Hope it will suffice you.
    For any queries ,your are welcomed.

  • Grands totals for % Columns coming incorrect in pivot view .

    Hello ,
    I have the below scenario . Iam trying to get the calculated grand total for % column . I tired several ways ...like report aggregates enabled in instanceconfig,tried creating cal colum using physical columns as well as logical columns in RPD , changing the aggregation rule. The row wise values (%) are coming correct but iam unable to get correct % grand total (36.8%) instead iam just getting the sum of the % total ( 83.3%) . I have tried the above options in my previous reports and those conditions work perfectly right but for this report they are not able to . kindly please let me know if anybody has a solution for this issue .
    Department ...USD CAD Variance (USD/CAD)*100
    XYZ 10 20 50%
    ABC 25 75 33.3%
    Total 35 95 36.8% ( 35/95)

    Just to cross check
    Do you have following tag in your instanceconfig file ? if its not there then you may encounter grand total incorrect calculations.

  • Gray (only display) in base condition value column VF01

    We have Manual conditions for discount, the problem its that if in a new empty row you add the Condition Type (Cn Ty) and an amount in the condition value column, SAP will take it without doing any check (like in the Amount Column).
    So I require to gray out the condition value column (KOMV-KWERT) just like the column on the right (KOMV-KWERT_K) so no value can be entered this way for 2 discount conditions we use.
    I understand that some code in USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION  may do this, anyone has experience on this?
    Best Regards,

    I hope I understood your question properly.
    I assume you know how it works in the condition tab. When you enter condition type and enter the value. It will multiply the value with the number of material you entered in the sales order, and place the value in the condition value column.
    When you have manual condition discount condition it means you enter the value manually. If it is percentage basis it will calculate on the price (for instance PR00). If you do not want to enter it as manual the easy solution would be to uncheck the manual check box in the pricing procedure that you use V/08 and if you want to generate automatic values as you might know, create condition records for this condition type in VK11.
    For any particular you want to leave it as manual but to make it grayed out, as you already knew you can do it with user exit or another way with user exit would be, order can be blocked if there some changes done manually and later someone with proper authorization can approve the change and release it.

  • Issue with using formatted date value column in order by clause...

    1) Through a function I am listing all the months in a year.
    like JAN-2007, FEB-2007,MAR-2007......
    2) i am comparing these values against a date value column in a table.
    And if there are no values in a particular period it will return a null value (simply to say, i am using an outer join)
    3) The issue.....
    When join both the queries then the order of the dates is not mainted .....
    My requirement is......
    Jan-2007 = 3
    Feb-2007 = 5
    Mar-2007 = null
    should be acheived.
    But I end up in the alphabetical order of the months....
    Apr-2007 = 5
    Aug-2007 = 10
    Can anybody let me know how can i acheive my resultant output to be ordered by the date and not by character.
    When I use the date column in the order by I run into an error....
    ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
    Its a kind of urgent...
    Any help is appreciated....

    When I use a outer join as follows....
    "and upper(to_char(a.task_planned_start_date,'mon-rrrr')) = d.period_name(+)"
    All the null periods are ending at the bottom.It's standard behavoiur.
    Seems, you need to sort by a.task_planned_start_date.
    Look below:
    SQL> select e.ename, ec.ename from emp e, emp_copy ec
      2  where e.empno = ec.empno(+);
    ENAME      ENAME
    SMITH      SMITH
    WARD       WARD
    CLARK      CLARK
    KING       KING
    ADAMS      ADAMS
    FORD       FORD
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> select e.ename, ec.ename from emp e, emp_copy ec
      2  where e.empno = ec.empno(+)
      3  order by ec.ename
      4  /
    ENAME      ENAME
    ADAMS      ADAMS
    CLARK      CLARK
    FORD       FORD
    KING       KING
    SMITH      SMITH
    WARD       WARD
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> select e.ename, ec.ename from emp e, emp_copy ec
      2  where e.empno = ec.empno(+)
      3  order by e.ename
      4  /
    ENAME      ENAME
    ADAMS      ADAMS
    CLARK      CLARK
    FORD       FORD
    KING       KING
    SMITH      SMITH
    WARD       WARD
    14 rows selected.Rgds.

  • Value Columns - SPC chart

      i want to pass / set value columns at run time in SPC chart. i know the value column only at run time. i created one query template with giving table name and select query like select [param.1],date1 form temp1. i set attribute column of data mapping as date1. Say temp1 contains columns like Faran, temperature. i will choose any one of these column from front end. and i want to set that column name in value columns of data mapping. i tried with
    document.<my applet>.getChartObject().setValueColumns("temperature"). but it displayed error as object doesnt support this property.
    how to do it?

    First get the desired column name from the Query Template which gives the column names (eg Faren, Temp etc).
    say that QT name - QTTemp which is saved in some defined folder in ur system.
    Use following
    1. document.<AppletForQTTemp>.getQueryObject().setParam(1,"?"); where "?" is the input param to be passed to that QT
    2. document.<AppletForQTTemp>.executeCommand();
    3. document.<AppletForSPCChart>.getChartObject().setValueColumns(document.<AppletForQTTemp>.getColumnName("?")); where "?" is the column number of the desired column u want to set.

  • Mapping Condition issue, Value not coming in multiple segments.

    Hi All,
    File to Idoc scenario.
    My file looks like below.
    HD 89650 28/01/11 "Presciber tan"
    AF "disc-rsn"
    RK "007287001" A
    KE disc-code "007287"
    KE addr-num "001"
    DF w-phone "03 98483299"
    AF "drs"
    RK "007287" A
    KE dr-num "007287"
    DF affil "OPSM"
    DF country "0"
    AF "disc-rsn"
    RK "dr-addraddress-1 17287|1EN" A
    KE disc-code "008287"
    KE field-name "address-1"
    KE element " 1"
    T         16
    I have a condition where I need to create an Idoc segment Z1disc when row - "AF "disc-rsn"" exists.
    For the filed "Z1disc-CODE", I need to pass the value when row "KE disc-code" exists,
    From my file, AF "disc-rsn" exists twice, so I created 2 Z1disc segments.
    Coming to the field "Z1disc-CODE", the value "KE disc-code" exists twice in the file. After mapping, the value is coming only once in the first segment. The field "CODE" is not coming in the second segment like below.
    -- Zdisc
    --- Lang -- E    
    --- Code --  "007287"
    Lang -- E
    When the check the display queue, it is showing like below
    007287 -- (Context)
    008287-- (Context)
    It showing correctly from display queue, but the value are not populating except in first segement.
    For your information, After content conversion, my source xml will look like below.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <ns:MT_Optum xmlns:ns="http://luxottica.com/SAP_CRM/DirectSales/OptomDiscount">
    - <RecordSet>
      <Row>HD 89650 28/01/11 "Presciber tan"</Row>
    - <RecordSet>
      <Row>AF "disc-rsn"</Row>
    - <RecordSet>
      <Row>RK "007287001" A</Row>
    - <RecordSet>
      <Row>KE disc-code "007287"</Row>
    Kindly help me, I'm trying all the options and it is not working.
    Is there anything I need to change in Source structure?

    Hi Aravind,
    Here is my Source message.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <MT_XIOptum>
    - <Header>
      <HRow>HD 89650 28/01/11 "Presciber tan"</HRow>
    - <Detail>
      <Row>AF "disc-rsn"</Row>
      <Row>RK "007287001" A</Row>
      <Row>KE disc-code "007287"</Row>
      <Row>KE addr-num "001"</Row>
      <Row>DF fax-num ""</Row>
      <Row>DF in-out "I"</Row>
      <Row>DF phone-2 ""</Row>
      <Row>DF post-code "3108"</Row>
      <Row>DF provider-num "4349201J"</Row>
      <Row>DF rec-stat "A"</Row>
      <Row>DF w-phone "03 98483299"</Row>
      <Row>AF "drs"</Row>
      <Row>RK "007287" A</Row>
      <Row>KE dr-num "007287"</Row>
      <Row>DF affil "OPSM"</Row>
      <Row>DF country "0"</Row>
      <Row>DF descript "KK"</Row>
      <Row>DF rec-stat "A"</Row>
      <Row>AF "disc-rsn"</Row>
      <Row>RK "dr-addraddress-1 17287|1EN" A</Row>
      <Row>KE disc-code "008287"</Row>
      <Row>KE field-name "address-1"</Row>
      <Row>KE element " 1"</Row>
    - <Trailer>
      <TRow>T 25</TRow>
    Row> -> [removeContext] ->[ equalsS "disc-rsn" ] -> [createIf] -> <Zdisc>
    This Part is working.
    <Row>> startWith2>IF
    KE disc-code-->THEN > removeContexts>SplitbyValue>SUBSTRING>Code.
    When I check the display queue at Code. I'm getting the below values.
    007287 -- Context change
    008287-- Context Change
    Only 007287 is displaying in FIrst segment "Z1Disc" and second value "008287" not coming in second segment "Z1Disc".
    Anything is wrong?

  • What is the key column name and value column name in JDBC Adapter parameter

    Can any one please tell me what is the Key Column Name and Key Column Value in JDBC adatper parameters. If i dont mention those parameters i am getting the following error
    <b> Value missing for mandatory configuration attribute tableEOColumnNameId</b>
    Please help me
    Best Regards
    Ravi Shankar B

    I am doing DataBase Lookup in XI
    First i have created a  Table in Database( CheckUser) which has two fields UserName and PhoneNumber and then i have created
    I have created one Communication Channel For Reciever Adapter .
    I have given the parameters like this
    JDBC Driver : com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
    Connection : jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=Ravi;
    UserName.... sa
    password.... sa
    persistence : Database
    Database Table Name : CheckUser
    Key column name and Value column name i left blank and activated
    and then
    I have created
    Data Types : Source ...... UserName
                      Destination.... PhoneNumber
    Message Types
    Message Interfaces
    In Message Mapping
                  I have created one User Defined function DBProcessing_SpecialAPI().This method will get the data from the database....
    In this function i have written the following code
       //write your code here
    String query = " ";
    Channel channel = null;
    DataBaseAccessor accessor = null;
    DataBaseResult resultSet = null;
    query = "select Password from CheckUser where UserName = ' " +UserName[0]+ " '  ";
    try {
         channel = LookupService.getChannel("Ravi","CC_JDBC");
         accessor = LookupService.getDataBaseAccessor(channel);
         resultSet = accessor.execute(query);
         for(Iterator rows = resultSet.getRows();rows.hasNext();){
              Map  rowMap = (Map)rows.next();
    catch(Exception e){
              if(accessor != null)
         }catch(Exception e){
    And the i have mapped like this
    UserName -
    > DBProcessing_SpecialAPI----
    when i am testing this mapping i am getting the following error
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:Dest_JDBC_MT xmlns:ns0="http://filetofilescenario.com/ilg"><phoneNumber>Plain exception:Problem when calling an adapter by using communication channel CC_JDBC (Party: , Service: Ravi, Object ID: c360bc139a403293afbc49d5c46e4478) Check whether the communication channel exists in the Integration Directory; also check the cache notifications for the instance Integration Server (central Adapter-Engine) Channel object with Id Channel:c360bc139a403293afbc49d5c46e4478 not available in CPA Cache.
    com.sap.aii.mapping.lookup.LookupException: Problem when calling an adapter by using communication channel CC_JDBC (Party: , Service: Ravi, Object ID: c360bc139a403293afbc49d5c46e4478) Check whether the communication channel exists in the Integration Directory; also check the cache notifications for the instance Integration Server (central Adapter-Engine) Channel object with Id Channel:c360bc139a403293afbc49d5c46e4478 not available in CPA Cache.
         at com.sap.aii.ibrun.server.lookup.AdapterProxyLocal.<init>(AdapterProxyLocal.java:61)
         at com.sap.aii.ibrun.server.lookup.SystemAccessorInternal.getProxy(SystemAccessorInternal.java:98)
         at com.sap.aii.ibrun.server.lookup.SystemAccessorInternal.<init>(SystemAccessorInternal.java:38)
         at com.sap.aii.ibrun.server.lookup.SystemAccessorHmiServer.getConnection(SystemAccessorHmiServer.java:270)
         at com.sap.aii.ibrun.server.lookup.SystemAccessorHmiServer.process(SystemAccessorHmiServer.java:70)
         at com.sap.aii.utilxi.hmis.server.HmisServiceImpl.invokeMethod(HmisServiceImpl.java:169)
         at com.sap.aii.utilxi.hmis.server.HmisServer.process(HmisServer.java:178)
         at com.sap.aii.utilxi.hmis.web.HmisServletImpl.processRequestByHmiServer(HmisServletImpl.java:296)
         at com.sap.aii.utilxi.hmis.web.HmisServletImpl.processRequestByHmiServer(HmisServletImpl.java:211)
         at com.sap.aii.utilxi.hmis.web.workers.HmisInternalClient.doWork(HmisInternalClient.java:70)
         at com.sap.aii.utilxi.hmis.web.HmisServletImpl.doWork(HmisServletImpl.java:496)
         at com.sap.aii.utilxi.hmis.web.HmisServletImpl.doPost(HmisServletImpl.java:634)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:760)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
         at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl.runServlet(HttpHandlerImpl.java:390)
         at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl.handleRequest(HttpHandlerImpl.java:264)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.startServlet(RequestAnalizer.java:347)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.startServlet(RequestAnalizer.java:325)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.invokeWebContainer(RequestAnalizer.java:887)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.handle(RequestAnalizer.java:241)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.Client.handle(Client.java:92)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.Processor.request(Processor.java:148)
         at com.sap.engine.core.service630.context.cluster.session.ApplicationSessionMessageListener.process(ApplicationSessionMessageListener.java:33)
         at com.sap.engine.core.cluster.impl6.session.MessageRunner.run(MessageRunner.java:41)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.ActionObject.run(ActionObject.java:37)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:100)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:170)
    In RWB i have checked the status of JDBC driver its showing the following error
    <b>Value missing for mandatory configuration attribute tableEOColumnNameId</b>
    Best Regards
    Ravi Shankar B
    Message was edited by:
            RaviShankar B

  • Protect Condition Value Column in VA01

    I have a security problem on my sales orders: If somebody adds a line and enters the discount Z condition and some number on the value column, SAP updates the Order without going thru the regular checks of discount limit which it does on the amount column.
    What I want is to put an if to check if the Amount column its 0, to delete the number on the condition value column, I have tried with ' ' but the value turns to cero and it does not show an error.
    Here its the code:
    IF xkomv-kbetr = 0.
            MOVE '' TO xkomv-kwert .
            MODIFY xkomv INDEX sy-tabix.
    Edit: or if somebody knows how to make screen input = 0 (gray) for the Value Column that would be great.
    Edited by: Carlos Salazar on Jul 9, 2010 4:09 PM

    turns out 0 its correct as it will not get saved.

  • Excise Assessable value is coming zero in STO GRN

    Dear All,
    while posting GRN Excise Assessable value is coming zero in STO GRN.
    we have followed the route for STO is ME21N -> VL10B(DEL and issue) -> VF01 -> J1IIN -> GRN
    while billing condition value is coming from STO PO.
    Pl suggest

    While Material transfer from Factory to factory ,Then
    1) Create Stock transfer Order -ME21N
    2) Create Outbound delivery with reff to STO--VL10B
    3) Create Goods issue with reff to Outbound delivery--VL02N
    4) Create Pro forma Invoice with reffe Delivery type and Deivery---VF01.
    5) Create Outgoing excise Invoice through -J1IIN with reff to Billing document
    Please note down the excise invoice number here ,
    6) Goods receipt with reff to Outbound delivery -MIGO , in excise invoice tab select " Reffer Excise Invoice" here enter the  Stpe no generated excise invoice number. then system will default all the duties here.
    and save the document.
    7) Capture excise invoice for Part2 entries -J1IEX.
    8) Invoice.
    Hope it will give clear idea.
    Mahesh Naik.

  • Determine if value passed is empty

    i am attempting to determine if a value passed as a parameter to a stored procedure in a package is empty. The relevant target field in the database does not allow nulls, but the interface passes several values to be inserted and must determine if any of them are empty and if so skip inserting that value through the stored procedure and move on to next passed value. The syntax compiles okay but i get an error.
    For example;
    If passing several name values, i.e. 'Mr', 'John', 'Smith', and all with a value inserted into field Name_Value and the code to determine if empty is;
    If P_NameText <> '' Then
    <process statements>
    End if;
    If the title value inputted is empty the error i receive is;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("Database_Name"."NAME_VALUE")
    ORA-06512: at "PKG_INSERT_CUST", line 307
    ORA-06512: at "PKG_INSERT_CUST", line 89
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Thanks in advance, i'm fairly new to Oracle.

    i am attempting to determine if a value passed as a
    parameter to a stored procedure in a package is
    empty. The relevant target field in the database
    does not allow nulls, but the interface passes
    several values to be inserted and must determine if
    any of them are empty and if so skip inserting that
    value through the stored procedure and move on to
    next passed value. The syntax compiles okay but i
    get an error.
    For example;
    If passing several name values, i.e. 'Mr', 'John',
    'Smith', and all with a value inserted into field
    Name_Value and the code to determine if empty is;
    If P_NameText <> '' Then
    <process statements>
    If the title value inputted is empty the error i
    receive is;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into
    ORA-06512: at "PKG_INSERT_CUST", line 307
    ORA-06512: at "PKG_INSERT_CUST", line 89
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Thanks in advance, i'm fairly new to Oracle.This error due to constraint which you defined at table level can handle it by
    If P_NameText IS NULL Then
           Raise_application_error(-20011, 'Name cannot be null..');
          <process statements>;
    End if;Depends what value you pass NULL,' '.

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