MBP CPU usage at 90%?

I've got an MBP that I've had for a couple years now that just started acting up... What's weird is that this thing is the battle MB.  It's been with me through 3 deployments and a tour in Iraq and hasn't given up yet.  But, recently its been REALLY sluggish.
Hopefully someone out there can help me figure out what the problem is based on these symptoms:
Extremely sluggish... CPU usage is on average > 70% with no processes running
          i.e. kernel_task is often using nearly all of the processing power
Takes about 30 minutes to start up and will often fail during boot up
The battery recently failed (exploded), so there is no battery installed
I have no access to parts or support because, as per usual, I am currently deployed... Anyone out there seen this before and can help me out?

Welcome, Matthew!
"Extremely sluggish... CPU usage is on average > 70% with no processes running"
Activity Monitor defaults to display "My Processes." You can change its "Show" option--set it to "All Processes" and you will probably find the culprit that's hogging the processor. The typical hog belongs to the system, not your user account. It's usually an automated backup package (other than Time Machine) or unneeded anti-virus software.Symantic/Norton is very bad in this respect.
If you did had AM set to show all processes, let us know. Normally, nothing escapes AM's knowing eyes if "All processes" is selected.
"The battery recently failed (exploded), so there is no battery installed"
That drops the processor speed dramatically. Although the drop-back is not stated in Apple docs, smart people around here say it's to either 1Ghz or 1/2 rated speed, whichever is faster. Reference article here:
And thank you for your service to our country, sir.

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    Perform a SMU reset.
    Remove the anti-virus, it's running a root level process all the time that's taking your CPU and it's not necessary as there are no Mac viruses, Apple has the trojan angle covered already.
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    Video Resolution
    Main Display
    External  (1280x720)
    External (1920x1080)
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    high kernel_task cpu usage

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    check Activity Monitor or other apps/widgets for some parasitic processes? have fun!
    many Macs 512k -> MacBool Pro 2GHz 1GB ram   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Yes, I have Key Lime

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    Yelling might not help, but it sure can't hurt. Just got my Logic Studio 9 and I am finding the same thing. Mainstage 2 starts at 110 CPU... I thought it might be my Guitar Rig Mobile audio interface, so I switched to built-in input - no difference.
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    It looks like you have more than enough RAM, and your system should be able to handle most documents. But 384MB is quite large; in many cases, authors may choose to chapterize a large document in order to cut down on really large PDFs. For scale, a 900 page PDF book is often no bigger than 35MB.
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    Per se, MacOS X does not impose any CPU usage limits other than those from the processor scheduling priorities. Standard Unix scheduling priorities go from -20 to +20, with the default being 0. If you have administrator privileges, you increase your process' priority (a more negative value) with the nice or renice commands. See their man pages. On a four-core 15" or 17" MBP, even setting max -20 priority should not impact the rest of the system too much.
    You may also want to go over and discuss these things in the Unix forums:

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    guess i should also state that i will be running on the new imac's come tax return time. lol

    Logic 8 is very CPU friendly, I can say that much. I never found Ableton Live 5 to be very taxing either, though. Pro Tools is.
    But like you I use Ableton as a scratchpad, I love how it works, and Logic for the finishing touches. But that's just because I'm not good at Logic yet. Not fast at it.
    Get them both! You'll be glad you did.

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    I am not running Parallels. I have already tried removing the com.apple.dock.plist file. The problem persists.
    This is a 2008 MBP with 8GB of ram. Recently upgraded to 10.7.2.
    No other changes except for upgrading to 10.7.2.
    The only other odd behivor was that initially the com.apple.dock.plist file was missing from the ~/Library/Preferences folder initially. It wouldn't automitacally recreate either. I had to create a new use and copy the file over to my profile. After that the .db and .lockfile got created and it appeared to sovle the problem for about a day.
    Any thoughts?

    I am also having the same issue. Within an hour of starting a simple Windows 7 x64 VM - using 1 core and 2GB RAM - the processor usage and memory go through the ceiling on the Dock process. Literally using all available CPU processes and over 2-3GB of memory itself. This is not a usable or acceptable bug. I need to use Windows 7 for work and I cannot afford to spend time restarting things every 2 hours. It uses so many resources that time machine cannot back up and eventually the whole system becomes unusable - and not in the generlly thought of way but in th way I remember windows being when explorere and everything that goes with it was crashing. I have some theories and I am going to try to turn off the 3D aceleration and see if that makes a difference but I really hope this gets the attention of VMWare. I enjoy a lot of the feature the seperates Fusion from Parallels. I work in IT and need to be able to interchange and use different VM's on the fly before they go to our ESX server and/or other VMware workstation PC's. If it wasn't for that fact alone - I may very well already be downloading Parallels. I will update with how the 3D adjustment goes.
    UPDATE (over an hour later): After Shutting down the VM and going into the settings - to help you that dont know (Virtual Machine>Settings>Display) and turned off the 3D Acceleration (which I don't need for my work applications) the problem seems to have stopped. The dock is now not going over 32 MB of memory used and the CPU use is stable (generally arond 0.1% or lower) !!!!
    I hope VMWare fixes this soon, but for now this will be a decent workaround. Hope this helps more of you! I will repost this over at apple support.

  • Macbook getting how with very little cpu usage

    So my macbook pro with retina display is getting oddly hot.
    I run a few applications, about 5 or so, and the CPU reached about 95C, then was pulled back by the fans to 80C. I then played 1 game, (and left other aps open), and the CPU reached 101c. I've then closed everything but two aps, an IRC client, and safari with 6 tabs.
    Current CPU usage:
    16 - 19%
    CPU temps:
    Average is 80C
    Fan speed:
    3710 rpm
    Program I'm using to record temps:
    Temperature Guage
    I've also let the vents on the side of the computer containing the cpu/gfx chip be suspended in air so they aren't onstructed by anything.
    Is there something wrong with my MBP? Apple's tests said everything was alright but it's getting VERY hot compared to many stories I've seen across the net.

    ThePilotGuy wrote:
    Also, when I restart the comp, should the temps stay the same, even after idling for a minute? They do for me.
    Also, restarted my comp, same dock issue persists.
    EDIT: Also, when I restart my computer, the background always changes to this grey backgroundless color and I have to re-set it.
    And, when I log in, the screen quickly flashes white then takes maybe 5 to 9 secs to login. It hasn't done this until recently.
    EDITEDIT: When the background is colorless, the bar at the top of the screen is just black, I cna't read any of the text.
    The white flash is normal. That's the end of launchd process and the start of the loginwindow process.
    The delay in the appearance of the loginscreen indicates that either
    1. you're running something in
     > System Preferences.. Users & Groups | Login Items
    that is causing the problem every time you bootup and login. If either Skype or Limechat are in that list, get them out. Ideally, get everything out of that list.
    2. if there's nothing in your Login Items, you may have a corrupt plist file. Force the system to make a new one by running this command in Terminal (beware that it will reset your Dock to default prefs, so if you've added any other icons to the Dock you'll have to do that again afterwards):
    rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock.plist
    press 'return' on the keyboard and restart the mac.

  • IPhoto 9.4.3 high fan speeds/ high cpu usage.

    For about a month now, my iPhoto has been acting up. My iPhoto CPU usage idles at about 30% and as soon as I start using iPhoto, the CPU usage can go as high as 430%.. This causes the fans to spin at 6000RPM and eventually iPhoto will slow down and I'll have to force quit.
    I have tried:
    - repairing the iPhoto library
    - creating a new library
    - re-installing OSX Mountain Lion
    - re-installing OSX Mountain Lion and then installing a fresh copy of iPhoto
    - rebuilding the iPhoto library with iPhoto Library Manager
    Nothing has fixed this issue. I have exhausted all of my options and I would greatly appreciate any help.
    Mac specs:
    Early 2011 MBP
    Intel Core i7 2.2GHz
    8GB 1333MHz RAM
    256GB Crucial M4 SSD
    750GB Seagate HDD
    15 inch Hi-Res AG Display

    Did you remember to quit iPhoto before deleting the caches and to log off and on again? WIthout logoff or reboot cleaning the caches may have no effect.
    iPhoto is keeping second, hidden cache in $TMPDIR. Try to clear that as well.
    You can only open that cache from the Terminal.
    Quit iPhoto.
    Open a Terminal window and enter
    open $TMPDIR
    and hit "return".
    In the window that opens remove the folder com.apple.iPhoto.
    log off and on again, and retry.
    Im thinking that this is a software bug.. but I just cant figure out why its happening on a fresh install of OSX / iPhoto. Seems bizzare.
    I am using the same iPhoto version on a similar early 2011 MBP Mac without problems. Maybe the file type of your photos and/or videos makes a difference. What media kind are in your iPhoto/Aperture library? Videos? Raw? Jpeg?

Maybe you are looking for