MBP Retina Screen Replacement

I have the first gen MBPR with an LG screen. The flickering and imagine retention didn't bother me much until now (1 year later). The image retention and flickering have gotten substantially worse. Quite a disappointment as my cMBP worked amazing.
How long would it take for Apple to repair it? I live in the rural area and accessing an Apple Store would take a 2 hour drive (4 hours total there and back).
Do they repair it in store or do they ship it off to a depot? I did searches and got mixed results regarding specifically the retina. I know that the cMBP is much easier to do.
Any help is appreciated.

Apple repairs the Macs at the Apple Store. Repairs take between the same day and a week, depending on the amount of Macs they have to repair and the availability of the part your MacBook Pro needs.
If your MacBook isn't in warranty, this may be an expensive repair, as the Retina display is expensive, so you should have taken it during the first year of warranty. Then, note that Samsung displays are the ones that give less problems, so if you want, you can ask the Genius to install a Samsung display

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    This is called ghosting. Search the forum and you will see others have experienced the same problem with the LG displays.

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    This is called ghosting. Search the forum and you will see others have experienced the same problem with the LG displays.

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
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    Reset PRAM.   http://support.apple.com/kb/PH18761
    If this does not help, contact Apple.
    Genius Bar reservation

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    Contact Apple Support directly.  In Germany the Expresslane or this number
    0800 6645 451 will allow you to speak directly to someone from Apple.    Explain your situation.   Mind you, AppleCare and issues with Apple products like this have to occur without any user accidents or user installed parts to ensure that Apple will cover you.  If there was a user accident or installed part, you may be turned down.  If you have the original Apple parts, and did the installation yourself, replace it with the original parts very carefully following the directions on http://www.ifixit.com/ unless you can afford an authorized service provider to do it for you.  Since we don't speak for Apple here, being end users like yourself, that's why I say "may", as I've seen Apple handle these things on a case by case basis.  So hopefully you don't have any obvious damage that looks like it is user caused.   Good luck!

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    Have someone been through this lately??
    Kind Regards,

    HI.  I opened my late MBpro 15inch a week ago and heard a funny noise  .Like a pop.  Shortly after I noticed a crack in the LED screen.  I went to a Genius Bar and they told me that the screen damage was not covered by my warranty ..I then went home and noticed that the crack had spread right across the screen.  I also noticed that I would get a black screen on 2 occasions that was fixed by resetting the PRAM.  I decided that I'd have to fork out the $900 to have it fixed.  I went to the Apple store today and booked it in.  The tech was sympathetic and said he would talk to his manager.  When he returned he was apologetic and said that I would have to pay.  Later today my wife picked up the product and was told that we did not have to pay as they could see that the product was faulty but not due to negligence. Good outcome.

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