MBP Retina with Mavericks doesn't power-off

I installed Mavericks on my MacBookPro Retina and since the install the "shut down" function no longer powers off the computer.
I power off the machine by holding down the power button on the keyboard.
Is this a known issue with Mavericks?  Has anyone a solution?

If you want to see the shut down dialog like previous OS, press and hold the power button for 1.5 seconds.

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    Hello there, alparkinsonpm.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up a few good steps for troubleshooting FaceTime on your Mac:
    FaceTime for Mac: Troubleshooting FaceTime
    If you encounter issues making or receiving FaceTime calls, try the following:
    Verify that FaceTime is enabled in FaceTime > Preferences.If the issue persists, or if you see the message "Waiting for Activation", try toggling FaceTime off and then on.
    Verify that the Date, Time, and Time Zone are set correctly:
    From the Apple () menu, choose System Preferences > Date & Time > Date & Time.
    Enable "Set Automatically".
    Click the Time Zone tab and confirm the closest city is correct.
    Verify that both parties are connected to an active broadband Internet connection.
    See Mac OS X: Troubleshooting a cable modem, DSL, or LAN Internet connection.
    Consult Using FaceTime behind a firewall for necessary ports to open in firewalls, security software and routers.
    If you encounter issues using a Wi-Fi network, use standard Wi-Fi network troubleshooting to resolve interference and other issues.
    Verify the phone number or email address being used is the correct one activated for FaceTime.You can verify that you are using a valid Apple ID at appleid.apple.com. You can also create an Apple ID or reset your password from this website.
    Verify that both parties have installed the latest software updates for their Mac and/or device. See:
    Mac OS X: Updating your software
    iOS: How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    Hi there,
    If I'm not mistaken, I think you need to have the power cable in for clamshell mode to work.
    If you make sure the power is in you should be able to wake the MBP up from sleep mode with it shut and plugged into another display.

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    You may have it set up to act like a separate display in which it would show your wallpaper and would show some of the screen because the rest of your excel spreadsheet might me going over to the projector.
    I check this go to. System Prefrences > Display > Arrangement (In the top bar) > Check the mirror display button is checked. If not try checking it.
    If that doesn't work let me know and I'll look into it more.
    Hope this helps.

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    Call Customer Support and have them replace the screen. They will send you a box to mail to depot.
    I had a MacBook Pro with a dead pixel and left speaker out. My MBP was 4 years old, definently out of warrenty. I called Apple, and they replaced the display without charge.
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    When calling customer service, stress that you have more than one pixel out, as you probably have a cluster. Have them do the repair at depot not at any Apple Store. Make sure, since you are still with 90 days, fix it for free.
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    If it were I, I would just di a clean install if you have not configured it already...it's good to have a bootable USB hanging around just in case. It's easy to make one in Terminal if you have at least an eight (8) GB available with this (I just finished one):
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    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
              Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item selected. Move the selected item to the Trash. Log out or restart the computer and test.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

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    How can be expansive?
    Thanks a lot!

    Hello Mr.lollo14,
    I would not be able to tell you how much it will cost to get your MacBook Pro and that will be something you will need to discuss at an Apple Store or an Apple Authorized service Provider. Take a look at the article below for more information about setting your Mac up for service. 
    Service Answer Center - Mac notebooks
    http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=servicefaq&geo=United_States&product=Macn otebooks
    -Norm G. 

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    Well, want to rule out drive case,, as those do come up with EVERY new OS, just hit Lion 10.7 forum when it came out, or when 10.6.0 came out 3 yrs ago.
    Maybe the power adapter is the weak link.
    As I said, and goes back yrs, not a fan of FW/USB/eSATA case from major vendors (LaCie, WD, Seagate etc).
    And you could try another case. Be sure to buy a case that lets you swap in your own hard drives though.
    http://www.macsales.com/firewire - look for bare drive case "0" capacity hard drive

  • Re: MBP Retina with CS6, does OpenType display at print-quality?

    I'm a Graphic Design major. I have to work with a lot of text and with InDesign, obviously. On a non-Retina display, I can't trust my computer's screen to display text at print-quality. This means that I have to potentially print dozens of pages while working with text to be sure the kerning and adjustments I've made will print correctly.
    I'm considering purchasing MacBook Pro the Retina version, but I need to be sure it's a good investment. I know Retina is suppose to "rival" the printed page. But are Retina and CS6 compatible and designed well enough that I can trust my computer screen to display text at the exact same quality as I would see on the printed page?
    To give an idea of what I have to deal with on a normal computer screen: If I have InDesign open on a non-Retina display and I type out a line of text, if I then zoom the screen in and out and watch the text closely while doing this, it will appear as though the relative width of some lines and the distances between letters are changing. (You should easily be able to confirm this on your own computer.) For example, the stem of one letter might appear to become fatter than the stems of others at one moment, and then may appear skinnier than others at another moment.
    Obviously this means I can't trust what I see on the computer screen when I'm working with text. And that's a serious issue for me.
    I assume this occurs as a consequence of the conversion process between vector-to-pixel format for OpenType text combined with the low resolution of the computer screen I'm working on. Going to Retina display may help eliminate one of those issues, but if InDesign CS6 was not designed to take full advantage of the Retina display, then this problem may still persist on the higher resolution screen.

    Thanks for that quick response Dendrek.
    It is so hard to convince myself not to give in to the expensive temptation of the Retina MBP when I have all but completely convinced myself that I really need it! I probably will go for it anyway - since I am upgrading from my mid 2007 17" Macbook Pro which is currently at Apple Service, awaiting final verdict on whether I will need to pay for a new display, the decision seems to be a lot simpler for me. Will buy the rMBP and hope that the Adobe team catches up soon enough (and that an update to InDesign is part of their "make CS Retina optimized" plan for later this year). Like you said, it is just a matter of ID pixel-doubling everything.
    On a side note - Until such an update arrives I was thinking of trying to use my (3rd generation) Retina iPad with Air Display as a second "preview display" for InDesign documents - using the document in "New Window" feature of InDesign, which allows you to have a duplicate view of the same document at its own zoom settings, with live changes. Am not sure if this configuration works as logic dictates it should (since the latest version of Air Display is apparently Retina optimized and should therefore show the document at full resolution), but will give it a shot as soon as I have access to a Mac again. Have you ever tried this setup to achieve the "print-quality" preview that you and I (and many others) want to see? Would need a Retina iPad of course.
    Thanks again for your input.

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    P.S.- New user to osx.

    You can not, don't even try.
    Use an external drive instead

  • New MBP retina with used battery

    Hi all,
    i buy my first time a macbook and yes one of the best and most expensive, the retina one.
    the fist one arrived to me with some bugs and a battery with already 2 cyclus behind whereas the second was used as well since once i started the notebook the battery shows me a remaining capacity of 92%.
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    I just wonder about this approach at apple and I like to understand what your experience about. All notebooks I do have previouly aquired (ibm, samsung, vaio ect...) arrived to me with a new battery with no recharge at all. Zero! Why is also apple allowing to send customers used notebooks/battery? this is making me angry the more when i know the battery costs up to 200€ which is lot of money....

    I would expect a new car to have less than 100 - 200 miles.  a new battery less than 3 - 5 cycles.  I would expect a used car to have multiple thousands of miles and a used battery 10s to 20s or charge cycles.  You should expect about 300 - 500 cycles on a battery and be at 50 - 80% of the original capacity.
    Enjoy using the nice computer and don't try to make problems where they don't exist-- there will be plenty of real ones  .
    Best regards,

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