MBP Shuts Off

My MBP shuts off (not down) abruptly when doing processor intensive tasks. It has happened when iPhoto was rebuilding the thumbnail cache, when I try to run some dvd folders through mediafork, and only once when importing a CD in iTunes. Ripping dvd's is fine, as well as normal activity in iTunes, Mail and Firefox.
I thought it may be heat related so I left it off overnight and tried to convert a dvd in mediafork immediately after logging in but it still shut off. It was still cold so I'm not so sure it's overheating.
I had the logic board replaced two months ago for the whine issue and that's when it started happening.
Already tried fixing permissions, resetting that thing where you have to remove the battery (sorry, it's late), removing the extra 1 gig memory chip, recalibrating battery, etc.
Any suggestions?
PowerMac G5 Dual 1.8, MacBook Pro 15" 2.16   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

Note the exact time it shuts down and check your system logs in your Console application for clues. Also, run your hardware tester. It sounds hardware related though and you will need to get it looked at again.
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    Battery Information:
      Model Information:
      Manufacturer:          DP
      Device name:          bq20z451
      Pack Lot Code:          0000
      PCB Lot Code:          0000
      Firmware Version:          0201
      Hardware Revision:          0002
      Cell Revision:          0164
      Charge Information:
      Charge remaining (mAh):          2037
      Fully charged:          No
      Charging:          No
      Full charge capacity (mAh):          5078
      Health Information:
      Cycle count:          168
      Condition:          Normal
      Battery Installed:          Yes
      Amperage (mA):          -917
      Voltage (mV):          11235
    System Power Settings:
      AC Power:
      System Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):          5
      Wake On AC Change:          No
      Wake On Clamshell Open:          Yes
      Wake On LAN:          Yes
      Display Sleep Uses Dim:          Yes
      Battery Power:
      System Sleep Timer (Minutes):          5
      Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):          1
      Wake On AC Change:          No
      Wake On Clamshell Open:          Yes
      Current Power Source:          Yes
      Display Sleep Uses Dim:          Yes
      Reduce Brightness:          Yes
    Hardware Configuration:
      UPS Installed:          No
    AC Charger Information:
      Connected:          No
      Charging:          No
    thanks for the quick reply~

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    Hardware Configuration:
    UPS Installed: No
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    mbp   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    That "No UPS" should be nothing to worry about. I have the same setting in mine and there is no problem.
    On the other hand, if the battery is failing to supply power, that might be one of several things and, presuming your MBP is still within warranty, it needs looking at by Apple.
    As a thought, why not check the relative settings for Power and Battery in "Energy Saver" preferences (in System prefs)?

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    Bound to be hardware, Rudy.
    Does it occur both when running from battery and from the mains?
    Is it definitely shutting right down rather than falling into an unwakeable 'sleep"? (If it is shutting right down then a single press of the power button is all that is needed to restart, rather than holding the button down for a few secs and then pressing it again.)
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    Try resetting SMC first:
    Reset SMC
    Reset NVRAM
    Have you had battery issues recently?
    "Should I remove the battery and re-insert it?"
    If the SMC reset doesn't help then that's the way that the SMC was reset when you could remove the battery. We've had luck unplugging power adapter and the battery, pressing the power key and replugging the battery after a few minutes.
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    the MBP to shut down without warning, especially if
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    sure they'll send you a replacement.
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    MPB   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Have you calibrated the battery recently (or ever)? If your battery isn't calibrated then your computer can think that there's 20-30% left when in fact it's empty. Also, there's a firmware upgrade to fix MBPs that shut down randomly(that is if it's not a battery problem). Info on the firmware can be found here:
    and info on calibrating the battery can be found here:
    Hope this helps.

  • MBP shuts off when not plugged in (yet battery is fully charged)

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    I therefore think my battery is faulty.
    What else can I do to test the battery functions?

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    Battery Info:
    Full Charge: 5330
    Remaining: 5208
    Amperage: 0
    Voltage: 12294
    Cycle Count: 81
    And of course, this is while it's plugged in.

    Hi wpetraska;
    When I got my MBP, I was having the same problem. Since it was brand new, I took it into the Apple Store. They looked at it and told me there was fault with the logic board. It would have to be replaced. Two days later I got it back and it has worked great ever since.

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    I'm still on hold, going on five hours on the phone. Is this a new record? Should I give up?

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    Try this: Shut down your computer, take out the battery and power cord and pres the power button for about 10 seconds. After that, reseat the battery (and power cord if necessary) and turn on the computer whilst holding down Command-Option-P-R. Wait until you hear the startup chime AT LEAST once after the initial chime. What you just did is a reset of SMC and pram.
    After that calibrate the battery by fully charging it, use the computer on power supply for at least 2 hours. Then unplug it and use it off battery power until it completely runs down. Let it stand for at least 5 hours and plug it back in.
    Hope this helps

  • MBP Shuts off Randomly when not plugged in

    So, I've had a 2007 MBP and been very happy until just now.
    My computer has started randomly shutting off. Not shutting down, but like "click" off when its not plugged in. This happens at different times, sometimes 5 minutes after its unplugged, sometimes 15, but it will.
    Any ideas? Anything I can do? I don't really want to buy a new one because this one works just fine other than that.

    Seriously, look on the first page of this forum and you'll see other threads already started on the subject. No-one has a solution as yet, other than replacing the battery, even though it seems to be a software update (Snow Leopard or otherwise) that's the culprit.

  • MBP shuts off randomly

    My 15-inch MBP (bought May 2009, running 10.5.8) has recently been shutting off randomly, sometimes upwards of 10 times a day if I am using it a lot.
    I first suspected this as a battery problem, because the only way I can keep it from shutting down is by keeping it plugged into a power source (it has never shut down when plugged in). However, I have a second battery that I bought in 2010, and the exact same problem occurs regardless of which battery I have inside.
    Although sometimes the shut offs are random, sometimes it will happen if i sit my MBP on a desk not-so-gently (but not hard either), or if I drop something not-so-gently onto the area below my keyboard. Also, it almost always shuts down when I close the lid and put it into my backpack.
    I don't know too much about the interior hardware, but my best guess was there is a faulty area where the computer power attaches to the battery source, and when somethign disturbs that connection then the computer shuts off?
    Any thoughts?

    Hi wpetraska;
    When I got my MBP, I was having the same problem. Since it was brand new, I took it into the Apple Store. They looked at it and told me there was fault with the logic board. It would have to be replaced. Two days later I got it back and it has worked great ever since.

  • MBP shuts off when using Skype

    I recently downloaded skype to stay in touch with family who don't have a .mac. However, now if I'm not plug into an outlet and I use Skype, the MBP will randomly and instantly shut off. My battery displays full or near full life and I don't have this problem if I stay plugged in. I've updated all software and this hasn't resolved the problem and I don't have this problem when not using skype. Please Help

    I checked the system profiler and the full charge capacity is 2657 and the cycle count is 107. This only confirmed my earlier diagnosis. The battery is failing. It is now happening when Skype is not on. I think it was just a coincidence that the problem appeared after installing Skype. I've also now noticed a bulge around the battery area and intermittent trouble with the track pad and button. I contacted Apple about the battery and was told I'd have to buy a new one. I'm only out of warranty by a few months and my battery was not part of the recall. Thanks for the help.
    Message was edited by: sluey

  • MBP shuts off when battery goes down to ~20%

    Recently, my MBP started shutting off when the battery level got to 20%. No low battery warning, just shuts off like it got to 0%. I plug it in, turn it on, it boots and battery level is right around 20%.
    Battery Information:
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: SMP-ASMB012-3571-70d
    Manufacturer: SMP
    Device name: ASMB012
    Pack Lot Code: 0001
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 0102
    Hardware Revision: 0300
    Cell Revision: 0200
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 4420
    Fully charged: Yes
    Charging: No
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 4440
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 191
    Battery health: Good
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): 0
    Voltage (mV): 12544
    I took it to the Apple store and the "genious" told me that cycle count is too high and they can't replace the battery under warranty. He said I use it with a battery too much. Last time I checked, I bought a portable computer, it has a battery for a purpose. When I work at a client's office I don't always have it plugged in. What does actually constitute a "cycle"? I've had the laptop for 1 year and 2 months.

    Ok, so I'll tell you guys my experience with the genius bar at the Apple Store.
    It was about 2:20 pm today, I walked up to the genius bar and waited for someone to come to me -- which took all of 30 seconds. So he asked what my reason for visiting was, and I told him the story about how my battery would just cut off at 30%. He then asked for my computer, so I reached into my laptop bag, pulled it out, and placed it in front of him. It was in sleep mode so we just opened it up to get started; he went to the "About this Mac" from the Apple button in the menu bar and took a look at my serial number. After about 2 minutes he said "I'll be right back." I waited for no longer than two minutes, and he came out from the back with a box in hand. He then flipped my computer over and took my battery off, opened the box, pulled out a new battery and placed it in my computer. Then, all that I had left to do was sign for it, and I was on my way in no more than 10 minutes.
    What I find interesting is that he didn't even look at how many "cycles" my battery had; although, it probably wouldn't have made much difference as it was only at 17. At any rate, I asked him if there was a set of defective batteries out there -- including mine -- and basically he told me that yes, there was. So I guess since he looked at my computers serial number, his computer told me that mine was one of the affected ones.
    Anyways, bottom line was it was very easy to do to get it replaced, with zero hassle. For the most part, I'm pretty happy with how the Apple Store and genius bar both opperate, much better than dealing with stores like Best Buy and the like -- in my opinion anyways.
    Good luck everyone.

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