Mc mix/ artist mix flip mode in logic

Hello all.
in first " excuse me for my bad english"
For a very long time, the yellow arrows that signaled the actiivation flip mode on the OLED display on the mc mix, has disappeared, since it is very difficult to know if the flip mode is enabled or not!
is that I'm the only one or no longer has that arrow?
someone does it the arrow that appears in the flip mode to mix mc artist or mix with logic?
thank you for your response avid didnot reply at my question..
Perhaps my english :-)

Frankly, I'm not sure of the date I uninstalled the hardware (which would tell me which version of Logic I was running at the time.)  Since things are not working for PT OR Logic, I suspect the problem is somewhere else... but where, especially since Eucon connects to the hardware???

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    Ok, a nice topic which I have some opinions on, so bear with me, and I'll share them...
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    As for the PT/Logic route - if you want to use the sessions and recreate them exactly, then you'll need PT and the plugins (and he uses *a lot* of different expensive plugins). However, doing this misses the point a little - it's not really about copying his plugin settings or using the same plugins - that alone isn't going to make you mix better.
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    But in the end, I often find myself getting just as good a sound with Logic's own plugs after a little bit of work. It's not as quick, mind you - and you really do have to play to get to know the plugins well
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    because they're capable of some horrible sounds too
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    Edited by kuljitsingh at 01/02/2007 12:40 PM

    Yes your above statements are correct, but what is the use?? In effect, you are giving a single transaction code in a single call of the transaction.
    whereas in session method, within a single BDC GROUP, you can give multiple transactions.
    This is infact one of the major differences between CALL TRANSACTION and SESSION METHOD.
    Hope u understood
    Reward points if helpful

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    Many thanks.

    I gave the most probable cause/solution in that thread:
    Open the event list (E), select and remove all MIDI CC [b]7[/b]  messages from all tracks/regions.
    To select all MIDI CC 7 messages in one region, first select one, then hit shift-S.

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    Un-chcek the 'Open in 32 bit mode' button

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    Q2. Are the tables that are also in the primary, in effect in read only mode on the logical standby ? Am I able to see the mode of these tables to prove they are read only ?

    User modification to tables on the Logical Standby has three possible settings:
    You can check the mode using this query:
    If you try to insert data into a table and the mode is 'ALL' and you are not the SYS user you should get an error
    If you want users to modify non-replicated standby tables then you need to change the mode from its default of 'ALL'.
    You can use DBA_LOGSTDBY_SKIP to find non-replicated tables ( the ones with skip rules ).
    If you create new objects consider a naming convention that allows you to easily see the write status.
    Best Regards

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    I have an Ensemble also. Most likely, the issue is with the Ensemble firewire driver. It doesn't support sleep mode.
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    The majority of the tracks are automated with only one delay designer on a snare and synth keys. The drumkit will be bussed to a multipressor.

    Instruments in Multi output mode can't be frozen, so that's probably what you're experiencing. Once you're finished with composing you can render/bounce CPU hungry Instruments, re-import the bounced files and play them back as normal Audio files, which will certainly free up a lot of CPU.

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