MDM Syndicator Destination Items Properties

Hi All,
How does the Normalization property for Destination Items works in MDM 5.5 SP3?
How can I specify Custom Normalization?
Is there similar Normalization (custom too) feature available in MDM Import Manager?

Hi Abhay,
The Normalization property for Destination Items has the following options:
1. Standard
2. Custum with Standard Normalisation
3. Custom Normalisation only
<b>1. Standard:</b> The text will be normalised in a standard way, all characters converted to Uppercase with all special characters other than underscore "_" removed.
<b>2. Custum with Standard Normalisation:</b> Frankly speaking it never worked properly for me
<b>3. Custom Normalisation only</b>: The text will be normalised and the characters given in the "Custom Characters" will be removed.
<b>Import Manager </b> also has the normalisation functionality when Value mapping is done. Right click on the value and select "Normalise". This also changes the case of the text to uppercase and removes all special characters except underscore. But, Custom Normalisation is not possible as far as my knowledge is concerned.
Hope this helps,
Rajani Kumar

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    Hi Janynne,
    I hope you have modify the Syndication XSD(add new field) and then load it in XML Schema table of MDM Console, right ?
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    if your root path is disabled, i.e. you cannot select any, when you are specifying your schema file, then most likely there is an error in the xsd file. Try to validate it again.
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    Best regards
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    your query could look like this:
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    qrygroup1 is item property 1, qrygroup2 is item property 2 etc.

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    Best Regards,
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    Many object properties can be set programmatically at runtime. For example, each window object has a Visible property that can be set to either Yes or No to show and hide the window. At runtime, you can call the built-in procedure SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY to show or hide the window dynamically, as shown here:
    Set_Window_Property('my_window',VISIBLE, PROPERTY_ON);
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    Note: Radio group items include individual radio buttons; use SET_ITEM_PROPERTY to set the properties of the radio group, and SET_RADIO_BUTTON_PROPERTY to set the properties of the individual buttons in the group.
    Each built-in SET procedure has a corresponding GET function that allows you to programmatically determine the current setting of an object's properties. The following example uses GET_WINDOW_PROPERTY to determine if a window is currently hidden (VISIBLE = FALSE). If the window is hidden, SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY is called to show the window.
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    Insert Allowed
    Primary Key
    Query Allowed
    Required Update
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    Only if NULL.
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