
Hi everybody.
I have a "little" problem here.....
On my G4 there are 2 discs and on each disc it's installed a Mac OS X 10.4.6.
The first one is a "office job" system, the second a "music production" system.
Yesterday, on the music system, I've launched Software Update and I've found a Quicktime 7.1.1 update. I've installed it and iTunes became to crash with each song in the last 5 seconds, Qmidi became instable and lost the sound and GB had a strange behavior too.
I noticed that on the office system the update was not present!
So I decided to remove QT 7.1.1 logging as root and using OSXPM.
At the reboot the mac stopped when the blue line comes at the end.
I've restarted in single user and I've found that the boot process stops at this line: mDNSResponder: Adding Browse Domain Local.
I've tried these (unsuccesful) steps:
1. Rebooted without lan cable;
2. modified the file /etc/hostconfig with the line:
HOSTNAME= "myhostname".localdomain.TLD
I remember that in the past this problem was solved but a search in Support and in Discussions gave no useful result.
Any help?
thanks in advance.

I've solved the problem copying all the Quicktime 7.1.1 upgrade components from a system into another.

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    6/22/11 5:21:34 PM mDNSResponder[16] ERROR: mDNSPlatformWriteTCP - send Broken pipe
    6/22/11 5:21:34 PM mDNSResponder[16] ERROR: mDNSPlatformWriteTCP - send Broken pipe
    6/22/11 5:21:34 PM mDNSResponder[16] tcpConnectionCallback: error writing
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    # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
    # when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.    localhost miishka.local miishka transadvice.miishka.local transadvice portfolio.miishka.local portfolio inabwiki.miishka.local inabwiki inabwww.miishka.local inabwww ttwiki.miishka.local ttwiki    broadcasthost
    ::1             localhost
    fe80::1%lo0    localhost
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        ServerName ttwiki.miishka.local
        ServerAlias ttwiki
        ServerAdmin tamara@localhost
        DocumentRoot "/Users/tamara/Sites/"
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    Try here >  Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    and here >  iTunes for Windows: Network Connectivity Tests

  • Mdnsresponder will not quit.  Consumes above 100% CPU and kills my battery.  Also causes my fan to run constantly and my computer to get extremely hot.  Force quitting doesn't work.  It just comes back.

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    mDNSResponder is a background process that runs all the time. If you kill it, it's relaunched automatically.
    Please launch the Console application and select "system.log" from the file list. Enter "mDNSResponder" (without the quotes) in the search field. Post a sample of the log messages in the Console window -- only one example of each repeated message, please.

  • MDNSResponder has to be reloaded after reboot

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    I'm running Snow Leopard (10.6.8) and the first time I restarted after the last update, my DNS was broken. Both ethernet and Airport showed that they were connected and had IP addresses, but DNS can't resolve anything. I could access nothing on the internet. If I unload and load mDNSResponder (i.e. launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/, then run load), everything works fine.
    If I re-boot, I have to do that unload/load dance all over again. Any ideas on how to fix that?

    Why not just try different DNS servers?  For example OpenDNS (, or Google DNS (,

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    Thank you!

    Try using the latest nightly build:
    It helped with my similar problem...
    Message was edited by: kiu77

  • MDNSResponder error: no afp connections from OS X client

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    System.log gives an error:
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    Any idea where the problem might be?
    I have tried cache cleaning, log cleaning, repairing permissions, and so on.

    This is also being disucssed somewhere else I have the same problem, sorry i can't help.

  • MDNSResponder can't recognize Computer Name or local hostname?

    When looking in Console Logs recently, I noticed log messages saying the mDNSResponder could not read user-specified Computer name or host name and using default names etc. Example: "Aug 18 13:46:23 dialup-4 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read User-specified Computer Name; using default "Macintosh-000000000000" instead" I am using dialup internet service with the internal modem. These messages are created when I log on and off the internet. Are these messages normal or is my computer missing some data? I am having no problems getting on and off the internet, I just don't understand the logs. Thanks for any help.

    Try editing it in both places in Sharing Pref Pane.
    Careful what characters you you also.

  • MDNSResponder problem / network traffic reduction measures in effect

    [Part I in a series of "Why Does My Machine Randomly Shut Down And Related Oddities" :-D ]
    Below you can see a bunch of log output which seems to show a network problem. My connection is not too fast, which I've blamed on my low tier of U-Verse, but this makes me wonder. And it seems to occur each wakeup.
    "network traffic reduction measures in effect" I've found mentioned as an AirPort problem.
    BUT, my AirPort is OFF.
    (Plus, why is it changing the host name and then back again?)
    Mar 1 08:41:43 al-pines-imac-g5 kernel[0]: System Wake
    Mar 1 08:41:43 al-pines-imac-g5 kernel[0]: Wake event 0020
    Mar 1 08:41:43 al-pines-imac-g5 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex (PHY regs 5,6:0x41e1,0x0007)
    Mar 1 08:37:49 al-pines-imac-g5 configd[36]: setting hostname to "al-pines-imac-g5.local"
    Mar 1 08:41:43 unknown000D93C8E73A configd[36]: setting hostname to "unknown000D93C8E73A"
    Mar 1 08:56:49 unknown000D93C8E73A kernel[0]: IOPMSlotsMacRISC4::determineSleepSupport has canSleep true
    Mar 1 08:56:50 unknown000D93C8E73A kernel[0]: System Sleep
    Mar 1 09:06:10 unknown000D93C8E73A kernel[0]: System Wake
    Mar 1 08:56:50 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 22: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:10 unknown000D93C8E73A kernel[0]: Wake event 0020
    Mar 1 08:56:50 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 22: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:10 unknown000D93C8E73A kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex (PHY regs 5,6:0x41e1,0x0007)
    Mar 1 08:56:50 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 22: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 08:56:50 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 9: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:03 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 22: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:03 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 9: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:03 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 22: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:03 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 9: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:03 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 22: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:03 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 9: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:03 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 22: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:10: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Mar 1 09:06:03 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 9: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:10: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
    Mar 1 09:06:03 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 22: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:03 unknown000D93C8E73A mDNSResponder[24]: ERROR: mDNSPlatformTCPConnect - connect failed: socket 9: Error 50 Network is down
    Mar 1 09:06:11 al-pines-imac-g5 configd[36]: setting hostname to "al-pines-imac-g5.local"
    Mar 1 09:06:11 al-pines-imac-g5 mDNSResponder[24]: Note: Frequent transitions for interface en0 (; network traffic reduction measures in effect
    Mar 1 09:06:26 unknown000D93C8E73A configd[36]: setting hostname to "unknown000D93C8E73A"
    Mar 1 09:09:08 unknown000D93C8E73A ntpd[14]: time reset +2.174483 s

    Is that an actual dump from your logs? If so, I find it strange - not least because the timestamps are not consecutive. That certainly makes it harder to trace what's going on.
    Deciphering it as best I can, I'd say you have a flaky network. This could be due to cabling or some process on the machine that's interrupting sleep - I find it strange that many of the mDNSResponder messages are timestamped while the machine is asleep. That could be related to the various wake-on-LAN options - are they enabled in System Preferences -> Energy Saver?

  • MDNSResponder taking 100 percent CPU after upgrading to 10.5.1

    just want to know if anybody else has the same problem.
    After upgrading to 10.5.1 the process mDNSResponder took up almost 100 percent of CPU power.
    In the system.log following line appears (very often):
    mDNSResponder[171]: KQ SSLHandshake failed: -9806
    I took a look at my Linux firewall in front of my network and it drops a lot of packages:
    REJECT:IN=eth0 OUT=ppp0 SRC= DST= LEN=64 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=63 ID=47178 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=63684 DPT=5354 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
    Looking who is turn out:
    bash-3.2# dig -x
    ; <<>> DiG 9.4.1-P1 <<>> -x
    ;; global options: printcmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 7068
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
    ; IN PTR
    ;; Query time: 210 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Fri Nov 16 06:45:11 2007
    ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 77
    Maybe this is a server something to do with .MAC (I'm a member and some sync are turned on)?
    I opened the 5354 port and mDNSReponder is now running normal.
    But hey Apple, I don't want computers be registered by Bonjour or something else at your servers.
    Can you please check this out?
    Thanks for your answers.

    I think I found the cause to my problem and also solved it?
    When I investigated my "Console Log" the next message was repeated :
    ... mDNSResponder[202] Failed to obtain NAT port mapping from router external address internal port 9999
    This gave me an idea and pointed in the NAT configurations.
    What have I done (which solved my problem) :
    • opened "Airport Utility"
    • selected my Airport Base Station
    • choose "manual Setup"
    • choose "internet connection"
    • after that i selected the tab "NAT"
    • where I deactivated "Enable NAT port mapping protocol"
    • and then I updated my Airport Base station
    => since then, no more the problem and de message disappeared from the "Console Log"

  • MDNSResponder eating up 1/5th of my CPU usage

    I've just returned to my campus network after being away for a year, but I don't remember seeing a process called mDNSResponder eating up 15-25% of my CPU usage before, nor do I recall my computer seemingly constantly receiving 100-200kB of data before which -- I'm only guessing here -- is related to that process.
    Some googling has told me that this process is related to Bonjour, and I'm guessing that the high traffic is related to a boatload of people on campus sharing their iTunes playlists. My questions:
    1. Am I on the right track here? I want to say that this became a problem only in the last couple of weeks, and guess when the students moved back?
    2. Is there some switch I can turn off to stop this incoming traffic? I don't even have iTunes running, and mDNSResponder is still sucking away 1/5th to 1/4 of my CPU usage. I don't share any playlists myself, and don't listen to anyone else's shared playlists either.
    3. Can I disable this process entirely without adverse results? I don't print to Bonjour printers nor iChat over Bonjour, but may print over IP or Windows Printing in the future.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    Powerbook G4 (17-inch)   Mac OS X (10.3.5)  

    Firefox Consumes a lot of CPU Resources
    High Memory Usage
    Check and tell if its working.

  • Itunes update 10.4(80) causing problems with MDNSresponder, configd, and KRB5KDC.

    I am a relatively new mac user and have no idea how to procede here. I would be grateful for any help. Here's the story:
    Last week I updated my itunes like a good boy when prompted. I am not certain, but there may have been a mac os10 update along with it. I always look at the details of what the update is, except of course this time. When the update finished, the macbook wanted to reboot and I let it. However, when the computer started up, I began to see wierd dialouge boxes asking me if I wanted to run KRB5KDC, then MDNSresponder, and configd. I ticked no to all, and discovered I could not connect to the internet or my NAS. I then I got on my PC and looked these up discovered what they were and rebooted the mac, this time ticking yes. At this point my mac told me it could no longer keep automatic time and asked if I wanted to set the clock manuallly, so of course I said yes and did. That solved my connectivity issues but here are the ones that remain:
    1) I can no longer accept secure certificates from websites... safari tells me they have expired or not to be trusted when I know for a fact that is not true. How can I be sure of any other websites?
    2) My macbook pro can no longer keep the correct time and date. It seems whenever I go into sleep mode a new time and date appears when the machine awakes.
    3) All of my iCal info has been errased when I last synched. I discovered that yesterday, thus prompting me to post. I can't have that. Thankfully all the information was retained on the macbook's drive.
    4) Are there any other issues I may not have discovered yet?
    Just for added info I am running OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) on a 2.66 intel coreduo with 4 gigs of ram
    I know this is rambling but I just don't have the proper technichal vocabulary to describe my problems any better.

    Even i am facing the same exact problem the way you are facing, but i thought my net is having problem so i changed the net also. Now it seems that Apple has problem with this version.If you find any solution kindly mail me on [email protected] I would appreciate your help for the same.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Mdnsresponder Process

    I've noticed a process which is continually running in my Activity Monitor called mdnsresponder. The strange thing about this process is that the user which mdnsresponder is running under is "_ mdnsresponder" (with an underscore to the left of it). I always thought that the user should be root for this process (it runs under root on our PowerBook G4/667 running Mac OS X 10.4.11). I've never noticed this until today and unfortunately, I read something on the Internet (in trying to research this process) about someone who thought they had been hacked since the user which mdnsresponder was running under was not root.
    The same thing is happening with the process WindowServer. The user it is running under is "_windowserver" (with an underscore to the left of it). Not root. All of the other processes running in my Activity Monitor either belong to the user root or, to my user name (with the exception of the process distnoted which belongs to the user "daemon").
    Does this make sense under Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.6?
    What is mdnsresponder for? It is continually running on my iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo now. The only thing I have recently changed on my iMac is that we just started sharing a USB printer on our network (which of course, is connected to my iMac) - could this be why mdnsresponder is always running? There are also two smbd processes running on my iMac which I don't quite understand.
    These processes are confusing and I get worried sometimes that there is a virus or a trojan on my iMac. I had to open one port (5190) in our router/firewall in order to get iChat to work properly and I'm a bit worried about this since I also had to turn the ping feature of the router back on in order for iChat to work as well.
    Thanks for any info you can provide.
    Message was edited by: Gerard James

    Thanks for your reply and also for the link. I looked at all the info but I still don't know why the smbd process is running on my iMac. I'm not using Bonjour at all (unless printer sharing uses it somehow) and we have nothing to do with Windows computers on our network. All services are OFF except for printer sharing in my Sharing preferences.
    Interestingly, after my post - I re-booted my iMac and noticed that mdsresponder wasn't active (I use Little Snitch and can tell when it's actually "in use" by seeing the processes up in the top right corner of my screen that Little Snitch displays - what a superb utility Little Snitch is, by the way). As soon as I logged in to this forum to reply to your message, voila - I see mdsresponder running.
    But I still don't understand why the "user" displayed in the Activity Monitor is "_ mdnsresponder" and not "root". I guess maybe this is just a change made in Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.6? mdnsresponder runs under "root" in Mac OS X 10.4.11 on our PowerBook G4/667.
    Overall - I guess this is nothing to be overly concerned about. I'm just curious to know if other Mac OS X 10.5.6 users out there notice that mdnsresponder runs under the user "_ mdnsresponder" rather than "root"?
    Thanks again for your help.

  • OSX 10.4.6 - mDNSResponder

    Hi! When I open the console I always see some kind of error that happens very often and it seems like it's about my own computer IP that was given by my Vigor2200e router. Here is the error code:
    mDNSResponder: ERROR: pktResponseHndlr - received malformed response to query for (12) ... that is the intern LAN IP of my Quad. But who or what is the problem?

    German: Bei Ansicht der Konsole ist ein Fehler sichtbar, der das Netzwerk betrifft und immer wieder auftritt. Dieser Fehler besagt, dass ein im Startprozess enthaltener DNS Responder die vom Router zugewiesene Adresse sucht und nicht findet bzw. diese nicht beantwortet wird. Anbei der Fehlercode:
    mDNSResponder: ERROR: pktResponseHndlr - received malformed response to query for (12)
    Vielleicht relevant: Ich habe meinen Quad sowie einen Mac Mini auf einem Vigor2220e Router hängen. Alle Netzwerkeinstellungen sind richtig eingestellt.

  • MDNSResponder causing network issues?

    About a week after installing Yosemite beta 5 I noticed a huge issue on my computer. I woke my computer at the start of the day an I was having trouble loading anything except for websites on Chrome. All of my network services would think they were connected but would just never load. For instance, I would load a website and it would just try to load for a few minutes before timing out. It seemed like a DNS issue, but after trying other DNS servers, I did some research. I finally found that other people (not from previous system versions as well) were citing an issue with the "mDNSResponder.plist" file, located at: /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ Some said to unload and reload the file, others said to delete (in which case it won't rebuild and therefore has issues with Bonjour), and others said to restore that file from a previous TM backup. I tried all of those solutions, I was finally able to get some network functionality after loading and reloading the file.
    Now, my network services are back and I've had less of an issue in beta 6, but I'm still getting the attached message every time my computer is NOT connected to a network.
    It just keeps counting up for ever, until I'm connected to a network this will never go away (unless I unload the .plist file). Is this just a bug? Any way to fix this issue that anyone knows of?

    Then don't start your post with "About a week after installing Yosemite beta 5".
    That sounds like discussion of beta software to me.
    I can't help you but maybe Apple will notice your post and provide guidance.

  • Why my pro's mDNSResponder does not work?

    I have a problem , I can connect to Internet by Browser , but When I ping a website domain . such as ping ,it shows error information "ping: cannot resolve Unknown host", I guess maybe my local dns does not work。so I excute command "ps axu | grep -i DNS",I found mDNSResponder does not running。I also see system log,here is the /var/log/system.log
    Nov 29 16:31:57 localhost configd[18]: dnssd_clientstub ConnectToServer: connect()-> No of tries: 3
    Nov 29 16:31:58 localhost configd[18]: dnssd_clientstub ConnectToServer: connect() failed Socket:8 Err:-1 Errno:2 No such file or directory
    Nov 29 16:31:58 localhost configd[18]: DNSServiceCreateConnection(&dnsMain) failed, error = -65563
    Nov 29 16:31:58 localhost configd[18]: dnssd_clientstub ConnectToServer: connect()-> No of tries: 1
    Nov 29 16:31:59 localhost configd[18]: dnssd_clientstub ConnectToServer: connect()-> No of tries: 2
    Nov 29 16:32:00 localhost configd[18]: dnssd_clientstub ConnectToServer: connect()-> No of tries: 3
    Can someone help me ?? Thanks.

    Reset SMC.
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    If this does not help, contact Apple.
    Genius Bar reservation:

  • MDNSResponder error in console log.

    In looking at the console log using appSwitcher I saw the following error many times in a row.
    What does it mean?  Is this something to be wary of regarding battery life?
    mDNSPlatformSendUDP: Invalid interface
    index 00000006
    Thanks and I look forward to your reply.

    I'm going to add a me to this morning, and it took a significant toll on my battery life. The battery dropped 39% over a few hours before I noticed the out of control process. I have reset my phone (top and home until I saw the Apple logo) and that seems to have stopped the process.

Maybe you are looking for

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