Measuring Tool Issue

I do 95% of my work on architectural drawings.  The measuring tool used to work great when I wanted to convert inches to feet.  For some odd reaon, even after I select the proper scaling, it does not display the correct figures.  All I am trying to do is scale an opening and convert inches to feet and be able to see the measurments.  Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help.

What about just simply having the measurement and section toolbar appear? I've been capturing files using the "print screen" method and not been able to produce a PDF that will display the measurement and section tool in the reader. Can anyone tell me how to do it?

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    In the pictures below I am trying to measure a wall footing and in the second image the rectangular footing is covered by the arrows when using the measuring tool. In the third picture, you can see what I am measuring and how covered up the rectangular footing is in the previous image.
    I want to annotate the drawing with the measurements so I don't want to turn off the leaders and annotation. If someone has an answer, i would really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.
    Mac OS 10.7.5
    Acrobat X Standard

    I am sorry if I have wasted anyone's time. I have actually now found a solution.
    Right clicked the page when the measuring tool was selected and chose 'change scale ratio'. However, I would have never thought that it was a ratio issue...
    Thanks a lot, anyway.

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    No one can remotely have "any ideas" to help you when you don't even mention what your problem is nor what your system and workflow are like.
    Of course, when you post here,one assumes you have done your due diligence, read the documentation, the user guide, the Help files in the Photoshop Help menu, as well as done Google and forum searches, etc, and we would expect some sensible, detailed information from you.
    Teaching someone Photoshop from scratch, step by step, exceeds the scope of this forum—or any other forum.
    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    A screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too,
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Measuring Tool hangs with Not Responding on a Windows 7

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    * Ram 8 GB
    * Processor:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3340M CPU @ 2.70GHz
    * Drive:  320.5 GB free out of 444.3 GB
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    Had same issue with Firefox 8.0 in Windows 7 Home Premium-64 bit.
    I disabled the VLC Multimedia Plug-in & problem was solved.
    Click Tools (in Firefox)>>Add ons>>Plugins. Then find "VLC Multimedia Plug-in version...." and click "Disable".
    In earlier versions of Firefox the culprit proved to be the "Realplayer Browser Record Plugin".

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    The tool needs to be enabled using Acrobat. For example, in Acrobat 9 you'd open the document and select: Comments > Enable for Commenting and Analysis in Adobe Reader
    Advanced > Extend Features in Adobe Reader

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    It would be truly great if anyone could clarify this. Thank you so much!

    I am sorry if I have wasted anyone's time. I have actually now found a solution.
    Right clicked the page when the measuring tool was selected and chose 'change scale ratio'. However, I would have never thought that it was a ratio issue...
    Thanks a lot, anyway.

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    Email me at
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    Hi SGckc,
    This document is almost certainly a dynamic XFA form. Unfortunately, our mobile Reader does not support displaying or filling such forms. The application that produces this form embeds this message into the document so that non-supportive viewers (like ours) will display this "error" page when the document opens. I do realize that this is confusing and I would like to add some additional detection to our Reader for this case. However, we've avoided doing this for fear of confusing users even further. Your feedback helps though. Hopefully we'll find a way to detect this case and present a better message to the user like: This form is not supported by the mobile version of the Adobe Reader. Please open and fill it on the non-mobile version of the Adobe Reader for Windows, Linux or Mac OSX.
    Thank you for contacting us!

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    Executing this code from the JS console will change the font size of all the Measurement annotations to 20. You can change the value in the first line to use a different font size:
    var newTextSize = 20;
    var annots = this.getAnnots();
    for (var i in annots) {
        var annot = annots[i];
        if (annots[i].type=="Line") {
            var richText = annot.richContents;
            for (var i in richText) {
                richText[i].textSize = newTextSize;
            annot.richContents = richText;

  • I have Adobe Acrobat Pro XI and cannot enable the measuring tool.  Any advice?

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    Any help is appreciated.

    The Measuring Tool is not showing in the tools panel either. 
    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4. Please excuse any typos.

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    ASA did not fix the problem. When I manually search the logfiles under installers, I find myself drowning in millions of errors.
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    FATAL: DB001: Database file '{98CE8819-87AA-4814-8167-ADDDD513485F}.db' does not exist.
    FATAL: DF012: Installation source path does not exist: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\uninstall\{98CE8819-87AA-4814-8167-ADDDD513485F}.db
    ERROR: Updating driver data failed. Driver entry was notadded. ARP estimated size 0KB
    ERROR: Updating driver data failed. Driver entry was notadded. ARP estimated size 479709KB
    or in another log file I found it is this:
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Sony". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 4)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 4)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Sigma\Sony". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 38)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 38)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Sigma\Sigma". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 80)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 80)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Sigma\Pentax". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 116)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 116)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Sigma\Nikon". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 171)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 171)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Sigma\Canon". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 213)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 213)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Sigma". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 214)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 214)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Nikon". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 241)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 241)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Canon". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 284)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 284)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0\Apple". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 287)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 287)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 288)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 288)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 289)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 289)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles\Camera". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 712)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 712)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles\Adobe Standard". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 954)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 954)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 955)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 955)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 956)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 956)
    ----------- Payload: {1A726E43-1269-42D5-9915-54FF4BC5F3D1} Camera Profiles Installer_6.5_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All -----------
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Elements STI Installer\Adobe\AdobePatchFiles". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 1001)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 1001)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Elements STI Installer\Adobe". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 1002)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 1002)
    ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Elements STI Installer". Error 145 Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.(Seq 1003)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 1003)
    WARNING: Failed to update the csu inventory for {1A726E43-1269-42D5-9915-54FF4BC5F3D1} Camera Profiles Installer_6.5_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 13:110

    Yorengl the DW063 error indicates then inability to write to those specific directories.  Please see Error "Exit 6" or "Exit 7" | Install log | Read, write, system file errors | CS5, CS5.5 - for information on how to adjust your file permissions.

  • Measure tool in Photoshop CS6

    why is the unit of measurement displayed when using the measure tool wrong? I have changed it in the units and rulers in preferences but it is still wrong.

    Hello Emma,
    It works ok for me here. Where are you reading the measurement? (Info Panel? Ruler Tool Option Bar?)
    Is your Photoshop up to date?

  • Enable Measuring Tool for Use in Reader X

    I created a Geo-spatial PDF using ESRI's ArcGIS.  I opened the PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro X and made some minor cosmetic changes.  In Acrobat Pro X I was able to use all the geospatial tools including the measuring tool.  I saved the changes to the PDF.
    I now want to send the PDF to another person who only has Adobe Reader X and want them to have the functionality to use the measuring tool to measure buildings ect.  Currently they can see and use the object data tool, and the geospatial location tool, but not the measuring tool.  Is there anything else I need to do in Acrobat X to allow a Reader user to access this tool?

    Yes, you need to save the PDF as  Reader Extended PDF in Acrobat X. This can be done from File>Save As>Reader Extended PDF>Enable Commenting and Measuring. This file will give the Measuring Tool option in Adobe Reader X.

  • Where is the measuring tool in Acrobat XI?

    Where is the measuring tool in Acrobat XI?

    yes i just found it. I had to get rid of the common tools box and go to view then tool sets. Thanks for the response.

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    Object>Expand Appearance. Then proceed to Ungroup, release clipping paths, etc., to further dissect it. Exact steps will depend upon the specific artwork.

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