Media sharing problem

I just bought a wrt150n router I have media sharing turned on and the router can't find my ps3 I've tried everything. I had an older linksys wireless b router and it found it and media streaming worked fine I'm thinking of taking the n back and sticking with the b. any suggestions on what I can do before taking it back? I have the ps3 hooked up with an ethernet connection playing games online works fine it just can't find it for media servers
Message Edited by Steveabca on 03-12-2008 01:46 PM

Access router setup page ... go to wireless tab .... Click on Advanced Wireless settings>>Change the Beacon Interval to 75 >>Change the Fragmentation Threshold to 2304 Change the RTS Threshold to 2304 >>Click on "Save Settings" Try to connect with the PS3 ...see if it works ...

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    I believe that NTFS-3G has issues with Lion.
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    Well i think the Storage Drive on your Router is not configured properly. In this case you need to login to the Router setup page, and then you need to click on the "Storage" tab, and under the Sotrage tab you need to click on "Create Share" a new window will popup on your screen and in that window you need to click on the Button "Return to Upper Folder" and and under "Current Folder" it should display you "FAT2"  and select "FAT2" and below add the "admin" in the Group section and under Displayo Name Give anyname and it should be a Unique name  and below click on Save Settings.
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    I dont think that there is some settings on the router .... but you can follow this settings ....
    Access router setup page ....
    Please click on the tab "Application and gaming" and click on sub
    tab "Port range forwarding"
    1) On the first line in Application box type in "Xbox", in start box
    type in 88, in end box type in 88, in protocol keep it both, in ip
    address type in and give a check mark on enable box.
    2)   On the second line in Application box type in "Xbox", in start box
    type in 3074, in end box type in 3074, in protocol keep it both, in ip
    address type in and give a check mark on enable box.
    3) Now save the settings
    4) Once you return to the setup page, click on the tab "Administration"
    and disable the UPNP and save the settings.
    5) Now assign the given ip address on your xbox
       ip address :-
       subnet mask :-
       default gateway :-
    Please assign the dns address on the xbox
      primary dns :-
      secondary dns :-
    6) Please try to test your xbox live.

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    Hi there and welcome to the WD community,
    When you go to the shares section on the dashboard, is media serving for the share turned off? Thats strange, try to turn off media streaming and turn it back on to see if the folders still show up. Hope this helps you out

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    Can someone help or shed more light on my problem?

    Home Sharing is designed to work on your local network not across the internet/cloud.
    Stuff is accessed under the Computers column where your local iTunes library on a local computer would appear.
    Home Sharing would share your iTunes content (i.e. stuff stored in itunes on the computer, not in the cloud) with AppleTV or an iPad etc on the SAME network.
    AppleTV2 will not be able to see itunes content on the work computer over the internet.  It's not designed to.  if the work computer was on the home network it would.
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  • Sharing problems - internet connection

    Hi, I can't share my script. It tells me that I have some problems with my internet connection, but it's impossible.
    Help me

    I'd like to share both. By for now I need to share just a script, not the whole project. I tried to share both, but it's the same, same problem.
    My Adobe ID is [email protected]
    Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 20:39:28 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: sharing problems - internet connection
        Re: sharing problems - internet connection
        created by Ratnesh(Adobe Story Team) in Adobe Story - View the full discussion
    Hi, Are you attempting to share a document or a project ?Please send me your AdobeId (story username) so that I can take a deeper look. Thanksratnesh
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  • Airport Internet Sharing Problem  Mini - PC Laptop

    Airport Internet Sharing Problem
    My setup is:
    Cable Modem -> Mac Mini --> PC Laptop
    ... with the connection between the mac mini and the PC laptop being the built-in mac mini airport using internet sharing.
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    Tried with WEP on and using 40 bit hex keys using a "$" prepend in the mac as suggested on this web page:
    Same behavior, works for 10 minutes, then it chokes again.
    Tried with & without the firewall.
    Yes, personal web sharing is on.
    The PC laptop works fine with any number of other wireless routers out & about town, at my girlfriend's house, so forth.
    Any chance I have a bum mac mini wireless card or antennae or something? The reception strength on the PC laptop is good.
    Just don't know what to make of it. So stupid, it seems like something pretty basic that ought to work.
    Yeah yeah tell me to get a wireless router, but I'm not going to do that, that's one major reason I bought the mini in the first place and it would be nice if it worked as advertised.
    Any other suggestions?

    Works better now...
    this is me again. A week ago or so, I noticed there was an automatic update to the wireless on the mac mini.
    Since then the performance is much improved. My PC laptop connection to the mac mini no longer drops spontaneously.
    Much improved! Thank you very much!
    Yes, on occasion, when I leave and then come back to use the wireless, the laptop will not reconnect after multiple attempts; I have to turn of internet sharing and flick it back on again, but then it works all evening fore hours and hours straight with no problems.
    Thanks Apple! It's usable now!

  • File sharing problems and horror story (nearly)

    I use Leopard on a MacBook Pro, a MacBook and a iMac G4 800 MHz (unsupported model).
    I have on the iMac and the MacBook Pro many users (the same ont he two machines) and I always use Fast User Switching.
    I have had very few problems with Leopard until now; I like it even if there are some glitches or some new features which are not my cup of tea (hierarchical menus missing from the dock, stacks useless when there are many items, FireWall impossibilities (?) to open specific ports, Back to my Mac working on a Lan but not from outside until now, problems with a few apps (Parallels networking erratic), ...
    Now about File Sharing.
    Let say my main account is user1 (Administrator), and I have another user2 also administrator, plus user3, user4 standard users.
    On the iMac I activate File Sharing.
    On the MacBookPro, as user1, if I connect to the iMac Server (using afp://IPaddress_of_theiMac/) I do NOT get the dialog
    "Enter your user name and password to access file server YYY
    Connect to server as Guest or as Registered User"
    but I directly get the dialog
    "Select the volumes you want to mount on YYY"
    From this, if I select user1 it mounts with full read/write permissions which is normal. It appears that I am connected with my Apple account user1& (same as mentionned in the Account panel of System Preferences).
    On the other hand, if I try to connect to the user2 account, I only get limited access although in the File Sharing Preferences, user1/iMac is mentionned with full Read/Write preferences for the Home Folder of user2.
    What is very surprising is that if I log on the MacBook Pro as user2, or user 3 or user4, then connect to the iMac, I first get the dialog to enter a user name and a password. This gives me access with the correct full permissions on user1/iMac or user2/iMac using the corresponding user name/password pair; this is the usual behaviour which is missing when trying to connect from user1/MacBook Pro.
    Now for the Horror Story!
    Trying to understand what was going on with the permissions of the user2/iMac account, I logged in to the iMac as user1, went to the Users folder and from there had a look on the informations about user2 home folder. In the lower part of the pannel, Sharing & Permissions says "You have no access" (which is normal) and this is followed by a table where users and permissions are listed. It seems user1 has Read and Write access in contradiction with the preceding phrase...
    Anyway, I tried to modify these authorizations for user2 by clicking on the lock of the Information pannel and entering name and password of the administrator. Didn't go farther than that. By mistake, I hit Command-Delete and user2 was GONE from the list AND NOT ONLY from the list in the Information window! Using Fast User Switching and going to user2, nothing left on the Desktop and NO Home anymore.
    In the System Preferences/Accounts panel, user2 was still mentionned.
    In the Users folder, no user2 folder anymore.
    Using once again Fast User Switching, I logged as user2 and got by magic an all new Home. Nothing left in Documents, Library or other user1 folders. Standard settings for icons, dock, etc.
    My first move has been to use a very recent backup to restore everything (Thank you Mike Bombich from Copy Cloner!).
    Once everything was back to normal, I had a look at the Trash from user1 and guess what, the Home folder of user2 was there, complete.
    So now I am left with two questions
    why is it I do not have the same dialogs when connecting from all the accounts although as far as I can see, configurations are the same?
    why is it possible, from an Information pannel to delete the account of another user?
    Thank you all for comments!

    For the file sharing problems, answer is found in

  • 10.8 Server file sharing problem

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    Has anyone else experieced this? Is there a fix? Other than making everything lowercase.

    Simon Slavin United Kingdom
    If you have a problem please start a thread of your own.  Don't get us confused between solving two different problems.
    The subject of this thread is dealing with:
    "Server 10.8 file sharing problem"
    Specifically for direct attached storage file sharing permissions issue.
    Client computers having issues with folder permissions
    These are exactly my issues as well. I was hoping to try a solution here or maybe proffer a solution if found elsewhere.  I did not realize each problem should be opened as a separate discussion....
    Sulking back into the shadow...

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    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    I recommend that you attempt to boot into Safe Mode:
    KB17877 How to start a BlackBerry smartphone in Safe Mode
    It may take you multiple attempts to get the ESC key sequence (press/release/hold) correct, so be patient. When successfully into Safe Mode, think carefully...what happened just before this behavior started? A new app? An update? A Theme? Something else? Think carefully as the smallest change could be causal...and attempt to undo whatever that was.
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Strange isolated playlist sharing problem

    Okay, here's a strange library sharing problem to solve.
    First, some basic info on my home network:
    Computer #1: PC running Windows XP. Wired network connection.
    Computer #2: PC running Windows XP. Wireless network connection.
    Computer #3: iMac running OS X. Wireless network connection.
    All computers are running the most recent version of iTunes and have previously been able to share iTunes libraries without any issues. Library sharing is turned on on all computers, as is the "look for shared libraries" setting.
    Here's the problem:
    When I first open iTunes on computer #2 I see the shared libraries from both of the other computers. However, about ten seconds later (or if I click on the library listing) the library from computer #1 disappears.
    What's strange is that I can still access the library on computer #3 just fine from computer #2. Conversely, when I'm on either computer #1 or #3 I can view and listen to the libraries from either of the other two computers with no problems.
    Bottom line, I can't access computer #1's library from computer #2 - though I can see its listing briefly when I first run iTunes on computer #2. It would seem to make more sense if I couldn't see the library listing at all, or if I couldn't access the library from the third computer. However, this isolated and somewhat intermittent inability to access computer #1's library from computer #3 seems strange - particularly given that I can access computer #3's library from computer #1.
    Isn't technology grand???
    Thanks in advance for your help!
      Windows XP  

    Syncing the normal playlist was just to make sure your iPod had all the correct songs on it. My thought was that if the smart playlist rules were being synced rather than the music itself, then the smart playlist would populate correctly when it had access to the correct songs.
    Since that doesn't seem to be the case, I guess Chris CA is right and you will just have to wait for Apple to release an iTunes update that fixes this bug.
    Until then, I've given you a relatively easy work-around, so hopefully that can tide you over.

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