Menubar messed up?

Starting just yesterday I noticed that my menubar clock, volume control, and Fast User Switching menu are not displaying on the right side of the menubar. The Spotlight icon is there, but when I mouse over it I get a spinning beachball, and it is not invokable by clicking on Cmd-Space. In trying to figure out what was wrong I looked at the console:
Mac OS X Version 10.4.8 (Build 8L127)
2007-06-18 06:38:43 -0700
Workaround Bonjour: Unknown error: 0
DOCK: CFMessagePortSendRequest returned -2
2007-06-18 06:40:03.611 System Preferences[241] Error (-4956) locating menu extra
I've tried restarting and the problem isn't fixed. Does anyone have any idea what's going wrong here?
Thanks very much,
G5 Dual 2.5 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

Thanks for the suggestion; the solution managed to be simpler. I was using a music server called Firefly to drive some audio equipment by Roku; I had changed a setting on Firefly, which was the cause of the problem. I uninstalled Firefly, and things are back to normal.

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    I created a Spry horizontal menubar in DW but I must have missed something in the instructions. I've followed several tutorials but can't get it straight.
    1)  It looks funky online - comes out as a vertical list instead of a horizontal menubar.
    2)  Once I get it straight, how do I place the same menubar in all the pages on the site?
    I tried by copying it to each page - got the same vertical list, though.
    I tried putting the insert spry menubar thing into a Library page then putting the Library item on this page - still no go.
    Using DW CS5.5 on iMac running OS 10.10.2 (Yosemite). Thanks.

    I have now created a Spry Assets folder and uploaded the Spry files to it,
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    At this point I think I'm going to give up on Spry and try to use a
    different method - I really appreciate your questions and suggestions.
    Thank you very much!
    Jamie Tubmen
    111 ElderSpirit Court, Abingdon, VA 24210
    [email protected]

  • Dreamweaver Images look fine in view but messed up in BROWSER !!!

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    I have been getting this weird messed up images since i started my project.
    This is giving me a headache so i thought this is best place to solve my problme.
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    HELP ME !!!
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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    <title>Website Discovery Mongolia</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    #Question {
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              width: 189px;
              height: 23px;
              z-index: 3;
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    #Container {
              position: relative;
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              z-index: 2;
              top: 979px;
              left: 328px;
              padding: 0px;
    #PopTrips {
              position: absolute;
              width: 200px;
              height: 28px;
              z-index: 2;
              top: 980px;
              left: 1060px;
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    #Read3 {
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              width: 110px;
              height: 25px;
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              top: 1440px;
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              position: absolute;
              width: 200px;
              height: 58px;
              z-index: 2;
              top: 2260px;
              left: 410px;
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    #ViewTrip3 {
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    #SpryMenu {
              position: absolute;
              width: 1100px;
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    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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        <li><a href="#">ABOUT MONGOLIA</a></li>
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      <img src="New Images/MainBackgroundImages/Contern2.jpg" width="297" height="669" /><div id="Read3"><a href="Indexpage.html"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/newdesign_27.jpg" width="110" height="25" /></a></div><div id="R1"><a href="Indexpage.html"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/newdesign_27.jpg" width="110" height="25" /></a></div><div id="Read2"><a href="Indexpage.html"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/newdesign_27.jpg" width="110" height="25" /></a></div><img src="New Images/MainBackgroundImages/Content1.jpg" width="722" height="669" /><div id="Follow"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/Bullet.jpg" width="30" height="21" /><a href="Indexpage.html"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/newdesign_43.jpg" width="103" height="20" /></a></div><div id="Pictures"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/Bullet.jpg" width="30" height="21" /><a href="Indexpage.html"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/newdesign_36.jpg" width="103" height="19" /></a></div><div id="Video"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/Bullet.jpg" width="30" height="21" /><a href="Indexpage.html"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/newdesign_30.jpg" width="63" height="22" /></a></div><div id="ViewTrip3"><a href="Indexpage.html"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/ViewTrip.jpg" width="160" height="40" /></a></div><div id="ViewTripButton1"><a href="Indexpage.html"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/ViewTrip.jpg" width="160" height="40" /></a></div><div id="ViewTrip2"><a href="Indexpage.html"><img src="New Images/Buttons and Text/ViewTrip.jpg" width="160" height="40" /></a></div>
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});

    I'm having trouble with my graphics, too, not your trouble though.
    As Murray above says,
    absolute positioning is wrong! Don't do that.  Browsers keep objects with absolute positioning on the coordinates you set, no matter what monitor size is viewing it and no matter how the rest of the page flows.
    I took off absolute positioning and it made an immediate difference - code below. The graphics are now inside their containers.
    go here to see what I did:
    go here to see what you did:
    Two other things I noticed:
    1) Remove the height on your containers, too. Instead, use padding to add blank space around the content inside your containers and use margin to add the outside space that separates  the containers.
    2)Your spry menu is wider than your outer container. You would fix that on the Spry css.

  • I guess I should not have messed with my file sharing I'm toast

    I use my Airport to connect to my DSL.
    I was "messing around" with my SHARING configuration (Apple...System Pref....Sharing...) and did something awful. I no longer have wireless connection to my Verizon router. I can hook up and get online (as I'm doing now) with Ethernet , but not Airport.
    The Airport ICON is now GREY and has an ARROW (pointing UP) though it. Never seen that before.
    And when I click on the icon I can't find my net work. The other Macs in the house work fine with airport.
    Verizon tech support could not help.
    How can get my Sharing preference back to normal (I was trying and guessing how to connect my other imacs around my home , without really knowing what I was doing. And I did something in there to screw this up).
    Help please

    Sys Prefs Sharing should not have messed up your ability to connect wirelessly to your router.
    Click on the  on your menubar, click on "About This Mac" then click on "More Info..." Find "Airport Card" under "Network" and click on it. Does it say something like "No information found" or is your Airport card being recognized? If Airport is recognized as existing, I would next look in Sys Prefs Network, authenticate on the padlock in the lower lefthand corner, click on AIrport then click on Advanced, then check stuff in there, like on the Airport tab, is your home network listed there anymore? Try deleting it and readding it. Under TCP/IP, are you using DHCP (or whatever you use)? Or might it have gotten changed to a setting that is incompatible with your router's settings?
    To get the Sharing Prefs "back to normal," just uncheck all of the checkboxes in Sharing and it will be back in its OEM state.

  • OS X 10.4.6 Messes up my computer

    I've been having lots of problems with my computer recently. I've been fiddling around with it for the past few hours, and I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is.
    OS X 10.4.6
    I've reformatted twice, and after every time I've installed OS X 10.4.6, the computer has crashed. The 1st time it removed a bunch of stuff from my menu bar and would not allow me to open most of my programs.
    The 1st reformat I installed all of the available updates at the same time, and the computer refused to even get to the screen where the spinning circle-thing ( best way I can describe it) would show up.
    The 2nd reformat I installed all of the updates EXCEPT 10.4.6, and it restarted twice fine, I could get on the internet and use iTunes Radio, etc.... After I installed 10.4.6, it refuses to boot completely again.
    I'm all but sure that it's OS X 10.4.6 that's messing up my computer. I have no idea what to do now. If anyone has any recommendations, I would love to hear them. I really don't want to have to buy a new laptop.
    Powerbook G4 1.33Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   80GB Harddrive

    Well now that it is being really realized . . .
    I have spent more time trouble shooting in 10.4.x than any OS. I spend 85% of my time now trying to figure things out or trying to fix missing menubar items whose settings reset or change themselves; resetting Sys Prefs that aren't sticking; networking problems; living through spinning beachballs of death when just trying to opening a new window; and much more, than using my machines for what I bought them for.
    As part of trouble shooting I have spoken to almost every developer for every application that I use and/or beta test, doing due diligence, and in our conversations a general theme is surfacing with several devs saying that it is the new and growing topic at the developer conferences. And that is "OS10.4.x on anything less than a G5 is not working well". From the increased traffic on the boards from people that are in G4 and lower gear, I would believe this.
    In past months I have spent a ton of time moving people back to 10.3.9 because when they upgraded to 10.4.x they started having nothing but problems including loss in speed and responsiveness. But not experiencing this in 10.3.x. For the weekend I'm on a 17" Powerbook to try anything and everything I can. I just did a clean install of 10.4 hopefully making it to 10.4.3 and with 10.3.6 on another partition I noticed a dynamic difference in speed and responsiveness switching between the two. This was the same on my G4 FW800 with further reductions at each next level up to 10.4.6. All installation practices and protocols have ALWAYS been meticulously observed. All installs were clean and up to as far as we were going checking progressive performance prior to the installation of ANY third party applications. The clean OS installs were backed up to revert to for the individual install and testing of third party apps. Then a complete evalution at install. Personally another blow was the latest Office 11.2.3 update that really trashed Office 2004.
    So basically what I am hearing from those that are making software for this OS is that there are problems and more so for those of us that are "not G5 and up". When I go through the many forums that I track, I make note of the gear that people are using and G5's are having similar problems also, but not as much as G4's and lesser.
    It'll only be a matter of time before more of this surfaces. What with this as a growing topic at the developer conferences.
    Those sceptics say what you will, but we'll just have to see. There's too many developers that are tired of having their software unduly blamed, and they are starting to speak out.

  • AIR Window cannot contain MenuBar's or ComboBox's (popups)? HELP!

    Hello all,
    Trying to use an AIR Window instance to show some content. Apparently, an AIR window cannot display pop-up content. In trying to add a child menubar (mx.controls.MenuBar instance) to the window, the menuBar simply fails to be displayed. Checking the parent, etc, shows that the menuBar IS the child of the window, it is visible, and has dimensions that should be shown. It simply does not show up in the window. Also, a combo-box is messed up. The button to drop-down the list does not appear, and so i can't get the drop-down box to show up. Why? This is madness.
    I suppose i might use a nativeMenu for the Window (assuming/hoping it will work) rather than the flex MenuBar, but what about ComboBox's. Can't use a combo-box in the window? Now wondering how other content may have problems (context-menus, other popups).
    Has there been any docs on this sort of thing. Couldn't find anything specifically for this type of error.
    Basically, Window's are somewhat useless if this is the standard behavior.
    Using FlashBuilder 4.Halo. Flex. Standard stuff. NO spark.
    Thanks much for any help!

    Yeah same problem here. Restarting helps, but I **** well am not going to restart with all of my opened emails and applications. Apple has lost a lot of money due to this issue over the last few days, as have the artists. These guys should take off their turtlenecks and put some proper QA into their product releases. Two Apple products that do not work together is pretty pathetic.
    Seriously thinking about going back to PC...

  • Menubars using UL and Li

    I am using dreamweaver CS3 and I am new to it. Now I want to make my first menubarusing UL and Li tags. I have searched online but all I came across is spry menus. I don't eally want to use spry menus.
    can anybody please suggest me good links for tutorials for menubars, which are comprehensive enough for any newbie?

    Well there are several ways.  One is as Murray showed you  with float left and a fixed width
    Another is simply to make the li inline as shown here:
    the advantage of this latter is that each menu item can be a different length if needed.
    Is there something more specific you are looking for?
    ADDENDUM - But you say that inline is messing with your page.  Perhaps you can give us a url to see so we can sort this out for you?
    E. Michael Brandt
    Standards-compliant scripts and Dreamweaver Extensions
    JustSo PictureWindow
    JustSo PhotoAlbum, et alia

  • Spry MenuBar Active

    Is there a way to set the active state on the Spry MenuBar?
    Have looked through the forums and not found solution with Spry. I
    have this code set up:
    <ul id="MenuBar5" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
    <li><a id="home" href="
    <li><a id="directories" href="
    <li><a id="reports" href="
    <li><a id="documents" href="
    <li><a id="financial" href="
    <li><a id="aboutUs" href="
    <li><a id="helpDesk"
    href="mailto:[email protected]">HelpDesk</a></li>
    <cfif IsDefined("Client.EmployeeID")>
    <a id="logout"
    <a id="login"
    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
    var MenuBar5 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar5",
    I'm interested in putting this 'request' to work on several
    in-house sites.
    Thank you,

    The last solution worked fine if
    - You only had one layer of menus
    - you were willing to manually create the menus and links,
    not using the properties tool in DW
    because that solution wrapped the menu calls in php tags so
    javascript calls got messed up
    This solution will give you the ability to
    - have more than one level of menu (I used two, you can
    extend the thinking to more layers if you want)
    - like using the DW tools and property window to create
    (in other words, it is a much better, more refined solution
    <div id="container">
    <div id="header">
    <!-- end #header -->
    <div id="SubHeader">
    <div id="NavBar">
    // Get the name of this page - the page being viewed
    $ThisPage = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    $ThisPage = basename($ThisPage);
    // Set to "BeingViewed" the style for the MenuItem of this
    // and the style of the MunuItem of all the pages in the
    path to get to this page
    // including the top-level MenuItem
    // with the "BeingViewed" style being defined in the header
    above or CSS
    // This changes the style
    // so that the MenuItem of the page being viewed and in the
    // look different than the MenuItem for the other pages
    // Note that the "NotBeingViewed" style (also defined in the
    header above or CSS)
    // does nothing. It just leaves the MenuItem as is
    // Create one array per top-level MenuItem,
    // with all the subordinate pages to that MenuItem included
    in the array
    // Make sure each page is included in one of the arrays
    // Even if a page can be reached by more than 1 path
    // it is better (but not mandatory) to include it in only
    one path here
    // So each page is ideally in one and only one array
    // Declare the number of top-line MenuItems
    $NumMenuItems = 6;
    // Enter each the pages subordinate to each MenuItem in its
    respective arrays
    // Make sure to label the array variable $Menu[X] where X is
    the sequence 0,1,2,...
    $Menu[0] = array("index.php");
    $Menu[1] = array("AboutUs.php");
    $Menu[2] = array("Services.php");
    $Menu[3] = array("Customers.php","Pantry.php");
    $Menu[4] = array("ContactUs2.php");
    $Menu[5] = array("sitesearch.php");
    // Initialize the style for all MenuItems to
    for ( $i=0 ; $i < $NumMenuItems ; $i++)
    $CountMenu[$i] = count($Menu[$i]);
    for ( $j=0 ; $j < $CountMenu[$i] ; $j++)
    $MenuItemStyle[$i][$j] = "NotBeingViewed";
    // Set the style for all MenuItems in the path to the page
    being viewed to "BeingViewed"
    for ($i=0 ; $i < $NumMenuItems ; $i++)
    if (in_array($ThisPage,$Menu[$i]))
    // Set the style for the top and landing page to
    $MenuItemStyle[$i][0] = "BeingViewed";
    $LandPageNum = array_search($ThisPage,$Menu[$i]);
    $MenuItemStyle[$i][$LandPageNum] = "BeingViewed";
    // Leave the style for this whole menu as NotBeingViewed
    <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
    <li><a href="../index.php"><span
    class="<?php echo $MenuItemStyle[0][0];
    ?>">Home</span></a> </li>
    <li><a href="../AboutUs.php"><span
    class="<?php echo $MenuItemStyle[1][0]; ?>">About
    <li><a href="../Services.php"><span
    class="<?php echo $MenuItemStyle[2][0];
    <li><a href="../Customers.php"
    class="MenuBarItemSubmenu"><span class="<?php echo
    $MenuItemStyle[3][0]; ?>">Customers</span></a>
    <li><a href="../Pantry.php"><span
    class="<?php echo $MenuItemStyle[3][1];
    <li><a href="../ContactUs2.php"><span
    class="<?php echo $MenuItemStyle[4][0]; ?>">Contact
    Us</span></a> </li>
    href="../z_HiddenPages/sitesearch.php"><span class="<?php
    echo $MenuItemStyle[5][0];
    <!-- end #NavBar-->
    <!-- end #SubHeader -->
    <div id="mainContent">
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="MainBody" -->
    Select this text and replace it with the content you want on
    this page
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <!-- end #mainContent -->
    <div id="footer">
    <p>Thank you for visiting our site.</p>
    <!-- end #footer -->
    <!-- end #container -->

  • Trouble removing black outline box with menubar widget

    I have been tweaking this Spry menubar for weeks trying to iron out the kinks and it has been immensely frustrating!  I get it working in Safari and then the submenus are misaligned in IE.  Also there is a strange black outline which manifests itself as a thin black line in Safari and a large black outline box in IE.  Cannot figure out where that is coming from! 
    I think i've made a bit of a mess of it now.  Any suggestions to get it working properly would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you!

    What you are seeing is a border around the <ul> entity for the submenu. To get rid of it, comment out the CSS in the SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css as follows:
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
    /*     border: 1px solid #000;

  • Please help - resetting CSS for menubar widget?

    I am new to CS5. Actually I am new to Dreamweaver, too.
    CSS confuses me. Anyways, I created a menubar and started editing random rules to see what happens. Somewhere along the way, I "broke" it, so now it looks all messed up and wont display submenus. Anyways, I wanted to just delete it and start over with a new menubar. But hey! Even if I DELETE the CSS rules, when I create a new menubar they COME BACK! How can I get rid of them? Keep in mind I am an idiot beginner here.

    The whole Spry bundle can be found here.

  • I messed BIG TIME DX

    hey people i just really messed up my Imac. i just bought it a few days ago.... i tried to put windows on it and used boot camp.... but i seemed to delet the partion that it ws suppose to be put on..... now each time it boots all i see is a black screen and a line flashing.... i need help.... if there is a way to restart the hard drive please tell me DX

    I can think of several things you might have done wrong. Try restarting the computer while holding down the 'X' key at the same time. If you didn't format that Mac's partition (or delete it) this will force the computer to start up using the Mac OS. If this doesn't work then we'll know you did indeed manage to kill off your Mac installation and you'll need to take care of that (see below). Now that you are back in MacLand, go back the BootCamp Assistant and try again.
    If your computer didn't start up by holding the 'X' key, get out your grey installation disc. Pop it into the computer and restart holding the 'C' key. This will force the computer to start from the disc. (It used to be C for boot from CD so Apple didn't just pull the C out of thin air). Once you get to the choose your language screen, mouse up to the menubar and look for the option to run Disk Utility. Select 1 partition as your scheme and format the drive HFS+ with journalling. Quit Disk Utility, choose your language and reinstall the Mac OS.

  • Blinking Finder menubar

    After an apparently normal installation of Leopard in my iMac Core2Duo, I got, upon the first restart, a blinking finder menubar. Nothing shows up on the desktop, no icon of the hard disk, nothing. The dock, however, does appears and can launch applications, which show their own menubars in a normal manner. But the Finder doesn't launch, neither do the Users Preferences. Innitially I thought this behavior was due to Spotlight activity, but it persists even after it completed indexing the Disk.
    I read in this forum something about DivX folders and APE, but I don't have any of these in my Disk.
    Does anyone have a solution? I am clueless about this, and getting half crazy.
    Thanks all.

    I have the same symptoms but maybe a different cause. My system has 2 user accounts, one has English as the system language, the other has Portuguese. After the upgrade to Leopard whenever I logon/switch to the Portuguese user account, Finder's menu bar keeps flashing. I can start other apps from the dock and their menubars are normal, so I can at least logoff/switch to the other user again. (as an extra bug, the dialog that confirms if I want to logoff is also messed up, completely empty of any text or buttons - it self-confirms after a few seconds so its just a matter of waiting to logoff).
    Anyway, I noticed that if I go into preferences and change that user's language from Portuguese to English the problem goes away. But that is not an acceptable long-term solution for me. I'd very much like to have the Portuguese language preference working.

  • Menubar fine in all browsers except IE on the PC

    > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader
    does not understand
    this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
    Content-type: text/plain;
    Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit
    Hi all
    I¹ve created a Spry Horizontal Menubar in Dreamweaver
    CS3 and it works with
    it¹s drop down submenus in every browser except the
    latest version of IE on
    the PC. Firefox is fine on the PC, Safari is fine on the PC
    as are their Mac
    equivalents. IE displays the sub menus horizontally across
    the page instead
    of vertically down.
    Is there something I should know about here? Has IE got a
    problem with Spry
    1.4? I know 1.5 is out as a beta but I¹m reluctant to
    mess about with
    Dreamweaver¹s file architecture until a proper update
    comes out.
    Hope you can help
    Content-type: text/html;
    Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
    <TITLE>Menubar fine in all browsers except IE on the
    <FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN
    STYLE=3D'font-size:12.0px'>Hi al=
    I&#8217;ve created a Spry Horizontal Menubar in
    Dreamweaver CS3 and it work=
    s with it&#8217;s drop down submenus in every browser
    except the latest vers=
    ion of IE on the PC. Firefox is fine on the PC, Safari is
    fine on the PC as =
    are their Mac equivalents. IE displays the sub menus
    horizontally across the=
    page instead of vertically down.<BR>
    Is there something I should know about here? Has IE got a
    problem with Spry=
    1.4? I know 1.5 is out as a beta but I&#8217;m reluctant
    to mess about with=
    Dreamweaver&#8217;s file architecture until a proper
    update comes out.<BR>
    Hope you can help<BR>

    Thanks Don, I'll get back to you after trying 1.5.
    On 27/6/07 3:25 pm, in article
    f5ts1n$bl8$[email protected], "Donald
    Booth" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > Hi Gary,
    > I would first suggest that you try 1.5.
    > We made some fixes in 1.5 that may solve your issue.
    Please try that first
    > and
    > let us know what happens. If it persists, it is always
    helpful to see a live
    > page.
    > Thanks,
    > Don

  • XFCE4 Desktop messed up after upgrade

    After upgrading to the latest XFCE Desktop - using pacman -Syu last friday - my XFCE Desktop ist totally messed up after restarting:
    . mouse cursor is displayed as cross instead of xfce pointer
    . windows do not have decoration and title bar
    . there are no more multiple desktops
    . keyboard shortcuts are no more working
    . menubar on several apps like thunderbird or firefox is not working
    . new windows are always placed on top left of the screen
    . more to find...!!
    In shorter words: the desktop is unusable. I deleted .config/xfce4, but this did not help anything. What can I do to quickly restore my desktop to a working state?
    Thanks, melman

    Thanks for your reply. That solved the problem. I just started xfwm4 in a terminal and now everything works fine. Even after restarting XFCE4.

  • My MAC is running very slow and i am a complete novice and don't know what to do. i have had my Mac since 2008 and its probably in a mess. if you can help i would be grateful. EtreCheck version: 1.9.15 (52) Report generated 8 September 2014 09:09:26

    My MAC runs very slow. Rainbow wheel every time i try to go somewhere. Im a complete MAC novice. Only really use it for iTunes and email. the odd document here and there. The odd spreadsheet. Was brought up on a PC. I would imagine my system is in  mess. I think i downloaded that Mackeeper which i have just discovered was not a good idea. I found a thread about EtreCheck and it suggested i posted the report of my machine which i have done.I only have 2GB of space. Not sure how much i have left. My wife keeps putting photos on here like they are going out of fashion. Bought the machine in 2008 because everybody said you have a MAC. I've never really got to grips with it but at least it worked. Now it does not run very well at all. That spinning wheel is driving me mad. HELP please, never ever used a forum light this either so please go gentle on me. Cheers Paul
    EtreCheck version: 1.9.15 (52)
    Report generated 8 September 2014 09:09:26 BST
    Hardware Information: ?
      iMac (20-inch, Early 2008) (Verified)
      iMac - model: iMac8,1
      1 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2 cores
      2 GB RAM
    Video Information: ?
      ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro - VRAM: 256 MB
      iMac 1680 x 1050
    System Software: ?
      OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) - Uptime: 0 days 0:31:45
    Disk Information: ?
      Hitachi HDP725032GLA380 disk0 : (320.07 GB)
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
      Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 319.21 GB (117.84 GB free)
      Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
    USB Information: ?
      Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
      Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
      Bose Corporation Bose USB Audio
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Gatekeeper: ?
      Mac App Store and identified developers
    Launch Daemons: ?
      [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist Support
      [loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac2.Agent.plist Support
      [running] com.trusteer.rooks.rooksd.plist Support
      [loaded] net.sourceforge.MonolingualHelper.plist Support
    Launch Agents: ?
      [running] com.trusteer.rapport.rapportd.plist Support
    User Login Items: ?
    Internet Plug-ins: ?
      Google Earth Web Plug-in: Version: 5.1 Support
      Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
      Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: Version:   - SDK 10.8 Support
      OfficeLiveBrowserPlugin: Version: 12.3.6 Support
      Silverlight: Version: 5.1.10411.0 - SDK 10.6 Support
      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
      AmazonMP3DownloaderPlugin101749: Version: AmazonMP3DownloaderPlugin 1.0.17 - SDK 10.4 Support
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Outdated! Update
      iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
      eMusicRemote: Version: (null) Support
      eMusic: Version: Unknown
    Audio Plug-ins: ?
      BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
      AirPlay: Version: 2.0 - SDK 10.9
      AppleAVBAudio: Version: 203.2 - SDK 10.9
      iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    iTunes Plug-ins: ?
      Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.4 - SDK 10.9
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ?
      Flash Player  Support
      Flip4Mac WMV  Support
      Trusteer Endpoint Protection  Support
    Time Machine: ?
      Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU: ?
          2% iTunes
          2% WindowServer
          0% coreaudiod
          0% fontd
          0% rapportd
    Top Processes by Memory: ?
      178 MB Finder
      133 MB
      109 MB iTunes
      92 MB Safari
      63 MB
    Virtual Memory Information: ?
      24 MB Free RAM
      821 MB Active RAM
      807 MB Inactive RAM
      291 MB Wired RAM
      338 MB Page-ins
      680 KB Page-outs

    1. This procedure is a diagnostic test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve the problem. But with the aid of the test results, the solution may take a few minutes, instead of hours or days.
    Don't be put off merely by the seeming complexity of these instructions. The process is much less complicated than the description. You do harder tasks with the computer all the time.
    2. If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything in the test procedure. Backup is always a must, and when you're having any kind of trouble with the computer, you may be at higher than usual risk of losing data, whether you follow these instructions or not.
    There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    3. Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script, a type of program. As I wrote above, it changes nothing. It doesn't send or receive any data on the network. All it does is to generate a human-readable report on the state of the computer. That report goes nowhere unless you choose to share it. If you prefer, you can read it yourself without disclosing the contents to me or anyone else.
    You should be wondering whether you can believe me, and whether it's safe to run a program at the behest of a stranger. In general, no, it's not safe and I don't encourage it.
    In this case, however, there are a couple of ways for you to decide whether the program is safe without having to trust me. First, you can read it. Unlike an application that you download and click to run, it's transparent, so anyone with the necessary skill can verify what it does.
    You may not be able to understand the script yourself. But variations of the script have been posted on this website thousands of times over a period of years. The site is hosted by Apple, which does not allow it to be used to distribute harmful software. Any one of the millions of registered users could have read the script and raised the alarm if it was harmful. Then I would not be here now and you would not be reading this message.
    Nevertheless, if you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them. Ask for other options.
    4. Here's a summary of what you need to do, if you choose to proceed:
    ☞ Copy a line of text in this window to the Clipboard.
    ☞ Paste into the window of another application.
    ☞ Wait for the test to run. It usually takes a few minutes.
    ☞ Paste the results, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page.
    The sequence is: copy, paste, wait, paste again. You don't need to copy a second time. Details follow.
    5. You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken in “normal” mode, under the conditions in which the problem is reproduced. If the system is now in safe mode and works well enough in normal mode to run the test, restart as usual. If you can only test in safe mode, do that.
    6. If you have more than one user, and the one affected by the problem is not an administrator, then please run the test twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time is an administrator. If you can't log in as an administrator, test as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this section doesn’t apply. Don't log in as root.
    7. The script is a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, though you may not see all of it in the browser window, and you can then copy it. If you try to select the line by dragging across the part you can see, you won't get all of it.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/libexec;clear;cd;p=(Software Hardware Memory Diagnostics Power FireWire Thunderbolt USB Fonts SerialATA 4 1000 25 5120 KiB/s 1024 85 \\b%% 20480 1 MB/s 25000 ports ' com.clark.\* \*dropbox \*GoogleDr\* \*k.AutoCAD\* \*k.Maya\* vidinst\* ' DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES\ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH -86 "` route -n get default|awk '/e:/{print $2}' `" 25 N\\/A down up 102400 25600 recvfrom sendto CFBundleIdentifier 25 25 25 1000 MB 464843899 51 5120 files );N5=${#p[@]};p[N5]=` networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder|awk ' NR>1 { sub(/^\([0-9]+\) /,"");n=$0;getline;} $NF=="'${p[26]}')" { sub(/.$/,"",$NF);print n;exit;} ' `;f=('\n%s: %s\n' '\n%s\n\n%s\n' '\nRAM details\n%s\n' %s\ %s '%s\n-\t%s\n' );S0() { echo ' { q=$NF+0;$NF="";u=$(NF-1);$(NF-1)="";gsub(/^ +| +$/,"");if(q>='${p[$1]}') printf("%s (UID %s) is using %s '${p[$2]}'",$0,u,q);} ';};s=(' /^ *$|CSConfigDot/d;s/^ */   /;s/[-0-9A-Fa-f]{22,}/UUID/g;s/(ochat)\.[^.]+(\..+)/\1\2/;/Shared/!s/\/Users\/[^/]+/~/g ' ' s/^ +//;/de: S|[nst]:/p;' ' {sub(/^ +/,"")};/er:/;/y:/&&$2<'${p[10]} ' 1s/://;3,6d;/[my].+:/d;s/^ {4}//;H;${ g;s/\n$//;/s: [^EO]|x([^08]|02[^F]|8[^0])/p;} ' ' 5h;6{ H;g;/P/!p;} ' ' ($1~/^Cy/&&$3>'${p[11]}')||($1~/^Cond/&&$2!~/^N/) ' ' /:$/{ N;/:.+:/d;s/ *://;b0'$'\n'' };/^ *(V.+ [0N]|Man).+ /{ s/ 0x.... //;s/[()]//g;s/(.+: )(.+)/ (\2)/;H;};$b0'$'\n'' d;:0'$'\n'' x;s/\n\n//;/Apple[ ,]|Genesy|Intel|SMSC/d;s/\n.*//;/\)$/p;' ' s/^.*C/C/;H;${ g;/No th|pms/!p;} ' '/= [^GO]/p' '{$1=""};1' ' /Of/!{ s/^.+is |\.//g;p;} ' ' $0&&!/ / { n++;print;} END { if(n<200) print "";} ' ' $3~/[0-9]:[0-9]{2}$/ { gsub(/:[0-9:a-f]{14}/,"");} { print|"tail -n'${p[12]}'";} ' ' NR==2&&$4<='${p[13]}' { print $4;} ' ' END { $2/=256;if($2>='${p[15]}') print int($2) } ' ' NR!=13{next};{sub(/[+-]$/,"",$NF)};'"`S0 21 22`" 'NR!=2{next}'"`S0 37 17`" ' NR!=5||$8!~/[RW]/{next};{ $(NF-1)=$1;$NF=int($NF/10000000);for(i=1;i<=3;i++){$i="";$(NF-1-i)="";};};'"`S0 19 20`" 's:^:/:p' '/\.kext\/(Contents\/)?Info\.plist$/p' 's/^.{52}(.+) <.+/\1/p' ' /Launch[AD].+\.plist$/ { n++;print;} END { print "'${p[41]}'";if(n<200) print "/System/";} ' '/\.xpc\/(Contents\/)?Info\.plist$/p' ' NR>1&&!/0x|\.[0-9]+$|com\.apple\.launchctl\.(Aqua|Background|System)$|'${p[41]}'/ { print $3;} ' ' /\.(framew|lproj)|\):/d;/plist:|:.+(Mach|scrip)/s/:[^:]+//p ' '/^root$/p' ' !/\/Contents\/.+\/Contents|Applic|Autom|Frameworks/&&/Lib.+\/Info.plist$/ { n++;print;} END { if(n<1100) print "/System/";} ' '/^\/usr\/lib\/.+dylib$/p' ' /Temp|emac/{next};/(etc|Preferences|Launch[AD].+)\// { sub(".(/private)?","");n++;print;} END { print "'${p[41]}'.plist\t'${p[42]}'";if(n<500) print "Launch";} ' ' /\/(Contents\/.+\/Contents|Frameworks)\/|\.wdgt\/.+\.([bw]|plu)/d;p;' 's/\/(Contents\/)?Info.plist$//;p' ' { gsub("^| |\n","\\|\\|kMDItem'${p[35]}'=");sub("^...."," ") };1 ' p '{print $3"\t"$1}' 's/\'$'\t''.+//p' 's/1/On/p' '/Prox.+: [^0]/p' '$2>'${p[43]}'{$2=$2-1;print}' ' BEGIN { 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items' Spotlight Memory Listeners Widgets Parental\ Controls Prefetching SATA Descriptors );N3=${#l[@]};for i in 0 1 2;do l[N3+i]=${p[5+i]};done;N4=${#l[@]};for j in 0 1;do l[N4+j]="Current ${p[29+j]}stream data";done;A0() { id -G|grep -qw 80;v[1]=$?;((v[1]==0))&&sudo true;v[2]=$?;v[3]=`date +%s`;clear >&-;date '+Start time: %T %D%n';};for i in 0 1;do eval ' A'$((1+i))'() { v=` eval "${c1[$1]} ${c2[$2]}"|'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};A'$((3+i))'() { v=` while read i;do [[ "$i" ]]&&eval "${c1[$1]} ${c2[$2]}" \"$i\"|'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}";done<<<"${v[$4]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};A'$((5+i))'() { v=` while read i;do '${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$1]}" "$i";done<<<"${v[$2]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};';done;A7(){ v=$((`date +%s`-v[3]));};B2(){ v[$1]="$v";};for i in 0 1;do eval ' B'$i'() { v=;((v['$((i+1))']==0))||{ v=No;false;};};B'$((3+i))'() { v[$2]=`'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}"<<<"${v[$1]}"`;} ';done;B5(){ v[$1]="${v[$1]}"$'\n'"${v[$2]}";};B6() { v=` paste -d: <(printf "${v[$1]}") <(printf "${v[$2]}")|awk -F: 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    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    8. Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste by pressing command-V. The text you pasted should vanish immediately. If it doesn't, press the return key.
    9. If you see an error message in the Terminal window such as "Syntax error" or "Event not found," enter
    exec bash
    and press return. Then paste the script again.
    10. If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You will not see the usual dots in place of typed characters. Make sure caps lock is off. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter the password, the test will run anyway, but it will produce less information. In most cases, the difference is not important. If you don't know the password, or if you prefer not to enter it, press the key combination control-C or just press return  three times at the password prompt. Again, the script will still run.
    If you're not logged in as an administrator, you won't be prompted for a password. The test will still run. It just won't do anything that requires administrator privileges.
    11. The test may take a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. A computer that's abnormally slow may take longer to run the test. While it's running, there will be nothing in the Terminal window and no indication of progress. Wait for the line
    [Process completed]
    to appear. If you don't see it within half an hour or so, the test probably won't complete in a reasonable time. In that case, close the Terminal window and report what happened. No harm will be done.
    12. When the test is complete, quit Terminal. The results will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. They are not shown in the Terminal window. Please don't copy anything from there. All you have to do is start a reply to this comment and then paste by pressing command-V again.
    At the top of the results, there will be a line that begins with the words "Start time." If you don't see that, but instead see a mass of gibberish, you didn't wait for the "Process completed" message to appear in the Terminal window. Please wait for it and try again.
    If any private information, such as your name or email address, appears in the results, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    13. When you post the results, you might see an error message on the web page: "You have included content in your post that is not permitted," or "You are not authorized to post." That's a bug in the forum software. Please post the test results on Pastebin, then post a link here to the page you created.
    14. This is a public forum, and others may give you advice based on the results of the test. They speak only for themselves, and I don't necessarily agree with them.
    Copyright © 2014 by Linc Davis. As the sole author of this work, I reserve all rights to it except as provided in the Use Agreement for the Apple Support Communities website ("ASC"). Readers of ASC may copy it for their own personal use. Neither the whole nor any part may be redistributed.

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