Merge pages from 2 projects

Is there a way to merge the contents of 2 pages from
different projects?
We have a general documentation project that we merge with an
application specific documentation project. But for some pages I
want to extend the contents of the general topic with application
specific information.

I wish it was that simple :-). I'm actually looking for a way
to automatically do this. I have more than 10 application specific
projects and I want to maintain the general documentation
separately from the application specific documentation.
Also, I do not want to copy the same text to all these
different projects.
With the merged projects I can merge indexes, TOCs, and so
on. And I'm looking for a way to do this within a page.
Thanks for your help,

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    Hello David
    1. Best thing to do is do View>Show Page Thumbnails. Select the page you want to copy from one document to the other. Edit>Copy then move to your other document and paste it in. Be aware that Pages will have to fit your content to the destination document. So global things like the document margins etc. need to be the same. If they are not, you may find that some extra work is required to get the formatting right.
    2. This post might help you:
    Good luck

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    you can use iWebSites:
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    Thank you for providing your file. It's been very useful. Sorry for the slow reply. Adobe in the US shuts down for the 4th of July week, so the Development Team's back from leave today.
    We've isolated the cause of this and are working on an update to address it. In your file this bug is triggered by groups that contain HTML Insert objects which are slow to draw. The header on your master page contained multiple groups with HTML embed code objects. I've ungrouped those and that avoids this bug without changing the appearance of your pages. I've sent your file back to you using Adobe Send. You should receive an e-mail notification shortly, if you haven't already.
    Now that we are aware of the problem and the cause, we're actively working on an update to address it. In the meantime, if you avoid grouping HTML objects with other objects in Muse you should avoid this bug.
    Very sorry for the inconvenience. A huge THANK YOU for sending us your file.

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    I have tried with a new site it's working perfectly.
    See the screenshot of the error.
    Thanks for your support Rohit

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    Lots of ways to do this. FCP is great. You can have multiple projects open, and drag clips between bins, or copy and paste between bins. You can drag clips from the timeline to bins in another project. You can drag qt clips directly from the finder into a bin in a new project.
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    Hi Cuttyson,
    The Project Center page ("Project" link from the quick launch menu on the left part of the PWA page) only displays 1 row per project and there is no such a feature which allows developing a project from the project center. To do this, you have
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    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, P-Seller |

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    With kind regards,

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    Charudatta M.

    Hi there
    That's not presently possible with RoboHelp. You need to consider asking for it via the Wish Form (linked below)
    Click here to open the wish form
    Cheers... Rick

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    Grateful for any suggestions.

    Go ahead and Print the Pages document to PDF > Open in Preview.
    Make sure that you are viewing the thumbnails in the Sidebar.
    1. Click on a page thumbnail in the Sidebar of the PDF document, visually confirm the content, Command-C to Copy.
    2. File > New From Clipboard
    3. File > Mail Document.
    Repeat steps 1-3 for each page you wish to mail.

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    *From inside a running JSF 2.x web app (Servlet 3.0), which possibilities (if any) do I have to dynamically add generated JSF pages (whole new .xhtml files) to specific folders of the (exploded) document root, so that these pages can be dispatched to the client like any traditional, statically-deployed one?*
    Background: An app for "promoting" authors/editors (content providers) which has these few main requirements:
    <li>New providers will register under <tt></tt>.</li>
    <li>The system will grant each provider "sub-domain" associated with web space under
    <tt><b>providerX</b></tt> where providerX is an arbitrary sub-domain name chosen by the provider during the registration.</li>
    <li>Each provider will initially have some pre-defined pages in their document context root, e.g.
    <tt></tt>, <tt>about-me.xhtml</tt>, <tt>contact.xhtml</tt>, etc.</li>
    <li>Each provider will have an administration console for managing 2 tasks:
    <li type="a"><tt></tt> </li>
    <li type="a"><tt></tt></li>
    to specify new pages with offers, publish these pages in their document context root, e.g. <tt><b>providerX</b>/<b>my-services</b>.xhtml</tt> (customized page name), and
    to manage their readers/customers, respectively.
    <li>Thus, each providerX will also have a pre-deployed customer registration page running, which creates standard customer accounts. E.g.:
    <li type="disc"><tt></tt></li>
    <li type="disc"><tt></tt></li>
    <li type="disc"><tt></tt></li>
    Please note: I know that for such kind of systems a CMS would be more suitable, but is such a system -- here aiming at only basic functionality -- also realizable in pure JEE 6 technologies, i.e. w/o CMS???
    <b>The unclear main aspect is stated in my initial question above. Basically, I hope to get these clarifications:</b>
    <li><b>Which app architecture designs can I use to deploy new generated JSF pages or servlets from within a running JSF page or servlet???</b></li>
    <li><b>Supposing that all relevant page description data provided by a provider is stored in a db:
    Where can I "cache" the new .xhtml pages generated from these data on-the-fly when (a) an exploded WAR, and (b) a packaged WAR is running???</b>
    The pages shall be "hooked" to the scope (doc root) of the respective provider and dispatches by the <tt>FacesServlet</tt> as such.</li>
    Due to the crucial importance in a current project, I'd really appreciate any constructive help very much.

    Natalia F. wrote:
    Determining you as one of the experts in this forum, please, could I ask you how you'd solve this kind of web apps in JSF2 (one of the requirements stated at the beginning of this thread):I'm certainly an expert at having an opinion about everything.
    Having a "page-manager.xhtml" JSF2 UI at "/page-manager" context that lets registered member X define a website (=a set of .jsf/.xhtml pages) in a new context "/websiteX" (where "websiteX" is freely chosen and associated with dedicated webspace to store the pages in the filesystem):
    How to store these dynamically created website pages from within the PageManagerServlet?
    <ol><li type="a">Could I create a new exploded WAR structure in the filesystem (or elsewhere) when a new context is defined, and then store new .jsf/.xhtml files therein when a new page is defined, all this with usual file operations? -- Would this be enough, or...</li>
    <li type="a">...after storing a new page, would I need to explicitly tell the container to deploy the page (or re-deploy the WAR(?)) so that I can instantly test/run the page when it is new/modified, or will it be compiled automatically when pointing a browser to it???
    I guess both is possible, but for performance reasons, a pre-compile would be better. How can I achieve this?</li>
    Thank you a million for your help, Natalia.I only see mention of xhtml files - that is the easy part. But XHTML files don't actually do anything at all. What about classes like JSF managed beans? jar libraries? database connections and ORM/JPA support which also adds the complexity of having to deal with all the configuration descriptor files? Even if you can automatically deploy all that, replacing existing classes and reloading them is a whole different matter.
    My "expert" opinion: this cannot be done with JSF. In fact the only Java web framework which I can think of that has any chance of making something like this possible is Play framework. I'd really take the road that EJP took: make the content dynamic, not the webapp.

  • Unable to open the Projects from Project center with the Alias name PWA 2010

    I am unable to open the Projects from Project center with the Alias name with the server name i am able to open the projects, version is  project server 2010,
    My system is ABC.DC.IN  alias name i have given is DEF.AD.COM  
    With the system name i can able access PWA and all are working fine.
    As i have observed with alias name i can able to login to  pwa and all the server  setting approval center all are working fine but only in the project center i am not able to open the projects (http://DEF.AD.COM/pwa/ProjectDrillDown.aspx .xxxx) its
    is coming in the below of the ie. 
    But with Alias name these are the issues i am facing,
    1.when longing with alias name its asking two times for user name and password
    2.when i click on a project from project center its taking some time and asking for user name and password after i enter user name and password "PAGE cannot displayed" error i am getting.
    3. I have observed one more thing if click on Project details then only this issue  is coming project schedule and project information is also opening with Alias name.
    can any one Help me. 
    Vijay kommireddi

    Hope the below link will help you.
    And also please check the browser which you are using as mostly IE 8.0 won't support, Please try it in IE 9.0 and Chrome.
    Geeth If you feel that the answer which i gave you is Helpful please select it as Answer/helpful.

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