Merge  photoshop tools with LR

The current retouching tools in LR are limited and it would be more efficient if tools such as the clone stamp tool (with opacity adjustment), the patch tool and healing brush are incorporated.These tools seem are more flexible and work faster than the current circular clone/heal tool in LR. I would also like to see the curves function made more sensitive so that points on the curve can be tweaked for more subtle tonal variation and a masking function added as corrections in LR tend to be across the board.
LR sharpening of subjects with texture is not well catered for.In a landscape,the masking slider might be used to eliminate noise in the sky, but this will simultaneously, smooth out texture in stone or rock.Although, the adjustment brush can be used to selectively sharpen,an enhance texture control such as used in plugins would be faster.Alternatively a masking brush could be introduced to eliminate sharpening where it is not required.

Versions of Photoshop have different installation trees and user preferences.  You do not merge Photoshop versions. Each version is independent.  When you install newer versions of Photoshop the are options to migrate your presets and Preferences. You can start and use any version installed on your machine.  For the most part newer version of Photoshop are backwards compatible with older versions of Photoshop. However some changes  Adobe make to Photoshop change user interfaces and and the way Photoshop performs some functions these changes break some user actions, scripts and user work-flows.  In fact all the version you listed CS4, CS5 and CS6 have comparability issues.  In that respect Photoshop CC is not any better it has compatibility issues.  
Newer versions of Photoshop have new functions and updated old function.  Older versions can not handle everything save by newer versions of Photoshop. If you save PSD and PSB files with the maximum compatibility option checked. Older version should be able to open you layer document with layers that look like what was saved though some layer may be altered and may even be a different layer kind then was saved. If you need to support older versions of Photoshop always use the maximum compatibility option.

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    Can I merge Photoshop CS6 with extended into Photoshop CS4 or CS5 will work together ?

    Versions of Photoshop have different installation trees and user preferences.  You do not merge Photoshop versions. Each version is independent.  When you install newer versions of Photoshop the are options to migrate your presets and Preferences. You can start and use any version installed on your machine.  For the most part newer version of Photoshop are backwards compatible with older versions of Photoshop. However some changes  Adobe make to Photoshop change user interfaces and and the way Photoshop performs some functions these changes break some user actions, scripts and user work-flows.  In fact all the version you listed CS4, CS5 and CS6 have comparability issues.  In that respect Photoshop CC is not any better it has compatibility issues.  
    Newer versions of Photoshop have new functions and updated old function.  Older versions can not handle everything save by newer versions of Photoshop. If you save PSD and PSB files with the maximum compatibility option checked. Older version should be able to open you layer document with layers that look like what was saved though some layer may be altered and may even be a different layer kind then was saved. If you need to support older versions of Photoshop always use the maximum compatibility option.

  • How do I open the photoshop window with the tools all around the screen?

    How do I open the photoshop window with the tools all around the screen?

    Try This:
    Hope this helps!

  • How Merge Temp File With Photoshop File

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    I Deleted Temp File, And Now get A Error when open photoshop file " Could Not Complet ... is not a valid photoshop format " and my file size is 60mb
    and i have temp file that size is 2.50GB but How Merge Temp File With Photoshop File?
    Thank you So Much

    You can search for recovery programs  but most likely if it a temp file is not an image file.  You could also try renaming the file to have an image file type and try to open with Photoshop. Again its most likely not an image file. Photoshop only supports some image files formats.

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    (Or, send me to a free tutorial on it.)
    Stuart Klein

    I suggest that you look on
    it has a tutorial on the v6 clone overlay

  • Bridge updated unexpectedly, now Photoshop Tools don't work

    Hi, all;
    I have Web Premium CS 5.5, which I am quite happy with, but I also have a Cloud subscription so that I can use CS products on my laptop (my management decided it was easier to do that than dig up the physical media when my laptop was purchased).
    Recently, I needed InDesign (not part of Web Premium) and installed it from my Cloud subscription. Now, when I select Browse folder with Adobe Bridge, it brings up the CS6 version, not the CS5.5 version. I wouldn't mind much, but the PhotoShop tools menu item doesn't appear (this is about 50% of what I do with Bridge). I can manually open the CS 5.5 version, but of course this is not as convenient as the right-click option, plus the CS 5.5 version is no longer stable (it crashes a lot).
    How do I either get the PhotoShop Tools menu to work in Bridge? Alternatively, how can I get the right-click menu to point to my unstable version of 5.5? I can live with the instability if I can keep it open long enough to at least do what I need to do.

    if PhotoShop tools can't be made to work properly from Bridge CS6, launching CS 5.1 from the right-click menu would be an alternate fix that would be acceptable.
    Bridge works version specific, so CS6 is not easy to use with CS5.5 due to the start up scripts used for the menu Tools. Indesign, Illustrator and I believe also Premiere Pro are the other applications capable of working with Bridge and when only installing one of these apps from the Creative Cloud they also install Bridge CS6 form the Creative Cloud.
    All settings for some reason auto select the newest version, on a Mac for example the finder always used to set itself to the latest installed Photoshop version as default application to pen with, I recall this was hard to avoid, maybe it is still the issue.
    However you still have the CS5.5 installed that will offer the wished behavior.
    You could try to start Bridge CS5.5 manual and the restart Photoshop holding down shiftoptionCommand (Mac, don't know the Windows equivalent) to reset its preferences and force them to the open CS5.5.
    But personally I would not use the Browse in Bridge command in PS itself. I always have both Bridge and PS active and running from log in and never use the Browse in Bridge command.
    Using this command does need to open Bridge or auto switches to the latest version, Having Bridge already up and running saves time in caching and with a work space customized with a folder panel in view is much easier to navigate
    And of course, there is no objection to download also PSCS6 from the CC, I really don't agree with earlier versions being better. Only Bridge CS3 was a very bad version, yet it was in its way better then the first version of Bridge that appeared in CS2. CS3 had much more options but was very unstable (not unusable if you dumped the cache and prefs every few weeks).
    The difference between Bridge CS5.5 and CS6 is a different Cache structure. It claims to be again faster and more stable but some Windows users on this forum sadly enough can't confirm this due to slow criteria building.
    Personally I experience CS6 faster and better then CS5

  • Photoshop tools 'wacky' in 5.5, moving from CS3

    I'm used to the tool behavior in CS3 Photoshop but 5.5 has left me dead in the water. I mainly want to know why I can't use the select tool with shift-select to marquee the area that I want to zoom into. Instead, it does some wild zoom in and out when I move the cursor up or down on the screen. How can I just marquee select the area I want to zoom into? Hopefully this can be fixed by setting preferences or something easy.
    Also, another headache that has stopped my workflow: I cannot move an item just pasted into an image and on its own layer, by using the move tool. The move tool has become a hand and moves everything including the unselected layer below as well as the item on the layer above that I wanted to move independently of the layer below. Selecting 'transform' does not allow independent moving either, nor does it allow me to transform or change the size of the newly pasted object.
    Please help, as I am seriously needing to go back to CS3 to get any work done. I would like to be able to get these things working in CS5.5 but this is the default behavior that I am faced with now that I've upgraded.

    Chris Cox wrote:
    You might want to read the release notes, and browse the help file for things that are new and changed in CS5.
    In the meantime, go to preferences and turn off the scrubby zoom so you get back to the older style zoom you're used to.
    The hand tool is not the move tool. You're using the wrong shortcut.
    It might seem simple to those who know their way around, but I need help in every way:
    Where are the 'release notes' located?
    Once I find those I'm sure it will be a help. Thank You for that Chris.
    Browsing the help file is something I never do, I go to the help file for specific things mostly, but how would I word this request for using the 'move tool' I call it the move tool but it is the tool at the top of the tool bar if it is stacked vertically as I use it off to the left side of the screen. That is the tool I used to use to move things and work with the edges in the transform box if one of those is active. That part just seems to be missing entirely. I had to finish this project today and had to go back to CS3 and thank goodness I left it active on my system.
    Next subject "Scrubby Zoom" i wonder why that isn't left as an option rather than a default now, which kind of throws it at you from left field for the new user. I call myself a new user as this Photoshop has been rearranged into a new program - until I find out how to set the gizmos back to how I like to work with them. I love Photoshop, but am reminded of the old Chinese saying: "If it ain't broke don't fix it."
    Next and last of three subjects: I know the hand tool is not the move tool, but when I select the move tool (top at the left vertical choices of tools in the toolbar again) the cursor is the hand tool and does not change by any use of any modifier keys. Are you saying that there is a 'shortcut' that sets this? How is this 'shortcut' accessed? Is it a keyboard command?
    If I can conquer and gain control of these two mystifying behaviors over tools that behaved much differently in CS3, I will be the most happy man on earth.
    Thank You,

  • How do I automate merging multiple layers with same name?

    It was suggested I ask this question in this forum - any advise gratefully received!
    I have to combine over a 800 files into one photoshop file. Each file has with sixty layers. The 60 layers in each file are named identically: Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3 up to Layer 59, Layer 60. My intention is to create a final composite file with 60 merged layers (for an animation). That is, with all the Layer 1's merged, all the Layer 2's merged, all the Layer 3's merged and so on. What I need is a script which will merge all layers with the same layer name, ie all the Layer 1s, all the Layer 2s etc (ideally without having to merge each set of layers separately).
    I am using Photoshop CS6 and at present I am merging by using the find/name function, then highlighting all the layers selected and then using 'merge layers'.
    Any ideas?

    This might be close, it will prompt for a folder containing all the 800 files, it will use tif or psd files.
    Once you have selected the folder sit back and watch...
    #target photoshop
    function main(){
    selectedFolder = Folder.selectDialog( "Please select input folder");
    if(selectedFolder == null) return;
    var fileList = selectedFolder.getFiles(/\.(tif|psd)$/i);
    for(var z = 1;z<fileList.length;z++){
    if(z % 9 == 0) mergeSameNamedLayers();
    function checkBackGround(){
    activeDocument.activeLayer = activeDocument.layers[activeDocument.layers.length-1];
    function twoOrMoreSelected(){
    var ref = new ActionReference();
    ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("Dcmn"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
    var desc = executeActionGet(ref);
    if( desc.hasKey( stringIDToTypeID( 'targetLayers' ) ) )  return true;
    return false;
    function mergeSameNamedLayers(){
    //Get a list of the layer names
    var layerNameList = getNamesPlusIDs();
    //create an array for unique layer names
    var uniqueName = new Array();
    for(var s in layerNameList){
        if(layerNameList[s][2] == "false") uniqueName.push( layerNameList[s][1].toString());
    //now we should have unique layer names
    uniqueName = UniqueSortedList( uniqueName ).sort();
    //select all layers with the same name, merge them and set blendmode
    var BlendMode = new String();
    for ( var w in uniqueName){
        for(var z in layerNameList){
            if(uniqueName[w].toString() == layerNameList[z][1].toString()){
                //select these layers and get blendmode.
                BlendMode = layerNameList[z][3].toString();
                selectLayerById(Number(layerNameList[z][0]), true);
    if(twoOrMoreSelected()) activeDocument.activeLayer.merge();
    function setBlendMode(blendMode) {
    var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
    var ref = new ActionReference();
    ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
    desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref );
    var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
    desc2.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Md  '), charIDToTypeID('BlnM'), stringIDToTypeID(blendMode) );
    desc.putObject( charIDToTypeID('T   '), charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), desc2 );
    executeAction( charIDToTypeID('setd'), desc, DialogModes.NO );
    function deselectLayers() {
        var desc01 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var ref01 = new ActionReference();
            ref01.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
        desc01.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref01 );
        executeAction( stringIDToTypeID('selectNoLayers'), desc01, DialogModes.NO );
    function UniqueSortedList(ArrayName){
    var unduped = new Object;
    for (var i = 0; i < ArrayName.length; i++) {  
    unduped[ArrayName[i]] = ArrayName[i];
    var uniques = new Array;for (var k in unduped) {
    return uniques;
    function selectLayerById(ID, add) {
        add = (add == undefined)  ? add = false : add;
    var ref = new ActionReference();
    ref.putIdentifier(charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), ID);
    var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
    desc.putReference(charIDToTypeID('null'), ref);
    if (add) {
      desc.putEnumerated(stringIDToTypeID('selectionModifier'), stringIDToTypeID('selectionModifierType'), stringIDToTypeID('addToSelection'));
    desc.putBoolean(charIDToTypeID('MkVs'), false);
    executeAction(charIDToTypeID('slct'), desc, DialogModes.NO);
    function dupLayers(DocName) {
    var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
    var ref = new ActionReference();
    ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
    desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref );
    var ref2 = new ActionReference();
    ref2.putName( charIDToTypeID('Dcmn'), DocName);
    desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('T   '), ref2 );
    desc.putInteger( charIDToTypeID('Vrsn'), 5 );
    executeAction( charIDToTypeID('Dplc'), desc, DialogModes.NO );
    function selectAllLayers() {
        var desc29 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var ref23 = new ActionReference();
            ref23.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
        desc29.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref23 );
        executeAction( stringIDToTypeID('selectAllLayers'), desc29, DialogModes.NO );
    function setLayersVisOn(){
       var ref = new ActionReference();
       ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Dcmn'), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
       var count = executeActionGet(ref).getInteger(charIDToTypeID('NmbL')) +1;
    var i = 0; }catch(e){ var i = 1; };
            ref = new ActionReference();
            ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID( 'Lyr ' ), i );
            var desc = executeActionGet(ref);
            var layerName = desc.getString(charIDToTypeID( 'Nm  ' ))
            if(layerName.match(/^<\/Layer group/) ) continue;
                var list = new ActionList();
                list.putReference( ref );
                desc.putList( charIDToTypeID('null'), list );
                executeAction( charIDToTypeID('Shw '), desc, DialogModes.NO );
    function getNamesPlusIDs(){
       var ref = new ActionReference();
       ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Dcmn'), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
       var count = executeActionGet(ref).getInteger(charIDToTypeID('NmbL')) +1;
       var Names=[];
    var i = 0; }catch(e){ var i = 1; };
           if(i == 0) continue;
            ref = new ActionReference();
            ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID( 'Lyr ' ), i );
            var desc = executeActionGet(ref);
            var layerName = desc.getString(charIDToTypeID( 'Nm  ' ));
            var Id = desc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID( 'layerID' ));
            if(layerName.match(/^<\/Layer group/) ) continue;
            var layerType = typeIDToStringID(desc.getEnumerationValue( stringIDToTypeID( 'layerSection' )));
             desc.hasKey( stringIDToTypeID( 'smartObject' ) )  ?  SO = true :  SO=false;
             var blendmode = typeIDToStringID(desc.getEnumerationValue( stringIDToTypeID( 'mode' )));
    return Names;

  • I'm trying to download Photoshop CC with the creative cloud app. When I click on updates it just spins and spins, nothing happens.  Help!

    I'm trying to download Photoshop CC with the creative cloud app. When I click on updates it just spins and spins, nothing happens.  Help!

    I fear it's a challenge for Adobe's Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. Sometimes - for whatever reasons - CC (together with the Apps) doesn't "want" to work. In this case you should CC completely delete and reinstall by help of Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. (A try to uninstall by own resources is not enough!)
    I quote: ... helps resolve installation problems for Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Creative Suite (CS3-CS6) applications. The tool removes installation records for prerelease installations of Creative Cloud or Creative Suite applications. It does not affect existing installations of previous versions of Creative Cloud or Creative Suite applications.
    Please use:  and follow the prescribed sequence of operations
    If necessary and for further questions and if "open" please use chat, I had the best experiences.

  • No rotate tool with the Macbook Pro dual screen

    I have hooked up a 2nd screen (22" monitor) to my Macbook pro (OS 10.6.6, 2.4 GHz i5, 4 gb rom) wanting to have the working graphics on the 22" monitor and the photoshop tools on the macbook. While in Photoshop CS5, I attempted to use the rotate tool on the 22" monitor but the program would not allow me to. The program stated that the Open GL needed to be turned on. I checked the file handling section of the preferences and the openGL was still on.
    What do I need to do to have the flexibility to rotate my image with the rotate tool on the connected monitor? 

    hi abbyt - Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    if you mean dual-boot btw OSX and WinXP - you sure can. apple provides Bootcamp for precisely this reason and it works very well...
    if you mean dual-boot btw OSX and some kind of Linux - i have less experience there, but i think its possible. perhaps the easiest way is to use Parallels Workstation (but that's not really dual booting in fact - it's virtualization)...
    what "2nd" OS were you thinking about? cheers

  • Is there a way to use eraser tool with soft edges?

    I am wanting to erase the edges of a rectangular object so that it blends better with the background, and am wondering if there is a way of doing this using the eraser tool with soft edges?
    Here is a snapshot to illustrate further what I mean:
    You should be able to see that above the curve on the left there is a gradient which extends to the top of the image. This is the rectangle which I have applied a gradient to. At the top of the rectangle the colour is the same as the background. What I am trying to do is to blend the left edge of the rectangle in with the background above the curve (below the curve there is a line so no blending is needed). The way I thought of doing this is using the eraser tool with a soft edge. I can do this in Photoshop, but I'm not sure if this is possible or the best approach in Illustrator.
    I would be grateful for any advice on this,

    I don't really understand yoru end goal. However, the answer to yoru Eraser Tool question is no. There is no such thing as a "soft edge" for the eraser tool.
    The ways to blend objects in specific areas only would be:
    Gradients with transparent stop
    Gradient mesh with transparency nodes
    Opacity masks
    Fake it by blending to the same color as the background.

  • Photoshop - open with: choose default program

    How do I choose Photoshop as the Default Program to open .jpgs if the program doesn't appear in the "Choose Program you want to use to open this file:"? the
    Also, I've Browsed in order to Choose the Default program but when I go to:  Program Files>Adobe>Adobe Photoshop CC 2014>Photoshop.exe and choose this program the Windows Photo Viewer is automatically chosen and Photoshop doesn't EVER appear in my choose of Default programs.
    This wasn't an issue with an older version of Photoshop.

    Sounds more like a Windows issue than Photoshop.  Can you test the Open with tool with other file types and programs?
    I'm also surprised that Photoshop does not appear in the main list, and that you have to hunt for it with Browse.  Have you tried navigating to the same .exe file in Explorer and making sure it launches Photoshop.

  • Bug in Crop tool with Olympus E-M5 raw files (ORF)

    There is a bug in the crop tool with Olympus OM-D E-M5 RAW files (ORF) that is still not fixed with the recent update.  Here is how to reproduce the problem.
    I setup my E-M5 camera picture aspect ratio to 3:2 (instead of the sensor 4:3) and file format to RAW.
    I take a picture.
    I import the picture in Lightroom.  The first thumbnail I see is the full sensor, then Lightroom computes a new thumbnail and correctly display the 3:2 crop factor.
    I select the picture in the library and press [R] to bring the Crop tool.
    BUG: The Crop tool does not let me recover the full 4:3 sensor image and is locked to the 3:2 crop factor.
    Can this be fixed?  Thanks

    Are you sure you mean Photoshop version 6 the is a very old version of Photoshop before ACR existed. ACR first became available as a extra cost plug-in for Photoshop version 7.  ACR started to be shipped with Photoshop with  Photoshop CS. Each version since Photoshop CS has a newer version of ACR which is not compatible with older versions of Photoshop. So
    CS ACR version is 2.4
    CS2 ACR version 3.7
    CS3 ACR version 4.6
    CS4  ACR version 5.7
    CS5 ACR version 6.7
    CS6 and CC ACR version 8.4 however the new features in ACR 8.4 for CC are crippled in CS6. CS6 just get the new Camera support.
    If you have CS6 use menu help>Updates it should find the ACR 8.4 for CS6 and update your installation. If it does not you can down load it and the DNG converter.  However don't convert to DNG just use your OFR RAW files. vailable.html
    If you do mean Photoshop version 6 you need to see if Olympus  has a RAW converter for Photoshop version 6 for your camera.

  • Merging local records with device records failed

    I have a macbook with OS X 10.4.11 (Intel procesor)  I did install the latest Pockect mac for blackberry version (the current one in the Blackberry's page), i use to use the old one, since I did the updated I can't get that both, device and Mac SYNC any item, no contacts, no calendar... 
    The message I got last time was: 
    06:06:57:140 merging local records with device records failed. 
    Could some one with me a light on this bug?

    Hi rguardia,
    Can you try synching one PIM database at a time, e.g. just Contacts by itself, so we can determine which database is experiencing the problem?  The error you are receiving is likely being caused by one specific database.
    Once you have identified the database that is causing problems, can you perform the steps listed below:
    1 - Run Data Purge on the affected database.  Data purge can be found in the following location: 
    Mac HD/users/<Home User>/Library/Application Support/PocketMacSyncManager/Additional Tools. 
    ***Please note this utility will delete all information stored in the selected database on your BlackBerry however once the information has been deleted from your device you can reimport the data to your BlackBerry from the application on your Mac.
    2 - Run Sync Clean, which can be found in the same folder as Data Purge. 
    3 - Disconnect the BB from the Mac, remove the battery from the back of the device, wait 10 seconds then reinsert it
    4 - Reboot the Mac
    5 - Reconnect your BlackBerry to your Mac
    6 - Open PocketMac and select Reset All Devices to First Sync State from the Devices menu
    7 - Configure synchronization settings for the affected PIM database, choosing the option to Overwrite Device.  If the data is successfully transferred to the device, reconfigure PocketMac back to doing a two-way sync.
    If you are still running into the same problem after performing the steps above, try synching one category of the affected database at a time. To do this, click on the tab of the database you are trying to sync, click on Advanced Preferences next to the selected application, and choose the option to sync only selected categories. Try synching with only one category selected at a time, just to see if the issue is related to data within a specific category.
    Let us know how you make out!

  • Merge Digital Images with HDR

    A recent issue of PCMagazine, 6/27/2006, had an article entitled "Cool Photo Projects" which explained merging digital images with HDR. It mentioned that Photoshop CS2 will do that. Can it be done with Photoshop Elements 3? If not, is there a workaround that someone can suggest?
    It does indeed look like a "cool project".
    Thanks. Eva

    I didn't know what HDR was, but read about it here:
    Seems to me that there's very little you could do in PSE to emulate this, as it's built-in functionality in CS2.
    Having said that, taking a series of identical images, at different exposures, and simply using the best parts is quite possible.

Maybe you are looking for

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