Message Bundle Need Help . Dynamic Reload

Hi Guys,
I have a .properites files in the <domain-home>/resources/myapplication/messages_en.pproperties
here when ever i change my >property file i need to restart the server.
here in weblogic .xml
i used this <resource-reload-check-secs> tag . but i am not able to see the changes how i map my .properties file to this tag resource path

no , if it works for one , it should work for others...
try this
Field field = ResourceBundle.class.getDeclaredField("cacheList");
Object cache = field.get(null);
if (sun.misc.SoftCache.class.isAssignableFrom(cache.getClass()))
((sun.misc.SoftCache) cache).clear();
((java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) cache).clear();
If it doesnt work , which java version/wlp are you using and how exactly are you reading the property

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    You might be able to do it using the fact that ResourceBundles may be actual classes; i.e. they do not have to be properties files.
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    #1 You need to either:
    a) log-in to that account and get rid of old messages
    b) send the file(s) to an online hosting site where you can get them latter - the free one are addressed on
    If you are the original poster (OP) and your issue is solved, please remember to click the "Solution?" button so that others can more easily find it. If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the "Kudos" button.

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    Digital Publishing Suite is no longer on Adobe Labs.  If you are using the tools that were provided through the public prerelease, they are likely out of date and you are recommended to try the content bundler provided within InDesign CS5.5.  Others may be able to provide you with more support in the dps forum.
    [Moved thread from Labs General Feedback]

  • Need Help: Dynamically displaying parameter values for a procedure.

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    a) Let us assume that there is an application package called customer.
    create or replace package spec customer
    TYPE cust_in_rec_type IS RECORD
    cust_id NUMBER,
    ,cust_name VARCHAR2(25) );
    TYPE cust_role_rec_type IS RECORD
    (cust_id NUMBER,
    role_type VARCHAR2(20)
    TYPE role_tbl_type IS TABLE OF cust_role_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
    Procedure create_customer
    p_code in varchar2
    ,p_cust_rec cust_in_rec_type
    ,p_cust_roles role_tbl_type
    b) Let us assume that we need to test the create customer procedure in the package.For that various test cases needs to be executed.
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    -- signature of this wrapper is exactly same as create_customer procedure.
    procedure create_customer_wrapper
    p_code in varchar2
    ,p_cust_rec customer.cust_in_rec_type
    ,p_cust_roles customer.role_tbl_type
    //<<<<<---Need to display parameter values dynamically for each test case-->>>>>
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    select * from ALL_ARGUMENTS where package_name = CUSTOMER' and object_name = 'CREATE_CUSTOMER'
    but the problem is there are other procedures exists inside customer package like update_customer, add_address so need to have generalized code that is independent of each procedure inside the package.
    Is there any way to achieve this.
    Any help is appreciated.
    // >>>>
    p_code => p_code
    ,p_cust_rec => p_cust_rec
    ,p_cust_roles => p_cust_roles
    procedure testcase1
    l_cust_rec customer.cust_in_rec_type ;
    l_cust_roles customer.role_tbl_type;
    l_cust_rec.cust_id := 1;
    l_cust_rec.cust_name := 'ABC';
    l_cust_roles(1).cust_id := 1;
    l_cust_roles(1).role_type := 'Role1';
    p_code => 'code1'
    ,p_cust_rec => l_cust_rec
    ,p_cust_roles => l_cust_role
    procedure testcase2
    l_cust_rec customer.cust_in_rec_type ;
    l_cust_roles customer.role_tbl_type;
    l_cust_rec.cust_id := 2;
    l_cust_rec.cust_name := 'DEF';
    l_cust_roles(1).cust_id := 2;
    l_cust_roles(1).role_type := 'Role2';
    p_code => 'code2'
    ,p_cust_rec => l_cust_rec
    ,p_cust_roles => l_cust_role

    Not possible to dynamically in a procedure, deal with the parameter values passed by a caller. There is no struct or interface that a procedure can use to ask the run-time to give it the value of the 1st or 2nd or n parameter.
    There could perhaps be some undocumented/unsupported method - as debugging code (<i>DBMS_DEBUG</i>) is able to dynamically reference a variable (see Get_Value() function). But debugging requires a primary session (the debug session) and the target session (session being debugged).
    So easy answer is no - the complex answer is.. well, complex as the basic functionality for this do exists in Oracle in its DBMS_DEBUG feature, but only from a special debug session.
    The easiest way would be to generate the wrapper itself, dynamically. This allows your to generate code that displays the parameter values and add whatever other code needed into the wrapper. The following example demonstrates the basics of this approach:
    SQL> -- // our application proc called FooProc
    SQL> create or replace procedure FooProc( d date, n number, s varchar2 ) is
      2  begin
      3          -- // do some stuff
      4          null;
      5  end;
      6  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> create or replace type TArgument is object(
      2          name            varchar2(30),
      3          datatype        varchar2(30)
      4  );
      5  /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace type TArgumentList is table of TArgument;
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> -- // create a proc that creates wrappers dynamically
    SQL> create or replace procedure GenerateWrapper( procName varchar2 ) is
      2          procCode        varchar2(32767);
      3          argList         TArgumentList;
      4  begin
      5          select
      6                  TArgument( argument_name, data_type )
      7                          bulk collect into
      8                  argList
      9          from    user_arguments
    10          where   object_name = upper(procName)
    11          order by position;
    13          procCode := 'create or replace procedure Test'||procName||'( ';
    14          for i in 1..argList.Count
    15          loop
    16                  procCode := procCode||argList(i).name||' '||argList(i).datatype;
    17                  if i < argList.Count then
    18                          procCode := procCode||', ';
    19                  end if;
    20          end loop;
    22          procCode := procCode||') as begin ';
    23          procCode := procCode||'DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( '''||procName||''' ); ';
    25          for i in 1..argList.Count
    26          loop
    27                  procCode := procCode||'DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( '''||argList(i).name||'=''||'||argList(i).name||' ); ';
    28          end loop;
    30          -- // similarly, a call to the real proc can be added into the test wrapper
    31          procCode := procCode||'end;';
    33          execute immediate procCode;
    34  end;
    35  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> -- // generate a wrapper for a FooProc
    SQL> exec GenerateWrapper( 'FooProc' );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> -- // call the FooProc wrapper
    SQL> exec TestFooProc( sysdate, 100, 'Hello World' )
    D=2011-01-07 13:11:32
    S=Hello World
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    I can access iTunes store and my playlists etc, but when I click on Sign-in and then click on create new account the same error message pops up again.
    I've tried to run diagnostics on iTumes. It says that secure link to iTunes store failed. I've passed all connectivity and sync test. Below is the details,
    Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
    LENOVO 0658A22
    QuickTime 7.5.5
    FairPlay 1.1.11
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Bonjour (118.5)
    iTunes Serial Number D763986FFBC26648
    Current user is an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2009-01-16 00:15:20.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    Video Display Information
    Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family
    Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family
    ** External Plug-ins Information **
    No external plug-ins installed.
    ** Network Connectivity Tests **
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name: {CF15D5A8-9110-4EEF-9AFC-3CC17DD113AE}
    Description: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection - Packet Scheduler Miniport
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Fri Jan 16 00:09:58 2009
    Lease Expires: Fri Jan 16 01:09:58 2009
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name: {F7421B4F-64B7-47A9-BFDD-A004DE5F7FCB}
    Description: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet - Packet Scheduler Miniport
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Fri Nov 07 17:38:56 2008
    Lease Expires: Tue Jan 19 13:14:07 2038
    DNS Servers:
    Active Connection: LAN 連線
    Connected: Yes
    Online: Yes
    Using Modem: No
    Using LAN: Yes
    Using Proxy: No
    SSL 3.0 Support: Enabled
    TLS 1.0 Support: Disabled
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was successful.
    Connection attempt to iTunes Store was successful.
    Secure connection attempt to iTunes Store was unsuccessful.
    An unknown error occurred (-50).
    Secure connection attempt to iPhone activation server unsuccessful.
    An unknown error occurred (-50).
    Last successful store access was 2009-01-16 00:10:18.
    ** iPod/iPhone Connectivity Tests **
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    Universal Serial Bus Controllers:
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8. Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9. Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA. Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB. Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC. Device is working properly.
    No FireWire (IEEE 1394) Host Controller found.
    Connected Device Information:
    iPhone, running firmware version 2.2
    Serial Number: 878514GXY7K
    ** iPhone/iPod Touch Sync Tests **
    Sync tests completed successfully.
    Anyone have an idea of what's happening please let me know. I really want to start using my iphone.
    Thanks heaps

    No need to SHOUT. The cable is the one used to connect your iPhone to your PC. Suggest getting another one.
    The problem may be that you're using USB to connect to the internet. It's too slow and will cause problems when you have other high speed USB connections. Use an Ethernet connection to your modem/router. For additional troubleshooting, see these Apple support articles:
    Message was edited by: modular747

  • Need help dynamically changing size of custom container in ALV

    I am designing a screen using using two custom containers to split the screen into two parts, very similar to how Microsoft Outlook has the detail lines of their Inbox (top container) and then a preview panel for the contents of the highlighted item (bottom container). I would like the user to be able to click on the line dividing the two containers and adjust the screen to show the screen split with whatever proportions they want.
    Does anyone know of a method that will help me do this? Has anyone done something similar to this and is willing to share how to accomplish it even if at a high level?

    I reckon that using a splitter container (CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER or CL_GUI_EASY_SPLITTER_CONTAINER) or a docking container CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER will be a easy solution to your requirement.
    If you are using the splitter container, then after creating the control, you need to call the method "set_row_sash" as
      CALL METHOD <your_splitter_ctrl>->set_row_sash
          id    = 1
          type  = <your_splitter_ctrl>->type_movable
          value = <your_splitter_ctrl>->true.
    This will enable the user to adjust both the controls.
    For examples on the splitter & dokcing containers, refer to package SCET.
    Edited by: Sharat Chandra on Jan 23, 2008 4:46 AM

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    Error -1 is not mentioned in this article about error messages during a restore process:
    This one comes close:
    The device could not be restored. An internal error occurred, or Error 3200: This indicates a network-connectivity or traffic issue. If you see this error, wait an hour or more and try again.
    You may also check your security software settings, to make sure that iTunes can contact Apple servers during this process: iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues

  • Plug in error message - I need help

    I'm not the most proficient with computers and new to ibook. I often get the following error message and can't get the content I'm after:
    This page "blah, blah blah" has content of an unspecified MIME type. Because you don’t have a plug-in installed for this MIME type, this content can’t be displayed.
    This is probably elementary. Could you provide me with what I need to do to get the content I'm after?

    Update or install your Quicktime player or its plugins.

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    SecurityError: Error #2060: Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface caller cannot access 71370146072240370%2CserverId%3Aewr-109%2CscoreMicroClicks%3A1056%2Coptimize%3Afalse%2Cbt% 3 3 Afalse%2CbB%3Atrue%2CuV%3A0%2Cmt%3A1%2CuG%3A0&ep=0.5&ri=433a0f3421e16e4b40226fc1d9d6444b& r r b=345&ca=&rc=13.0&rd=&ua=&ub=&uc=&ud=&ue=&pa=ppre2146902072783&pb=&pc=&pd=&pg=&ct=1403214 6 90210&di=&app=0& i on%3D1.54.2&pf=.
    at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/_initJS()
    at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/call()
    at com.flashtalking::FT/init()
    at com.flashtalking::FT/set z_dummy()
    at Hubzu_SL_Local_728x90_v2_fla::MainTimeline/__setProp_myFT_Scene1_adSetup_0()
    at Hubzu_SL_Local_728x90_v2_fla::MainTimeline()
    Thanks in advance.

    Here is the exact message that I get:
    SecurityError: Error #2060: Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface caller cannot access 037,161011COZ01837,161011COZ00437,161544COZ01037,161544COZ01837,161544COZ00437,162152COZ00 937,162152COZ01037,162152COZ00437,170558COZ00937,170558COZ01037,170558COZ01837,170558COZ00 437,170848COZ00937,170848COZ01037,170848COZ01837,170848COZ00437,171722COZ00937,171722COZ01 037,171722COZ01837,171722COZ00337,171722COZ00437,172131COZ00937,172131COZ01037,172131COZ00 337,180231COZ08237,180542COZ00937,180542COZ01037,180542COZ01837,180542COZ00337,180913COZ00 937,180913COZ01037,180913COZ01737,180913COZ01837,180913COZ00337,181001COZ05837,181152COZ00 937,181152COZ01037,181152COZ01737,181152COZ01837,181152COZ00337.
    at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/_initJS()
    at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/call()
    at MessageSenderV2_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

  • Need help dynamically building combo-boxes...

    How can I dynamically build drop down lists?
    I was thinking about using a dynamic page, with bind variables
    set for sql statements inside <oracle></oracle> tags, or passing
    the variable from the first selection to the second selection of
    another page (or the same page?)...
    Another thing I was thinking about would be to base a form on a
    DB procedure, and pass the selections to the procedure, and re-
    build the lists that way...
    I need to avoid client side processing (javascript) because of
    accessiblity concerns.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated...

    The following is an excerpt of the code I used. Because of a
    lack of time, I haven't made the code generic. The code is used
    to interface with Oracle Reports 6i & Oracle Configurator. The
    configurator (config_hdr_id & config_rev_nbr) parameters are
    selected by the user and passed into Oracle Reports using related
    dynamic combo-boxes. Pay particular attention to the
    wwpro_api_parameters.get_value function as well as the onChange
    javascript. Hope you can take pieces of this for an example.
    The following is the code for a Portal dynamic page:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    <title>Configurator Reports</title>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
    <!-- Comment out script for old browsers
    ** this function will open a new URL for the Reports CGI
    ** executable to run the report
    function runReport()
    // semi-constants for JavaScript
    var cgiexe = "";
    var slash = "/";
    var colon = ":";
    var qmark = "?";
    var paramsep = "&";
    ** URL parameter values
    ** We should check for nulls, http://, etc. but not for now
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.WEBHOST;
    var WEBHOST = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var WEBPORT = document.REPFORM.WEBPORT.value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.SERVER;
    var SERVER = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.REPORT;
    var REPORT = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.P_HEADER_ID;
    var P_HDR_ID = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var P_REV_NBR = document.REPFORM.P_REV_NBR.value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.USERID;
    var USERID = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.DESTYPE;
    var DESTYPE = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var dflist = document.REPFORM.DESFORMAT;
    var DESFORMAT = dflist.options[dflist.selectedIndex].value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.MIMETYPE;
    var MIMETYPE = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    // construct the final URL given the parameters
    var URL = "http://" + WEBHOST + colon + WEBPORT +
    + cgiexe + qmark +
    "server=" + SERVER + paramsep +
    "report=" + REPORT + paramsep +
    "p_header_id=" + P_HDR_ID + paramsep +
    "p_rev_nbr=" + P_REV_NBR + paramsep +
    "userid=" + USERID + paramsep +
    "destype=" + DESTYPE + paramsep +
    "desformat=" + DESFORMAT + paramsep +
    "mimetype=" + MIMETYPE;
    // alert("Opening a window with the following URL : \r\r" +
    // open the new window with the constructed URL
    //runWindow =;
    //Point the current window to the URL to run the form
    function getRevision(form)
    var l_config_hdr_id =
    window.location.href =
    return false;
    <form NAME="REPFORM" METHOD="GET" onSubmit="return false">
    <table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING="5" valign="top" align="left">
    <td ALIGN=LEFT COLSPAN="2"><font face="arial" size="-1"><B>Enter
    configuration data and click the button to submit the selected
    <TR><TD> </TD></TR>
    <tr><td valign="top"><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING="2">
    <FONT COLOR="#6666CC" FACE="arial,helvetica"
    SIZE="-1"><NOBR><B>Report Parameters</B></NOBR></FONT>
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Report:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="REPORT">
    <option SELECTED
    -- Dynamically retrieving the Configurator Header ID's.
    -- kreierso 8-oct-01
    v_config_hdr_id oc_config_ord_qte_lookup.config_hdr_id%type;
    v_config_hdr_id :=
    htp.p('<TR><TD ALIGN="left"><font face="arial"
    size="-1">Configuration Header ID:</font></TD>');
    htp.p('<TD><font face="arial" size="-1"><SELECT
    NAME="P_HEADER_ID" onchange="getRevision(this.form)">');
    htp.p('<OPTION VALUE=" "> ');
    for r_get_hdr_values in (
    select cz.config_hdr_id, cz.config_rev_nbr
    from cz_config_hdrs cz
    order by cz.config_hdr_id desc
    ) loop
    if v_config_hdr_id = r_get_hdr_values.config_hdr_id then
    end if;
    end loop;
    htp.p('<TR><TD ALIGN="left"><font face="arial"
    size="-1">Configuration Revision:</font></TD>');
    htp.p('<TD><font face="arial" size="-1"><SELECT
    for r_get_rev_values in (
    select cz.config_rev_nbr
    from cz_config_hdrs cz
    where cz.config_hdr_id = v_config_hdr_id
    order by cz.config_rev_nbr desc
    ) loop
    end loop;
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Format:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="DESFORMAT">
    <option VALUE="PDF">PDF
    <option VALUE="HTML">HTML</select></font></td>
    <tr><td> </td></tr>
    <td ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT face="arial" size="-1"><input TYPE="SUBMIT"
    NAME="Runrep" VALUE="Run Report"
    <td ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT face="arial" size="-1"><input TYPE="RESET"
    NAME="Reset" VALUE="Reset"></FONT></td>
    <td valign="top"><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING="2">
    <FONT COLOR="#6666CC" FACE="arial,helvetica"
    SIZE="-1"><NOBR><B>Report Paremeters (Hidden
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Userid:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="USERID">
    <option SELECTED
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Type:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="DESTYPE">
    <option SELECTED VALUE="cache">cache
    <option VALUE="Printer">printer
    <option VALUE="File">file
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Mimetype:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="MIMETYPE">
    <option SELECTED VALUE="application/msword">application/msword
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Reports
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="SERVER">
    <option SELECTED
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Web Host:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="WEBHOST">
    <option SELECTED VALUE="">
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Web Port:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><input type=hidden
    NAME="WEBPORT" VALUE="7500">7500</font></td>
    <TR><TD> </TD></TR>
    <font face="arial" size="+1" color="#000099">This is currently
    being developed.... ~Thanks, Kirk.</font>

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