Messages server proxy65 behind NAT?

How do I get the proxy65 service usable from the internet? It's natted, here's my setup:
I have a messages server runing on x.x.x.x. (private IP)
I have a router that forwards traffic on ports 5222,...,7777 from the public IP y.y.y.y
My proxy65 configuration in /Library/Preferences/  can only accept the ip x.x.x.x as it cannot bind to the external IP.
The messages server advertises the proxy as <streamhost port='7777' host='x.x.x.x' jid=''/>
and that is obviously not usable from outside.
Is there a way to advertise the external IP of the messages host so that wan clients can send files to lan clients?

I commented out this:
    socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip)
in this:
and now my
can use a hostname instead of IP like so:
so now all works from the outside and from the inside.

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    Like many others, I'm running OS X 10.9 Server behind NAT, and finding that Messages (aka iChat) which uses Jabber/XMPP is hit-or miss when doing file transfers between LAN and WAN clients.
    The solution I found was here:  messages server proxy65 behind NAT?
    The problem : by default, the proxy65 config (which handles Jabber file transfers) binds to the server's IP address.  In a NAT setup, this would be a LAN address.   When the file transfer initiates, this LAN address is advertised to the clients, and if they are on the WAN, it's not a routable address.
    You might think you could use the WAN IP address instead - but this fails within the proxy65 setup with this error:
         twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError: Couldn't listen on 64.XXX.XXX.XXX:7777: [Errno 49] Can't assign requested address.
    The solution, as per the post, is to comment out one line in the file and use an actual DNS name in the file.
    Although that solution was written for 10.6 this seems to work well for me in 10.9.

    FYI, I've submitted this as rdar://19926772

  • After Installing SAP netweaver abap 7.01 (Message server unreachable)

    Hi every one ,
    it was a very long night and still continues
    It's my first time to install SAP netweaver abap 7.01  .. I'm using Operating System : Vista service Pack 1 .. i installed the NetWeaver Abap 7.01 and when the install shield finished he asked me to run the server ..when i clicked " ok " the install shield couldn't run the server and told me to see the log file .. and here is the log file :
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:54:39 PM), Install,, err, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Expected service (SAPNSP_00) is not currently running
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:54:39 PM), Install,, wrn, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Service SAPNSP_00 is not available, retry after 10 s.
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:54:49 PM), Install,, err, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Expected service (SAPNSP_00) is not currently running
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:54:49 PM), Install,, wrn, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Service SAPNSP_00 is not available, retry after 10 s.
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:54:59 PM), Install,, err, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Expected service (SAPNSP_00) is not currently running
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:54:59 PM), Install,, wrn, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Service SAPNSP_00 is not available, retry after 10 s.
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:55:09 PM), Install,, err, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Expected service (SAPNSP_00) is not currently running
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:55:09 PM), Install,, wrn, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Service SAPNSP_00 is not available, retry after 10 s.
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:55:19 PM), Install,, err, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Expected service (SAPNSP_00) is not currently running
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:55:19 PM), Install,, wrn, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Service SAPNSP_00 is not available, retry after 10 s.
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:55:29 PM), Install,, err, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Expected service (SAPNSP_00) is not currently running
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:55:29 PM), Install,, wrn, CheckServicesAction(bean17): Service SAPNSP_00 is not available, retry after 10 s.
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:55:40 PM), Install,, err, An error occurred and product installation failed.  Look at the log file F:\SAP\NSP\log.txt for details.
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:55:40 PM), Install,, err, ProductException: (error code = 601; message="Services failed to start (see the log for details)")
    ProductException: (error code = 601; message="Services failed to start (see the log for details)")
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl.installProductAction(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$InstallProduct.getResultForProductAction(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.InstallableObjectVisitor.visitComponent(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.InstallableObjectVisitor.visitInstallableComponents(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.InstallableObjectVisitor.visitProductBeans(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$InstallProduct.install(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$Installer.execute(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:55:41 PM), Install, com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$InstallProduct, err, An error occurred and product uninstallation failed.  Look at the log file F:\SAP\NSP\log.txt for details.
    (Dec 23, 2008 7:55:41 PM), Install,, err, ProductException: (error code = 200; message="Java error"; exception = [java.lang.Exception])
    ProductException: (error code = 200; message="Java error"; exception = [java.lang.Exception])
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl.uninstallProductAction(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$InstallProduct.processActionsFailed(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.InstallableObjectVisitor.visitComponent(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.InstallableObjectVisitor.visitInstallableComponents(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.InstallableObjectVisitor.visitProductBeans(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$InstallProduct.install(Unknown Source)
         at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$Installer.execute(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    And here is my Services file :
    Copyright (c) 1993-2004 Microsoft Corp.
    This file contains port numbers for well-known services defined by IANA
    <service name>  <port number>/<protocol>  [aliases...]   [#<comment>]
    echo                7/tcp
    echo                7/udp
    discard             9/tcp    sink null
    discard             9/udp    sink null
    systat             11/tcp    users                  #Active users
    systat             11/udp    users                  #Active users
    daytime            13/tcp
    daytime            13/udp
    qotd               17/tcp    quote                  #Quote of the day
    qotd               17/udp    quote                  #Quote of the day
    chargen            19/tcp    ttytst source          #Character generator
    chargen            19/udp    ttytst source          #Character generator
    ftp-data           20/tcp                           #FTP, data
    ftp                21/tcp                           #FTP. control
    ssh                22/tcp                           #SSH Remote Login Protocol
    telnet             23/tcp
    smtp               25/tcp    mail                   #Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
    time               37/tcp    timserver
    time               37/udp    timserver
    rlp                39/udp    resource               #Resource Location Protocol
    nameserver         42/tcp    name                   #Host Name Server
    nameserver         42/udp    name                   #Host Name Server
    nicname            43/tcp    whois
    domain             53/tcp                           #Domain Name Server
    domain             53/udp                           #Domain Name Server
    bootps             67/udp    dhcps                  #Bootstrap Protocol Server
    bootpc             68/udp    dhcpc                  #Bootstrap Protocol Client
    tftp               69/udp                           #Trivial File Transfer
    gopher             70/tcp
    finger             79/tcp
    http               80/tcp    www www-http           #World Wide Web
    hosts2-ns          81/tcp                           #HOSTS2 Name Server
    hosts2-ns          81/udp                           #HOSTS2 Name Server
    kerberos           88/tcp    krb5 kerberos-sec      #Kerberos
    kerberos           88/udp    krb5 kerberos-sec      #Kerberos
    hostname          101/tcp    hostnames              #NIC Host Name Server
    iso-tsap          102/tcp                           #ISO-TSAP Class 0
    rtelnet           107/tcp                           #Remote Telnet Service
    pop2              109/tcp    postoffice             #Post Office Protocol - Version 2
    pop3              110/tcp                           #Post Office Protocol - Version 3
    sunrpc            111/tcp    rpcbind portmap        #SUN Remote Procedure Call
    sunrpc            111/udp    rpcbind portmap        #SUN Remote Procedure Call
    auth              113/tcp    ident tap              #Identification Protocol
    uucp-path         117/tcp
    sqlserv           118/tcp                           #SQL Services
    nntp              119/tcp    usenet                 #Network News Transfer Protocol
    ntp               123/udp                           #Network Time Protocol
    epmap             135/tcp    loc-srv                #DCE endpoint resolution
    epmap             135/udp    loc-srv                #DCE endpoint resolution
    netbios-ns        137/tcp    nbname                 #NETBIOS Name Service
    netbios-ns        137/udp    nbname                 #NETBIOS Name Service
    netbios-dgm       138/udp    nbdatagram             #NETBIOS Datagram Service
    netbios-ssn       139/tcp    nbsession              #NETBIOS Session Service
    imap              143/tcp    imap4                  #Internet Message Access Protocol
    sql-net           150/tcp
    sqlsrv            156/tcp
    pcmail-srv        158/tcp                           #PCMail Server
    snmp              161/udp                           #SNMP
    snmptrap          162/udp    snmp-trap              #SNMP trap
    print-srv         170/tcp                           #Network PostScript
    bgp               179/tcp                           #Border Gateway Protocol
    irc               194/tcp                           #Internet Relay Chat Protocol       
    ipx               213/udp                           #IPX over IP
    rtsps             322/tcp
    rtsps             322/udp
    mftp              349/tcp
    mftp              349/udp
    ldap              389/tcp                           #Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    https             443/tcp    MCom                   #HTTP over TLS/SSL
    https             443/udp    MCom                   #HTTP over TLS/SSL
    microsoft-ds      445/tcp
    microsoft-ds      445/udp
    kpasswd           464/tcp                           # Kerberos (v5)
    kpasswd           464/udp                           # Kerberos (v5)
    isakmp            500/udp    ike                    #Internet Key Exchange
    crs               507/tcp                           #Content Replication System
    crs               507/udp                           #Content Replication System
    exec              512/tcp                           #Remote Process Execution
    biff              512/udp    comsat
    login             513/tcp                           #Remote Login
    who               513/udp    whod
    cmd               514/tcp    shell
    syslog            514/udp
    printer           515/tcp    spooler
    talk              517/udp
    ntalk             518/udp
    efs               520/tcp                           #Extended File Name Server
    router            520/udp    route routed
    ulp               522/tcp   
    ulp               522/udp   
    timed             525/udp    timeserver
    tempo             526/tcp    newdate
    irc-serv          529/tcp
    irc-serv          529/udp
    courier           530/tcp    rpc
    conference        531/tcp    chat
    netnews           532/tcp    readnews
    netwall           533/udp                           #For emergency broadcasts
    uucp              540/tcp    uucpd
    klogin            543/tcp                           #Kerberos login
    kshell            544/tcp    krcmd                  #Kerberos remote shell
    dhcpv6-client     546/tcp                           #DHCPv6 Client
    dhcpv6-client     546/udp                           #DHCPv6 Client
    dhcpv6-server     547/tcp                           #DHCPv6 Server
    dhcpv6-server     547/udp                           #DHCPv6 Server
    afpovertcp        548/tcp                           #AFP over TCP
    afpovertcp        548/udp                           #AFP over TCP
    new-rwho          550/udp    new-who
    rtsp              554/tcp                           #Real Time Stream Control Protocol
    rtsp              554/udp                           #Real Time Stream Control Protocol
    remotefs          556/tcp    rfs rfs_server
    rmonitor          560/udp    rmonitord
    monitor           561/udp
    nntps             563/tcp    snntp                  #NNTP over TLS/SSL
    nntps             563/udp    snntp                  #NNTP over TLS/SSL
    whoami            565/tcp
    whoami            565/udp
    ms-shuttle        568/tcp                           #Microsoft shuttle
    ms-shuttle        568/udp                           #Microsoft shuttle
    ms-rome           569/tcp                           #Microsoft rome
    ms-rome           569/udp                           #Microsoft rome
    http-rpc-epmap    593/tcp                           #HTTP RPC Ep Map
    http-rpc-epmap    593/udp                           #HTTP RPC Ep Map
    hmmp-ind          612/tcp                           #HMMP Indication
    hmmp-ind          612/udp                           #HMMP Indication
    hmmp-op           613/tcp                           #HMMP Operation
    hmmp-op           613/udp                           #HMMP Operation
    ldaps             636/tcp    sldap                  #LDAP over TLS/SSL
    doom              666/tcp                           #Doom Id Software
    doom              666/udp                           #Doom Id Software
    msexch-routing    691/tcp                           #MS Exchange Routing
    msexch-routing    691/udp                           #MS Exchange Routing
    kerberos-adm      749/tcp                           #Kerberos administration
    kerberos-adm      749/udp                           #Kerberos administration
    kerberos-iv       750/udp                           #Kerberos version IV
    mdbs_daemon       800/tcp
    mdbs_daemon       800/udp
    ftps-data         989/tcp                           #FTP data, over TLS/SSL
    ftps              990/tcp                           #FTP control, over TLS/SSL
    telnets           992/tcp                           #Telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
    imaps             993/tcp                           #IMAP4 protocol over TLS/SSL
    ircs              994/tcp                           #IRC protocol over TLS/SSL
    pop3s             995/tcp    spop3                  #pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
    pop3s             995/udp    spop3                  #pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
    kpop             1109/tcp                           #Kerberos POP
    nfsd-status      1110/tcp                           #Cluster status info
    nfsd-keepalive   1110/udp                           #Client status info
    nfa              1155/tcp                           #Network File Access
    nfa              1155/udp                           #Network File Access
    activesync       1034/tcp                           #ActiveSync Notifications
    phone            1167/udp                           #Conference calling
    opsmgr           1270/tcp                           #Microsoft Operations Manager
    opsmgr           1270/udp                           #Microsoft Operations Manager
    ms-sql-s         1433/tcp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Server
    ms-sql-s         1433/udp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Server
    ms-sql-m         1434/tcp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
    ms-sql-m         1434/udp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor               
    ms-sna-server    1477/tcp
    ms-sna-server    1477/udp
    ms-sna-base      1478/tcp
    ms-sna-base      1478/udp
    wins             1512/tcp                           #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service
    wins             1512/udp                           #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service
    ingreslock       1524/tcp    ingres
    stt              1607/tcp
    stt              1607/udp
    l2tp             1701/udp                           #Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
    pptconference    1711/tcp
    pptconference    1711/udp
    pptp             1723/tcp                           #Point-to-point tunnelling protocol
    msiccp           1731/tcp
    msiccp           1731/udp
    remote-winsock   1745/tcp
    remote-winsock   1745/udp
    ms-streaming     1755/tcp
    ms-streaming     1755/udp
    msmq             1801/tcp                           #Microsoft Message Queue
    msmq             1801/udp                           #Microsoft Message Queue
    radius           1812/udp                           #RADIUS authentication protocol
    radacct          1813/udp                           #RADIUS accounting protocol
    msnp             1863/tcp
    msnp             1863/udp
    ssdp             1900/tcp
    ssdp             1900/udp
    close-combat     1944/tcp
    close-combat     1944/udp
    nfsd             2049/udp    nfs                    #NFS server
    knetd            2053/tcp                           #Kerberos de-multiplexor
    mzap             2106/tcp                           #Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol
    mzap             2106/udp                           #Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol
    qwave            2177/tcp                           #QWAVE
    qwave            2177/udp                           #QWAVE Experiment Port
    directplay       2234/tcp                           #DirectPlay
    directplay       2234/udp                           #DirectPlay
    ms-olap3         2382/tcp                           #Microsoft OLAP 3
    ms-olap3         2382/udp                           #Microsoft OLAP 3
    ms-olap4         2383/tcp                           #Microsoft OLAP 4
    ms-olap4         2383/udp                           #Microsoft OLAP 4
    ms-olap1         2393/tcp                           #Microsoft OLAP 1
    ms-olap1         2393/udp                           #Microsoft OLAP 1
    ms-olap2         2394/tcp                           #Microsoft OLAP 2
    ms-olap2         2394/udp                           #Microsoft OLAP 2
    ms-theater       2460/tcp
    ms-theater       2460/udp
    wlbs             2504/tcp                           #Microsoft Windows Load Balancing Server
    wlbs             2504/udp                           #Microsoft Windows Load Balancing Server
    ms-v-worlds      2525/tcp                           #Microsoft V-Worlds
    ms-v-worlds      2525/udp                           #Microsoft V-Worlds
    sms-rcinfo       2701/tcp                           #SMS RCINFO
    sms-rcinfo       2701/udp                           #SMS RCINFO
    sms-xfer         2702/tcp                           #SMS XFER
    sms-xfer         2702/udp                           #SMS XFER
    sms-chat         2703/tcp                           #SMS CHAT
    sms-chat         2703/udp                           #SMS CHAT
    sms-remctrl      2704/tcp                           #SMS REMCTRL
    sms-remctrl      2704/udp                           #SMS REMCTRL
    msolap-ptp2      2725/tcp                           #MSOLAP PTP2
    msolap-ptp2      2725/udp                           #MSOLAP PTP2
    icslap           2869/tcp
    icslap           2869/udp
    cifs             3020/tcp
    cifs             3020/udp
    xbox             3074/tcp                           #Microsoft Xbox game port
    xbox             3074/udp                           #Microsoft Xbox game port
    ms-dotnetster    3126/tcp                           #Microsoft .NET ster port
    ms-dotnetster    3126/udp                           #Microsoft .NET ster port
    ms-rule-engine   3132/tcp                           #Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service
    ms-rule-engine   3132/udp                           #Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service
    msft-gc          3268/tcp                           #Microsoft Global Catalog
    msft-gc          3268/udp                           #Microsoft Global Catalog
    msft-gc-ssl      3269/tcp                           #Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL
    msft-gc-ssl      3269/udp                           #Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL
    ms-cluster-net   3343/tcp                           #Microsoft Cluster Net
    ms-cluster-net   3343/udp                           #Microsoft Cluster Net
    ms-wbt-server    3389/tcp                           #MS WBT Server
    ms-wbt-server    3389/udp                           #MS WBT Server
    ms-la            3535/tcp                           #Microsoft Class Server
    ms-la            3535/udp                           #Microsoft Class Server
    pnrp-port        3540/tcp                           #PNRP User Port
    pnrp-port        3540/udp                           #PNRP User Port
    teredo           3544/tcp                           #Teredo Port
    teredo           3544/udp                           #Teredo Port
    p2pgroup         3587/tcp                           #Peer to Peer Grouping
    p2pgroup         3587/udp                           #Peer to Peer Grouping
    upnp-discovery   3702/tcp                           #UPNP v2 Discovery
    dvcprov-port     3776/tcp                           #Device Provisioning Port
    dvcprov-port     3776/udp                           #Device Provisioning Port
    msfw-control     3847/tcp                           #Microsoft Firewall Control
    msdts1           3882/tcp                           #DTS Service Port
    sdp-portmapper   3935/tcp                           #SDP Port Mapper Protocol
    sdp-portmapper   3935/udp                           #SDP Port Mapper Protocol
    net-device       4350/tcp                           #Net Device
    net-device       4350/udp                           #Net Device
    ipsec-msft       4500/tcp                           #Microsoft IPsec NAT-T
    ipsec-msft       4500/udp                           #Microsoft IPsec NAT-T
    llmnr            5355/tcp                           #LLMNR
    llmnr            5355/udp                           #LLMNR
    rrac             5678/tcp                           #Remote Replication Agent Connection
    rrac             5678/udp                           #Remote Replication Agent Connection
    dccm             5679/tcp                           #Direct Cable Connect Manager
    dccm             5679/udp                           #Direct Cable Connect Manager
    ms-licensing     5720/tcp                           #Microsoft Licensing
    ms-licensing     5720/udp                           #Microsoft Licensing
    directplay8      6073/tcp                           #DirectPlay8
    directplay8      6073/udp                           #DirectPlay8
    man              9535/tcp                           #Remote Man Server
    rasadv           9753/tcp
    rasadv           9753/udp
    imip-channels   11320/tcp                           #IMIP Channels Port
    imip-channels   11320/udp                           #IMIP Channels Port
    directplaysrvr  47624/tcp                           #Direct Play Server
    directplaysrvr  47624/udp                           #Direct Play Server
    sql6          7210/tcp
    sapdbni72          7269/tcp
    Copyright (c) 1993-2004 Microsoft Corp.
    This file contains port numbers for well-known services defined by IANA
    <service name>  <port number>/<protocol>  [aliases...]   [#<comment>]
    echo                7/tcp
    echo                7/udp
    discard             9/tcp    sink null
    discard             9/udp    sink null
    systat             11/tcp    users                  #Active users
    systat             11/udp    users                  #Active users
    daytime            13/tcp
    daytime            13/udp
    qotd               17/tcp    quote                  #Quote of the day
    qotd               17/udp    quote                  #Quote of the day
    chargen            19/tcp    ttytst source          #Character generator
    chargen            19/udp    ttytst source          #Character generator
    ftp-data           20/tcp                           #FTP, data
    ftp                21/tcp                           #FTP. control
    ssh                22/tcp                           #SSH Remote Login Protocol
    telnet             23/tcp
    smtp               25/tcp    mail                   #Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
    time               37/tcp    timserver
    time               37/udp    timserver
    rlp                39/udp    resource               #Resource Location Protocol
    nameserver         42/tcp    name                   #Host Name Server
    nameserver         42/udp    name                   #Host Name Server
    nicname            43/tcp    whois
    domain             53/tcp                           #Domain Name Server
    domain             53/udp                           #Domain Name Server
    bootps             67/udp    dhcps                  #Bootstrap Protocol Server
    bootpc             68/udp    dhcpc                  #Bootstrap Protocol Client
    tftp               69/udp                           #Trivial File Transfer
    gopher             70/tcp
    finger             79/tcp
    http               80/tcp    www www-http           #World Wide Web
    hosts2-ns          81/tcp                           #HOSTS2 Name Server
    hosts2-ns          81/udp                           #HOSTS2 Name Server
    kerberos           88/tcp    krb5 kerberos-sec      #Kerberos
    kerberos           88/udp    krb5 kerberos-sec      #Kerberos
    hostname          101/tcp    hostnames              #NIC Host Name Server
    iso-tsap          102/tcp                           #ISO-TSAP Class 0
    rtelnet           107/tcp                           #Remote Telnet Service
    pop2              109/tcp    postoffice             #Post Office Protocol - Version 2
    pop3              110/tcp                           #Post Office Protocol - Version 3
    sunrpc            111/tcp    rpcbind portmap        #SUN Remote Procedure Call
    sunrpc            111/udp    rpcbind portmap        #SUN Remote Procedure Call
    auth              113/tcp    ident tap              #Identification Protocol
    uucp-path         117/tcp
    sqlserv           118/tcp                           #SQL Services
    nntp              119/tcp    usenet                 #Network News Transfer Protocol
    ntp               123/udp                           #Network Time Protocol
    epmap             135/tcp    loc-srv                #DCE endpoint resolution
    epmap             135/udp    loc-srv                #DCE endpoint resolution
    netbios-ns        137/tcp    nbname                 #NETBIOS Name Service
    netbios-ns        137/udp    nbname                 #NETBIOS Name Service
    netbios-dgm       138/udp    nbdatagram             #NETBIOS Datagram Service
    netbios-ssn       139/tcp    nbsession              #NETBIOS Session Service
    imap              143/tcp    imap4                  #Internet Message Access Protocol
    sql-net           150/tcp
    sqlsrv            156/tcp
    pcmail-srv        158/tcp                           #PCMail Server
    snmp              161/udp                           #SNMP
    snmptrap          162/udp    snmp-trap              #SNMP trap
    print-srv         170/tcp                           #Network PostScript
    bgp               179/tcp                           #Border Gateway Protocol
    irc               194/tcp                           #Internet Relay Chat Protocol       
    ipx               213/udp                           #IPX over IP
    rtsps             322/tcp
    rtsps             322/udp
    mftp              349/tcp
    mftp              349/udp
    ldap              389/tcp                           #Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    https             443/tcp    MCom                   #HTTP over TLS/SSL
    https             443/udp    MCom                   #HTTP over TLS/SSL
    microsoft-ds      445/tcp
    microsoft-ds      445/udp
    kpasswd           464/tcp                           # Kerberos (v5)
    kpasswd           464/udp                           # Kerberos (v5)
    isakmp            500/udp    ike                    #Internet Key Exchange
    crs               507/tcp                           #Content Replication System
    crs               507/udp                           #Content Replication System
    exec              512/tcp                           #Remote Process Execution
    biff              512/udp    comsat
    login             513/tcp                           #Remote Login
    who               513/udp    whod
    cmd               514/tcp    shell
    syslog            514/udp
    printer           515/tcp    spooler
    talk              517/udp
    ntalk             518/udp
    efs               520/tcp                           #Extended File Name Server
    router            520/udp    route routed
    ulp               522/tcp   
    ulp               522/udp   
    timed             525/udp    timeserver
    tempo             526/tcp    newdate
    irc-serv          529/tcp
    irc-serv          529/udp
    courier           530/tcp    rpc
    conference        531/tcp    chat
    netnews           532/tcp    readnews
    netwall           533/udp                           #For emergency broadcasts
    uucp              540/tcp    uucpd
    klogin            543/tcp                           #Kerberos login
    kshell            544/tcp    krcmd                  #Kerberos remote shell
    dhcpv6-client     546/tcp                           #DHCPv6 Client
    dhcpv6-client     546/udp                           #DHCPv6 Client
    dhcpv6-server     547/tcp                           #DHCPv6 Server
    dhcpv6-server     547/udp                           #DHCPv6 Server
    afpovertcp        548/tcp                           #AFP over TCP
    afpovertcp        548/udp                           #AFP over TCP
    new-rwho          550/udp    new-who
    rtsp              554/tcp                           #Real Time Stream Control Protocol
    rtsp              554/udp                           #Real Time Stream Control Protocol
    remotefs          556/tcp    rfs rfs_server
    rmonitor          560/udp    rmonitord
    monitor           561/udp
    nntps             563/tcp    snntp                  #NNTP over TLS/SSL
    nntps             563/udp    snntp                  #NNTP over TLS/SSL
    whoami            565/tcp
    whoami            565/udp
    ms-shuttle        568/tcp                           #Microsoft shuttle
    ms-shuttle        568/udp                           #Microsoft shuttle
    ms-rome           569/tcp                           #Microsoft rome
    ms-rome           569/udp                           #Microsoft rome
    http-rpc-epmap    593/tcp                           #HTTP RPC Ep Map
    http-rpc-epmap    593/udp                           #HTTP RPC Ep Map
    hmmp-ind          612/tcp                           #HMMP Indication
    hmmp-ind          612/udp                           #HMMP Indication
    hmmp-op           613/tcp                           #HMMP Operation
    hmmp-op           613/udp                           #HMMP Operation
    ldaps             636/tcp    sldap                  #LDAP over TLS/SSL
    doom              666/tcp                           #Doom Id Software
    doom              666/udp                           #Doom Id Software
    msexch-routing    691/tcp                           #MS Exchange Routing
    msexch-routing    691/udp                           #MS Exchange Routing
    kerberos-adm      749/tcp                           #Kerberos administration
    kerberos-adm      749/udp                           #Kerberos administration
    kerberos-iv       750/udp                           #Kerberos version IV
    mdbs_daemon       800/tcp
    mdbs_daemon       800/udp
    ftps-data         989/tcp                           #FTP data, over TLS/SSL
    ftps              990/tcp                           #FTP control, over TLS/SSL
    telnets           992/tcp                           #Telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
    imaps             993/tcp                           #IMAP4 protocol over TLS/SSL
    ircs              994/tcp                           #IRC protocol over TLS/SSL
    pop3s             995/tcp    spop3                  #pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
    pop3s             995/udp    spop3                  #pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
    kpop             1109/tcp                           #Kerberos POP
    nfsd-status      1110/tcp                           #Cluster status info
    nfsd-keepalive   1110/udp                           #Client status info
    nfa              1155/tcp                           #Network File Access
    nfa              1155/udp                           #Network File Access
    activesync       1034/tcp                           #ActiveSync Notifications
    phone            1167/udp                           #Conference calling
    opsmgr           1270/tcp                           #Microsoft Operations Manager
    opsmgr           1270/udp                           #Microsoft Operations Manager
    ms-sql-s         1433/tcp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Server
    ms-sql-s         1433/udp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Server
    ms-sql-m         1434/tcp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
    ms-sql-m         1434/udp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor               
    ms-sna-server    1477/tcp
    ms-sna-server    1477/udp
    ms-sna-base      1478/tcp
    ms-sna-base      1478/udp
    wins             1512/tcp                           #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service
    wins             1512/udp                           #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service
    ingreslock       1524/tcp    ingres
    stt              1607/tcp
    stt              1607/udp
    l2tp             1701/udp                           #Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
    pptconference    1711/tcp
    pptconference    1711/udp
    pptp             1723/tcp                           #Point-to-point tunnelling protocol
    msiccp           1731/tcp
    msiccp           1731/udp
    remote-winsock   1745/tcp
    remote-winsock   1745/udp
    ms-streaming     1755/tcp
    ms-streaming     1755/udp
    msmq             1801/tcp                           #Microsoft Message Queue
    msmq             1801/udp                           #Microsoft Message Queue
    radius           1812/udp                           #RADIUS authentication protocol
    radacct          1813/udp                           #RADIUS accounting protocol
    msnp             1863/tcp
    msnp             1863/udp
    ssdp             1900/tcp
    ssdp             1900/udp
    close-combat     1944/tcp
    close-combat     1944/udp
    nfsd             2049/udp    nfs                    #NFS server
    knetd            2053/tcp                           #Kerberos de-multiplexor
    mzap             2106/tcp                           #Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol
    mzap             2106/udp                           #Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol
    qwave            2177/tcp                           #QWAVE
    qwave            2177/udp                           #QWAVE Experiment Port
    directplay       2234/tcp                           #DirectPlay
    directplay       2234/udp                           #DirectPlay
    ms-olap3         2382/tcp                           #Microsoft OLAP 3
    ms-olap3         2382/udp                           #Microsoft OLAP 3
    ms-olap4         2383/tcp                           #Microsoft OLAP 4
    ms-olap4         2383/udp                           #Microsoft OLAP 4
    ms-olap1         2393/tcp                           #Microsoft OLAP 1
    ms-olap1         2393/udp                           #Microsoft OLAP 1
    ms-olap2         2394/tcp                           #Microsoft OLAP 2
    ms-olap2         2394/udp                           #Microsoft OLAP 2
    ms-theater       2460/tcp
    ms-theater       2460/udp
    wlbs             2504/tcp                           #Microsoft Windows Load Balancing Server
    wlbs             2504/udp                           #Microsoft Windows Load Balancing Server
    ms-v-worlds      2525/tcp                           #Microsoft V-Worlds
    ms-v-worlds      2525/udp                           #Microsoft V-Worlds
    sms-rcinfo       2701/tcp                           #SMS RCINFO
    sms-rcinfo       2701/udp                           #SMS RCINFO
    sms-xfer         2702/tcp                           #SMS XFER
    sms-xfer         2702/udp                           #SMS XFER
    sms-chat         2703/tcp                           #SMS CHAT
    sms-chat         2703/udp                           #SMS CHAT
    sms-remctrl      2704/tcp                           #SMS REMCTRL
    sms-remctrl      2704/udp                           #SMS REMCTRL
    msolap-ptp2      2725/tcp                           #MSOLAP PTP2
    msolap-ptp2      2725/udp                           #MSOLAP PTP2
    icslap           2869/tcp
    icslap           2869/udp
    cifs             3020/tcp
    cifs             3020/udp
    xbox             3074/tcp                           #Microsoft Xbox game port
    xbox             3074/udp                           #Microsoft Xbox game port
    ms-dotnetster    3126/tcp                           #Microsoft .NET ster port
    ms-dotnetster    3126/udp                           #Microsoft .NET ster port
    ms-rule-engine   3132/tcp                           #Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service
    ms-rule-engine   3132/udp                           #Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service
    msft-gc          3268/tcp                           #Microsoft Global Catalog
    msft-gc          3268/udp                           #Microsoft Global Catalog
    msft-gc-ssl      3269/tcp                           #Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL
    msft-gc-ssl      3269/udp                           #Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL
    ms-cluster-net   3343/tcp                           #Microsoft Cluster Net
    ms-cluster-net   3343/udp                           #Microsoft Cluster Net
    ms-wbt-server    3389/tcp                           #MS WBT Server
    ms-wbt-server    3389/udp                           #MS WBT Server
    ms-la            3535/tcp                           #Microsoft Class Server
    ms-la            3535/udp                           #Microsoft Class Server
    pnrp-port        3540/tcp                           #PNRP User Port
    pnrp-port        3540/udp                           #PNRP User Port
    teredo           3544/tcp                           #Teredo Port
    teredo           3544/udp                           #Teredo Port
    p2pgroup         3587/tcp                           #Peer to Peer Grouping
    p2pgroup         3587/udp                           #Peer to Peer Grouping
    upnp-discovery   3702/tcp                           #UPNP v2 Discovery
    dvcprov-port     3776/tcp                           #Device Provisioning Port
    dvcprov-port     3776/udp                           #Device Provisioning Port
    msfw-control     3847/tcp                           #Microsoft Firewall Control
    msdts1           3882/tcp                           #DTS Service Port
    sdp-portmapper   3935/tcp                           #SDP Port Mapper Protocol
    sdp-portmapper   3935/udp                           #SDP Port Mapper Protocol
    net-device       4350/tcp                           #Net Device
    net-device       4350/udp                           #Net Device
    ipsec-msft       4500/tcp                           #Microsoft IPsec NAT-T
    ipsec-msft       4500/udp                           #Microsoft IPsec NAT-T
    llmnr            5355/tcp                           #LLMNR
    llmnr            5355/udp                           #LLMNR
    rrac             5678/tcp                           #Remote Replication Agent Connection
    rrac             5678/udp                           #Remote Replication Agent Connection
    dccm             5679/tcp                           #Direct Cable Connect Manager
    dccm             5679/udp                           #Direct Cable Connect Manager
    ms-licensing     5720/tcp                           #Microsoft Licensing
    ms-licensing     5720/udp                           #Microsoft Licensing
    directplay8      6073/tcp                           #DirectPlay8
    directplay8      6073/udp                           #DirectPlay8
    man              9535/tcp                           #Remote Man Server
    rasadv           9753/tcp
    rasadv           9753/udp
    imip-channels   11320/tcp                           #IMIP Channels Port
    imip-channels   11320/udp                           #IMIP Channels Port
    directplaysrvr  47624/tcp                           #Direct Play Server
    directplaysrvr  47624/udp                           #Direct Play Server
    sql6          7210/tcp
    sapdbni72          7269/tcp
    sapdp00  3200/tcp
    sapdp01  3201/tcp
    sapdp02  3202/tcp
    sapdp03  3203/tcp
    sapdp04  3204/tcp
    sapdp05  3205/tcp
    sapdp06  3206/tcp
    sapdp07  3207/tcp
    sapdp08  3208/tcp
    sapdp09  3209/tcp
    sapdp10  3210/tcp
    sapdp11  3211/tcp
    sapdp12  3212/tcp
    sapdp13  3213/tcp
    sapdp14  3214/tcp
    sapdp15  3215/tcp
    sapdp16  3216/tcp
    sapdp17  3217/tcp
    sapdp18  3218/tcp
    sapdp19  3219/tcp
    sapdp20  3220/tcp
    sapdp21  3221/tcp
    sapdp22  3222/tcp
    sapdp23  3223/tcp
    sapdp24  3224/tcp
    sapdp25  3225/tcp
    sapdp26  3226/tcp
    sapdp27  3227/tcp
    sapdp28  3228/tcp
    sapdp29  3229/tcp
    sapdp30  3230/tcp
    sapdp31  3231/tcp
    sapdp32  3232/tcp
    sapdp33  3233/tcp
    sapdp34  3234/tcp
    sapdp35  3235/tcp
    sapdp36  3236/tcp
    sapdp37  3237/tcp
    sapdp38  3238/tcp
    sapdp39  3239/tcp
    sapdp40  3240/tcp
    sapdp41  3241/tcp
    sapdp42  3242/tcp
    sapdp43  3243/tcp
    sapdp44  3244/tcp
    sapdp45  3245/tcp
    sapdp46  3246/tcp
    sapdp47  3247/tcp
    sapdp48  3248/tcp
    sapdp49  3249/tcp
    sapdp50  3250/tcp
    sapdp51  3251/tcp
    sapdp52  3252/tcp
    sapdp53  3253/tcp
    sapdp54  3254/tcp
    sapdp55  3255/tcp
    sapdp56  3256/tcp
    sapdp57  3257/tcp
    sapdp58  3258/tcp
    sapdp59  3259/tcp
    sapdp60  3260/tcp
    sapdp61  3261/tcp
    sapdp62  3262/tcp
    sapdp63  3263/tcp
    sapdp64  3264/tcp
    sapdp65  3265/tcp
    sapdp66  3266/tcp
    sapdp67  3267/tcp
    sapdp68  3268/tcp
    sapdp69  3269/tcp
    sapdp70  3270/tcp
    sapdp71  3271/tcp
    sapdp72  3272/tcp
    sapdp73  3273/tcp
    sapdp74  3274/tcp
    sapdp75  3275/tcp
    sapdp76  3276/tcp
    sapdp77  3277/tcp
    sapdp78  3278/tcp
    sapdp79  3279/tcp
    sapdp80  3280/tcp
    sapdp81  3281/tcp
    sapdp82  3282/tcp
    sapdp83  3283/tcp
    sapdp84  3284/tcp
    sapdp85  3285/tcp
    sapdp86  3286/tcp
    sapdp87  3287/tcp
    sapdp88  3288/tcp
    sapdp89  3289/tcp
    sapdp90  3290/tcp
    sapdp91  3291/tcp
    sapdp92  3292/tcp
    sapdp93  3293/tcp
    sapdp94  3294/tcp
    sapdp95  3295/tcp
    sapdp96  3296/tcp
    sapdp97  3297/tcp
    sapdp98  3298/tcp
    sapdp99  3299/tcp
    sapgw00  3300/tcp
    sapgw01  3301/tcp
    sapgw02  3302/tcp
    sapgw03  3303/tcp
    sapgw04  3304/tcp
    sapgw05  3305/tcp
    sapgw06  3306/tcp
    sapgw07  3307/tcp
    sapgw08  3308/tcp
    sapgw09  3309/tcp
    sapgw10  3310/tcp
    sapgw11  3311/tcp
    sapgw12  3312/tcp
    sapgw13  3313/tcp
    sapgw14  3314/tcp
    sapgw15  3315/tcp
    sapgw16  3316/tcp
    sapgw17  3317/tcp
    sapgw18  3318/tcp
    sapgw19  3319/tcp
    sapgw20  3320/tcp
    sapgw21  3321/tcp
    sapgw22  3322/tcp
    sapgw23  3323/tcp
    sapgw24  3324/tcp
    sapgw25  3325/tcp
    sapgw26  3326/tcp
    sapgw27  3327/tcp
    sapgw28  3328/tcp
    sapgw29  3329/tcp
    sapgw30  3330/tcp
    sapgw31  3331/tcp
    sapgw32  3332/tcp
    sapgw33  3333/tcp
    sapgw34  3334/tcp
    sapgw35  3335/tcp
    sapgw36  3336/tcp
    sapgw37  3337/tcp
    sapgw38  3338/tcp
    sapgw39  3339/tcp
    sapgw40  3340/tcp
    sapgw41  3341/tcp
    sapgw42  3342/tcp
    sapgw43  3343/tcp
    sapgw44  3344/tcp
    sapgw45  3345/tcp
    sapgw46  3346/tcp
    sapgw47  3347/tcp
    sapgw48  3348/tcp
    sapgw49  3349/tcp
    sapgw50  3350/tcp
    sapgw51  3351/tcp
    sapgw52  3352/tcp
    sapgw53  3353/tcp
    sapgw54  3354/tcp
    sapgw55  3355/tcp
    sapgw56  3356/tcp
    sapgw57  3357/tcp
    sapgw58  3358/tcp
    sapgw59  3359/tcp
    sapgw60  3360/tcp
    sapgw61  3361/tcp
    sapgw62  3362/tcp
    sapgw63  3363/tcp
    sapgw64  3364/tcp
    sapgw65  3365/tcp
    sapgw66  3366/tcp
    sapgw67  3367/tcp
    sapgw68  3368/tcp
    sapgw69  3369/tcp
    sapgw70  3370/tcp
    sapgw71  3371/tcp
    sapgw72  3372/tcp
    sapgw73  3373/tcp
    sapgw74  3374/tcp
    sapgw75  3375/tcp
    sapgw76  3376/tcp
    sapgw77  3377/tcp
    sapgw78  3378/tcp
    sapgw79  3379/tcp
    sapgw80  3380/tcp
    sapgw81  3381/tcp
    sapgw82  3382/tcp

    I had the same problem, but i didn't get any answer in that forum.
    I deinstalled the SAP Software (regard the end of the threat and then I installed the software again. Then the system ran and i didn't have any more problems with the message server.
    I didn't installed the MS Loopback Adapter, because i am connected to a network.
    Best regards,
    Günther Klee

  • Messages Server doesn't allow login of any user

    I've tried setting up a messages server on two different networks and have yet to be able to get a running messages server. Everything feels as though it setup correctly, but when I try to connect a user to the server, it continuosly says the password is incorrect. Below are my settings.
    Jabber Setting
    jabber:state = "RUNNING"
    jabber:roomsState = "RUNNING"
    jabber:logPaths:PROXY_LOG = "/private/var/jabberd/log/proxy65.log"
    jabber:logPaths:MUC_STD_LOG = "/var/log/system.log"
    jabber:logPaths:JABBER_LOG = "/var/log/system.log"
    jabber:proxyState = "RUNNING"
    jabber:currentConnections = "0"
    jabber:currentConnectionsPort1 = "0"
    jabber:currentConnectionsPort2 = "0"
    jabber:pluginVersion = "10.8.200"
    jabber:servicePortsAreRestricted = "NO"
    jabber:servicePortsRestrictionInfo = _empty_array
    jabber:hostsCommaDelimitedString = ""
    jabber:hosts:_array_index:0 = ""
    jabber:setStateVersion = 1
    jabber:startedTime = "2012-12-14 01:42:13 +0000"
    jabber:readWriteSettingsVersion = 1
    Jabber Status
    jabber:dataLocation = "/Library/Server/Messages"
    jabber:s2sRestrictDomains = no
    jabber:jabberdDatabasePath = "/Library/Server/Messages/Data/sqlite/jabberd2.db"
    jabber:sslCAFile = "/etc/certificates/ "
    jabber:jabberdClientPortTLS = 5222
    jabber:sslKeyFile = "/etc/certificates/ m"
    jabber:initialized = yes
    jabber:enableXMPP = yes
    jabber:savedChatsArchiveInterval = 7
    jabber:authLevel = "STANDARD"
    jabber:hostsCommaDelimitedString = ""
    jabber:jabberdClientPortSSL = 5223
    jabber:requireSecureS2S = yes
    jabber:savedChatsLocation = "/Library/Server/Messages/Data/message_archives"
    jabber:enableSavedChats = yes
    jabber:enableAutoBuddy = no
    jabber:s2sAllowedDomains:_array_index:0 = ""
    jabber:logLevel = "ALL"
    jabber:hosts:_array_index:0 = ""
    jabber:eventLogArchiveInterval = 7
    jabber:jabberdS2SPort = 5269
    $>> scutil --get HostNamee
    Dec 13 18:43:55 jabberd/c2s[1975]: [8] [::ffff:, port=50163] connect
    Dec 13 18:43:55 jabberd/c2s[1975]: [8] [::ffff: port=50163] disconnect jid=unbound, packets: 0

    Thank you a lot.
    I could fix the problem.
    stop the jabber server (sudo serveradmin stop jabber)
    The entry in part  <local> in /Library/Server/Messages/Config/jabberd/sm.xml was like
    I changed it to the real local domain of the server like
    started the server and it works now
    (sudo serveradmin start jabber)

  • RE: 1) Changing name and IP address of an AIX 4.2 Server 2)Using NAT

    you (normaly) just have to :
    1) edit the $FORTE_ROOT/ fileand change the value of variable
    2) shutdown and restart forte environment
    3) put the new values in the control panel of the client and run !
    It worked on our site with the same configuration (Aix 4.2)
    Good luck
    De : Daniel[SMTP:[email protected]]
    R&eacute;pondre &agrave; : Daniel
    Date : vendredi 18 juin 1999 13:08
    A : [email protected]
    Cc : Jose Ignacio
    Objet : 1) Changing name and IP address of an AIX 4.2 Server 2)
    Using NAT to reach forte
    Hello Forte Users :
        I have 2 questions to make:
        I've installed a Forte Server Central Node (Release 3.0.F.2) in an
    IBM RS/6000  with OS AIX 4.2
        (The name of the server is Name_1 and the IP address is with mask
        Nowadays we had to change the name and IP address of this server
    lets say to Name_2 and with mask
        After that we try to find any reference to old name and IP address
    in the forte directory and all of its subdirectories changing them to
    the new ones.
        After these changes we found than forte could'nt start the nodemgr
        We have too many reasons to avoid installing FORTE again.
        Does anybody know if I have to change anything more to make
    nodemgr server work.
        The second question is about NAT (Network Address Translation).
        To reach a Forte Server Central Node from a Forte Client we have
    to pass through a Firewall and NAT.
        We are researching and at this moment we can not reach the server
    from the client, has anybody any suggestion to correctly configure
    Forte (Client and Server) to use NAT between them.
        If anyone could help me I would be very pleased.
        Thank you very much in advance,
        Daniel Gonz&aacute;Lucas (EAM Sistemas Inform&aacute;ticos SL, Spain,
    e-mail: [email protected])
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

    >> 15 Mins is not enough for completely the replication.
    >> use repadmin /syncall /aEpd   - for force replication.
    >> Wait 3 hrs minimum.
    MCTS, MCP 2003,MCSA 2003, MCSA:M 2003, CCNA, Enterprise Admin, ITIL F 2011
      Script Gallary:
    Note: Disclaimer: This posting is provided & with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights..

  • DMVPN Hub and Spoke behind NAT device

    Hi All,
    I have seen many documents stating about DMVPN Hub behind NAT or DMVPN Spoke behind NAT.
    But My case i involve in both situation.
    1) HUB have a Load Balancer (2 WAN Link) ISP A & B
    2) Spoke have Load Balancer (2 WAN Link) ISP A & B
    Now the requirement is Spoke ISP A Tunnel to HUB ISP A.  Spoke ISP B tunnel to HUB ISP B
    So total of two DMVPN tunnel from spoke to hub, and i will use EIGRP and PBR to select path.
    As I know at HUB site, LB must do Static NAT for HUB router IP, so spoke will point to it as tunnel destination address. At spoke LB, i will do policy route to reach HUB ISP A IP via Spoke ISP A link, HUB ISP B IP via Spoke ISP B link.
    HUB and Spoke have to create 2 tunnel with two different network ID but using same source interface.
    The Tunnel destination IP at spoke router is not directly belongs to HUB router. Its hold by HUB LB , and forwarded to HUB router by Static NAT.
    Any problem will face with this setup? Any guide?
    Sample config at HUB.
    interface Tunnel0
    bandwidth 1000
    ip address
    ip mtu 1440
    ip nhrp authentication cisco123
    ip nhrp map multicast dynamic
    ip nhrp network-id 1
    ip nhrp holdtime 600
    delay 1000
    tunnel source FastEthernet0/0
    tunnel mode gre multipoint
    tunnel key 0
    tunnel protection ipsec profile cisco
    interface Tunnel1
    bandwidth 1000
    ip address
    ip mtu 1440
    ip nhrp authentication cisco123
    ip nhrp map multicast dynamic
    ip nhrp network-id 2
    ip nhrp holdtime 600
    delay 1000
    tunnel source FastEthernet0/0
    tunnel mode gre multipoint
    tunnel key 1
    tunnel protection ipsec profile cisco
    Spoke Config
    interface Tunnel0
    bandwidth 1000
    ip address
    ip mtu 1440
    ip nhrp authentication cisco123
    ip nhrp map
    ip nhrp network-id 1
    ip nhrp holdtime 300
    ip nhrp nhs
    delay 1000
    tunnel source FastEthernet0/0
    tunnel destination
    tunnel key 0
    tunnel protection ipsec profile cisco
    interface Tunnel1
    bandwidth 1000
    ip address
    ip mtu 1440
    ip nhrp authentication cisco123
    ip nhrp map
    ip nhrp network-id 2
    ip nhrp holdtime 300
    ip nhrp nhs
    delay 1500
    tunnel source FastEthernet0/0
    tunnel destination
    tunnel key 1
    tunnel protection ipsec profile cisco

    Hi Marcin,
    thanks for your reply. The NAT was set up in a way it was/is just to simulate the spoke to be behind NAT device.
    About AH and ESP, you are correct there... this was actually my issue. I should have used pure ESP. At the end, TAC actually assisted me with this. Before I called TAC, i did notice the following. ISAKMP traffic was NATed to, as expected. Anything after that, did not work and it has to with NAT and AH. Traffic was no longer NATed so the hub, saw the traffic come from rather than, you can also see that in the error message you have pointed out. I also saw it in my packet captures. That caught my eye and i started troubleshooting it. I did not understand that AH can't be NATed, Below  is TAC's explanation. All is good now. Thanks
    .  Essentially, it comes down to the fact that AH will encapsulate the entire IP packet (hence why it is the outermost header) with the exception of a few mutable fields, including the DSCP/ToS, ECN, flags, fragment offset, TTL, and the header checksum.  Since the source/destination IP addresses & port numbers are actually protected by the AH integrity checking, this means that a device performing a NAT operation on the packet will alter these IP header fields and effectively cause the hub router to drop the packet due to AH failure.
    Conversely, ESP traffic is able to properly traverse NAT because it doesn't include the IP header addresses & ports in its integrity check.  In addition, ESP doesn't need to be the outermost header of the packet in order to work, which is why devices will attach an outer UDP/4500 header on the traffic going over NAT."

  • Client behind NAT

    I have been searching for a solution for this issue with all that google knows......
    I have my client behind NAT with ip
    And the server behind NAT with some ip (i am not really worried abt this)
    Now I register a client object to server for notification. SImply a hash table in server stores all my client objects. On a expected change, I invoke a method in my client objects.
    In this scenario I happened to observer that the client objects sent to server had the client ip ( inside it and not the NAT ip through which they went out.
    So when I went invoke the remote method nothing interestingly happens as the client cannot be located.
    I tried creating custom sockets in client and binding it to NAT ip --> obvious bind exception for a ip that is not with client
    Setting the NAT ip as java.rmi.hostname in client --> no effect, since still the server is trying to notify (192.16827.1)
    Help me to root out this issue. I feel that there must be a solution for this, otherwise RMI it would not have been this much successful.

    Hi turing,
    thanks for your reply
    actually my question is
    "maybe if you try using the "real" ip (www,
    your program will work. "
    how to do this in the scenario I explained.
    Most of the discussions I saw in this forum are about server behind NAT and resolution approach for it. I can't find an answer for this even in the post you mentioned.
    When I register a client object in server, how will the server identify the client to notify, when the client is behind NAT.
    Will the ip address that the remote object carries will also be NAT'ed. I don't see this happening.

  • MapVewer Behind NAT

    I'm using MapViewer and I integrated it with my ADF application. I've generally no problem. I deployed both of them on weblogic server, and they work great. But when I want to have access to my app server (weblogic) from another place behind NAT, MapViewer doesn't work any longer!
    My application page (ADF/JSP) works, but the map object (dvt:map) on my page, doesn't render! I think it causes by IP difference. Everything is the same, but just the IP changes behind the NAT.
    Because of network back bone, we forced to have another Server IP in client side for Weblogic Server, instead of real Server IP. (e.g. real server IP is but the client machine behind the NAT can see the server by
    I want to emphasize that all pages and all other features in my web applications works, and I can see and have access to MapViewer Server from client (behind the NAT) too. But my Map object (dvt:map) on my pages, doesn't render and just show a blank area without any error!
    I know, I don't have any problem in accessing to MapViewer server, because I have access to my MapViewer server control panel from client side (behind the NAT) and MapViewer is installed on Weblogic which my Application is installed on. So, my question is if I can work with my application behind the NAT, why I can't see my map on it!

    The key is that the NAT-enabled router is the one that will require port mapping/forwarding to be configured. In addition, you don't necessarily need for the Internet router to have a static IP address, but it MUST be a Public IP address. If your HOA controls this router, then most likely, they will NOT be willing to configure it to allow port mapping to your IP camera.

  • IPlanet Messaging Server -- kill session at browser close

    iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 HotFix 2.09
    We found a potential security risk.
    When a person loads Messenger Express through the web and closes their browser, another person can come in behind them and resume the previous persons session. This is accomplished by going through the browser history and accessing any of the links that point inside the mail client.
    When the browser closes, the session isnt killed. Its only killed/inaccessible if the user times out or clicks log-out. We've tested this on just about any browser we can get our hands on.
    Is there a fix/patch/workaround for this? I've combed the documentation and the site and can find nothing.
    We are using the product in an University environment and this can be particularly nasty in the labs.

    iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 HotFix 2.09
    We found a potential security risk.
    When a person loads Messenger Express through the web
    and closes their browser, another person can come in
    behind them and resume the previous persons session.
    This is accomplished by going through the browser
    history and accessing any of the links that point
    inside the mail client.Yep. that's true. And, it 's not possible to "fix" that. The reason it cannot be fixed, is that http is stateless. The server can't know when you simply close a browser, instead of you still being there.
    There is an idletimeout that defaults to 10 minutes.
    When the browser closes, the session isnt killed. Its
    only killed/inaccessible if the user times out or
    clicks log-out. We've tested this on just about any
    browser we can get our hands on.Right. This is a basic limitation of the http protocol. It's not something we CAN fix.
    Is there a fix/patch/workaround for this? I've combed
    the documentation and the site and can find nothing.
    We are using the product in an University environment
    and this can be particularly nasty in the labs.You will have to educate your users to log out. That's all I can suggest.

  • How do can we see the iplanet messaging server statistics?

    I need to know how many emails our iplanet messaging server is processing per day/month/year etc and the volume of data that this represents. How can I read the logs? Is there a tool for doing this?

    The imap, pop, and http processes have counters, as does the MTA. Check out the manual for the command line utlities for iMS.
    As for the MTA logs, the format is documented and thus you can easily write your own tool to parse and report on what you need. I did it years ago and I would share that with you but it has fallen behind in the format and thus needs serious updating.
    There is no built in tool to process log files.

  • L2TP VPN for servers behind NAT

    I have two 2012 R2 servers, both behind NAT, which I'm trying to connect via VPN. I have no problem connecting them via PPTP, but when connecting them via L2TP (with shared key for testing), the dialing server never connects to other server.
    I assume that the problem is that they're both behind NAT.  In Windows Server 2008, you were able to set a registry value to get the L2TP connections to work under NAT, see by setting the environment variable AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule.
    I tried using this with the two servers, but it didn't seem to help.  Is there some other way to get the L2TP connection for the two 2012 R2 servers working behind NAT?

    Thanks for your pointer and sorry for replying so late.
    I am sorry to say that I haven’t found any documents to ensure whether NAT-T is supported in Windows server 2012 R2 or not. In addition,
    VPN servers that are located behind NAT is not recommended. When a server is behind a network address translator, and the server uses NAT-T, unintended behavior might occur because
    of the way NAT translate network traffic.
    Best regards,

  • Messaging Server 4.15 & firewall problems.

    I have Messaging Server 4.15 behind a firewall & external mail server in DMZ. My customers strongly don't want to show their internal information in
    the mail headers (hosts names, iPlanet Messaging Server name...)
    1. Can I change mail server info & can I remove some information (iPlanet Messaging Server version, user host name & ip) from the mail headers?
    2. As far as Messaging Server 4.15 is behind a firewall, some mail servers, which check sender's domain name, can't receive my customers mails (they
    can't find iPlanet Messaging Server name because it is behind a firewall). How can I solve this problem? Will the change of mail server info in mail headers help me?

    Removing such information is generally frowned upon by the community. By altering such information you could prevent mail from being delivered successfully.
    As for point 2 even if your hosts are behind a firewall there should be public DNS records for them. It usually can be something generic like so that no real information is given away but other hosts on the internet can determine who you are.

  • With Mountain Lion Server, can users access the Messages Server from outside your network?

    I would like to setup a new messaging service between my employees because we have issues with most online services. I'm thinking of getting a Mac Mini Server, so I can run Messages Server, but I have an employee outside my network. Can they login to the server remotely to use the Messages Server?

    If you're talking about setting up and using the Jabber messaging service provided by OS X server then yes, it's really easy to set up and use in and out of the office. The only trick it is, and also most other services, is a correct DNS setup so you're able to connect and use the server from the "outside".
    I use this myself (via Lion server rather than Moutain Lion server) from behind a dynamic IP addressed ADSL line and have no problems whatsoever.

  • How do I set the mailhost attribute in Messaging Server 3.5?

    <B>Intent of the hostname aliases feature: </B><BR>
    In Messaging Server 3.5, the hostname aliases feature is designed to facilitate migrating and co-hosting. For
    instance, if you set up all of your sales and marketing users on one Messaging Server, but suspect that you'll
    want to split those groups in the future, you can give the sales users the mailhost value and
    the marketing users the mailhost value This feature can also be used for fast failover if
    you want to be able to move a group of users quickly from one Messaging Server to another.
    <B>How to use hostname aliases and how to set mailhost and MessageHostName settings: </B><BR>
    Each user's mailhost attribute can have only one value. All users on a single Messaging Server do not need to
    have the same mailhost value in the LDAP directory. The user's mailhost value should match one of the
    MessageHostName attribute values in netscape.mail.conf. (On Unix, the path to this file is
    /etc/netscape.mail.conf. Windows NT users must use Notepad to create this file in
    server-root\bin\mail\Server\etc, where server-root is the base directory where your SuiteSpot servers are
    With Messaging Server 3.5 and later, MessageHostName can have multiple values. Think of hostnames as
    colors. Each mail account in the LDAP server has a single color. Each Messaging Server has one or more
    colors. A Messaging Server will check an LDAP account's color (mailhost) against its own color(s)
    (MessageHostName), and if they match, the server considers the account to be local. <P>
    For example: <BR>,,
    <BR>where original-host-name is the machine's real name. This entry must come first as the server uses the first
    entry to generate machine specific postmaster forms. The subsequent host names can be any values that you
    wish separated by commas that are inside the brackets. Do not place spaces anywhere on the line.
    In this example, if the mailhost setting for the user is set for either or, or, the server will consider the user to be local. (Hostname aliases must also be configured in
    DNS. Please see the DNS section at the end of this technote.) No other Messaging Server should list either or or in the MessageHostName field. Mail could
    not be delivered properly if either or or were listed
    in any other server's MessageHostName field. A user with a mailhost setting of would not
    be considered local to this machine.
    Although it is possible with Messaging Server 3.52 to list more than 16 different host names in the
    MessageHostName field, it is not recommended because increasing the number of hostnames in this field beyond
    16 will have a negative impact on performance. This feature is intended to provide fast failover and/or
    migration of users. If users need to be divided up into many smaller groups, the use of some other LDAP
    attribute is recommended.
    In Messaging Server 3.0, you can associate a server with only one host name. Consequently, all mail accounts
    on a given server must have the same mailhost value in the LDAP directory. This should be the name of the
    server, i.e.
    </A>A note about DNS
    Hostname aliases must be configured in DNS. This is done with a CNAME record. For example:
    Additional MX records are not required to use hostname aliases.
    If you aren't sure about how to configure your DNS records, consult the book <I>DNS and Bind </I> by Paul Albitz and
    Cricket Liu.

    You can find the connection settings in Tools > Options > Advanced : Network : Connection
    See "Firefox connection settings":
    *[[Firefox cannot load websites but other programs can]]

  • PI 7.11: Cannot connect to server using message server:...

    Hello Guys,
    we make the Application Management for a Customer PI System.
    - the SAP Gui Connection to the ABAP Stack is routed via SAPRouter and Works fine.
      SAP Gui -> our SAP Router -> VPN Box from Customer -> Firewall Customer -> ABAP Stack PI System
    - WebAccess its working fine, the Customer use Webdispatcher on every PI Server...
      Browser -> VPN Box from Customer -> Firewall Customer -> Java Stack (Port: 5xx00 btw. 81xx (Webdispatcher))
    Our Problem ist, we can not proceed the Integration Builder or the ESB, the Java Web Start works fine and open the Logon Screen Correctly -> but i fill the Logon Screen with my User name and Password and press Logon come the follwing Error:
    "Cannot connect to server using message server: ms://<hostname>.<domain>:8134/P4"
    In the Details from the Error Message:
    "<hostname>.<domain>:53404 Reason:
    Cannot open connection to host: <IP-Adress of Central Instance> and Port: 53404"
    The Customer says, the Firewall is open with the IP Adresses and P4 Port but i dont think so...
    Can everybody help me, or have tips for me! I have checked a lot of OSS Messages (PI High Availabilty etc... its all correct on the System)
    Sorry for my bad English
    Best Regards,

    Hi Markus,
    did you check if the browser is using a proxy? (In this case your scenario unfortunately won't work).
    P4-port should generally be routed via a proxy (described in the, but within the PI-Tools(JNLP) the proxy-usage is not implemented.  There is even a SAP-note that describes how to check the JavaWebStart-Proxyconfiguration, but this won't help either.
    If there is a proxy defined in the browser everything is working fine till you pass the logon-screen but even with the correct "javaws"-settings you won't be able to go on.
    (This problem is pretty bad if you do have developers and the SAP-servers seperated because of security issues. I'm hoping that this malfunction will be solved with upcoming patches.)
    Solution: Establish a connection without any proxy in between.
      E.g.: a terminal server in the same network
    It would be helpful to find more people with the same problem to force a fix from SAP for that.
    If anyone else is having problems with this, please add a comment to this thread.
    Best regards

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