Method declaration

Why this method signature is valid?
double method()[]

Artefact from C => C++ => Java.
C++ has to allow the C-style arrays because it has to compatible with
C... but why this was also carried over to Java is a mystery to me.To keep the C/C++ programmers happy? When I started studying Java
some ten years ago I had to get used to that "String[] args" thingy.
Everytime it popped up I was thinking what's that identifier doing there
at the end?" ;-)
I still remember old pre-ANSI/C where the 'typedef' hack was just been
introduced in the late seventies. You could write down almost any
combination of declarator syntax stuff and the compiler would still be
happy, typedef * i;was perfectly valid in those days and the semantic analyzer would simply
go: yeah, right: 'i' is an identifier but the parser saw a 'typedef' somewhere
so 'i' will synonymous with the type of 'i' which won't be a variable identifier
anymore ;-)
Those were the days when vaxen ruled the world and every pointer was
a machine word which was an integer ;-)
kind regards,
Jos (<--- old sod)

Similar Messages

  • ClassCastException in method declaration in JSP page??

    i keep getting this ClassCastException in my jsp page. The line that
    is apparently the problem is the <%! where the method declaration
    starts. I can't seem to figure out why this is happening, can someone
    please help? Here is the full code:
         at quickfix0itm_0submit__jsp.addUpdate(/epsc/quickfix_itm_submit.jsp:25)
         at quickfix0itm_0submit__jsp._jspService(/epsc/quickfix_itm_submit.jsp:165)
         at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(
         at com.caucho.jsp.Page.subservice(
         at com.caucho.server.http.FilterChainPage.doFilter(
         at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(
         at com.caucho.server.http.CacheInvocation.service(
         at com.caucho.server.http.RunnerRequest.handleRequest(
         at com.caucho.server.http.RunnerRequest.handleConnection(
    if ( (session.getAttribute("setID") == null ) || ( !session.getAttribute("setID").equals(session.getId()) ))
            out.write("You are either not logged in or your session has timed out due to inactivity.<BR>"
                    + "Please <a href=\"index.jsp\">return to the login screen</a> and login again<BR><BR>");
    <%@ page language=java %>
    <%@ page import='java.sql.*' %>
    <%@ page import='javax.sql.*' %>
    <%@ page import='javax.naming.*' %>
    <%@ page import='*' %>
    <%@ page import='java.util.Hashtable' %>
    <%@ page import='java.util.Vector' %>
    <%@ page import='java.util.Enumeration' %>
    <%@ page import='java.util.Calendar' %>
    <%@ page import='java.util.GregorianCalendar' %>
    private void addUpdate(String[] tmpP, String[] UIDs, String curName, String colName, String lastIdx, Hashtable uid_updates)
         if (curName.equals(colName))
              for (int c = 0; c < UIDs.length; c++)
                   Object[] tmp = (Object[])uid_updates.get(UIDs[c]);
                   Vector colNames = new Vector();
                   Vector colValues = new Vector();
                   if (tmp == null)
                        tmp = new Object[2];
                        colNames = (Vector)tmp[0];
                        colValues = (Vector)tmp[1];
                   String updateVal = tmpP[0];
                   tmp[0] = colNames;
                   tmp[1] = colValues;
                   uid_updates.put(UIDs[c], tmp);
              int uidIdx = curName.lastIndexOf(lastIdx);
              String uidcode = curName.substring(uidIdx + 1);
              Object[] tmp = (Object[])uid_updates.get(uidcode);
              Vector colNames = new Vector();
              Vector colValues = new Vector();
              if (tmp == null)
                   tmp = new Object[2];
                   colNames = (Vector)tmp[0];
                   colValues = (Vector)tmp[1];
              //String[] tmpP = request.getParameterValues(curName);
              String updateVal = tmpP[0];
              tmp[0] = colNames;
              tmp[1] = colValues;
              uid_updates.put(uidcode, tmp);
    String ss = "0";
    String force_noon = "0";
    String qfix_duration = "2";
    int qfixd = 2;
    String mod_keys = "";
    String[] mktmp = request.getParameterValues("mod_keys");
    if (mktmp == null)
         out.print("Error! Please go back and try again.");
         mod_keys = mktmp[0];
    Hashtable uid_updates = new Hashtable();
    String[] UIDs = new String[1];
    if (mod_keys.equals("1"))
         UIDs = request.getParameterValues("UID");
         for (int storeUIDs = 0; storeUIDs < UIDs.length; storeUIDs++)
              Vector tmp = new Vector();
              uid_updates.put(UIDs[storeUIDs], tmp);
    Enumeration cols = request.getParameterNames();
    while (cols.hasMoreElements())
         String curName = (String)cols.nextElement();
         if (curName.indexOf("BusName") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "BusName", "e", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.equals("ss"))
              String[] asdfadf  = request.getParameterValues(curName);
              if (asdfadf != null)
                   ss = "1";
                   ss = "0";
         else if (curName.equals("force_noon"))
              String[] asdfadf  = request.getParameterValues(curName);
              force_noon = asdfadf[0];
         else if (curName.equals("qfix_duration"))
              String[] asdfadf  = request.getParameterValues(curName);
              qfix_duration = asdfadf[0];
              qfixd = Integer.parseInt(qfix_duration);
         else if (curName.indexOf("DisplayLine") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "DisplayLine", "e", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("CityName") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "CityName", "e", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("PAC") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "PAC", "C", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("ProvDisp") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "ProvDisp", "p", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("TeleNum") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "TeleNum", "m", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("ProvCode") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "ProvCode", "e", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("Dircode") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "Dircode", "e", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("Hdgcode") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "Hdgcode", "e", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("EMail") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "EMail", "l", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("URL") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "URL", "L", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("DispAd") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "DispAd", "d", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("TOPlus") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "TOPlus", "s", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("EStore") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "EStore", "e", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("HSLINE_EN") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "HSLINE_EN", "N", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("HSLINE_FR") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "HSLINE_FR", "R", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("MtlPlus") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "MtlPlus", "s", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("CalPlus") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "CalPlus", "s", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("EdmPlus") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "EdmPlus", "s", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("VanPlus") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "VanPlus", "s", uid_updates);
         else if (curName.indexOf("DEALER_LOCATOR") != -1)
              addUpdate(request.getParameterValues(curName), UIDs, curName, "DEALER_LOCATOR", "R", uid_updates);
    long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long monthMS = 2629743832L;
    long expLength = monthMS * qfixd;
    long expTime = curTime + expLength;
    java.sql.Date d1 = new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
    String Start_Date = d1.toString();
    d1 = new java.sql.Date(expTime);
    String Expiry_Date = d1.toString();
    Context env1 = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
    DataSource source1 = (DataSource) env1.lookup("jdbc/epsc");
    Connection conn1 = source1.getConnection();
    String Pub_ID = "";
    try {
         Enumeration uidKeys = uid_updates.keys();
         while (uidKeys.hasMoreElements())
              String Unique_ID = (String)uidKeys.nextElement();
              Object[] updateData = (Object[])uid_updates.get(Unique_ID);
              Vector colNames = (Vector)updateData[0];
              Vector colValues = (Vector)updateData[1];
              String selectRecord = "SELECT * from epsc_ypca WHERE Unique_ID='" + Unique_ID + "';";
              Statement getRecord = conn1.createStatement();
              ResultSet returned = getRecord.executeQuery(selectRecord);
              Pub_ID = returned.getString("Pub_ID");
              boolean createDelete = false;
              String updateString = "";
              for (int b = 0; b < colNames.size(); b++)
                   if (b != 0)
                        updateString = updateString + ", ";
                   String colName = (String)colNames.get(b);
                   String colVals = (String)colValues.get(b);
                   if (colName.equals("BusName") || colName.equals("DisplayLine") || colName.equals("ProvDisp") || colName.equals("CityName") || colName.equals("PAC") || colName.equals("TeleNum"))
                        if (!((returned.getString(colName)).equals(colVals)))
                             createDelete = true;
                   updateString = updateString + colName + "='" + colVals + "'";
              if (createDelete)
                   //create delete
                   String delFromQuickfixes = "DELETE FROM epsc_quickfixes WHERE Start_Date='" + Start_Date + "' AND Pub_ID='" + Pub_ID + "' AND QFix_Type='2';";
                   Statement delItm = conn1.createStatement();
                   String insertQfixDel = "INSERT INTO epsc_quickfixes SELECT *, '0' as UID, '" + Start_Date + "' as Start_Date, '" + Expiry_Date + "' as Expiry_Date, '2' as QFix_Type, '0' as ss, '" + force_noon + "' as force_noon FROM epsc_ypca WHERE Pub_ID='" + Pub_ID + "' AND (Record_Ind='2' OR Record_Ind='4' OR Record_Ind='6');";
                   Statement insertQFDEL = conn1.createStatement();
              String updateRecords = "UPDATE epsc_ypca SET " + updateString + " WHERE Unique_ID='" + Unique_ID + "';";
         String selectAndInsert = "INSERT INTO epsc_quickfixes SELECT *, '0' as UID, '" + Start_Date + "' as Start_Date, '" + Expiry_Date + "' as Expiry_Date, '3' as QFix_Type, '" + ss + "' as ss, '" + force_noon + "' as force_noon FROM epsc_ypca WHERE Pub_ID='" + Pub_ID + "';";
         Statement insertIntoQfix = conn1.createStatement();
         out.write("Quickfix Successfully submitted.<BR><BR>\r\n");
    catch (SQLException e)
            out.write("<h1>SQL ERROR: " + e.getMessage() + "<BR><BR>Please report to administrator</h1>");
    <BR><BR>[ <a href="menu.jsp">Return To Main</a> ]

    it is the exact same as the one i originally posted:
    500 Servlet Exception
         at quickfix0itm_0submit__jsp.addUpdate(/epsc/quickfix_itm_submit.jsp:24)
         at quickfix0itm_0submit__jsp._jspService(/epsc/quickfix_itm_submit.jsp:169)
         at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(
         at com.caucho.jsp.Page.subservice(
         at com.caucho.server.http.FilterChainPage.doFilter(
         at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(
         at com.caucho.server.http.CacheInvocation.service(
         at com.caucho.server.http.RunnerRequest.handleRequest(
         at com.caucho.server.http.RunnerRequest.handleConnection(

  • Method declaration of an interface

    Here's an interface definition.
    public interface Foo {
    public Object getSomeObject(Object param);
    What i want to find out is,
    why do we need to specify a variable reference in the interface?
    public interface Foo {
    public Object getSomeObject(Object);//throws error.
    Thank you.

    Here's an interface definition.
    public interface Foo {
    public Object getSomeObject(Object param);
    What i want to find out is,
    why do we need to specify a variable reference inthe
    public interface Foo {
    public Object getSomeObject(Object);//throwserror.
    Thank you.The interface method is just a signature that all
    classes implementing the interface must follow. Its
    syntax requires that the variable reference is
    included. There is no other reason. Its like the word
    "bought" is spelt the way it is..It could have also
    been splet as "bot" but that is incorrect.!!!
    That is right.
    It is just a signature. Also, it allows the compiler to perform its actions consistently, most of all, thereby not offering any special privileges to an interface method declaration. As we all know that the byte code representation of an 'interface type' is also a class.

  • Should I declare IllegalArgumentException in my method declaration

    I have a setter method which throws an IllegalArgumentException which is of type RuntimeException... It means that I need not declare it in my method declaration, but I should explicity describe in Javadoc.
    Is it a good practice to declare it in throws clause just to make it more readable? or is it superfluous and unnecessary because I am going to describe it in Javadoc anyway?
    I mean....
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    public void setterMethod() {
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    public void setterMethod() throws IllegalArgumentException {
    }Thank you,

    I have a setter method which throws an
    IllegalArgumentException which is of type
    RuntimeException... It means that I need not declare
    it in my method declaration, but I should explicity
    describe in Javadoc.If you conclude that it is important that the other programmers know in which situation your method throws an IllegalArgumentException then go ahead and describe it in javadoc. If you think that it's not important, or it's not necessary, you don't need to describe it. But in general, the unchecked exception IllegalArgumentException, if it is used according to its purposes, deserves a javadoc description. Although I think you are not using this exception appropriately, because your method doesn't even have a parameter! I hope you are showing just an example, just to support your question.
    Is it a good practice to declare it in throws clause
    just to make it more readable? or is it superfluous
    and unnecessary because I am going to describe it in
    Javadoc anyway?No! It does not make it more readable. IllegalArgumentException is an unchecked exception, so you have to take advantage of this "uncheackability", that is, the advantage of not being needed to declare that the method throws it. In any case, you shouldn't declare the throws clause for any kind of unchecked exception. A description in javadoc is enough. But I see that you're just saying that the method can throw IllegalArgumentException, in the javadoc. Why don't you give more details? It is a good practice. See below an example:
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter name passed is null,
      * or if it is equal to "".
    public void setterMethod(String name) {

  • Method declaration problem

    I'm trying to write a class that lets the user enter the values for some parameters all of which are Floats.
    I have get and set methods for each parameter.
    example of some code:
    public class Parameters
           private Float loat affinityThresholdScalar;
            public InitialiseParams(Float aT)
                  affinityThresholdScalar = aT;
         public void setAffinityThresholdScalar(Float aT)
                  affinityThresholdScalar = aT;
           public Float getAffinityThresholdScalar()
                  return affinityThresholdScalar;
    }The error i'm getting is:
    invalid method declaration; return type required
    public InitialiseParams(Float aT,Float cR,Float hR,Float k,Float s,Float sV,Float tR)
    can anybody help?

    The error i'm getting is:
    invalid method declaration; return type required
    public InitialiseParams(Float aT,Float
    aT,Float cR,Float hR,Float k,Float s,Float sV,Float tR)
    can anybody help?Yup: read the error diagnostic: the compiler found a method 'InitialiseParams',
    but it didn't find the return type of that method (because you didn't supply any).
    Even methods that return nothing, return 'void', so you should simply
    alter the method definition to:public void InitialiseParams(Float aT) {
          affinityThresholdScalar = aT;
    }kind regards,

  • NullPointerException on a method declaration?

    Hi all,
    I'm not sure whether I should be posting this here on on the app server board.
    But anyway, I have an ADF application (with ADF Faces) that works fine in JDev 10.1.3, and after some difficulty, I've managed to get it deployed, so that the first page comes up properly in a browser.
    When I click on a link in my navigation tree, however, I get an error in the method called by the CommandLink in the tree node. Here's what it is:
    javax.faces.FacesException: #{homeBean.treeNavigate}: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException
    Caused by [at the bottom]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at mypackage.BasePage.TreeNavigate (
    So OK, for some reason my code is firing a null pointer exception in the deployed version. Let's see what it is by checking, line 53:
    53) public String treeNavigate() {
    A method declaration. That shouldn't be able to throw a NullPointerException, or indeed any other runtime error, should it?
    Can anyone shed some light about what might be going on here?
    Thanks much,

    public void drawPictures(int size, Graphics page)
              page.drawImage (board, 0, 0, 720, 567, this);
    public void paint (Graphics page)
              drawPictures (APPLET_WIDTH, page);
    private final int APPLET_WIDTH = 720;
    board = getImage (getDocumentBase(), "board.jpg"); //inside my init() methodThanks for the quite response. I looked at my code with your suggestions and came up with this:
    If I take away my "paint" method, the buttons have no problems, but, of course, no picture comes up. Any ideas?
    I was also throw out the fact that this is my first time with GUIs. My teacher saved them to the end last year, got lazy, and then never did them. So if I am using horrible self-taught practices, it would be awesome if you can let me know, so I can improve. Thanks.
    Edited by: 7sunami on Feb 22, 2009 6:00 PM

  • Invalid method declaration; return type required

    The code:
              public Reminder(int seconds) {
            timer = new Timer();
            timer.schedule(new RemindTask(), seconds*1000);
        class RemindTask extends TimerTask {
            public void run() {
                System.out.format("Time's up!%n");
                timer.cancel(); //Terminate the timer thread
    public static void main(String[] args)
              catch (Exception ex)
                   System.out.println("Failed loading L&F: ");
           new superball();
                    new Reminder(5);
            System.out.format("Task scheduled.%n");
    //= End of Testing =
    "invalid method declaration; return type required"
    If i add void to public Reminder(int seconds) {It prints:
    cannot find symbol
    symbol : class Reminder
    location: class superball
    new Reminder(5);
    Is it because of the public class?
    public class superball extends JFrameHere is the FULL code:
    /*                      superball                                 */
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import java.util.Timer;
    import java.util.TimerTask;
    import java.util.*;
    * Summary description for superball
    public class superball extends JFrame
         // Variables declaration
         int ballx;
      int bally;
         int jumpstop;
         int stopper;
         int coin;
         int coinx;
         int coiny;
         int coinvaluex;
         int coinvaluey;
      Timer timer;
      private int value = 0;
         private static Random r = new Random();
         private JLabel jLabel1;
         private JLabel jLabel2;
         private JLabel jLabel4;
         private JLabel jLabel5;
         private JLabel jLabel7;
         private JLabel jLabel9;
         private JLabel jLabel10;
         private JPanel contentPane;
         private JPanel jPanel1;
         // End of variables declaration
         public superball()
              // TODO: Add any constructor code after initializeComponent call
          * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form.
          * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always regenerated
          * by the Windows Form Designer. Otherwise, retrieving design might not work properly.
          * Tip: If you must revise this method, please backup this GUI file for JFrameBuilder
          * to retrieve your design properly in future, before revising this method.
         private void initializeComponent()
              jLabel1 = new JLabel();
              jLabel2 = new JLabel();
              jLabel4 = new JLabel();
              jLabel5 = new JLabel();
              jLabel7 = new JLabel();
              jLabel9 = new JLabel();
              jLabel10 = new JLabel();
              coin = 1;
              coinx = Math.abs(r.nextInt()) % 460 + 100;
              coiny = Math.abs(r.nextInt()) % 200 + 100;
              ballx = 342;
              bally = 338;
              jumpstop = 0;
              stopper = 13;
              contentPane = (JPanel)this.getContentPane();
              jPanel1 = new JPanel();
              // jLabel1
              jLabel1.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\coin.gif"));
              // jLabel2
              jLabel2.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\logo.PNG"));
              // jLabel4
              jLabel4.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\black.GIF"));
              // jLabel5
              jLabel5.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\ballstanding2.gif"));
              // jLabel7
              jLabel7.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\star-heart.gif"));
              jLabel7.setText(" 100");
              // jLabel9
              jLabel9.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\coin.gif"));
              // jLabel10
              jLabel10.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\stage1.GIF"));
              // contentPane
              contentPane.setBackground(new Color(255, 254, 254));
              addComponent(contentPane, jLabel5, 342,338,60,18);
              addComponent(contentPane, jLabel1, 561,4,100,18);
              addComponent(contentPane, jLabel2, 2,3,208,24);
              addComponent(contentPane, jLabel7, 495,4,60,18);
              addComponent(contentPane, jLabel9, coinx,coiny,19,18);
              addComponent(contentPane, jLabel2, 2,3,208,24);
              addComponent(contentPane, jLabel10, -2,29,738,412);
              addComponent(contentPane, jPanel1, 79,209,200,100);
              // jPanel1
              jPanel1.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 5, 5));
              jPanel1.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
                   public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
                   public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
                   public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
              // superball
              this.setTitle("Superball created by Hannes Karlsson");
              this.setLocation(new Point(0, 0));
              this.setSize(new Dimension(617, 450));
         /** Add Component Without a Layout Manager (Absolute Positioning) */
         private void addComponent(Container container,Component c,int x,int y,int width,int height)
         // TODO: Add any appropriate code in the following Event Handling Methods
         private void jPanel1_keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
              System.out.println("\njPanel1_keyPressed(KeyEvent e) called.");
              // TODO: Add any handling code here
              if(e.getKeyCode()==e.VK_LEFT) // when the user enters left
                  jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx--, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx--, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx--, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx--, bally));
                        jLabel5.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\ballroll.gif"));
                        } // equalling PLAIN_SPEED
                                            if(e.getKeyCode()==e.VK_RIGHT) // when the user enters right
                  jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx++, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx++, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx++, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx++, bally));
                        jLabel5.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\ballroll.gif"));
                        } // equalling PLAIN_SPEED
                                                                if(e.getKeyCode()==e.VK_UP) // when the user enters up
                  jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\balljetpack.gif"));
                        } // equalling PLAIN_SPEED
                                                                                    if(e.getKeyCode()==e.VK_DOWN) // when the user enters up
                  jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally++));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally++));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally++));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally++));
                        jLabel5.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\ballroll.gif"));
                        } // equalling PLAIN_SPEED     
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally++));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally++));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally++));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally++));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx--, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx--, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx--, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx--, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx++, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx++, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx++, bally));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx++, bally));
                                                                           if (bally==294 && (ballx > 218 && ballx < 274))
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                                                                           if (bally==262 && (ballx > 246 && ballx < 306))
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                                                       if (bally==230 && (ballx > 486 && ballx < 562))
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                                        if (bally==310 && (ballx > 486 && ballx < 594))
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                         if (bally==262 && (ballx > 442 && ballx < 514))
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
          if (bally==294 && (ballx > 378 && ballx < 466))
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                        jLabel5.setLocation(new Point(ballx, bally--));
                   // COIN
                         if ((bally > coiny-10 && bally < coiny+10) && (ballx > coinx-10 && ballx < coinx+10))
                coinx = Math.abs(r.nextInt()) % 617 + 1;
                coiny = Math.abs(r.nextInt()) % 300 + 1;
                   jLabel9.setLocation(new Point(coinx, coiny));
                        jLabel1.setText(""+ coin++ +"");
         private void jPanel1_keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
              System.out.println("\njPanel1_keyReleased(KeyEvent e) called.");
              // TODO: Add any handling code here
              jLabel5.setIcon(new ImageIcon("IMG\\ballstanding2.gif"));
         private void jPanel1_keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
              System.out.println("\njPanel1_keyTyped(KeyEvent e) called.");
              // TODO: Add any handling code here
         // TODO: Add any method code to meet your needs in the following area
    //============================= Testing ================================//
    //=                                                                    =//
    //= The following main method is just for testing this class you built.=//
    //= After testing,you may simply delete it.                            =//
              public void Reminder(int seconds) {
            timer = new Timer();
            timer.schedule(new RemindTask(), seconds*1000);
        class RemindTask extends TimerTask {
            public void run() {
                System.out.format("Time's up!%n");
                timer.cancel(); //Terminate the timer thread
         public static void main(String[] args)
              catch (Exception ex)
                   System.out.println("Failed loading L&F: ");
           new superball();
                    new Reminder(5);
            System.out.format("Task scheduled.%n");
    //= End of Testing =

    No, it's because you can't have a constructor called Reminder if you don't have a class named Reminder.

  • Invalid method declarations?

    hi, new to JAVA, and i have a problem, I am getting invalid method declarations for "printStraightLine()" and "printSumOfYears();" and would like them to become valid so that way i am able to start cracking away at the formulas...any type of suggestions would be here's the code:
      class Depreciation
        private char choice;
        private int purchasePrice;
        private int salvageValue;
        private int usefulLife;
        private printSumOfYears();
        private printStraightLine();
        private double deprec;
       Depreciation()   {}
       Depreciation(char choice, int purchasePrice, int salvageValue, int usefulLife)
           this.choice = choice;
           this.purchasePrice = purchasePrice;
           this.salvageValue = salvageValue;
           this.usefulLife = usefulLife;
        public char getchoice()
                {return choice;}
        public int getpurchasePrice()
                {return purchasePrice;}
        public int getsalvageValue()
                {return salvageValue;}
        public int getusefulLife()
                {return usefulLife ;}
      void setDepreciation(int purchasePrice, int salvageValue, int usefulLife)
        this.purchasePrice = purchasePrice;
          this.salvageValue = salvageValue;
          this.usefulLife = usefulLife;
      void setChoice(char choice)
      {  this.choice = choice;}
    public printStraightLine()
    {   double deprec;
        while (usefulLife < 0);
        for (usefulLife = 1; usefulLife <= usefulLife; usefulLife++)
            deprec = (purchasePrice - salvageValue) / (usefulLife);
            System.out.println("Year"+ usefulLife + "\t" + "Depreciation" + "\t" + deprec);
    public printSumOfYears()
      { double deprec;
          while (usefulLife <=1);
          for (usefulLife = usefulLife; usefulLife <= 1; usefulLife--)
              deprec =
              System.out.println("Year"+ usefulLife + "\t" + "Depreciation" + "\t" + deprec);
    public String toString();
              String s = new String();
              s = ' ' + "Purchase Price = " + purchasePrice + "  " + "Salvage Value = " + salvageValue + "  " + "Use Life = " + usefulLife + "  " + "Sum of Years = " + SumOfYears + "  " + "Straight Line = " + StraightLine;
              return s;

    That did it! I forgot to declare printSumof... and print Straight... as String Methods...
    ok now ive gotten rid of all the syntax errors in it and now ive run into a larger problem...the menu class that i have, wont accept my Depreciation...i think its perhaps theres something wrong with the toString Method perhaps but this is the last bit i need to get over the hill, per heres the Depreciation Coding(without syntax errors and following it will be my MenuDrivenClass that corresponds....
      class Depreciation
        private char choice;
        private double purchasePrice;
        private double salvageValue;
        private int usefulLife;
       Depreciation()   {}
       Depreciation(char choice, double purchasePrice, double salvageValue, int usefulLife)
           this.choice = choice;
           this.purchasePrice = purchasePrice;
           this.salvageValue = salvageValue;
           this.usefulLife = usefulLife;
        public char getChoice()
                {return choice;}
        public double getpurchasePrice()
                {return purchasePrice;}
        public double getsalvageValue()
                {return salvageValue;}
        public int getusefulLife()
                {return usefulLife ;}
      void setDepreciation(double purchasePrice, double salvageValue, int usefulLife)
        this.purchasePrice = purchasePrice;
          this.salvageValue = salvageValue;
          this.usefulLife = usefulLife;
      void setChoice(char choice)
      {  this.choice = choice;}
    public String printStraightLine()
    {   double deprec;
        while (usefulLife < 0);
        for (usefulLife = 1; usefulLife <= usefulLife; usefulLife++)
            deprec = (purchasePrice - salvageValue) / (usefulLife);
            System.out.println("Year"+ usefulLife + "\t" + "Depreciation" + "\t" + deprec);
    public String printSumOfYears() //musthave decrementing loop
      { double deprec;
          while (usefulLife >=1);
          for (usefulLife = usefulLife; usefulLife >= 1; usefulLife--)
              deprec = 20-10;
              System.out.println("Year"+ usefulLife + "\t" + "Depreciation" + "\t" + deprec);
    public String toString()
              String d = new String();
              d = ' ' + "Purchase Price = " + purchasePrice + "  " + "Salvage Value = " + salvageValue + "  " + "Use Life = " + usefulLife + "  " + "Sum of Years = " + printSumOfYears() + "  " + "Straight Line = " + printStraightLine();
              return d;
    // Professor Dreher
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class MenuDrivenClass2
        public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
          BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
          char choice;
          Depreciation myDepreciation = new Depreciation();
            choice = GetChoice();
            switch (choice)
              case 'i': myDepreciation= getInput();
              case 'a': System.out.println(myDepreciation);
              case 'b': System.out.println(myDepreciation);
              case 'q': System.out.print(" Goodbye, have a nice day! ");
           }//ends switch
         }while(choice != 'q');
       }//ends main
      static void PrintMenu()
          System.out.println("\n\n i - to input new depreciation information ");
          System.out.println(" a - to use the straight-line method ");
          System.out.println(" b - to use the sum-of-the-years' digits method ");
          System.out.println(" q - to quit ");
          System.out.print(" --> " );
      static char GetChoice()throws IOException
           BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
           char choice;
             String text = in.readLine();
             choice = Character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(0));
             if(choice != 'i' && choice != 'a' && choice != 'b'  && choice != 'q')
               {  System.out.print(" Incorrect choice, please try again! ");}
            } while (choice != 'i' && choice != 'a' && choice != 'b'  && choice != 'q');
      static Depreciation getInput()throws IOException
           BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
           System.out.print("\n Enter Purchase Price: ");
           double purchasePrice = Double.parseDouble(in.readLine());
           System.out.print(" Enter Salvage Value: ");
           double salvageValue = Double.parseDouble(in.readLine());
           System.out.print(" Enter Useful Life: ");
           int usefulLife = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
           Depreciation d = new Depreciation(purchasePrice,salvageValue,usefulLife);
    }IN THE LAST LINE(Depreciation d=....), the "new" is a syntax error, reading..."cannot resolve symbol Depreciation (double, double, int) @ line 86"....I thank all for helping me...the Duke Dollars is now up to 10...any help is greatly appreciated....SO, any thoughts?

  • Strange about invoking web service method declared “string  method(void)”;

    Dear forum readers
    I’m experimenting with OpenESB and web services. I’ve create a simple web service using NetBeans 6.1. The method consists of a single method, getTime, that is declared:
    String getTime()
    My current experiment is to invoke this method from a BPEL-process using the “Invoke” process object. The strange thing is that it seems like I have to provide a “dummy” inbound variable from the BPEL-designer even though the method doesn’t take any parameters. I include a snippet from the BPEL process below which includes the section where I set the dummy GetTimeIn-variable and then invokes the WS method getTime().
    <assign name="Assign2">
    <to variable="GetTimeIn" part="parameters"/>
    <invoke name="Invoke1" partnerLink="PartnerLink1" operation="getTime" xmlns:tns="http://ws/" portType="tns:MyWebService" outputVariable="GetTimeOut" inputVariable="GetTimeIn"/>
    If I don’t initiate the dummy variable or remove it altogether, I can’t successfully call the method. If I include the dummy in-parameter the call works just fine and I get back the current time as a string.
    I must admit that I’m still a rookie to web services, especially when calling them from a BPEL-process, so it may be a very trivial reason for this behaviour. Anyway, any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
    Regards, Ola

    Thank you both for the response. Regarding Rennay’s posting I have an additional question. When I create a new web service I don't have the "Document Literal" option nor a "Concrete Configuration" tab. I've created the web service using the "Web Application" project type and then adding a web service using the "Web Service..." wizard. This wizard doesn't have the configuration properties you mention, but if I add a WSDL-file to a BPEL-project the wizard has the properties you mention.
    Is it possible to create a web service, programmed as an ordinary Java-class, from an existing WSDL-file? In that case it may solve the problem with the “Document Literal” property. Currently I don’t know any other way to create such a web-service other than the through the web service wizard in a web application project. Of course, it’s possible to craft it from scratch but that’s to much work to be practical.
    Regards, Ola

  • Invalid method declaration

    Hi there,
    I have a problem to compile below sentences.
    import java.awt.* ;
    import javax.swing.* ;
    import java.awt.event.* ;
    public class p662 extends JFrame
    public ShowColors()
    ** invalid method declariration for ShowColors ****
    super ("Using colors") ;
    Please help me.
    Best regards

    What the diddley?
    Your class name is p662 (what the heck is that?).
    The declaration public ShowColors looks like a constructor. You call super in it with a String argument, which looks like you want to invoke a JFrame ctor.
    You can't invoke a super class constructor in any method except a class constructor. The class constructors must have the same name as the class. The class must go in a file whose name is the same as the public class inside.
    You should follow the Sun coding standards for naming:
    What are you doing here? This is unintelligible. - MOD

  • Method declaration in Class

    Hi Experts,
             In Classes and Methods i got one requirement like this , Please respond it.
    I have to create the method , where class is already defined(ZCL_CONFIGURABLE_ITEM )
    Create Method:  IS_SEQUENCE_NOT_TO_PRINT .
    They had given me example logic also. But iam not able to do this because i have no idea on classes and methods.
    Please see this example and respond me .
    Create Method:  IS_SEQUENCE_NOT_TO_PRINT .  This must be a value method in class ZCL_CONFIGURABLE_ITEM , passing document number VBDKR-VBELN that returns a parameter value: X = True, Blank = false.
    GET BILLTO_PARTNER customer number for the document (reading VBPA where VBELN = document number VBDKR-VBELN and partner PARVW = ‘RE’ / ‘BP’)Read table KNA1 to get field KNA1-KATR6 where KUNNR equals Billto partner, and fields VBDKR-VKORG, VBDKR-VTWEG, VBDKR-SPART, Store first character of field KNA1-KATR6 in a work field e.g. W_ KATR6.
    Add the entry below to the ZLITERAL table in all clients
    Read the records from ZLITERAL table (reading key1 = C_ZLIT_GENOSYS_KEY, and key2 = C_KATR6_1) where C_KATR6_1 = attribute on class, with value = KATR6_1 .  You must add this attribute on the class.  Populate the internal table L_ZLITERAL_TAB type ZLITERAL_TAB_TYPE.

        You can create the method from the CLASS BUILDER. SE24. There navigate to methods tab and enter you method name. Then select visibility public or private.
    Then click on the parameters button to add parameters to the method. Selec IMPORT, EXPORT or RETURNING parameter for the function.

  • Error in accessing the create method declared in Home interface

    I have create method in home interface which takes the following syntax:
    public ShipRemote create(ShipPK id,String name,int capacity,float tonnage) throws CreateException,RemoteException;
    In the client I create a remote object and try to call this create method, but I get a compilation error :
    it says unable to resolve the symbol with a cursor pointing the create method
    interface sampleEJB.ship.shipInfo.ShipHome ShipRemote remoteRef=(ShipRemote)homeRef.create(spk,sname,5000,100.7);
    how can i resolve this.
    I have implemented this create method in my bean

    hi i have compiled the client interfaces and the bean successfully.
    I have also imported the classes in the in the client code .
    I even deployed my jar successfully, but i have problem in accessing the create method specified .
    thank you

  • What's "!" in method declaration in class?

    See the excerption below, what's the meaning of "!"?
    protected section.
      methods CALC
          !IV_PROC_TYPE type STRING optional
          !IV_PROC_NAME type STRING optional
          !IV_PROC_CLASS type STRING optional .
    Thanks in advance

    the exclamation mark is nothing more than a hint to the ABAP compiler. It is required when you want use keywords like export, exceptions and so on as formal / actual argument.
    In the given scenario it is no must. But maybe the code is produced by some generator. For a generator not smart enough to no all rules, it is good advice to use exclamation marks for any parameter.
    if hlped pls mark points</i>

  • Can method declared in JSP have HTML tags?

              Hi all,
              Can a method in JSP page have a HTML tags? (e.g. <td> or <tr>
              Can anybody just give a small example for the same?

              Thanks Gary,
              The session bean which is invoked from the JSP page, returns a collection of objects. And each object can have child objects also. In the JSP page i want to iterate through the collection to display the data and that's why the method required is recursive. What would be the better approach for this scenario?
              "Gary Keim" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >Yes, that will work fine. However, you might want to strive to reach a
              >place where your JSPs are only "looking" at data held by JavaBeans. That
              >is, if you're going to have your JSP doing ANYTHING other than simply being
              >the face on other data, you might as well make it a plain ol' servlet.
              >A common pattern is to have a master servlet do any logic processing, then
              >it redirects to a JSP for the presentation.
              >"Amar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              >news:[email protected]...
              >> Gary Thanks for your reply.
              >> In the recursive function which i was trying to write, i wanted to display
              >HTML, so that the function is responsible for display of the HTML also (it
              >was not possible to send the HTML back to the calling function and print it
              >in the scriplet, as the function is recursive). But we can use out.print
              >statement in that recursive function by passing the "out" (JSPWriter) object
              >to that function. So instead of putting static text in the function, we can
              >use out.print statements and acheive the same.
              >> Any suggestion? Any other better way to acheive the same?
              >> Regards,
              >> Amar
              >> "Gary Keim" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >> >I responded to Amar privately on this.
              >> >
              >> >-Gary
              >> >
              >> >"Amar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              >> >news:[email protected]...
              >> >>
              >> >> Hi Gary,
              >> >>
              >> >> Thanks for ur interest. I wanted to write a method (function,
              >> >in a JSP page, in that i want to write a HTML tags. I tried that but JSP
              >> >compiler throws error for that. Is it that i have to include some other
              >> >Am i missing something.
              >> >>
              >> >> <%!
              >> >> private void displayProxy(ArrayList ObjectsInfo, BaseLW aObj)
              >> >> {
              >> >> ProxyObjectDisplayInfo ObjInfo =
              >> >(ProxyObjectDisplayInfo)ObjectsInfo.get(0);
              >> >> int Cnt = ObjInfo.mColumnNames.size();
              >> >> String Str = new String();
              >> >> for(int j = 0; j < Cnt; j++)
              >> >> {
              >> >> Str = Str + aObj.getColumnValue((String)ObjInfo.mColumnNames.get(j)) +
              >" ,
              >> >";
              >> >> }
              >> >> Str = Str.substring(0, Str.length()-3);
              >> >> String StrHRef = new String();
              >> >> StrHRef = "<a href=\"client?client_id=";
              >> >> StrHRef = StrHRef + aObj.getColumnValue("ClientCode");
              >> >> StrHRef = StrHRef + "\">";
              >> >> try
              >> >> {
              >> >> %>
              >> >> <tr bgcolor=\"#eeebcc\">
              >> >> <td>
              >> >> <%=StrHRef%>
              >> >> <%=Str%>
              >> >> </a>
              >> >> </td>
              >> >> </tr>
              >> >> <%
              >> >> }
              >> >> }
              >> >> %>
              >> >>
              >> >> Regards,
              >> >> Amar
              >> >>
              >> >> Gary Keim <[email protected]> wrote:
              >> >> >Amar,
              >> >> >
              >> >> >I don't think anyone is answering your question because we don't
              >> >> >understand what you are asking. Can you rephrase the question using
              >> >> >standard terminology? For example, what do you mean by "a method in
              >> >> >page?"
              >> >> >
              >> >> >-Gary
              >> >> >
              >> >> >Amar wrote:
              >> >> >
              >> >> >> Hi all,
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >> Can a method in JSP page have a HTML tags? (e.g. <td> or <tr>
              >> >> >> etc)?
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >> Can anybody just give a small example for the same?
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >> Thanks,
              >> >> >> Amar
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >
              >> >>
              >> >
              >> >

  • Throwing of IllegalStateException when method declares throws ResourceException

    I'm trying to figure out if I need to say I'm throwing a ResourceException,
              IllegalStateException and NotSupportedException from a method even though
              the last 2 are extensions of ResourceException. I don't believe I do and I
              see the same code in the blackbox, but I get a
              "java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException" from new version of WLS
              when I do this. I know this just started seeing this and want to know what
              is the correct way. One case is Connection.createInteraction, where I throw
              an IllegalStateException if the Connection object is closed, this may also
              be an issue when throwing a NotSupportedException from certain methods. The
              case I see in the stack is from
              ConnectionWrapper.invoke( and
              java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native method) in both 6.1 beta and 6.1
              build 123667.

    I'm trying to figure out if I need to say I'm throwing a ResourceException,
              IllegalStateException and NotSupportedException from a method even though
              the last 2 are extensions of ResourceException. I don't believe I do and I
              see the same code in the blackbox, but I get a
              "java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException" from new version of WLS
              when I do this. I know this just started seeing this and want to know what
              is the correct way. One case is Connection.createInteraction, where I throw
              an IllegalStateException if the Connection object is closed, this may also
              be an issue when throwing a NotSupportedException from certain methods. The
              case I see in the stack is from
              ConnectionWrapper.invoke( and
              java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native method) in both 6.1 beta and 6.1
              build 123667.

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  • Need advice/idea about Image gallery

    Hello to ALL!!! I'm trying to make an dynamic image gallery WITH!!! some active buttons above (for example: BUTTON1 with function "delete" and BUTTON2 with function "update") a picture and some "dataoutput" below (for example:Price). So, separate cel

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    Good day. I must to write a file in a web directory from servlet. I should want to restrict to a specific user the read/write/execute permission. In this mode my servlet not write a file from a servlet (permission denied). FileOutputStream fos = new

  • Cannot exeute DML in a function

    I have a function as follows, CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_cns( sysc IN ib_fact_batchno.SYS_CODE%TYPE, subc IN ib_fact_batchno.SUB_CODE%TYPE) RETURN Varchar2 AS rowcnt NUMBER; curn varchar2(10); BEGIN LOCK TABLE ib_fact_batchno IN ROW EXCLUSIVE MOD

  • Manage Laboratoy consumables stock in QE51N or QA11.

    When performing each analysis (within an Inspection Lot) should see the list of items and quantities consumed (with the ability to add or remove materials) and deduct the same stock at the time of recording the results (or taking Usage Decision). Ple

  • In tag body how to access variable defined outside?

    Suppose the following jsp fragement: <% String x = "wwlhp"; %> <c:mytag>   want to use variable x defined above </c:mytag>  anyone have ideas about which approach should i take? Thx a lot!