MFBF   - XMRM0001  User Exit

I am trying to use XMRM0001 user exit for MFBF transaction. But when I activate the project, MFBF starts bevaing weired in the way that all the figures entered in the fiedls get cleared automarcally.
Could anyone pls sugest me why it is happening and what is the correct way to use this user-exit?

Hi Adhish Parakh,
I also faced the same problem as yours.
In your scenario, I guessed you used exit EXIT_SAPLBARM_001 (Customer Exit: RM_BACKFLUSH_CHECK) or at least, you created z-include for this.
After looking at SAP note, It said:
In all user exits which must also be activated for the activation of the enhancement project, all export parameters must be filled with the values of the Import parameters.
In the example: E_rm61b = i_rm61b.
So, even if you did nothing, add that assignment into z-include. And then it works. (at least in my case).
You can see note 165264 for more information
Best rgds,

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    Hi Mahesh,
    Check these user exits.
    PTRM0001            User Exit for Lead Column in REM Planning Table
    SAPLRMPU            Customer Exits for Material Staging
    XMRM0001            User exits: Backflushing in Repetitive Manufacturing
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                                                                                    Enhancement/ Business Add-in            Description                                                                               
    PTRM0001                                User Exit for Lead Column in REM Planning Table                
    SAPLRMPU                                Customer Exits for Material Staging                            
    XMRM0001                                User exits: Backflushing in Repetitive Manufacturing                                                                               
    Business Add-in                                                                               
    CIF_RM_PPR_DISTRIB                      Distribution of Postprocessing Records in APO                  
    FCO_CO_FUNCTIONS                        CO Functions for Failure Costs                                 
    FCO_CUSTOMER_SPECIF                     Failure Costs: Customer-Specific Enhancements                  
    FCO_RM_FUNCTIONS                        Failure Costs: Enhancements in Repetitive Manufacturing Area   
    RM_HR_INTEGRATION                       HR Integration of REM Backflush                                
    RM_LIST_PRODUCTION                      BAdI for Printing Production Settings                          
    RM_MF50_ROWS                            BAdI for Hiding Lines in the Planning Table                    
    RM_PERFORMANCE_DREQ                     Performance Improvement in New Distrib. of Dependent Reqmts

  • User exit for MFBF

    Hi all,
         I want to change the value of quantity field using exit EXIT_SAPLBARM_002 of XMRM0001 but values are not getting updated.
    is this the right exit or there exists any other exits
    pls let me know

    Hi Uday,
    These are the exits and BAdi's available for this transaction.
    When ever you want to know which exit is going to be triggered, you just pick that exit, inside the exit you will be provided with function module exit.
    For example: EXIT_SAPLBARM_002 Here inside it you need to put a break point. then activate it.
    For Example: break username.
    If you put like this it only affects your login only. There wont be any disturbance for others who are working on the same server.
    After that you activate it and run your trnsaction.
    or give some inputs to it and save it.
    So before that you need to check all the business flow that is either creating any order or some thing like that. At that time while pressing any button the function gets triggers.
    If the exit you mentioned doesn't triggered, then go with other exits I have listed below. If it is not possible with this exit, then finally you should go with BAdi.
    PTRM0001                                User Exit for Lead Column in REM Planning Table
    SAPLRMPU                                Customer Exits for Material Staging
    XMRM0001                                User exits: Backflushing in Repetitive Manufacturing
    Business Add-in
    RM_PERFORMANCE_DREQ                     Performance Improvement in New Distrib. of Dependent Reqmts
    RM_MF50_ROWS                            BAdI for Hiding Lines in the Planning Table
    RM_LIST_PRODUCTION                      BAdI for Printing Production Settings
    RM_HR_INTEGRATION                       HR Integration of REM Backflush
    RM_BFLUSH_GOODSMVT                      BAdI: Goods Movements in Backflush -Repetitive Manufacturing
    FCO_RM_FUNCTIONS                        Failure Costs: Enhancements in Repetitive Manufacturing Area
    FCO_CUSTOMER_SPECIF                     Failure Costs: Customer-Specific Enhancements
    FCO_CO_FUNCTIONS                        CO Functions for Failure Costs
    CIF_RM_PPR_DISTRIB                      Distribution of Postprocessing Records in APO
    Reward points if it helps you.
    Swamy Kunche

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    Thanks & Regards

    For MFBF there are sollowing user-exits....
    XMRM0001 - Backflushing in Repetitive Manufacturing.
    PTRM0001 - For lead column in REM planning Table.
    SAPLRMPU - Customer Exit for Article Staging.
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    I need to know, which enhancement or user exit or any standard FM do this process.
    I searched, but not found any user exit or enhancement that will go through.
    Best regards,

    For MFBF there are sollowing user-exits....
    XMRM0001 - Backflushing in Repetitive Manufacturing.
    PTRM0001 - For lead column in REM planning Table.
    SAPLRMPU - Customer Exit for Article Staging.
    Reward points if useful....

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  • User exit ZXPADU02 - evaluating SY-UCOMM

    Hello everyone,
    I am trying to display an error message whenever someone tries to create a new work schedule rule (P0007-SCHKZ) in infotype 7. However, the error message should just come up when the user is trying to save his data.
    I am using user exit ZXPADU02 for this purpose. My problem is that SY-UCOMM does not seem to hold reliable data in this user exit, and SSCRFIELDS does not seem to be supported at all.
    My code looks like this (only the relevant code snippet in ZXPADU02):
            WHEN '0007'.
            IMPORTING PNNNN = P0007.
            IMPORTING PNNNN = P0007_ALT.
          IF P0007_ALT-SCHKZ <> P0007-SCHKZ
          AND IPSYST-MASSN IS INITIAL " do not warn within an info group of a personnel action
          AND SY-UCOMM = 'UPD'. " only warn when saving the data -> problem here <-
            MESSAGE 'Do not change IT7 directly or else.' TYPE 'I' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'.
            SHOW_DATA_AGAIN = 'X'.
    At first glance, the above works nicely.  But this is what happens when I test more thoroughly:
    I create a new period in IT 7, enter a P0007-SCHKZ other than the one that was previously valid, press F11. Some warnings appear (for different reasons), which I dismiss using the Enter key. Afterwards, the above code fires, the error message is being displayed, and I am thrown back into the data screen. So far, so good.
    Now I simply alter the value in the field "Weekly hours" (P0007-WOSTD) and press Enter (!). Again a series of warnings appear, including one that a dataset is going to be deleted (seeing that an IT 7-period with just the same date range already exists). I confirm that with Enter, and the data is being saved. The above code does not fire because I have only pressed Enter - but the data is being saved anyway!
    Looks like a pretty erroneous behavior on the side of the SAP system. The question is whether I have a chance to do something about it in the code.

    Mihir Nagar wrote:
    Dear Petersen,
    Your IF condition seems ok. I doubt on the message statement. Can you replace your message statement with type E.
    MESSAGE 'Do not change IT7 directly or else.' TYPE 'E'.
    Hope this works.
    I did not expect this to work, because normally you use type 'E'-messages only in certain PAI-environments, but it does the job, thank you!
    make use of  field IOPER of the structure  PSYST to check on the infotype actions INS, MOD, COP, DEL...
    In this particular case I did not care, so I did not check that. IT 7 should only be maintained through personnel actions in our case.
    Next you can check with sy-ucomm field the different between "enter" and "save". With "save" sy-ucomm will be 'UPD'.
    That is what I did, but as I described, there was a situation when SY-UCOMM is SPACE, but the system saved anyway due to a prior save attempt.

  • Using a variable not in the Export,Import, table Parameters in USER EXIT

    Hi all,
       During the Invoice Creation, I need to add an entry in the VBFS table, so that it will be displayed in the system log.  In the FM 'RV_INVOICE_CREATE', the structure corresponding to it is XVBFS.  There is a user-exit   CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION '002', in this FM 'RV_INVOICE_CREATE'.  But the import, export or Table Parameters does not have XVBFS.
      How can I use XVBFS inside the User exit?..
    Please help.

    I dont know whether this will help u...
    write this in user access variables/tables of main program..
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <komv>.
    ASSIGN ('(SAPLMEPO)TKOMV[]') TO <komv>.
    where.. SAPLMEPO is the main program...and TKOMV[] is a internal table in SAPLMEPO.

  • How to find out the user exit is implemented

    Hi All,
    Kindly let me know the process to be followed to find out the User exit is implemented in SAP system.
    I have seen many senriors suggestions for some treads to check if there is any Exit is implemented in the process when the system is behaving differently rather standard.
    Is it the only way with help of ABAP'er we can find out or the functional consultant also can find out through some procedure?
    I tied in google for this doubt, but i could not get the relavant answer.Pleaea execuse me if this already answered.

    Hi Krishna/TW,
    Thank you for your immediate replies. Sorry i think i have not explained correctly my requirment.
    Let me explain my requirement once again.Let us say Comapny has implemented one Exit in the project, now i want to find out what exactly the Exit was implemented.
    Example: In STO process user is able to increase the  qty in delivery. As per the client requriement system should not allow.
    This is not possible in standard to control even after maintainig  check over delivery field in 0VLP.
    For this comapny has already implemented one enahnceament.
    Program: MV50AFZ1
    like this when any one joined in the project we do not know what are all the Exits are implemented in the SAP system where we are working.
    So if i want to find out if there is any Exit or enhancement implemented, what is the process to find out?
    I hope now  am clear with my requirement.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How to find out the user-exits?

    how to find out the user-exits?

    *& Report  ZEXITFINDER
    *report  zexitfinder.
    *& Enter the transaction code that you want to search through in order
    *& to find which Standard SAP User Exits exists.
    *& Tables
    tables : tstc, "SAP Transaction Codes
    tadir, "Directory of Repository Objects
    modsapt, "SAP Enhancements - Short Texts
    modact, "Modifications
    trdir, "System table TRDIR
    tfdir, "Function Module
    enlfdir, "Additional Attributes for Function Modules
    tstct. "Transaction Code Texts
    *& Variables
    data : jtab like tadir occurs 0 with header line.
    data : field1(30).
    data : v_devclass like tadir-devclass.
    *& Selection Screen Parameters
    selection-screen begin of block a01 with frame title text-001.
    selection-screen skip.
    parameters : p_tcode like tstc-tcode obligatory.
    selection-screen skip.
    selection-screen end of block a01.
    *& Start of main program
    Validate Transaction Code
    select single * from tstc
    where tcode eq p_tcode.
    Find Repository Objects for transaction code
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    select single * from tadir
    where pgmid = 'R3TR'
    and object = 'PROG'
    and obj_name = tstc-pgmna.
    move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    select single * from trdir
    where name = tstc-pgmna.
    if trdir-subc eq 'F'.
    select single * from tfdir
    where pname = tstc-pgmna.
    select single * from enlfdir
    where funcname = tfdir-funcname.
    select single * from tadir
    where pgmid = 'R3TR'
    and object = 'FUGR'
    and obj_name = enlfdir-area.
    move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
    Find SAP Modifactions
    select * from tadir
    into table jtab
    where pgmid = 'R3TR'
    and object = 'SMOD'
    and devclass = v_devclass.
    select single * from tstct
    where sprsl eq sy-langu
    and tcode eq p_tcode.
    format color col_positive intensified off.
    write:/(19) 'Transaction Code - ',
    20(20) p_tcode,
    45(50) tstct-ttext.
    if not jtab[] is initial.
    write:/(95) sy-uline.
    format color col_heading intensified on.
    write:/1 sy-vline,
    2 'Exit Name',
    21 sy-vline ,
    22 'Description',
    95 sy-vline.
    write:/(95) sy-uline.
    loop at jtab.
    select single * from modsapt
    where sprsl = sy-langu and
    name = jtab-obj_name.
    format color col_normal intensified off.
    write:/1 sy-vline,
    2 jtab-obj_name hotspot on,
    21 sy-vline ,
    22 modsapt-modtext,
    95 sy-vline.
    write:/(95) sy-uline.
    describe table jtab.
    format color col_total intensified on.
    write:/ 'No of Exits:' , sy-tfill.
    format color col_negative intensified on.
    write:/(95) 'No User Exit exists'.
    format color col_negative intensified on.
    write:/(95) 'Transaction Code Does Not Exist'.
    Take the user to SMOD for the Exit that was selected.
    at line-selection.
    get cursor field field1.
    check field1(4) eq 'JTAB'.
    set parameter id 'MON' field sy-lisel+1(10).
    call transaction 'SMOD' and skip first screen.

  • How to find out appropriate user exit

    I want to know how to find out the user exit that matches to the requirement. Suppose for a material master program, there are so many include programs hence im unable to find call custer-function and even unable to debug an appropriate include. Please help me out how to learn user exits in a rightious way.

    Look for program SAPICSS_ in your system and run it. This program can also be found under CMOD menu:  Utilities -> SAP enhancements.
    This will only give you the CMOD user exits.
    There is a program someone made that searches for all sorts of user-exits (including BADI's etc.). I remember that it was posted on
    Edited by: Maen Anachronos on Apr 6, 2009 3:22 PM

  • How to find out FICO user exits that are used by User

    How to find out the FICO user exits that are used by user.

    Go to tcode CMOD. In the project field drop down your list there. Put a Z* there and run the list. These should be all the exits that are activated. Search for the ones that pertain to FI. You can also search by development class. You need a little ABAP knowledge to search easily. You get this by going to the tcode then to status then to the program then to the attributes. There you find the development class. Ie FBAS.
    pls assign points if helpful as a way to say thanks.

  • Free Goods Problem and User Exit if needed in Sales Order

    Hello All,
    The problem is related to Free Goods in Sales Order which is given with an example -
    We have maintained Free Goods ( T Code - VBN1) in inclusive scenario which is as follows -
    For 210 PAC (Pack) of Material A 18 PAC Free.
    Where 1 PAC = 20 BT (Bottle) and 20 PAC = 1 CV (Case Pack)
    In the material master of Material A the Base Unit Of Measurement (UOM) = PAC and Sales UOM = Blank so that we can use any conversion factor maintained for the material.
    The conversion factors maintained for Material A are as follows -
    1 BT = 1BT
    1 PAC = 20 BT
    1 CV = 20 PAC
    Now when we are raising sales order for 11 CV the free goods are not generated in the Sale Order.
    Again if we maintain the Sales UOM in CV and raise the sales order it is showing :
    10 CV as main item and 1 CV as Free which is wrong because in the conversion factor we have already maintained 1CV = 20 PAC , Whereas in the inclusive scenario it is given 11CV = 210 PAC and 210 PAC = 18 PAC is free.So in any case it is taking into account 2 more PACs.
    Please suggest what need to be done in this case in respect of User Exit or Source Code in ABAP if needed.
    Thanks & Regards
    Priyanka Mitra

    Hello Priyanka Mitra,
    We are facing a problem same as you.
    How did you solve this problem?
    We are very glad if you teach it concretely.
    Please advise your solution to us.

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