Micro SD vs micro SDHC

Anyone know if the 8330 will accept a micro SDHC media card, or is it limited to micro SD?  Is there a maximum capacity card that is supported?

I just went thru this. I bought a 4g SDHC and put in my curve 8330. It worked ok as far as pics, but when downloading ringtones, it says it downloaded but they were not on my media card nor my phone memory. Now I have all these tones I want to use and now that I have changed my memory card to a 2 SD it want let me download them again. Says they are already downloaded. Sprint is my carrier and when I called tec support they said that the curve is not compatible with the curve. Check with your carrier.

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    I can't find anywhere which memory card works with the Curve 8520, or what the maximum size suitable is?
    I have a found a 8gb Micro SDHC, will this be suitable?
    Thanks :-)

    When I brought my Curve 8520 from the Carphone Warehouse it came with a Micro SD.
    This will slot in to a gap by the top left of the battery. But im not sure if SDHC will fit. But type it in on Wiki Answers , they should say.

  • Compatible problem in ZEN micro and ZEN micro ph

    I have a ZEN micro already and want to buy a ZEN micro photo. Problem is that is the two accessories compatible? Can I use the former batteries and adaptor in the latter? Thanks a lot!

    Yes, most if not all of the stuff should be compatible. But do note that the Zen Micro Photo battery has a higher capacity so it will last longer than the Zen Micro battery.

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    If you ordered the orange one today from our online store it would come with:
    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
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    <TD class=text>Zen Micro player</TD></TR>
    <TD colSpan=4><IMG height=0 alt="" src="http://images.americas.creative.com//images/spacer___6.gif" width= border=0></TD></TR>
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    <TD class=text>High Fidelity earphones</TD></TR>
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    <TD class=text>Rechargeable li-Ion battery </TD></TR>
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    <TD><IMG height= alt="" src="http://images.americas.creative.com//images/spacer___6.gif" width=5 border=0></TD>
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    <TD class=text>USB 2.0 cable</TD></TR>
    <TD colSpan=4><IMG height=0 alt="" src="http://images.americas.creative.com//images/spacer___6.gif" width= border=0></TD></TR>
    <TD><IMG height= alt="" src="http://images.americas.creative.com//images/spacer___6.gif" width=5 border=0></TD>
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    <TD class=text>Installation CD</TD></TR>
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    <TD class=text>Creative MediaSource</TD></TR>
    <TD colSpan=4><IMG height=0 alt="" src="http://images.americas.creative.com//images/spacer___6.gif" width= border=0></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
    and as part of the promotion currently running it would include an extra Battery.
    If you wanted an AC adapter with it, you could order one along with the player and it should arri've in the same shipment. They are sold separately under accessories.

  • Trade in Zen Micro for Zen Micro Ph

    Am waiting instructions on RMA, moderators, since I have to return the thing for exchange anyway, is it possible to pay the difference and get the micro photo when available. have asked support but no news..
    tks ktugg.

    We don't have a trade-in policy. To check for your specific region, you can contact Customer Support to see if they can advise further, but we don't have a trade-in policy in general.
    The Zen Micro Photo has only just been announced, it won't be released for a few months yet.

  • Zen Micro and the micro head jack p

    I've had the player since last summer, but now I'm experiencing a annoying problem.
    The jack plug can't be put in thight enough into the player, so the sound (if the plug is bent for some reason) only comes out from one side.
    Is this a warranty issue or is it something you have to li've with?

    It's definitely an issue that can be repaired. If you're under warranty even better.

  • Zen Micro is it worth

    Would anyone strongly suggest buying the zen touch. Is the touch good?

    it depend on what u want out of ur player i would recomend the zen micro couse its small and have big enough compacity for all music lovers.the thing about this the zen touch has 20gb but will u ever fill up with song i think its impossible trust me its hard,
    i have a 2o gb ipd g4 sold it couse too much space and its a little bulky.
    to be o honest wait a few months and get the zen micro photo in 6gb its amazing its like a minature version of the ipod photo
    just a few suggestions
    the zen micro or the micro photo is the way forward

  • Micro completely chokes on very large audio tra

    I am having a lot of problems with my Zen Micro (..0) trying to deal with a large audio track. In my specific case the file is about 35M, and 24 hours and some odd minutes. Yes, a book. It's WMA, 32kbps, 22kHz.
    ) Micro shows the track duration as only 6:27:02.
    2) You can't fast forward past 6:27:02, but if you just let it play, it will continue playing past that, showing the correct playing time on the left, and showing 00:00:00 for the remaining time.
    3) If you set a bookmark in the track, Micro fails to shutdown. It hangs on "Shutting Down..." and the battery drains. You must remove the battery, and the bookmark is lost.
    4) Attempting to shut down while the long track is the Now Playing track also hangs the device.
    and 2 are annoying, but 3 and 4 make it absolutely impossible to listen to this book.
    Is this a known issue? Any workaround?

    Thanks for trying to help, but I don't follow the logic. Let me recap my data:
    File A: 4 hours. Works fine in WMP & Micro.
    File B: 6 hours. Works fine in WMP & Micro.
    File C: 0 hours. Works fine in WMP & Micro.
    File D: 2 hours. Works fine in WMP & Micro.
    File E: 24 hours. Works fine in WMP, but chokes in Micro.
    You say it's definitely the file, although I don't see any such logical conclusion. I say it's more likely that there's problem with the Micros handling files over a certain size. I don't know what the magic size is. I just know that this is the largest file I've ever tried.
    As for the suggested utilities:
    http://audacity.sourceforge.net does not support WMA at all apparrently (I tried both versions).
    http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm does not support DRM WMA apparently (even after installing the WMA codec).
    Note that I forgot to mention that it also might be a pertinent detail that this is a DRM track.
    As for the "HOW THE ID TRACK INFO WORKS:" stuff, I'm aware of all that. But speaking of which, the tag shows the correct time of 24:39:8 both in WMP, and when just looking at the tags through the file properties (in Windows Explorer). But NOT in Micro. So Micro is the one not showing the duration correctly.
    I appreciate the effort to help find a utility to break apart the file (still looking--feel free to send more suggestions), but what I really want is for someone from Creative to either confirm or refute the problem. I want this fixed.Message Edited by curtc on 02-08-2006 :2 PM

  • Zen micro travel d

    does anybody own the travel dock for the zen micro or zen micro photo
    do you like it i am thinking about getting one but have heard somethings
    about how they don't sound very good.
    Please reply if you have one i want to know what you think

    The 20gb is slightly bigger so I doubt it will fit, unless the Micro's dock is made slightly bigger but fits both in.

  • Micro - Song Length is Incorrect on Playb

    I couldn't find anyone address this issue in the forums, but I can't be the only person dealing with this... It's regarding the bar that indicates the position of the track as it's playing at the bottom of the screen. Some of the songs I've downloaded onto my Micro have the incorrect length. In other words, the entire song is there (and it plays through), but the player sees it as only 30secs, for example. This means I can't navigate past 30s, I have to listen through it. Since I like to listen to comedy on the player, some of these files are 30min long. It's annoying if I want to hear the joke at the 20th min.
    Here's how I'm doing it:
    - ripping CDs with WMP0 to WMAs at 60kbps OR using downloaded MP3s (not protected)
    - transferring files to the Micro with Zen Micro Media Explorer (?), not MediaSource
    - running firmware .02.05
    - different bit rates (constant and variable)
    - different lengths of files
    - Clean-up of files
    - Formatting the player and re-inserting everything
    - same thing was happening with the old .0 (?) firmware
    I've spoken to tech support and they haven't been able to find the cause. There doesn't seem to be a pattern. The files that are affected are of all formats, bit rates, lengths. Maybe someone else has some similar experience.

    hey i had a similiar problem with my mp3's of cds that i would rip with vbr until i found this article aout this program that really solved everything:
    the program is called vbr fix in which fixes header and seeks of mp3 that seem to get messed up while converting from cd or whatevea this program really help me and fixed everything just like the article said and know i scan all my mp3 before i put it on my zen touch i would suggest this program for everyone
    here is the link to the main website any problems let me know
    hope this helps everyone and you.

  • Lost my Ipod Mini - Should I get a Micro

    So I had a mini for about 6 months, ran with it about 3-4 times a week (did a marathon). I also listened to about 0 audible books in that time period. I know I can convert them to mp3 but its kindof a pain.
    I didn't have any problems but I left it on a plane and never got it back.
    So I've tried to see what else is out there. I like the Micro but have a few concerns.
    . Audible support is this coming later or not at all. I can wait a few months but if audible never works I'd be really bummed.
    a. Does the micro support bookmarking. IE if I have a 7 hour MP3 file will It start where I left off? (Ipod does with audible files only)
    2. It says not to jog with it. Is the Ipod a higher quality product or is creative just paranoid. Again I didn't have a single problem with my Ipod. the only difference Ive notice is ipod has 32 meg of flash and creative has 6 meg of flash, but I don't know what that would even matter.
    I love the audio quality, FM, and the battery life of the Micro so I'd like to get it, but I'm not sure what I want to do.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    I'm not too well informed about Audible support so I won't commment. Creative is generally pretty tight lipped about further developments too so I wouldn't expect anyone to make an official promise.
    I DO know that bookmarking is enabled. You can store up to 0 bookmarks and I use it extensivly for the audio books and comedy albums I have in mp3 format.
    There was a big discussion about the jogging with the Mini and Micro. I think Creative is being a little more on the cautious side to prevent the player from sustaining repeated shocks. There were users who posted here saying that there is no problem when they go jogging or work out with their Micro. The Micro and Mini are pretty much the same arcitechture inside so being a little rough probably won't hurt too much. It's a matter of Creative being maybe a little too conservati've.
    I'd like to add that, since I've owned both, the Micro is an amazingly good player and it kinda blows the Mini outta the water in every way.Message Edited by fdreinthea on 0-8-2005 2:30 AM

  • Zen Micro Photo Belt C

    I was astounded to find that the MicroPhoto doesnt come with a belt clip... perhaps what I saw a few months back was the regular Zen Micro but the special edition release that included one, so i was under the impression that they all did...
    Anyways, I cant seem to find any place to buy one... im not sure if i can buy a regular belt clip for the Zen Micro, since the Micro and the MicroPhoto are very slightly different sizes... within -2mm. Check out Creative's Specifications for both.
    So can anyone point me to a place to buy a belt clip for the MicroPhoto, or simply will the regular Zen Micro clip work too?

    Jdawg683 wrote:
    So would you recommend i get a 3rd part belt clip then?
    You can probably get a small camera case for not too much money or modify a cell phone or PDA case.
    I found a PDA case on sale for a few $. I made a few modifications and it works very well as a case for my Zen Micro.
    ^my photo hosting site is acting up. Those pics may not work. Message Edited by skb on -6-2005 08:25 AM

  • Zen Micro Photo 4

    <SPAN class=time_text>Okay, now I'm confused. Here we go. Click on the link below. When you go to "Select a color" drop down list, it just says "Select a color" with no colors available. Why? Where do you guys suggest I get a Zen Micro or Zen Micro Photo?
    <SPAN class=time_text>
    <SPAN class=time_text>http://us.creative.com/products/prod...SpecificationsMessage Edited by sooch90 on 06-28-2006 0:29 PM

    What browser are you using? Once I select the capacity, it shows the colours (Black for the 6GB and Dark Blue for the 4GB). That page is for the Zen Micro though, not Zen MicroPhoto.
    If you're trying to pick between those two, I would recommend the Zen MicroPhoto.

  • Zen Micro to microph

    Sorry if this is a stupid question but...
    I have a Zen micro and am going to buy a microphoto because my old one is barely working, and I've already had to change it once.
    Anyway, will my Creative media source player automatically update (like iTunes does) when I go to transfer my music to the new player? Or will I have to manually download a new version? No way am I spending weeks putting all my music on my PC again!

    That's right bberenbaum, i took my friend's Micro and compare it to my MicroPhoto, the screen's larger and the feel is indeed better than the Micro as the Micro have a plasticky feel. The MicroPhoto's metal. The design of the MicroPhoto is also more 'curvy' looking around the screen area and have added a nice indigo blue light on the power switch which the Micro does not have.

  • Zen Micro Photo (batter

    Does anybody knw anything about if the battery will last longer or be removable on the photo. will there be any new option (specs?). When is coming (i hope soon) or Ipod mini. I CANT WAIT!

    I hope that Creative will change the pricing of the Zen Micro line to this:
    5GB Micro: $40
    6GB Micro: $60
    4GB Photo: $90
    5GB Photo: $20
    6GB Photo: $230
    This is of course if Creative will still make a profit selling the Micros at those prices. I mean, with all the competition in the mp3 market those prices may even be average. But I do not expect for the Zen Micro Photo to be priced the same as the iPod Photo. That would be a bad move on Creative's part.

Maybe you are looking for

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