Microsoft Office or iWork?

Ok, I need to know which suite would be better for me.  My business uses Office exclusively; however, I want to start using my Mac for home and work.  I have used Pages on my iPad and iPhone and I like it good enough.  I do use the Microsoft Office on my work computer and all documents created for my work is in Microsoft Office.  Which should I purchase for my new Mac?
I do want to create flyers and brochures and such.  I am not sure if Microsoft Office has the capabilities.  Also, does the Microsoft Office has the speech to text function as the iWork does?  Ok Apple Community, I am new to the Apple me out here.  I hate to buy one and then decide I need the other...after purchasing this wonderful computer, I am a bit strapped for cash.
Can you recommend other software for me?

There are some 'free' alternatives to MS Office for Mac that are actually more compatible with MS documents than any of the iWork apps. LibreOffice and OpenOffice are two that I know of offhand.
However, nothing is more compatible cross-platform than Office with Office. The unfortunate thing is that Word is not that great for flyers & brochures whereas the Windows version of Office includes Publisher.
I run both Office 2013 for Windows and Office 2011 for Mac and my documents work seamlessly between the two. In my opinion, the 'best' Office is the Windows version. However, if you're strapped for cash, you won't want to get involved in running Windows on your Mac just for Office.
Try the two 'freebies' out first. If they work for you, all well and good. If not, I would recommend using Office for Office docs.
Good luck,

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    You need to buy Microsoft Office.
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    I've used my school's macbook for a year, and I used Office because everyone else at school used Office. Now I have my own macbook pro (15-inch 2011, 2.2 GHz quad core + 8gb RAM) and I am loving Pages.
    I suggest Pages for a few reasons -
         Pages is a much simpler/faster application in my mind, and if you're just doing some simple paper writing/editing, Pages take much less time to start up than Word does. I've already set Pages as the default application to open all the office documents (I mean, using Numbers to open Excel documents as well). Currently I haven't met up with any conversion problems. Plus, Keynote is simply too wonderful for me to not use iWork.
         With the Lion update, Pages has the fantastic versions support. I was a windows user my whole life until 2009, so I have the "finger twich" every time I stop typing and press control + S, even when I'm on a web page (and realize I'm trying to save some html. Lol.) And because my papers go through so many steps of reviewing and editing, I always have a folder for every paper and name everything "XXXX paper V 2.1" and save as.. every time. Pages creates a new version hidden in the same file everytime you press command + s, and it's REALLY helpful if you're the kind of person that likes to keep track of what you did before.
         I have both Office and iWork installed on my computer, so feel free to follow up with questions if you have them.
         I hope this helps!

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    It really depends on what you need to do with it. If you need to do presentations through Powerpoint then that will be difficult. Pages will transfer seamlessly for almost everything and so will Numbers. The issue with Keynote to Powerpoint is because Keynote is to advanced to Powerpoint and doesn't match with its transitions. For instance if you wanted to do magic move or text transitions on Powerpoint, you can't because Powerpoint isn't as advanced so when you export from Keynote to PPT it will not transfer those transitions. So you have to keep the transitions very minimal. I personally love iWork and think it is better than Microsoft's stuff (cheaper and better). But if the school requires Powerpoint stuff to be done on THEIR computers then you might want to use Microsoft's crappy stuff.
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    It may depend on what your major is, but iwork should be an excellent program for your use at college. I've used both Microsoft office and iWork for years. iWork is much more intuitive than MS office and is less $. You can save documents from iWork in MS office format. I've heard there are some advanced features in MS office that iWork doesn't have, but I've never needed them in my professional use.
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    Yes, Keynote is iWork's PowerPoint equivalent. You can save as a PowerPoint file as well. Very easy to use IMO.

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    Sandy.zuoxy wrote:
    what's the different between I download iwork on app stores and buy iwork software?
    They're the same.
    Sandy.zuoxy wrote:
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    Yes, especially if you save the document in Word format.
    You can also save it in PDF and a simple text file (but the layout could be modified if you open it in Office).

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    Fantastic - worked exactly as advertized. Thank you both!! Office is now a distant memory (except when I have to save in MS formats to send files to the unfortunate masses).
    Best regards,
    John McMahon

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    Hey there RMBrizzolara,
    It sounds like you have downloaded iTunes from the download site, but when you connect the phone to your computer you are prompted to update iTunes to 11.1. I would start by opening iTunes and then verifying the version that is running with this article:
    iTunes: How to find which version you are using
    On Windows
    Open iTunes.
    On the Help menu, click About iTunes. A window appears with scrolling text. The first text that appears displays the iTunes version (press the Space bar to freeze the text if it's moving too fast for you to read).
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    I respect you. But for college uses and corporate uses I would never recommend using iWork over Office. Office is the defacto suite of applications for those working environments for too many reasons. I spent one career in academia and another in business. I'm comfortable with that claim.
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    Just adding to what CSound has said.
    Pages and Numbers will change Word and Excel documents when they open and close them.
    Sometimes the change is subtle and sometimes not. With the latest versions of Pages and Numbers, more likely not.
    So don't think you are going to work with MsOffice files without problems. You will always have something not right and in some cases really annoyingly not right. Like having all the text from Pages appear bold in MsWord, or page breaks in the wrong place or some objects and graphics not appearing in one or the other.
    If working between different Operating Systems and MsOffice files, I also recommend LibreOffice. It opens and saves nearly all file formats. Unfortunately not .pages or numbers. Yet. The folks at LibreOffice are busy adding to it all the time, and making sure it works in all Operating systems, Mac, Windows and Linux and they are promising iOS as well soon.

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